Similiar to Kennithball97's blog, I decided to make my own blog to which I will explain the faction statuses and the various characters's statuses. However no suggestions are allowed as they will be added by me in the blog so far.
Mok and V.V. Argost's Alliance[]
Main Forces:[]
Mok Swagger (Leader of the faction)
V.V. Argost (Co-Leader of the faction)
Ragyo Kiryuin (Mok's wife and member of the faction)
Thrax (A deadly virus summonned to serve Mok and V.V. Argost's cause, member of the faction)
REVOCS Corporation[]
Rei Hououmaru (Corporate manager of REVOCS)
Justin (Belle) (Mysterious businessman leader of the Justices, an agency of sorts devoted to put criminals in their place, made a deal with Ragyo to offer his services)
Gauron (An agent of the Justices working for Justin)
Nui Harime (An old project of Ragyo's unleashed by Mok to aid him and his wife, member of the faction)
The Hellfire Organization[]
The Duke of Vaults (New ruler of the Underworld after deposing Hades, leader of the faction)
Missi (The Duke of Vaults's wife who joins her husband to help him keep his rule of the Underworld stable)
Koschei the Deathless (An undead sorcerer who rescued the Duke of Vaults from Hades, was recruited by the duke as a thank you for helping him overthrow the god)
Lord Volcazar (Soul of the Underworld who was revived and recruited into the faction so that he can help keep the Duke's rule of the Underworld as his own so that he can later get his revenge on Mok for killing him)
The Undertaker (Joins the Duke of Vaults to aid him)
Kane (The Undertaker's brother who joins the Duke of Vaults to support him)
Hades's Currently Unnamed Group (and I mean it quite literally because there will be a reason why of such name)[]
Hades (Saint Seiya) (Leader of the faction who not only seeks to retake the Underworld from the Duke of Vaults's grasp, but also wants to destroy the whole universe)
Medusa (A seemingly servant to Hades, member of the faction)
Daolon Wong (A sorcerer who is a member of the faction)
Aku (A demonic being sealed away prior the events of the war, released by Daolon Wong to support Hades in his plans)
Akakabuto's Alliance[]
Akakabuto (Leader of the faction)
Madara (Former second-in-command of Akakabuto's clan of bears and, by extension, of the faction, shot dead by the Hunter)
The Fox (The Fox and the Thrush) (Member of the faction)
Tiger (Braveman's Heart) (Member of the faction)
Shere Khan (1942) (Member of the faction)
The Lion and Bubu's Alliance[]
The Lion (Leader of the faction after discovering that Akakabuto took over his territory)
Bubu (Co-leader of the faction who joined forces with the Lion since he saw Akakabuto as a threat to his plans)
Cassius (Bubu's adviser and member of the faction)
The Marten (Former recruit of Bubu's to help both him and the Lion to kill their enemies, slain by the Fox)
Oliver Cromwell's Alliance[]
Oliver Cromwell (Leader of the faction who seeks to retake control of Kilkenny after he was overthrown by his former captain of the guards, Yosemite Sam)
Captain Brineybeard (Recruit of Oliver Cromwell, member of the faction)
Silver (Animal Treasure Island) (Recruit of Oliver Cromwell and member of the faction)
Captain James Hook (An old friend of Captain Brineybeard's who helped him defeat Bluto, later when he goes into hiding, he's found and recruited by Oliver Cromwell for his help)
Mr. Smee (Captain Hook's right-hand man, joined Oliver Cromwell alongside his master)
Captain Hook's Pirates (Captain Hook's pirate crew, joined Oliver Cromwell alongside their master)
Bluto and Yosemite Sam's Alliance[]
Yosemite Sam (Current Lord Protector of Kilkenny and leader of the faction)
Bluto (An old friend of Yosemite Sam's, was appointed co-leader of the faction by Yosemite Sam himself)
Nasty Canasta and Cottontail Smith (Yosemite Sam's minions, members of the faction)
Count Grisham (An English count who joined Bluto and Yosemite Sam to support them against Oliver Cromwell's resistance faction)
The Shredder's Alliance[]
The Shredder (Leader of the faction)
