The Horned King is another major player in the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains tournament, as well as the Disney Villains War. A sorcerer and necromancer, he is the main villain in the cult classic Disney film The Black Cauldron.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Pre War: The Dark Council[]
Prior to the events of the first war, the Horned King is one of the sorcerers called by Maleficent to form the Dark Council, a faction that would prevent Chernabog's rise to power. While Maleficent explains her plan to the others, the Horned King questions to the dark fairy the reasons of stopping Chernabog instead of joining with him and pledging their loyalties to him. Hades however claims that Chernabog would finsh them if they attempt to do so. In conclusion Maleficent suggests to the other members that they must destroy the Crystal of Darkness, Chernabog's source of evil, by removing their most undesirable threats. With that plan, their enemies would be destroyed and they would be free from his harsh rule.
The Fight On Bald Monutain[]
Finally the time has come for the faction to make their move and arrive on Bald Mountain to end Chernabog's goal. However two of the members of the faction, Hordak and Narissa, betray the team and take the Crystal of Darkness for their own purposes. Seeing his treacherous motives, the Horned King attempt to stop Hordak whatever the cause. But Hordak quickly retaliates with a blast of magic, temporary blinding the lich king. After he recovers his power, the Horned King, Maleficent and Hades, usedall of their powers to destroy the Crystal and scatter the pieces to unknown areas of the world. As Chernabog swear revenge at the faction, the Horned King leaves Bald Mountain at the moment alongside with the other surviving members.
Vs Rameses[]
When the Horned King sought to gain new land for his growing empire, he set his sights on Egypt. Hoping to frighten the pharaoh Rameses into servitude, the Horned King unleashed the power of the Black Cauldron, sending fire raining down from the sky upon the country. Rameses refused to surrender, and in retaliation, led his Egyptian army to attack the Horned King's castle. As Rameses' army rushed through a gorge to the castle, the Horned King once again called upon the power of the Black Cauldron to cause a wall of water to rush into the gorge, drowning Rameses and his army. With Rameses dead, the Horned King successfully conquered Egypt.
Aligning with Maleficent[]
The Horned King began taking notice of the activities of Maleficent, after her recent victories against Ludmilla and Sharptooth. Impressed by her skill, the Horned King traveled to Maleficent's castle, and proposed an alliance to her. Maleficent happily accepted, and the two began to discuss their plan for world domination. To seal the bargain, the King granted Maleficent dual rulership of Egypt.
Hiring Nuka[]
The lion Nuka, seeking to please his mother Zira, requested an audience with the Horned King. Here, Nuka asked the Horned King for an opponent to face and prove himself. Unimpressed, the King decided to amuse himself by sending Nuka to his death, telling him to battle a seemingly old and helpless dog. The dog turned out to be a demonic cat called Red, who crushed Nuka to death beneath a pile of logs.
Vs Red[]
Upon finding out that Red was responsible for the death of her son, Zira traced his steps to the Horned King's castle. Upon arriving, she demanded that the King help her defeat Red, which the Horned King agreed to do, hoping to steal Red's power. After the pair confronted him, Red easily defeated Zira. The Horned King, however, used the Black Cauldron to banish Red from the mortal world, syphoning his power into the Cauldron in the process.

The End of The Horned King[]
Ruber, who had heard about the Horned King's recent triumph against Red and his alliance with Maleficent, led his forces to the Horned King's castle to murder him and crush his army, encouraged by Rameses, who had been returned to life and joined Ruber's faction. As Ruber, Rothbart, Zigzag, and Rameses decimated the Horned King's soldiers, Rasputin infiltrated the inner sanctum of the castle. There, he put his amulet into the Black Cauldron, tainting it, and causing all of the Horned King's Cauldron Born soldiers to die. As the Horned King observed his army's demise from his tower, he rushed back to the inner sanctum, where he encountered Rasputin. Now in complete control of the Black Cauldron, Rasputin began to use it to suck the Horned King in. Despite his violent struggle to escape, the Horned King was ultimately destroyed and absorbed by the Black Cauldron.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Spending his time in Limbo after his death in the mortal world, the Horned King soons meets another fallen warrior, Shan Yu, who enters limbo after the betrayal of one of his allies, Mozenrath.
