Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Team Lightyear

Team Lightyear is the squad of Star Command's space rangers, affiliated with Buzz Lightyear. Comprised by the former janitor, Booster, the artificial robot, XR, and the Tangean princess, Mira Nova, the team is one of the main hero forces in the animated spin-off television series, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, and main players in the Disney Heroes vs. Villains and Heroes vs. Villains Wars.


  • Buzz Lightyear (Squad Leader)
  • Booster (Former Janitor, current Space Ranger)
  • XR (Artificial Robot and Space Ranger)
  • Mira Nova (Alien princess from Tangea, also Space Ranger)

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two

Heroes Vs Villains War


