Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

This is a collaboration idea with Delomon about a war with villain from Latin America Animation from Mexopolis to Anima Studios

Pantheon of the Gods[]

The Worshipper of Gods/Acolytes[]

The Devil Cult[]

Black Hat Organization[]

The Evil Syndicate of Crime[]


League of Evil Geniuses[]

The Vampire Mafia[]

The Cryptids[]

The Animal Kingdom[]

The Rotten Eggs[]

The Cold Army[]

Space Dark Empire[]


Templar Order[]

The Pillar Men[]

The Vicious Outlaws[]

Independent Villains[]

Heroes in the War[]

Matches and Future Events[]

Round 5[]


Prologue Music

In the mad scientist base, The League welcomes three new members into their alliance. Professor Neuros and Dr. Anacleto Moquillo in hopes of strengthen their operations. Meanwhile, Dr. Chipotle activates some dangerous monster he and the others created and send them out to the city to spread some chaos...

Tez travels to K'as' village in order to recruit the leader's set of army. He first showcases his talent to impress K'as, only to be rejected in favor of the village's high priest, Tzekel Khan who Canankol personally choose due to the latter's connection to the dark arts.

Elmer meets a trio of kids and offers them a deal

Don Mandiga visits his son, Valentino and convinces the infamous pimp of Hell and his goons, to help him

Wanting to have his grandson finally embrace their villainy side. Puma Loco decides to let his own grandson, Manny into his faction and sends him to fight someone in order to prove himself. All while, Señor Senior Senior sends his son, Señor Senior Junior to keep an eye on the young Rivera.

With the rumors of a incoming gang war on the city. P.E.A.C.E. sends the famous superheroine, Miss Heed to kee the streets safe from danger

Music for Fights

Music for Fights 2

Tez Vs Tzekel Kan

Oulter (as Zorch (Da Boom Crew)) and Asura Vs El Mal Verde: Oulter (as Zorch (Da Boom Crew)) and Asura wins

Eviline the Wicked Witch of The West (Guardianes de Oz) Vs Sartana of the Dead: Sartana wins

Permanencio Fugaz Vs Mouse King (Nutcracker 2015)

Captain Fray Vs Dr. Flugg: Captain Fray wins

El Tigre and Señor Senior Junior Vs El Luchador

Nasty Vs Santos Machorro

Sock Gang Vs Edmundo and Werner Amadeus Von Dracula

Señor Siniestro Vs Mr. Big: Señor Siniestro wins

Mascara Macabra (Villainous) Vs Cascabelle (Rey Mysterio vs la Oscuridad)


Epilogue Music

With Igloca dead, Mother Bear decides to take control of the Cold Army and believing that Transistor was behind the death of her former master. Mother Bear declares war against the mad scientist

While walking to his house, Manny is approached by Miss Heed, who uses her powers to make Manny fall for her and let her join her Grandpapi's faction

Sonny holds a meeting with El Balde and proposes him to join forces to take down Puma Loco, so they can take over his territory. Balde, who sees the Riveras as a major obstacle to his plans, accepts

After escaping Coronel Machado, Zora warns her boss, Chakal of the Templar Order's activites to eliminate them

Jiuma is approached by El Macho to join Black Hat and she accepts

Egg Witch and Nigel find Cuca in the forest, where they learn that she was banned by Uncle Tiger after getting defeated by him. The two offer her a invitation in their faction where she will get revenge against the one that defeated her, hearing this Cuca accepts.

Round 6[]

Prologue: Music for the Prologue

Puma Loco and Señor Senior Senior are proud of the fight Tigre and Junior did last time and thinks they are ready. Just then Tin Marin appears and offers to help in the war

Zopilote is put into his cell and meets an old associate from the past

Zevon was in another part of Peru and apparently his supposed grandfather Kraznys who is Yzma's father, and seeing that his grandson was displaced by his mother, comes with an offer but this Inca is more than he appears (Viracocha is the one who appears to Zevon)...