Disney Villains War[]
Mysterious Origins and a Fall to Darkness[]
Before the Horned King became a horned lich, he was a noble ruler of a small German country that was called Prydain. The story of Prydain and its king are, however, closely entangled, and are the reason why there is no mention of it anymore. Before the king's descent into darkness, Prydain was one of the only countries that lived in relative peace after the Great War. It was mostly left unscarred by what the battle had wrought, and maintained a peaceful existence. Under their ruler, the people lived and prospered, and it was thought by many that they lived in a Golden Age.
That all changed on the King's birthday, when he invited multiple nobles and royals for a giant feast to celebrate it lavishly. The only one not invited was Maleficent, who angrily appeared on the celebration and presented her own gift to the king to be reborn as what he really was. A horrid transformation took place, after which the Horned King was born. All the goodness from the old king had died and only the lich remained. Quickly, the party members broke up and ousted the lich from his own castle into the wilderness where he stayed for a few years. When he returned, it was at the head of an army of barbarians that he had promised the wealth of Prydain.
Returning to his throne and beginning his new rule, the end of the Golden Age of Prydain had begun. The country fell into despair, and those that didn't escape the plundering barbarians and marauders died from starvation and murder. The King didn't pay much attention to what his once loyal subjects felt. He just fell into despair of what he was now. But that despair drew a new stranger to his side. A mighty dragon whose name is only called in whispers visited the lich and proclaimed himself an emissary of the Great Evil.
Intrigued by this creature that called himself an emissary, the Horned King started to dabble in dark magic and created an army of the dead. His dark magic began to grow and prosper as he and the dragon created the first Cult of the Great Evil. But while they were heading it and spreading their heretical prophecies, the French army combined with the Huntsclan found them and destroyed the cult completely.
Once more the Horned King fell into depression. His armies were driven back to Prydain while he himself was locked in his citadel. That all changed when someone who claimed to be chosen by the Great Evil himself came to his side. Together, he thought they would bring life back into the Cult of the Great Evil and together they would smite their enemies. On his birthday, the King sets in motion a plan with his ally to destroy the one that had given birth to him...
Vs Maleficent[]
That day, the Horned King plans to destroy Maleficent after the demise of Diablo while she is still in grief. So, appearing from the castle gates in a suitable dramatic fashion, he unleashes his army of Cauldron Born soldiers against Maleficent, but they meet a quick defeat at her hands, forcing the Horned King to retreat. After his retreat, a being chosen by the Great Evil, Queen Narissa, merely surveys the situation and decides to leave him be until it is time for the next part of her master's plan.
Vs Demona[]
For a while, the Horned King meditates in his throne room, pondering his role in the war against those who oppose the Great Evil and deciding on what course of action he should follow next in order to regain Narissa's graces with him. No sooner has he begun thinking this when he is suddenly confronted by Demona, who comes to his castle in order to steal some spells from his spellbook. Although she is able to frighten away the guards and Creeper, the Horned King knocks away her spellbook, and threatens to tear her to pieces, causing Demona to flee the castle empty handed.
Desperate for a comeback in the war, the Horned King attempts to revive his Cauldron Born army in order to give them to Chernabog as a forgivance present, but is interrupted by Doctor Facilier, who is seeking to kill him "for the greater good", revealing that due to his previous failures, he saw it fit to destroy his fellow "comrade", as is Chernabog's orders. The Horned King dispatches his Gwythaints to defeat Facilier, but they are quickly subdued when their chains become stuck. Sensing an oppurtunity to end the battle quickly, Facilier then tosses a batch of Dark Aether into the Black Cauldron, causing it to become active and drag anything in its radius into its maw, including the Horned King. As he is being dragged into the Black Cauldron, the Horned King is granted a final vision from Chernabog, who tells him that he has failed him for the last time, leaving him just as the Cauldron's amplified energies tear the lich into pieces and vacuum the bony shreds into its gullet.
Disney Villains War 2[]
Hoping to gain a new ally for their cause, Narissa and Lady Tremaine travel to the Horned King's castle, where the Black Cauldron still stands. Using her magic, Narissa is able to bring the Horned King back to life and he agrees to assist them in their goals. However, this is but a sham, as the Horned King still holds resentment towards Narissa and Facilier for betraying him in the previous war. As a result, the Horned King begins to plot against Narissa.
Attempt At Revenge[]
Unbeknownst to Narissa, the Horned King secretly sneaks away from the palace and locates Facilier, who is locked in a battle against The Witches of Morva. Both Facilier and the Witches are surprised to see him alive, believing him to still be dead. Calling on the power of the Black Cauldron, the Horned King manages to defeat the Witches, but Facilier blows magic powder into the Horned King's face, temporarily blinding him and creating enough time for the doctor to escape.
