Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

As some of you probably know, Worst Villain War Ever R is officially cancelled due to other projects taking its importance, here's what future rounds of it would have looked.

Round 3[]

  • A scene between Dr, Neo Cortex and Painis Cupcake
  • Skull Mask and Marcus Valorium (Once Upon A Spy) visits Slagg and Slyg and promotes an arms deal.
  • Safranek sends Murdstone and Mean Max’s american cousin, Gangster Jack on a mission
  • Exaton calls his forces, consisting of Anubi, Menace, Venom the Mummy King, Isis, Naja, Anakaris and Akhenaden.
  • Gori discovers a pirate named Kybo Ren, who was kept as a prisoner by the Toads. He takes him to Vilius’s base in case he proves to be useful.
  • Dr. Gnos vs. Ganon
  • Dr. Phibes vs. The Martins (Night Trap)
  • Painis Cupcake vs. Thugs-4-Less and Vendra Progg
  • Cactus King vs. Hiisi (an obscure villain from a finnish animated short called "Sampo Lappalainen")
  • The Infernomancer vs. Gilthunder
  • Dr. Akamashi vs. Tengil
  • Cy Sly vs Molster Mole and Deacon Muskrat (This was a battle created by Fattus Cattus, it's a shame I could not use it)
  • Baron Silas Greenback vs. Mr. Murdstone and Gangster Jack
  • Bhairon Nath vs. Mustafa
  • Mother Brain vs. Vilius and Kybo Ren
  • Anubi vs. Daedalus
  • Buzz and Meng vs. Baron Praxis
  • Hakuoh vs. Overlord
  • Boom Eggman vs. Dr. K
  • Lawrence Limburger vs. Hoggish Greedly
  • Dr. Omega and Cyborg X vs. Dr. Wily and Protoman
  • Baldi vs. Nui Harime
  • Dogati vs. Carlos Santana
  • World’s Most Dangerous Game (feat. Count Zaroff, Lord Darkis, Burglar Bill, Defacely Marmeister, Dr. Muller, Torgo, Circus Brothers)


  • Zaroff sacrifices all his souls to a mysterious master
  • Viscount Cobram joins forces with Limburger
  • A tiger named Shere Khan showcases his allies, hyena Tabaqui, a large pig named SuurSyömäri, a killer panther, a giant bull, an alligator and Morgue Beast.

Round 4[]


  • Matt saves Cydnee from a thug
  • Dr. Neo Cortex vs. Lord Vorselon
  • Dr. Eggman vs. Mezmaron
  • Lord Liquorice vs. Evila the Goat
  • Dr. Paradigm vs. Dr. Killemoff
  • Dirty Rat vs. Four Gangsters
  • Weasel, Mort, Gort and Wart vs. Catrina
  • Magmion vs. Arktos
  • Mollache vs. Killer Panther
  • Esko Välitalo vs. Apollyon
  • Beautymon and Lilithmon vs. Dame Dedtime and Zazel
  • Eustace DeMonic vs. Monster Rex
  • Phantom of the Opera vs. Swami Pastrami
  • Dr. Mechadoc vs. Dr. McNamara
  • Stinky vs. Devil
  • Smoggies vs. Bee Queen
  • Shadow Master vs. College of Crooks
  • Big Van Vader and Marquis De Singe vs. Nettlebrand and Van-Pires
  • Gigan vs. King Satan
  • Planet of Babel vs. The Dreadnoughts (Dr. Gori, Kybo Ren etc)

Other Ideas[]

Instead of Kaworu, Signe’s creation is Cancer Cell from Cells at Work

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Four beings controlled by Alternate Gabriel)

Famine: Dr. Paradigm

Conquest: Clandestino

War: Rembrandt

Death: Dark Yabu

Seven Virtuous Sins (Main forces opposing Gabriel)

Pride: Matt

Gluttony: Ragyo Kiryuin

Lust: Menace

Wrath: Akakabuto

Envy: Shredder

Sloth: Robbie Rotten

Greed: Lawrence Limburger

Antikrist: Celesto Morgan

KIller Bob’s role:

  • Entity secretly controlled by Gabriel. begins with harassing Dr. Phibes in Round 7, after which he makes sporadic appearances. He also brings in lumberjacks and woodcrawlers to terrorise the hunters towards the end of the war.

Evil Otto’s role:

  • Gabriel’s manifestation in the Sprite Realm.

THe war was going to have 13 rounds and then lead to Worst vs. Disney Villains.