Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Xerxes is a flying eel, who speaks in broken English and the pet sidekick to the corrupt sorcerer, Mozenrath. He is one of the secondary villains in the television series, "Aladdin", and a background player in the villains wars, usually appearing, whenever Mozenrath faces off a challenge.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War

Pre-War: Corresponding to the Sorcerer's Society

After Mozenrath disposes off Destane, or else known as the Archmage, he tells the news to Destane's former minions, about his elimination. Though, Ayam Aghoul does not believe his achievement, Xerxes responds that Mozenrath is a genious and powerfull enough to take on the Archmage. Mozenrath then forms a society of his own, to which it would play a major role in the next part of the war, the Sorcerer's Society.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three

Disney Villains War

Disney Villains War 2

Disney Villains War 3

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Two

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Three

Disney Vs Anime Villains War

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part Two

Animated Vs Video Game Villains War

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two