Vs Sorcerer Society[]
Having proved their worth against Mirage's minions, the Sorcerers' Society next decided to dispose of the Horned King before he became too much of a threat. As Aghoul and Mim teleported into the castle, Creeper led the King's warriors to attack them, but Aghoul's bombs and Mim's crocodile transformation forced them back. Yzma and Mozenrath confronted the King and Lady Tremaine, with Mozenrath burning Drizella Tremaine's hair with a bolt of magic. However, the King had a surprise in store. He revealed to the Society that he was now allied with Maleficent, and they had betrayed her by attacking him. The shocked Yzma and Mozenrath told Aghoul and Mim to fall back, but Tremaine took advantage of the distraction to cast Aghoul from the tower, apparently killing him. The other Society members were forced to surrender to the King and Tremaine.
Seizing Command of Europe[]
With their leaders gone and their armies in complete disarray, both France and England lay in ruins. In this state, they were easy pickings for the Horned King, who declared himself master of the world, sending his Cauldron Born out to secure his new empire.
Disney Villains War 3[]
Executing Azula[]
The Horned King declared himself complete ruler of Europe, having successfully united the several small lands as Rothbart declared his loyalty to the Horned King. Lady Tremaine and the Horned King then both announced that they would be executing Princess Azula for defying the Horned King. With this news, Rothbart departed. As the Horned King debated with Mozenwrath and Lady Tremaine, Mozenwrath stated that all resistance to the Horned King's rule had been wiped out but Lady Tremaine pointed out that Ratcliffe was now leading a resistance and also reminded the two of the followers of the Great Evil. The Horned King then revealed that he was most disturbed that Frollo and Grimhilde were not found in the ruins of the castle and he wanted to know where they disappeared to. As Mozenrath mocked the Horned King for fearing dead people, the Horned King angrily stated that he would make him sit in front at the execution so that he could learn the meaning of fear. The Horned King then executed Azula.
Hearding about Ratclifee's army[]
Mim returned to the Horned King reporting her fight and demanded he do something about Ratcliffe's faction.
Assist at a fight[]
Carl the Evil cockroach wizard and Dark Lord Chuckles the silly pig both decided to fight to see who was worthy to serve under the Horned King.
Fall in love[]
Hearing a musical voice, the Horned king fell into a trap as he was seduced by Vanessa.
Discussing with Jafar[]
The meeting of two world leaders occurred as Jafar arrived to meet with the Horned King. As Jafar tried to skip the pleasantries, the Horned King told him that he should show respect to which Jafar stated he should be told why he was there. Mozenrath agreed that was quite rude to which the Horned King silenced him. As Jafar pieced together that he was being asked to show a token that he had no ill intentions, Vanessa suggested he give Jasmine to them as their slave. As the Horned King agreed, Jafar was about to agree when Jasmine, angered that they were discussing her fate, splashed wine into the Horned King's face. As Jafar and Iago laughed, the enraged Horned King ordered them out of his sight. As Jafar departed, the Horned King ordered that Tremaine be informed that war was to declared once again.
Teaming with some knives[]
The Knights of Vengeance allied with the Horned King, having been introduced by Mozenrath, and marched ahead of his army to take down the Agrabah empire.
Disney Villains War Reboot[]
First Course of Action[]
The Horned King appears in the reboot series in a role similar to the original series, although altered with minor changes. He receives a visit from Queen Grimhilde, now in hag form, who told him of her defeat and transformation by Lady Tremaine. She proposes an alliance with the King, providing him crucial information on the world's polical scale. While the King accepts her into his league, he sends his armies in Germany to deal with a potential threat, which he considers to be the person responsible for most of the villains' attacks.
Soon enough, he arrives at the front gates of the Forbidden Mountain, ordering his barbarian warriors to commence the siege at the stronghold. As the barbarians fight their way through the monsters of the fortress, they find themselves overwhelmed by their attacks, leaving the King to enter the fray himself, blasting the goons away with his magic, all at the same time turning the commander of the monsters, Diablo, into stone. At that moment, Maleficent surfaces and witness her familiar's fate, much to her horror. In her fury, she strikes down most of the barbarians before she confronts the King herself. Before he can put up a fight, however, Maleficent beats him up to it, firing a lightining bolt at her foe, blinding him. Horrified by her intimidated wrath, the King and his warriors are forced to retreat.
