Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Syndrome incredibles

Syndrome (real name Buddy Pine) is a costumed supervillain and wannabe superhero who played a minor role in both the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains tournament and the Disney Villains War. He first appeared as the main villain of the Disney/Pixar film The Incredibles.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]

Syndrome comes across the human sized, Malthazar. He then makes an offer of an alliance with the evil insect, only for Malthazar to rebuff him. Humiliated, Syndrome fires an energy shot at Malthazar, though the shot toss Malthazar several feet away. He then makes his way to a cliff above Malthazar's lair, where the inscect encourages his army. The hero then drops an explosive device, that blow up the entire cavern. Syndrome leaves, assured that his enemy is pressumed dead.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

In the time between his battle with Malthazar and the beginning of the third war, Syndrome has ascended to become a member of High King Pitch Black's ruling council, with his domain being the land of Gaia. However, Syndrome quickly grows annoyed by Pitch's fiscal policies ruining his business, and seeks to get rid of him. To this end, Syndrome and his top researcher, Ansem, hire out the services of master marksman and assassin Braig, sending him to assassinate the king. Unfortunately, Braig fails in his task, and Syndrome is called to a meeting alongside the other council members, where Pitch reveals that he knows that someone among his council sent the assassin, and swears to root out whoever did so.

Seeing Braig's failure as naught but a minor setback, Syndrome moves forward with his schemes to undermine Pitch's authority. With a rebellion against Pitch being run by Hopper and King Candy, Syndrome seeks to take advantage of the chaos and eliminate one of Pitch's crucial allies, Master Cyclonis. Syndrome then meets with Master Eraqus, the long-since exiled brother of the previous king (Xehanort), hoping to prod him into taking action against Cyclonis. When Syndrome addresses Eraqus as a lord, Eraqus mentions that he has not been a lord since Xehanort cast him out. Syndrome asserts that that was a mistake, and that Xehanort was not much better as a king than Pitch. When Eraqus demands to know what he wants, Syndrome explains how the nation is falling apart after the assassination attempt on Pitch, and Syndrome seeks to restore order and be the nation's hero. When Eraqus asks Syndrome what he knows of heroes, Syndrome states that he knows Eraqus was one of them, and that together they could cleanse the nation and return it to it's former glory. Syndrome further explains that Master Cyclonis controls Pitch's airforce, and if Eraqus were to defeat Cyclonis and take Terra Cyclonia for himself, then Pitch would suffer a heavy military loss. Convinced of the plan, Eraqus agrees. However, the plan fails, as Eraqus is killed by Cyclonis.

Fortunately, Syndrome has a backup plan, as he has Ansem's new allies, CLU and his army of programs, form a blockade around Cyclonia, leaving Pitch without access to his airforce. With Pitch struggling to deal with the rebellion, his attention and suspicion is diverted away from Syndrome. To secure his safety, Syndrome has Braig kidnap the one person who knows of his involvement in the assassination attempt, the spy Archibald Snatcher, and takes him prisoner. With Pitch and the other remaining council members none the wiser to Syndrome's treachery, Syndrome is able to continue his schemes in peace.

Disney Villains War[]

Vs Xehanort[]

Ever seeking to be seen as a hero, Syndrome hears that the wielders of the Keyblade are revered as heroes. Believing that he could gain a Keyblade by killing it's wielder, Syndrome seeks out the oldest living Keyblade master, Xehanort, believing that his age would make him easy to kill. Syndrome quickly discover just how wrong he is, as Xehanort turns out to be perhaps the most powerful Keyblade wielder of all. He easily overcomes Syndrome, forcing him to retreat in his private jet. However, Syndrome isn't let off that easy, as Xehanort blasts his jet with magic. Knocked off balance, Syndrome is sucked into a jet turbine, killing him.

Disney Villains War 3[]


Syndrome is revived by Hades, alongside Mother Gothel and Davy Jones, to help the God of the Dead gain power over the CGI realm.

