Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

This is something I often think would be a very interesting war. Imagin if there be a war between the evilest villains in literature fighting each other, but with the use of the adaptations either they be in movies, tv shows, or even video games to fill in the roles for the villains from famous stories, this will not include Marvel, DC, or Manga. Here are the alliances.

Morgan Le Fay's Alliance:[]

The Legion of Darkness:[]

Dracula's Alliance:[]

Professor James Moriarty's Alliance:[]

Criminal Empire:[]

Shere Khan's Alliance:[]

Soumaoro Knate's Alliance:[]

The Coachman's Alliance:[]

The Pirate Legion[]

Arawn Death-Lord's Alliance:[]

Order of the Cross[]

The New World Order:[]

Scientist Syndicate:[]

AM's Alliance[]

Draconian Empire:[]


Heroes in Villains War[]