Returning to his fortress in bitter humiliation, the Horned King receives excellent news from Grimhilde, who managed to recruit some lesser, yet powerful, warriors. These warriors consisted of the young sorcerer Mozenrath.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]
Assembling An Alliance[]
As villains assemble their forces to fight in the upcoming war, the Horned King does the same, recruiting Doctor Facilier and Lady Tremaine. Combining their magic together, they are able to resurrect Queen Grimhilde from the dead, though they are unaware that she is plotting against them with Magneto.
Vs Morbius[]
Morbius, after hearing of a possible cure for his vampire condition from The Witches of Morva, sets off to the Horned King's castle to acquire it. When Morbius arrives, he is captured by the Horned King's men, and placed inside of a glass casket. It is then, that the Horned King reveals that he too, is looking for a cure for his Lich-like form, and after finding a potential antidote, decides to test it on Morbius. Refusing to be king's guinea pig, Morbius escapes the casket,and burns the Horned King's face with his hand, only to be blasted out of the castle by Lady Tremaine. After this embarrassing defeat, the Horned King recruits Shan Yu, and the Huntsman into his alliance.
Vs Magneto[]
Seeing that the Mandarin is a growing power in the war, the Horned King decides to eliminate the threat before he is too much of a concern. At Queen Grimhilde's beckoning, he sends the Huntsman after Fin Fang Foom and Shan Yu after the Mandarin himself. To the Horned King's chagrin, both of them fail in their missions and perish. The Horned King does not get long to sulk, however, as Magneto and his mutants storm into the castle. When his barbarian guards and Gwythiants prove to be poor deterrents, the Horned King uses the Black Cauldron to summon his Cauldron-Born warriors. However, Magneto's magnetic powers give him an edge, altering the Cauldron's composition so that the magic no longer works. Magneto then uses his powers to turn the magnetic energy of the metal cauldron against the Horned King, pulling the sorcerer into the cauldron and tearing him to pieces.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]
Vs Bowser[]
The Horned King destroy the colossus of King Bowser. Mouser informs this to his King, but before he could even said who the Horned King arrives hoping to force Bowser to work for him but Bowser refuses the King's offer Will Bowser Koopa pack and Magic be enough to defeat the Horned King or The Horned King have trick up his sleeve.
Hearing that Bowser is sill alive the Horned King sends Shan-Yu to finish him off with his army of brutal huns.Back at the Horned King's Castle, the King seeks a sorcerer to his team and Facilier arrives and purpose a deal with the King, by telling Babidi's plan and he'll help the King to use the Lost Mushroom to its full potential.
Vs Bowser's Forces[]
Devimon with mot of his allies invades the Horned King's Castle, Creeper orders the guard to eliminate the intruders, Bowser gets the first strike but Arbormon confronts the guards and Devimon deals with the Gwythains with all the distraction the Koopa army enter the evil King's Castle but the Shadow minions doesn't like little pest and handles Bowser's army. Dr. Facilier appears in the shadows infuriated about them getting in his plans of revenge, Arbormon attacks the wicked voodoo doctor but fails still the Shadow creatures are still on the run and Devimon decides to take matter into his own hands and destroying the Shadow minions, one of Shan-Yu's henchmen attacks the devil Digimon but fails then the Hun leader enters to the battlefield but Bowser deals with him and his horse but then the Horned King makes his move and revives his fallen army to deal with this little past once and for all with the Black Cauldron and the Lost Mushroom, surprised Arbormon and Devimon about the Lost Mushroom power the Horned King sends his minions to destroy everything in their path bot Bowser stole's the mushroom and uses his power against the power's of the Black Cauldron sucking all the life force of the undeath army with no other choice Shan-Yu and Dr. Facilier leave the Castle. Infuriated about his undefeatable army death, Creeper show's that it was King Koopa who caused their death, the evil king make's his move but Bowser still uses the mushroom to suck the Horned Kings life forever.
Battle of Hell[]
Now with the devil gone, souls are trying to find a way to escape from Hell. Meanwhile other souls are fighting to prove their superiority, two souls want the title of "God of Hell" as a big brawl starts the devil's shadow still lives an has some of his powers back in his domain.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part Two[]
In Hell, the Horned King now puts a special torment to some souls to fight and kill their loves. But as this keeps goin Joker frees the demonic Power returning back to Hell, as opens a Portal taking some souls away. As the Dark One returns decides to show his gratitude to the Horned King of his services... by torturing him in the worst way in Hell.