Krang (Shredder's minion and second-in-command of the faction)
Foot Ninjas (Followers of the Shredder)
Shego (Former member of the faction and former recruit of the Shredder, slain by Vlad Plasmius)
Ingenious Detective (Member of the faction and recruit of the Shredder)
Shadow Master (Leader of the Shadow Dojo, former recruit of Shego, joins the faction to support the Shredder after helping the Ingenious Detective against Negaduck and the Fearsome Five)
Catra (The Shredder's adoptive daughter, member of the faction)
Chris Mclean (TV host who joins the Shredder on the condition that he gets to capture one of the enemies, Duncan, back as one of the contestants of his show)
Duncan and Ra's Al Ghul's Alliance[]
Duncan (A punk who has a score to settle with the Shredder, leader of the faction)
Ra's Al Ghul (Leader of the League of Assassins, former partner of the Shredder and co-leader of his joint alliance with Duncan)
Talia al Ghul (Ra's Al Ghul's daughter and member of the faction)
Ubu (One of Ra's Al Ghul's top assassin and bodyguard of the latter, member of the faction)
Negaduck (Former leader of the Fearsome Five who was formerly recruited by Duncan to help him against the Shredder and to take revenge on Shadow Master for his failure in killing the Ingenious Detective, slain by Shadow Master)
The Devil's Alliance[]
The Devil (Leader of the faction)
Henchmen (A minion of the Devil, member of the faction)
Stickler (Informant of the Devil, member of the faction who is quite useless differently from the Devil's other minions)
Pythor (New Numer One of the Devil after King Dice failed to capture him)
B.L. Zebub (A demon who was summonned by the Devil to help him take down King Vangelis/the Skull Sorcerer, slain by Donovan Baine)
Dummy Demons (A group of demons part of the Finest Demons of the Devil unleashed to kill both the Skull Sorcerer and King Dice, most of them were slain by King Dice)
King Vangelis's Alliance[]
King Vangelis/the Skull Sorcerer (The ruler of Shintaro who sees the Devil as a world-wide threat for people's safety, leader of the faction)
King Dice (Former minion of the Devil who became King Vangelis's right-hand man against the Devil's forces, member of the factions)
Donovan Baine (A demon hunter hired by both King Vangelis and King Dice to help them by hunting down the Devil's allies, member of the faction)
Sorcerer's Society[]
Rothbart (Leader of the faction)
Rasputin (Co-leader of the faction)
Zelda (A sorceress recruited to aid Rothbart and Rasputin against King Dedede)
King Dedede's Alliance[]
King Dedede (Leader of the faction)
I. M. Meen (A wizard who lives in DreamLand as part of King Dedede's court, member of the faction)
Nightmare Enterprises (A monster industry working alongside King Dedede, members of the faction)
N.M.E. Sales Guy (Employer of the Nightmare Enterprises, member of the faction)
Bugsy (A monster formerly summonned to help out King Dedede against the Sorcerer's Society, slain by Zelda)
Witch Briartoad (A witch who was casted away, recruit of I.M. MEEN)
Ogre Ruben (An ogre summonned by his old friend Witch Briartoad to gather more strenght for King Dedede)
Orchess Orchid (Ogre Reuben's wife, summonned by his old friend Witch Briartoad to gather more strenght for King Dedede)
Horde Prime's Alliance[]
Horde Prime (Leader of the faction)
Emperor Desslok (A galaxy ruler who was called in by Horde Prime to help him in plans of dominating the Galaxy, member of the faction)
Lord Slug (Another space emperor who was called in by Horde Prime to aid him in his plans for domination, member of the faction)
Zygon (Another space emperor who was called in by Horde Prime to support him in his plans, member of the faction)
Frieza's Alliance[]
Frieza (Leader of the faction)
Frieza's Soldiers (An interstellar army working for Frieza, members of the faction)
Megatron (Decepticon leader who accepted Frieza's offer for an alliance to help him against Horde Prime's forces to mantain his rule of galaxy, member of the faction)
Darla Dimple's Alliance[]
Darla Dimple (A child actress who wants to become even more richer by making profits promoting hunting, leader of the faction)
