I decided to make this blog because I think it is important for all users who are editing pages and creating new content on the wiki.
I ask you please before making the page of a well-known character that you want to create your page, check if their image exists on the wiki first, since many sin by uploading the same image that exists previously, then this error must be minimized by warning beforehand please
Then with the pages of minor heroes I have always seen that they put the category of "Henchman" or "Henchman", not friends the category that you should have is "Companions" since it is exclusive for heroes please avoid those confidences
Now as a last point if I ask for the new ones to improve something that is the management of information of their wars, already in 2025 I ask that instead of copying and pasting the information of their wars on the pages of the characters that appear, write better the information from the point of view of the character, improving please, I don't know if I made myself better understood, if you doubt do not hesitate to write to me ... and well I wish you a happy 2025 full of success