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Capturing an old nemesis[]
However, Sykes called in his mysterious client, the cauldron's owner and an old enemy of Taran and his friends, the Horned King. Taran tried to defend himself with his magic sword, but the King simply made the weapon vanish, leaving him defenseless. The King's barbarian warriors surrounded the three heroes, taking them captive. The Horned King departed for his citadel with his men, the Cauldron, and his prisoners in tow, paying Sykes handsomely for his service.
His faction[]
At his citadel in Wales, the Horned King assembled Ursula, Bill Sykes, and Lady Tremaine, telling them of his plot to use the Black Cauldron to awaken an army of the dead to take control of the world.
Vs Merlin's Forces[]
As the group was tending to Ariel, Diablo suddenly flew in, heralding the arrival of Maleficent and her allies, the Horned King, the Inca sorceress Yzma, Bill Sykes, and Lady Tremaine.Rejoicing at capturing her mortal enemy, Maleficent and her group departed, not noticing Ariel watching in horror from her hiding place.
Having Robin Hood as a prisoner[]
Brought before Prince John, Robin Hood was transferred into the custody of the Horned King, with John wanting to make sure his greatest enemy suffered terribly under the King's tortures.
Denying Grimhilde's offer[]
Queen Grimhilde paid a visit to the Horned King in his citadel, offering an alliance with him, but he refused, saying that the Black Cauldron had all the power he needed. Grimhilde was infuriated by this rejection and left, swearing to make the King and his allies pay.Back at the Horned King's citadel, the necromancer considered going to war against Grimhilde after she threatened him.
Vs Seven Dwarfs[]
En route to Grimhilde's castle, the Seven Dwarfs found that the only road passed through the Horned King's citadel. Deciding that they had no other options, the Dwarfs tried to sneak through, but the King's barbarian warriors and Gwythaint dragons spotted them and moved in to attack. The King's lackey Creeper led the charge, only to be beaten back, shoved in a barrel, and rolled away. As the Dwarfs continued to fight the Horned King's men, they were overwhelmed and sent tumbling down a staircase. But at that moment, the Beast arrived and scared the barbarians off. As the Dwarfs tried to press their advantage, the Horned King arrived and used the Black Cauldron to send them flying back with a gust of wind. Knowing the King was too powerful to try and attack again, the Beast ushered the Dwarfs to safety with Mulan and Quasimodo. Watching them go, the Horned King strangled Creeper for failing to stop them.
Teaming with Sa'Luk[]
As the Horned King and his generals planned their next offensives, they were met by Sa'Luk, who had been sent by Hades to aid the King in whatever capacity he deemed necessary. Unsure of the newcomer's potential, the King tasked Sa'Luk with guarding the prisoners.
Battle with prisoners[]
Before they could investigate, the Horned King's minions and allies stormed in, having been alerted to the escape attempt by Sa'Luk. The group tried to flee but found the King's minions cutting off all routes of escape. Things looked hopeless as the King's generals and soldiers closed in, aiming to kill the prisoners rather than risk another escape. With no other options, Taran cut the chain holding up the cage, thinking it could knock out some of the King's minions. However, as the cage broke open, the prisoner within was revealed to be none other than the Atlantean Princess Kida.As Kida's powers threatened to bring the building down, both heroes and villains fled for their lives. Just as the heroes escaped to the wasteland outside, they turned to see the citadel collapse into rubble. At last, Kida managed to get control of her powers, landing next to the heroes and explaining her situation to them.
Return to Forbidden Mountain[]
The Horned King, Lady Tremaine, and Bill Sykes returned to Forbidden Mountain after the destruction of the King's citadel, but they were in for a rude welcome. Maleficent was enraged with their failure, insulting them and telling them to stay at Forbidden Mountain so she could keep a closer eye on them.After finding out that Frollo had turned against her, Maleficent decided to nip another threat in the bud. Feeling the feud between Grimhilde and the Horned King could boil over into open conflict, she ordered the King and his followers to reinforce Grimhilde's forces at her castle. Reluctantly, the King agreed. Madame Medusa was forced to break the news to Bill Sykes, who was also none too happy about this arrangement.