Max (Darla Dimple's butler, member of the faction)
Dr. Greed (Second-in-command of the faction)
The Hunter (Poacher paid handsomely for hunting down Madara, member of the faction)
Victor Quatermaine (Member of the faction)
Elmer Fudd (Member of the faction)
Fire Lord Ozai's Alliance[]
Fire Lord Ozai (Ruler of the Fire Nation and leader of the faction)
Military of the Fire Nation (soldiers serving Fire Lord Ozai and members of the faction)
Princess Azula (Fire Lord Ozai's daughter nonetheless heir to the throne, member of the faction)
Prince Zuko (Fire Lord Ozai's son and prince of the Fire Nation, member of the faction)
Admiral Zhao (The admiral of the Fire Nation, member of the faction)
Morgaine Le Fay (Member of the faction)
Mordred (Morgaine's young son, member of the faction)
Captain Moriarty Hook (Member of the faction)
Mr. William Smee (Captain Moriarty Hook's trusted right-hand man, member of the faction)
Moriarty Hook's Pirates (Hook's pirates, members of the faction)
Dogati (Arabian terrorist, member of the faction)
Colonel Bockner (Dogati's right-hand man, member of the faction)
Aunt Figg's Alliance[]
Aunt Pristine Figg (Leader of the faction)
Izabella Scorpio (An actress who seeks popularity by finding exotic animals for her movies with help from various criminals, member of the faction)
Conrad Cuppman (Izabella Scorpio's husband, member of the faction)
Blaineley (Formerly joined Aunt Figg to help Izabella with her goal of finding actors for her movie production, devoured by a snake released onto her by Darla Dimple)
Viscout Cobram (Conrad Cuppman's movie financer, member of the faction)
The New Fearsome Five[]
Scary Girl (A deranged insane criminal goth girl recruited by Mal to act as a replacement for the deceased Quackerjack, member of the faction)
H2Olga (Another supervillain recruited by Mal to act as a replacement to the deceased Liquidator, member of the faction)
The Knights of Despair[]
Monokuma (A mechanical bear who wishes to bring despair to the world, after a paranormal event was unleashed upon the world, he becomes the leader of the faction, which is a ghost-hunting group)
Junko Enoshima (Second-in-command of the faction)
Lightning (Member of the faction)
Jo (Member of the faction)
Monaca Towa (Member of the faction)
Josè Burromuerto (Member of the faction)
Mojo Jojo's Alliance[]
The Ice Nation[]
The Snow Queen (Ruler of her icy fortress and current ruler of all the Ice Nation after Nekron's death, leader of the faction)
Vekara (A lesser wizard recruited by the Snow Queen to help her in her quest against the Fire Nation, became the Snow Queen's adviser)
The Sea Witch (An underwater sea witch summonned through a sacrifice to help her keep the Ice Nation still standing from the Fire Nation's intentions of conqurering it alongside other nations)
(Seemingly) Indipendent Characters[]
Harumi (Princess of an unknown kingdom who visited King Vangelis after he dealt with the Devil to discuss some business, later recruited Big Jack Horner for her own plans)
Big Jack Horner (Recruited by Harumi for reasons that will be revealed)
Shere Khan (Mowgli's Brothers) (Former ruler of his territory of the jungle, overthrown by Shere Khan (1942))
The Liquidator (Former member of the Fearsome Five, was hurled by Shadow Master against another Fearsome Five member, Megavolt, reducing him to water and killing him from being electrocuted alongside Megavolt)
Megavolt (Former member of the Fearsome Five, was electrocuted to death by the Liquidator coming onto him because of Shadow Master's energy attack)
Quackerjack (Former member of the Fearsome Five, was brutally slaughtered by Shadow Master after his mechanical teeth alongside his original teeth ran away from the battlefield)
Prince Froglip (Former prince of goblins, fell to his doom in a waterfall summonned by the Snow Queen
Prince Froglip's Goblins (Froglip's clan of goblins, fell to a waterfall to their death)
The Goblin King (Former king of the goblins and Prince Froglip's father, fell to the waterfall as well)