Vs Hondo[]

As his first action, Syndrome sets out to reclaim his old base of operations, which has fallen into disrepair since his death. However, upon arrival, he finds that it is being occupied by Hondo Ohnaka and his gang of pirates. Seeing that these trespassers would not leave willingly, Syndrome decided to remove them by force. Telekinetically grabbing Hondo with his gauntlet, Syndrome flings him a great distance away. As some of Hondo's pirates charge at him on speeder bikes, Syndrome fires a blast from his glove, blowing some of them up. As more come towards him firing their blasters, Syndrome uses his glove to grip the bikes and derail them, throwing the pirates to the ground. However, Hondo quickly recovers, and mounts a large blaster cannon, blasting Syndrome away. Syndrome is not defeated so easily, and remotely activates his secret weapon, the Omnidroid, which easily destroys the cannon and routes Hondo's pirates. Realizing that this battle is "no longer profitable", Hondo flees as Syndrome taunts him.

An intruder[]

Oogie and Hondo sought to create a machine that could combat the Omnidroid of Syndrome. Thus they sent out assassin Aurra Sing to retrieve the plans for it. As she sneaked into Syndrome's base through the ventilation, she sniped one of his guards. She soon reached the main console where she found the details on the Omnidroid and how it had killed countless superheroes. She also saw the details of Operation Kronos in which Syndrome planned to unleash the Omnidroid on a city and cause havoc and destitution. As Aurra downloaded the plans, the base's automated defenses were activated and fired upon Aurra, forcing her to retreat. It was then revealed that Mirage, Syndrome's second in command had activated them under his view.


Having found out something was wrong with Maleficent, Gothel tried to get the other members of her faction to rebel against her.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 2[]

Having ascended to become the sole proprietor of Alchemax (an incredibly influential corporation established by Xehanort), Syndrome has basically taken control of the world, controlling the government through a puppet king and weakening the various crime families that make up his only opposition. At the height of his power, Syndrome begins making a plan to improve his public image by making him look like a hero to the public, a plan that he calls Project Kronos.

In the midst of his scheming, Syndrome takes notice of the arrival of Kingpin to the CGI realm. Fearing that he could potentially unite the criminal underworld against him and possibly interfere with his plans for Project Kronos, Syndrome sent out his head of research, Xemnas, to eliminate the crime lord. Xemnas ultimately fails in his mission, and shortly afterwards, one of Kingpin's henchmen, Shocker, breaks into Syndrome's headquarters to steal his secrets. Despite the efforts of Syndrome's guards, Shocker was able to hack into Syndrome's computer, uncovering all the information about Project Kronos. Alerted to Shocker's presence by his second-in-command, Mirage, Syndrome activates his security system in an attempt to stop Shocker from escaping. It proves to be all for naught, however, as Shocker makes a run for it and manages to escape the compound, delivering the secrets he had uncovered directly to Kingpin. Realizing that Kingpin is becoming a serious threat to his operations, Syndrome decides to recruit two new allies to help him crush his rival: sadistic gambler Oogie Boogie and magic expert Mother Gothel. They quickly prove to be useful allies, with Oogie engaging Kingpin's allies Sergei and Doctor Doom (another inter-dimensional traveler), and Gothel succeeding in eliminating Shikata.

With his plan reaching it's final stages, Syndrome decides that the time has come to officially set Project Kronos into motion. After stationing his minions in New York in case Kingpin decides to make a move against him, Syndrome activates his secret weapon, a powerful robot known as the Omnidroid, and unleashes it on the city. His plan is to defeat the Omnidroid himself, making himself look like a hero. However, his plan is interrupted by the arrival of Kingpin and his gang. Syndrome and his allies engage the criminals, with Sergei succeeding in blasting Syndrome with a blaster rifle, knocking him out briefly. Syndrome quickly regains consciousness, just in time to see Shocker unleash a wave of water on the Omnidroid, successfully taking it out of commission, much to Syndrome's frustration. He then watches as Kingpin and Shocker proceed to kill both Oogie and Gothel in quick succession. Seeing that the battle is lost, Syndrome decides to cut his losses and attempts to retreat in his jet. However, Kingpin isn't willing to just let him get away, and blasts the jet with his cane, knocking Syndrome onto the wing of the jet, where he is then sucked into the jet turbine, killing him once and for all.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Vs Dr.Cortex[]

Zurg pays a little visit, to his second in command for the Invasion of the Multiverse. Ordering to eliminate anyone who oppose him, all of this has been heard by Dr. Neo Cortex feeling angry that no one has to take over the world but himself. Cortex decides to eliminate Syndrome to stop the Invasion plans once and for all. But can the Mad scientist robot beat Syndrome's Technology?

