Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
New Fearsome Five

The New Fearsome Five is the latest incarnation of the original Fearsome Five. A brief gathering of new members, recruited by Negaduck (the original de facto of the previous team), after the dissolution of the original team, the New Fearsome Five exists solely only in the second Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains War, before it's defeat by the Shredder's forces.


Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two

  • Negaduck (Former Leader of the New Fearsome Five, disbanded the team, after it's defeat by the Shredder's forces)
  • Collector (Former Member of the New Fearsome Five, pushed into a portal to Hell, by Krang, contained within a toy box)
    • Mr. Doodles (Chief Minion of the Collector, slain by Bebob and Rocksteady)
    • Toon Creations (Illustrated Minions of the Collector, disappeared after the Collector's demise)
  • The Phantom Blot (Former Member of the New Fearsome Five, destroyed by the Technodrome's laser systems)
  • Don Karnage (Former Member of the New Fearsome Five, defeated by the Shredder's forces, left the team)
    • Air Pirates (Henchmen of Don Karnage, defeated by the Shredder's forces, left the team)
  • Fat Cat (Former Member of the New Fearsome Five, most likely slain in the explosion blast of the Shredder's computer console)
    • Henchmen (Underlings of Fat Cat, fate unknown, most likely slain, along with their superior)

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two


Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two

Main Members:

