As all of you know, I'm against the using-less materials that aren't bad to use themselves that is unless it is a well-planned thing, here are some materials that you will never see in my wars either for dislike or because, in my opinion, they don't fit for various reasons regardless of their popularity or lack thereof.
Things that will never be used:[]
- The Mandela Catalogue (Too scary for me, plus I hate how they turned Archangel as good as Gabriel into a twisted and alternate version of himself. I feel this is such a big insult to religious people)
- Creepypastas (Although in the past these have been used in my wars, I've come to regret their usages because of how there are recorded footage that do bring quite the scare)
- Urban Legends (Same thing for the aforementitioned ones)
- Squid Game (Unlike Total Drama or Danganronpa, this show in my opinion doesn't fit for a war due to the fact that we don't see events happening outside of the game itself from as far as I could notice)
- I Spit on Your Grave (check the plot; it disgusts me)
- The Dangerous Lives of the Altair Boys (I feel that Nunzilla is not that interesting of a character also because she's more of a representation of a demonic nun, which is insulting, and she's merely worthy of being an active partecipant in a war, hence why in SBLI Universe 6, she will be removed. Plus, I believe she fits more in Sandbox)
- The Anime episodes of Doraemon (too childish for me unless there are villains involved)
- Any dark and twisted horror version of things we all love and hate (except Steamboat Willie or Pooh given to how they are fitting for minor roles)
- World War Z (How in the world can we ever make this fittable in wars?)
- 28 Weeks/Days/Years Later (Too dark)
- Wrong Turn
- The Hills have Eyes
- Happy Sugar Life (I regret having used Sato in Villains Battles for how creepy she is)
When more medias will start be added or being considered, I'll tell my opinion.