Vs Hercules Forces[]
Moving the Black Cauldron into Castle Grimhilde, the Horned King decided the time was right to show Grimhilde the Cauldron's true purpose, awakening the undead warriors known as the Cauldron Born. The King couldn't have chosen a better time to do this, as the resistance forces were approaching the castle, having heard of increased activity there. As the heroes came up the road, the Cauldron Born ambushed them, leaping out of a river and immediately butchering Ichabod Crane as the others watched in shock and horror. They didn't have long to mourn, as the King and Grimhilde's other soldiers emerged from the castle to reinforce the Cauldron Born.As the fighting continued, more Cauldron Born arrived on the scene. Terrified, all of the animals retreated as Ratigan looked on in sadistic glee.
As the army of Cauldron Born bore down on the heroes, things were looking more and more bleak. Taran continued to battle Shan Yu, but was overpowered by the Hun general.The Horned King personally entered the battle and moved to attack Jasmine, but she splashed him in the face with a goblet of water from the river, distracting him. Seeing how the tide of battle was turning against him, the Horned King ordered his men to get their act together and kill the heroes.With their leader and last hope bloodied and beaten, the heroes broke into an open retreat. The King let them go, confident that he could see off another assault with his new army.
Battle of Grimhilde's Castle[]
As the Beast's team found themselves pinned down by the Horned King and Grimhilde's forces, help finally arrived in the form of Aladdin's resistance army.Finally, the Horned King made to end the siege, using the Black Cauldron to summon a rain of molten steel that killed the battering ram team.Seconds before the molten rain claimed Frollo, he used his sword to finish breaking down the door and leapt inside. The heroes followed, linking up with the Beast's team before setting off to find the Horned King and destroy the Cauldron.
Back in Castle Grimhilde, the villains prepared themselves for their final stand as the heroes and Frollo breached the keep. As the Horned King sent his Cauldron Born into the fray, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Pecos Bill overpowered Edgar and imprisoned him in a trunk.Finally, Aladdin, Mickey, and the other heroes breached the inner sanctum where the Horned King awaited them. However, the King had a sadistic surprise in store for Mickey, revealing he had taken Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck hostage. Explaining that the Black Cauldron could only be shut off by a living sacrifice, the King dared Mickey to choose one of his friends to kill in order to stop him.As the castle threatened to collapse, the heroes made to escape, but the Horned King would not be beaten so easily. Seizing Aladdin, the King was about to kill him in revenge, but Queen Grimhilde suddenly arrived in her hag form, knocking her hated rival into the path of the imploding Cauldron. As Aladdin and the cackling Grimhilde escaped, the King was torn apart by the Cauldron's dark power.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]
Vs Mewtwo[]
Mewtwo enters a mysterious castle and comes across a black cauldron, and uses his powers to control it. But the Horned King drops in discovering he's the one destroying his Cauldron Born, and decides to take him down. This might not go very well for the Horned King...
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Establishing Power[]
Wanting to make his name known in the world, the Horned King aligns hmself with Rothbart, Doctor Facilier and Ruber, hoping that more allies would increase his dark powers. When the Black Cauldron goes "missing", the Horned King tasks Rothbart to steal Hen Wen, a peculiar pig, who has the ability to foresee the whereabouts of the Black Cauldron. He, thus, sends some of his gwythaints to assist the sorcerer. Later, Rothbart returns with Hen Wen under his control, much to the Horned King's excitement. The Horned King gets more excited news, as Dr. Facilier, shows to them, his latest recruits, the legendary faction of the Bakshi Bunch, composed by Blacwolf, Nekron, Saruman and their forces.
Losing Hen Wen[]
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Keldor[]
While Horned King was making a plan to free his dead army, he was attacked by a famous warrior named Keldor that wants to kill the beast once and for all. Angered by this visit,Horned King decided to face the warrior.Keldor charged into the beast and attempts to cut him off.However,Horned King used his cauldron to curse Keldor,leaving the warrior to retreat from the fight.Horned King gladly celebrated his victory after drinking some wine.
After their fight,Keldor is growing up his army,so Horned King asked one of his greatest general,Shan Yu, to kill a potential ally that helps Keldor.However,Shan Yu will lose the fight making Horned King to make a plan to kill Keldor.
Teaming with Queen Grimhilde[]
After The Equalists attack, Queen Grimhilde arrived on Horned King's castle and demands to Horned King to let her join his faction.Horned King accepted her into his castle due to liking her ways of demanding.
