Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

The Snow Queen's first form.


The Snow Queen's second form.

The Snow Queen is a literally cold-hearted monarch with the ability to manipulate snow and ice. Though she stays away from most of the war, she is determined to defend her throne, nearly killing the mighty Shan Yu to defend it.

In the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains tournament, she first appears as the version of the character from the 1957 Russian animated film The Snow Queen. In the second part of the tournament, she appears as the version seen in the 1995 film of the same name. She's also the first ever villain from a Soyuzmultfilm film to make an appearnce in the war series.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Defending Her Castle[]

The Snow Queen chooses not to participate in the war but is forced into it when Shan Yu and his Hun army attempted to assault her castle. Remaining perfectly calm, the Snow Queen uses her mastery over the weather to fend off the attack. It literally takes her just a blink to collapse a mountain down on the army, burying them beneath the snow. Though a good number of the Huns, including Shan Yu himself survive, they choose not to assault the Snow Queen again, realizing that they are totally outmatched.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]

The Snow Queen's Return[]

The Snow Queen later finds out that her enemy Shan Yu has survived his battle with her and has conquered China. Wanting revenge for trying to attack her in the previous war, the Snow Queen has her ally, King One-Eye, invade China. Unfortunately, Shan Yu quickly defeats the King. She later sends her friend, Stormella, to attack Shan Yu's ally, Mozenrath, but Stormella is also defeated. This angers the Snow Queen, who vows to finish Shan Yu and his alliance herself. Then, she transforms into a more powerful form in order to defeat him (the 1995 incarnation).

The Snow Queen CGI

The Snow Queen in the universe CGI

Vs Odin[]

Hades, who has been observing the Snow Queen's actions, views her hatred of Shan Yu as a threat to his master plan. As a result, he enlists the aid of Odin to defeat her. When he arrives at the queen's castle, she immediately attempts to attack him, but is quickly subdued by Odin's abilities, forcing her to retreat. As she attempts to escape the palace on her sleigh, Odin freezes her solid.


Myotismon, a mysterious new player in the war, returns the Snow Queen's staff to her, freeing her from the ice. Myotismon is a member of Oberon's "Anti-Acolytes," a group devoted to preventing the return of Chernabog. The Snow Queen joins the group and attacks Bald Mountain with them. There, she encounters Odin once more. This time, the Acolyte summons the Chaos Lord of Fire. Though the demon's frightening appearance scares the Snow Queen, she wipes it out with her magic. She later helps destroy the Acolytes' dark crystal.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

The Snow Queen Live action

The Snow Queen in the universe Live Action

Death in Hell[]

The Snow Queen's era does not last for long. After a certain chain of events, Oberon gathers his remain forces for a final attack against the Anti-Acolytes. As soon as they entered Hell, the Snow Queen faces off Mok's ally, Forte. Before she would interract, Forte uses his own music to destroy the ground underneath the Snow Queen. As she attempts to escape, Forte's aggressive music destroys a half of a bridge, that the Snow Queen was crossing in, leaving her nowhere to run. Upon losing balance, the Snow Queen falls into the fire pits of Hell.

Non Disney Villains Tournament[]

A Frosty Reign[]

The Snow Queen in this tournament is the bride of Nekron. As the war continues, the Snow Queen suggests that Nekron hire Stormella to assist them in their conquests. Nekron obliges. She and her husband then begin to invade the territories of the Fire Nation. When the Fire Nation responds by sending a navy to melt the Ice Nation, Nekron simply freezes the ships in place.

Assassination Attempt[]

The Snow Queen's influence begins to irritate her mother-in-law, Queen Juliana. Juliana arranges to have the Snow Queen killed, hiring Necron 99 to murder her. The Snow Queen learns of Necron 99's presence after he kills several of her native warriors. Infuriated, she finds the robot scaling the side of her fortress. She unleashes a blast of icy energy upon the climbing warrior, killing him instantly.

Later, the Snow Queen heard a message from Unalaq, offering his services to the Ice Nation. The Snow Queen find him useful in dealing with the upcoming attack of the Fire Nation.

Vs Azula[]

The Fire Nation ends up breaking through Nekron's blockade, forcing the Snow Queen and Nekron to defend their domain. The two Fire Nation leaders, Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Azula, break into the main chamber. Leaving the Fire Lord to her husband, the Snow Queen turns to Azula, trying to blast her with her staff. Princess Azula dodges each blast, eventually kicking the Snow Queen's chief weapon out of her hand. The Snow Queen tries to harness her own icy energy to knock Azula away, but the more nimble fire princess leaps out of the way. The Snow Queen barely dodges a fiery blast to the face, once again taking up her staff to gain an offensive edge. While Azula busies herself containing the damage of a melting pillar, the Snow Queen tries to again blast her with ice. Azula dodges, but this time the Snow Queen strikes her down. Azula gets up before the Snow Queen can kill her, and she breaks open a potion hanging on the wall. To the Snow Queen's horror, an icy pterosaur emerges from the liquid and freezes her in place.