Max Winters approaches P.E.A.C.E. with the intention of helping

Music for Fights

Music for Fights 2

Yxxxxx Vs Mr. Caradura

El Oso Vs Dr. Ping

Elmer and Claws Vs Cornell DeWitt/The Yacuruna: Elmer/Claws wins

X'tabay Vs Kalku

Pepe Cortisona vs Evaristo Calibar: Evaristo Calibar wins

Leslie Destructo Vs Tin Marin

Coyolxauhqui Vs Don Mandinga (as Prince Olbaid): Don Mandinga wins

Vaas Vs Bully Kid

Lord Rasputin (Super Macho Fighter) Vs Zozobra (Rey Mysterio vs la Oscuridad)

Valentino Vs Archangel Michael


Epilogue Music

Tez is called upon by Tezcatlipoca and a defeated Coyolxauhqui to speed up their plans.

Oulter, behind the backs of his allies, traveled to Niurax Corporation to see Mr. Zax to learn about the power of Z-Baw's trophies for his plans, Zax is willing to help him.

For the order of the Templars, Diadoro decides that it would be good to add the divine to his forces in view of having problems with his rivals, which pleases Tyrannical.

While the Egg Witch and her forces decide to take a farm as their base of operations to plan their plans against the jungle

Yzma continues with her plans and the gods promised her youth and more power...even so she discovers a certain god who punished her in the past as Viracocha

A new party-hating player named Amargus appears

Round 7[]


Music for Prologue

Music for Fights

Crocodile Dad Vs Otomo: Otomo Wins

Bruxa Vs Cheeky Titan: Cheeky Titan Wins

Blackburn Vs El Tigre: El Tigre Wins

Nitch Nart Vs Misterioso Grande: Nitch Nart Wins

Tan Gu vs Panzer: Tan Gu Wins

Fenrir vs Gilded Man (2017): Fenrir Wins

Morlett vs Death: Death Wins


Epilogue Music

Round 8[]


Music for Prologue

Music for Fights

Great Ariki and Malas Pulgas vs Pascual, Chuteli and Deveriux

Tez vs Moira

Quetzalcoatl and Ah Puch vs El Malefico and Kalku

El Macho vs Miss Heed

Datu Talagbusao vs The Chilan

HueHue vs Cacomixtle

Norcutt vs La Sayona


Music for Epilogue

Round 9[]

Music for Fights

Colonel Machado vs Juaniyo: Colonel Machado Wins

Grump vs Arotep: Arotep Wins

Jithu vs Serp

El Oso and Panzer vs Doctor Siniestro and Professor Neuros

General Chepuza vs El Coco: El Coco Wins

Alelef Ruby vs El Grosso and M: Alefef Ruby Wins

Diadoro vs Evaristo Calibar

Murcio vs Tiro and Pujo

Round 10[]

Music for Fights

Tyrannical vs K'as

Obba, Oya and Yewa vs Dracula, Totolina, Tochina and Tamazola

Glass Chewer and Norman el Oloroso Gamboa vs Edmundo and Rufino Malacara

Dr. Anacleto Moquillo vs Mr. Tecnologia

Acat vs Charro Negro and El Malefico

Akiles vs SunBlast

Lucius vs The Mermaid


After getting defeated, Acat gets tortured by Charro Negro and his forces for entering their base and attack them. Charro then kills her with no remorse and tells his allies that they must move to their plan immediately

Round 11[]

Gnomes Vs Cuca

Capitan Corrugado Vs Duchess

Ranking Bull Vs Salvador

Electra Vs Bad Paw Pirate

Dr. Transistor Vs Amargus

Round 12[]

Cascabelle and Uroboros Vs Stone Generals

Round 13[]

Music for Fights

Battle in Space

Battle in Miracle City

Battle in the Land of the Dead

Battle in Venezuela

Battle in Underworld

Jungle and Farm Battle

Battle in Russia

Battle in Peru

Round 14[]