Capturing Aurora[]
While Aurora and her animals friends were in the forrest,they were shocked as Horned King was walking closely to the princess.Then,Horned King captured the girls for his evil plan on joining a certain witch.
Teaming with Maleficent[]
Maleficent is visited by The Horned King, who offers the witch a princess in exchange of an alliance.Maleficent accepts the proposition from The Horned King.As an official member of Maleficent,he gets to attend into a lot of meetings such as when Maleficent planned to gather more pure souls.
Forming a deal with a lot of monarchs[]
The Horned King is visited by Phobos and Belos who both have decided to join forces with The Horned King and stop Skeletor together.Kerborg arrived on his master's hand and informed him about Horned King's recent alliances. Angered, Skeletor and Darkar decided to prepare their troops and conquer Agrabah for themselves.
Vs El Malefico[]
El Malefico was very angry of Horned King's recent popularity, so he makes a plan to steal his cauldron. However, The Horned King saw him and decided to demonstrate on his rival the power of the cauldron by freeing The Cauldron Born.As El Malefico was laughing seeing a bunch of skeletons waking up,the skeletons send a toxic gas that instantly burned El Malefico's skin thus becoming one of them and also a servant of The Horned King.
Feud with Shan Yu[]
Horned King was starting a meeting with all of his allies until Kikimora arrived and informs the beast of Karai's plan to kill him. Shan Yu tried to convince The Horned King to not kill his daughter, which Horned King decided to send his two new allies to rid of her and calls Shan Yu a pussy.The Horned King congratulates the three certain witches for their succes of brainwashing Karai due to making Shan Yu weaker and so he offered them acces on his cauldron as a reward.However,this plan would backfire at the king.After Karai was saved by Shredder and losing a fighter,The Horned King calls Shan Yu to discuss with him.Shan Yu found out the reason why his daughter left Horned King Faction and confronted The Horned King, leaving his faction in the process which angered The Horned King.
Teaming with Yzma[]
After she was defeated by Azula and her troops,Yzma joined forces with Horned King to get their revenges on Ozai and Skeletor.
Capturing Skeletor[]
Skeletor arrived at The Horned King's castle to discuss.However,The Horned King anticipated his visit so he managed to have his skeleton army to capture Skeletor,leaving Horned King to declare that he will kill him after he deals with Ozai.
The Skullmaster arrived at The The Horned King castle to negociate with the king to free Skeletor in exchange of his army.However,The Horned King refused to offer due to wanting to finish off Skeletor.Angered,Skullmaster used his staff to destroy Skeletor chains,much to The Horned King anger.Then he orders his troops to kill both Skeletor and Skullmaster as Skulllmaster burned out The King eyes.The guards tried to cut Skullmaster in half but with no use as Skeletor created a powerfull blast to keep the guards away.After that,Skullmaster took Skeletor hand and teleported them away.Angered,The Horned King demands to Creeper and the gaurs to hunt Skeletor down before its too late.
Creeper informed The Horned King and his allies that Skeletor disappeared so The Horned King decided to start his ritual to summon The Cauldron Born to find Skeletor.
Vs Skeletor Forces[]
Free For All Heroes vs. Villains War Tournament[]
Free For All Villains Tournament[]
Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]
Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]
Ultimate Free For All Villains Tournament[]
Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
Hand Drawn Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]
Hand Drawn Animated Villains War[]
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Animated Villains War[]
Bad news for Maleficent[]
Maleficent is very nervous, as she heard that the Horned King would be coming to Forbidden Mountain to tell her some news. Jafar, Pain and Panic try to calm the Mistress, but the message from the king makes her completely angry:Facilier's gone.
Vs Princess Morbucks[]
Him hires Princess Morbucks(now Mayor Morbucks, because in a alternative ending of Bought and Scold, she continued as mayor) to put a stop to Horned King's plans to create an army of the dead.
Vs Emperor of The Night[]
Upon returning to his castle, the Horned King encounters the Emperor of the Night, who has taken the place in his absence, not Morbucks. However, the Emperor may have slightly underestimated the king's powerful potential.
Having plans[]
The Horned King returns to Forbidden Mountain, Maleficent rejoices to see him and the King tolds her that he has more plans on the way.
Vs Samhain[]
Samhain, the spirit of halloween, argues with the Horned King, as many of the souls of his possession were being used by the King for his ritual. The Horned King then makes Samhain's soul one more check on his list.
Vs The Lich[]
The Horned King thought he would carry out his ritual and rule the world. But, another undead sorcerer appears to stop the king's plans.
Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]
Vs Baron Mordo[]
At the castle of The Horned King, the king's henchmen are celebrating the discovery of the magic pot, this is interrupted by Baron Mordo worried that Horned King could hinder the plans of his leader, then the monarch awakens his dead thanks to the pot.
The attack on Agrabah has upset Jafar and, under the advice of Tremaine, he unites his powers with those of his allies to bring someone back to life.
Villains War (Disney Knights)[]
Vs Bowser[]
King Koopa wonders why Vetrix and his alliance do not declare an attack on the Forbidden Mountains. Despite Maleficent's recommendation to wait for their arrival, King Koopa decides to provoke them even more by launching an attack on Grimhilde's castle with the help of his children who transform them into giant ninja warriors. But when they head to Grimhilde's castle, King Koopa and his children come across The Horned King who wants to prevent the royal reptiles from approaching the castle.
Teaming with Naga[]
The Horned King allies with Naga, returns to his castle after chasing King Koopa (Bowser) and his children from Grimhilde's castle. Naga wants to exploit Tron and his alliance to eliminate Maleficent's forces. At that point the only ones who can prevent the dream of a world of Naga and Horned King are Chernabog, Bill Cipher and Number 96. Then the evil Bakugan using the energy of the embedded Silence Core summoned a new monstrous ally, the Groudon Virus. With which to use it against Chernabog's alliance. The decisive battle is now imminent.
Vs Chernabog's Forces[]
Finally for Chernabog, Bill Cipher and Number 96 the big day has arrived. The decisive battle against Naga, The Horned King and Virus Groudon has begun. The victors of this battle will have total control over chaos, the universe and the underworld. Who will win?
Villains Battles[]
Pre-War:Joining Chernabog[]
Many years ago Chernabog started forming the Acolytes to help him with his plan of gaining the Underworld. However he is joined by his brothers: the Devil and the Demon King.
Teaming with Bill Chiper and Omega[]
Meanwhile, Bill Cipher pays a visit to Chernabog with the idea of join forces with the reason to kill Maleficent and Hades. Happy about this, he enlists the help of allies recruited by the triangular demon. The allies are: The Horned King, Mad Madame Mim and the Army of the Dead.At the Bald Mountain, Chernabog and his allies heard about Raditz slaughtered by Kakaroth, Cancer and Fish. So they decide to give birth to a monster named Omega Shenron, who is willing to serve the demon in taking out Maleficent and Hades once and for all.
Battle of the Bald Mountain[]
While the Titans are climbing to the Bald Mountain, Chernabog is worried about Hades and Maleficent's alliance is gonna win. However, Omega Shenron, Bill Cipher and The Horned King calm him down by telling him if they are going to lose, they will work together once again.
The fight between Chernabog and some of his allies and Maleficent, Hades and some of their allies has begun to declare who is gonna rule the Underworld. Will Maleficent get her revenge or Chernabog will prove to be more prepared than the mistress of all evil and the god of death?
New allies[]
After allying with Red, the Horned King and Omega Shenron decide to summon other 2 allies: Hexxus and Thrax in order to take down Hades and Maleficent and avenge Chernabog.
Vs Eris,Dr.Eggman and Him[]
While scheming their final move against Hades and Maleficent, the Horned King and his allies receive a surprise visit from Corset and the Devil who want to help them. They, however, get attacked by Him, Dr. Eggman and Eris. During the battle, somebody comes to help one of the teams fighting...
Villains Battles 2[]
Arriving in Underworld[]
In the Underworld, souls of old faces from last war begin to arrive. When the new lord of the dead sees a soul of his ally and three souls of allies related to Pete, Scar and Yosemite Sam, decides to revive them and recruit them for Hades' alliance.
Disney Vs TV Villains War[]
Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Teaming with Irmaplotz[]
With Jafar gone, Irmaplotz retreats to another place, where she is recruited by the Horned King as she discovers that her mother Queen Zonthara works for him. She is also greeted by fellow sorceress Madam Mim.
Heroes Vs Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Teaming with Mok Swagger[]
While Maleficent and her allies(Hades, Jafar,Horned King, Frollo) discuss their defeats against the heroes,Mok Swagger arrives with a proposition for Maleficent.
CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]
My Little Pony Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains War[]
Vs Celestia[]
Princess Celestia enters a mysterious castle and comes across The Horned King and decides to take him down. This might not go very well for Princess Celestia...