Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
The Doctor (Hellsing)

The Doctor is the trustful henchman of the Major and the secondary antagonist of the manga, Hellsing, and the overall anime series, Hellsing: Ultimate. The tactician, expert, and strategist of the Millennium Nazi faction, the Doctor plays a secondary role in the third Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains War and the Non-Disney Villains Tournament.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three

Operative Shadows

The Doctor is initially introduced as the Millennium member, who takes an interview from his master, the Major, about the upcoming conflict, that it is about to fold. He makes, yet, a cameo appearance, when the Major speaks with Cobra Commander's former agent, the Baroness, about their push to start their own war.

The Destruction of London

The Doctor is featured as one of the amongst subjects, who question the Major about the landmarks of London, they must destroy, during the Battle of London. He then watches in glee, as the Major bombs out most of London's fields.

Non-Disney Villains Tournament

The Doctor makes a brief appearance, during the Massacre of London. He watches the Major, as the psycopath conducts in the winds, treating the sounds of dying as music to his ears, This action is outspoken by the Doctor, who evil enjoy his master's bloodlust.
