Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Since Corey and Fattus did ones, I'm gonna do ones as well. I won't include my least favourite villain wars or the ones I haven't seen, but I will include my thoughts for some mid-tier villain wars.


  • Heroes vs Villains
  • Disney Heroes vs Villains
  • Cartoon Villains War
  • Electric Drago's Villain War One-Offs (They're all great to watch and very creative)
  • Non Disney Heroes vs Villains War (This one would be my number 1, but shorter fights of the more recent rounds have bumped it down a bit, however it has my favourite selection of sources of all villain wars)
  • DvND (The one and the original, objectively it's the best but personally I prefer other wars over it)
  • Web Villains War (This one's prolly my favourite of all Saverio's wars since it's so unique, and I appreciate any war that doesn't go for the overused sources)
  • Free For All Heroes vs Villains War (May be biased since I'm good friends with the guy who made it, but it has improved a ton)
  • Video Game Villains War
  • Disney vs Cuphead Villains War
  • Animated vs Video Game Villains War
  • Disney Villains War
  • Animated Heroes vs Villains War
  • War of Anime Villains
  • Non Disney Villains War (Nooky Brownie San version) (I'm sure this might be cancelled though)
  • All Out Heroes vs Villains War


  • Greatest Heroes VS Villains War Ever/Crossover Crisis: It has a lot of potential to be unique, but only half a round of it has been made, and i'm sure it has been cancelled to make way for Nickelodeon Heroes vs Villains War.
  • Anything by you-know-who: Look, ignoring the fact that I hate him now, he had potential to be a good villain war maker because of his taste in obscure media, but I pretty much co-created most of the material for his version of WVTE and WHvVWE. He had no interest in continuity or making stuff himself, also he has...issues.
  • Rest of Saverio Gamba's tournaments: I like the unique ideas presented in them, but some of them turn me off because of the camcorder editing. Sorry.