This is something I often think would be a very interesting war. Imagin if there be a war between the evilest villains in literature fighting each other, but with the use of the adaptations either they be in movies, tv shows, or even video games to fill in the roles for the villains from famous stories, this will not include Marvel, DC, or Manga. Here are the alliances.
Morgan Le Fay's Alliance:[]
The Legion of Darkness:[]
Pinhead (Pinhead was originally female in the novel, though its nice that there's a 2022 movie that has that original Pinhead who was female)
Dracula's Alliance:[]
Professor James Moriarty's Alliance:[]
The Guards (Salo) (Manipulated by both Count Zaroff and Professor Moriarty by offering them better life and respect and have them murdered any members of the Ultimate Depravity, now serving Count Zaroff as his guards)
Criminal Empire:[]
Shere Khan's Alliance:[]
Soumaoro Knate's Alliance:[]
The Coachman's Alliance:[]
Fox and Cat (Matteo Garrone's version of Pinocchio used to represent the original Pinocchio characters)
The Pirate Legion[]
Arawn Death-Lord's Alliance:[]
Arawn Death-Lord: Leader (I heard rumors of Disney is going to make a series of the Chronicles of Prydain so we should wait till it get's adapted)
Order of the Cross[]
The New World Order:[]
Scientist Syndicate:[]
AM's Alliance[]
Draconian Empire:[]
The Fascist Four (Despite that I absolutely HATED these men, I hate that movie, and I refuse to read the book it's based off of. I think they be better off being killed/murdered by Count Zaroff so he'll take over the Castle, which that be so satisfying)
Heroes in Villains War[]
Renata Moar (One of the children held captive by the Ultimate Depravity, until saved by Count Zaroff, Bluebeard, and Jack the Ripper all of whome took over the castle, sold Renate to Steerpike as his wife, due to his infatuation to her. Married to Steerpike during the end of the war)