Saverio Gamba asked for my help so that he knew what an alliance of Darkseid should be like in their war
Darkseid: Co-Leader
Imperiex: Co-Leader (He is a son of Darkseid and a disciple of Granny Goodness, willing to follow his father's orders.)
Grayven (Another son of Darkseid)
Steppenwolf (A Darkseid spy on earth)
Virman Vundabarr (Another Darkseid spy on earth.)
Kalibak (Another son of Darkseid)
Granny Goodness
The Furies
Doomsday (An out of control beast under the control of Imperiex)
Atrocitus (An old rival of Siniestro, after learning of his death, he gladly joins Darkseid.)
Kanjar Ro
Despero (DC)
Chun Yull
Lord Dominator (Native to the planet Apokolips, since she hates Zurg and Lobo, and is willing to work with Darkseid to search for the Anti-Life Equation.)