As the battle continues, Fire Lord Ozai manages to kill the pterosaur, freeing the Snow Queen from her prison. She looks on to find Nekron dead and Fire Lord Ozai ready as ever to kill her. The two exchange elemental blasts, but Fire Lord Ozai begins melting the palace. The Snow Queen looks on, seeing how the floor gives rise to a massive flood of boiling water. She tries to flee, but Ozai cuts off her escape. With nowhere to run, the Snow Queen falls into the boiling foam below, being burned into a stone statue.

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Heroes Vs Villains War-Part Two[]


Arriving at the Forbidden Mountain, Odin used the powers of his spear to release one of Maleficent's old allies, the imprisoned Snow Queen, having been defeated by Merlin in the first war. Now freed, the Snow Queen was ready more than ever to have her vengeance against the heroes.

In Odin's faction[]

Odin welcomes his new faction.

Disney Villains Vs Soyuzmultfilm Villains War[]

Soyuzmultfilm Villains Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]

Vs Mok Swagger[]

Mok meets the Snow Queen and wants to conclude a joint alliance with her. But the Snow Queen refuses. The unhappy Mok decides to get rid of her and summons a huge demon, but is it enough to defeat the one who has been perfecting her magic for many years?

Teaming with Koschei the Deathless[]

Koschei the Deathless and the Snow Queen decide to destroy their enemies together, as well as the mother of the Snow Queen Blizzard, who can talk to animals and is no less powerful than her daughter, joined them.

Meeting Skeletor[]

Koschei and his allies believe that they have enough strength to defeat Horde Prime, suddenly the Snow Queen and her minion Microbus appear to them. Taking them for enemies, Skeletor wants to attack the uninvited guests, but Koschei stops him and says that he has known the Snow Queen for a long time, so she cannot be an enemy. During the conversation, the Snow Queen tells about the death of her mother Blizzard at the hands of Mok, asks Koschei and Lord Skeletor to help her avenge the death of her mother. Koschei agreed to help, but warned that first they need to deal with Horde Prime.

Soyuzmultfilm Villains Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part 2[]

Non Disney vs Marvel Villains War[]

Ice Faction[]

Nekron asked his mother Queen Juliana if there are any forces that she has gather, she introduces her son to Stormella, The Snow Queen, and Emperor Frostkill.

Vs Molten Man[]

Green Goblin forces Molten Man to attack the entire Ice Faction. When he finds The Ice Faction, Molten Man manages to defeat Nekron's Subhumans and Stormella. The Snow Queen knocks him down, but he gets up and murders Nekron himself. Queen Juliana tries to flee but she is killed. The only members that manage to escape Molten Man are The Snow Queen and Emperor Frostkill.

Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]

Vs Mewtwo[]

It has been a year after the last war. The Snow Queen sees Mewtwo as a threat and decides to take down the Pokemon herself. Is Mewtwo prepared for this, or does the Snow Queen have something up her sleeve?

Sending her partner[]

Mewtwo manages to escape the clutches of the Snow Queen. But the queen has discovered this and sends her loyal partner, the Duke of Zill to take him down.

Sending the Quarrymen[]

Still furious that her enemy, Mewtwo is loose, the Snow Queen hires the Quarrymen to finish him off immediately.

Vs Entei[]

The Snow Queen has watched the fight between Mewtwo's forces and Hades' forces. But the queen is furious that he's still alive and decides to go attack. However, Entei encounters her and turns out to be a quite a match in a battle between fire and ice.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]


Meanwhile, Mumm-Ra uses his powers to bring back a frozen ice queen.

Talking with Hades[]

The Snow Queen meets up with Hades, Skeletor and The Skeleton King who are completely surprised of her resurrection from Mumm-Ra. She is also pleased of what Hades did to Mewtwo, but fearing he could find a way to break out of his cell in the River Styx, Hades agrees to send him to the live action universe to ensure he doesn't ruin their plans.

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Hired by Mortimer Freeze[]

Mortimer Freeze hired The Snow Queen to join him in order to gain Ice Nation for himself forever. The Snow Queen didn't seem happy, but still accepts the offer.

Betraying her new ally[]

The Snow Queen arrives at Nekron's palace to secretly join his alliance and stop Mortimer Freeze due to seeing how much of a threat he had become for her plans.

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever:The Sandbox[]

Teaming with Arthas Menethil[]

Irma the snow queen meets up with Arthas Menethil, who both affected by the power of ice want the dominion of ice over Elder Forest.

Vs The Forest Elders[]

The Snow Queen and Arthas decide to put their master plan in action by taking down the threat that the Forest Elders, a group composed of people protecting such place known as Swamp Thing, Golden Dragon, Santa Claus, Thistle the Court Magician and Elements.

Non Anime Villains vs Anime Villains War[]

Equivalent Villains War[]