The Goblin Queen (Former queen of the goblins and Prince Froglip's mother, fell to the waterfall to her doom)
Sabretooth/Grayson Creed Sr. (A mutant with animal-like powers, slain by Thrax)
The Greedy Crocodile (Former member of Barmaley's pirate crew, slain by Captain Moriarty Hook)
Barmaley (Former captain of his pirate crew, slain by Captain Moriarty Hook)
The Condiment King (Former wannabe supervillain who wanted to demonstrate his worth to the various criminal alliances of the war, slain by the Phantom Express)
Queen Gnorga (Former troll queen, turned into a vase by the Snow Queen and then sacrificed by both her and Vekara to release the Sea Witch, a sea creature they needed for their plans)
King Llort (Queen Gnorga's consort, sacrificed alongside his wife by both the Snow Queen and Vekara to unleash a sea creature they needed for their plans)
Fate Unknown[]
Barmaley's Crew (Former crew working for Barmeley, ran for their lives after Moriarty Hook's Pirates to parts unknown
Queen Gnorga's Trolls (An army of trolls formerly working for Queen Gnorga, fate unknown after her death)
Heroes in the War[]
Zoey (An old friend of Duncan and an old face from Courtney's past, slain by the Shredder, being the reason why Duncan joined forces with Ra's Al Ghul)
Wolves (Mowgli's Brothers) (Former residents of Mowgli's Brothers Shere Khan's part of the jungle, were scared off by Shere Khan (1942))
How the villains died within the war[]
- Bushroot (Head bashed onto a gong by Shadow Master)
- Megavolt and the Liquidator (The Liquidator was turned into a water tornado by Shadow Master and ended up electrocuting both him and Megavolt, dying from the electrocution)
- Quackerjack (Blasted by energy coming from Shadow Master's sword)
- Nekron (Brutally slaughtered by Kane)
- The Goblin Queen (Fell onto a waterfall summonned by the Snow Queen to wipe her goblins out)
- The Goblin King (Presumably fell onto the same waterfall that killed his wife)
- Prince Froglip's Goblins (Fell to the waterfall to their death)
- Prince Froglip (Pushed off a cliff by the Snow Queen and fell to his death in the same way his mother and his goblins did)
- The Marten (Crushed underneath a tree when a thunder striked down the tree he was hanging on)
- B.L. Zebub (Burned by his own fiery spell deflected by Donovan Baine)
- Negaduck (Blasted by Shadow Master's magical sword after gaining a more powerful transformation from assimilating into himself the powers of a priceless diamond)
- Madara (Shot by the Hunter after being already weakened from the damages received by both the poacher's hunting dogs and the bear's initial target, Bubu)
- Shego (Incinerated by Vlad Plasmius and his multiple clones)
- Bugsy (Destroyed by Zelda's magic spell)
- Sabretooth/Grayson Creed Sr. (Murdered by Thrax)
- The Greedy Crocodile (Impaled by Captain Moriarty Hook)
- Barmaley (Brutally slaughtered by Captain Moriarty Hook)
- Blaineley (Strangled and devoured offscreen by a snake)
- The Dummy Demons (Murdered each other in quick succession thanks to King Dice pitting them one against the other except one which died while it was about to sneeze)
- Max (Torn apart by his traitorous and former sidekick Scarlett)
- The Condiment King (Crashed onto a police car's roof)
- Zygon (Split in half by Cooler's powerful eye-beams and energy blasts)
- Queen Gnorga (Sacrificed by the Snow Queen and Vekara to summon the Sea Witch)
- King Llort (Also sacrificed alongside his wife by the Snow Queen and Vekara to summon the Sea Witch)
Nullified Deaths[]
- Lord Volcazar (Formerly slain by Mok when transformed in his ultimate form after drinking the blood of Ronal the Barbarian, was revived by the Duke of Vaults, who offered him support against Mok in exchange for his servitude)
Minor Casualities[]
- Max's Robots (Destroyed by Mojo Jojo)
Other Casualities[]
- Zoey (Slaughtered by the Shredder prior the events of the war in Duncan's flashback)
- Mowgli's Brothers Wolves (Former wolf pack of Mowgli's Brothers Shere Khan, were scared off by a new Shere Khan taking over the jungle)