Teaming with Gothel[]

Syndrome come's across Mother Gothel and propose an alliance to make the Invasion faster with more help and Gothel see's a new era will comes.With the Invasion almost starting, Syndrome show's to Gothel the monster his doctor have created. Impressed Gothel feels that the Invasion will succeed.Rumors spread at Syndrome's base about a bounty hunter named Wolf O'Donnell and sends Gothel to sign him to kill Cortex.

No other choice[]

Disappointed that her Second in command failed on his mission, Syndrome has no other option than start the Invasion.


Cortex with the rest of his team, goes to Syndrome's base to stop his plan.All the fight is observed by Syndrome and activates the laser canons to destroy Cortex Airship, Oogie explains that their little fight was just too entertaining Cortex so Syndrome had the chance to destroy the Airship, with all the talking Wario attack the sack of bugs defeating the Oogie Boogie for good. Cortex decides to make a hesitant retreat and everyone goes toe their ships to evacuate the Airship.

Vs Cortex's Forces[]

Cortex and the rest of his team survive the explosion and everyone goes to their ships and begin to an assault at Syndrome's base Ganondorf sends a full blast to Syndrome's laser Cannons. But the Emperor appears right in front of Syndrome and Gothel informing that it's time to make a counter attack, then again the Wario Bros. Syndrome gets mad by seeing his forces been defeated by some fools but Cortex (disguised like Mother Gothel) tells that the enemies are at the Core's base Syndrome follows "Gothel" but the real Gothel is trying to escape but Wolf dosen't permits her to run, at least having Gothel to use his full anger of Ganon decides to kill her.Syndrome unimpressed calls the Omnidroid to end this ridiculous fight, with the new modifications Cortex's Robot take's an arm out of the Omnidroid. To make sure on not using his control Cortex shoot Syndrome's control losing total control over the Omnidroid and making one final shoot sending Syndrome to crash and faints, the Omnidroid with all his power attacks without compassion Cortex robot but still with enough power the robot makes his final move by taking out the Omnidroid's Core shutting down his systems. Cortex Activates the bomb to destroy the base, Syndrome awakes and the Wario bros arrive at the scene with no signs of Wolf the base explode's with the Subspace Bomb.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part 2[]

Vs Eggman and The Ancient Minister[]

In order to go back to his realm Zurg orders to Syndrome to attack a doctor that possesses a technology more advanced that could help Cortex on his machine. After his arriving Syndrome is ready, but unexpectedly the Ancient Minister arrives wanting Nega as an ally for Ganon. As this feminine Fatal arrives Syndrome get's the uper hand. But it will be wise to disobey Zurg's orders?

Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]

Vs Muggshot[]

With two members of the Fiendish Five gone, Raleigh called his friend Muggshot to plan a counter strike against whoever was taking out their teammates. Their meeting was interrupted by the powerful warrior Tai Lung. Raleigh and Muggshot quickly attacked Tai Lung together with Muggshot peppering Tai Lung with bullets and Raleigh squashing the snow leopard under his bulk, but the tide of the battle was turned when Syndrome arrived. Syndrome zapped Muggshot into submission while Tai Lung punched Raleigh into a pond. Grateful for the assistance, Tai Lung joined forces with Syndrome.

Trying to save Princess Peach[]

Tired of searching, and seeking the great power he had promised for collecting them all, Jafar used his second wish to bring all the remaining Princesses of Heart to him. Though they were unaware that they were being watched by Bowser, who quickly kidnapped Peach to stop their plans. Despite Syndrome's efforts, Bowser escaped with Peach.

Taking The Charge[]

Pete returned to the base to inform Oogie Boogie and Syndrome about the battle. With no one else from the battle around, Syndrome took leadership of the group in Maleficent's absence.

Making a bigger Faction[]

Syndrome, wanting to expand his alliance offered a permanent alliance with Master Cyclonis, who accepted the offer.

His Plan[]

Having learned of the alliance between Eggman and Cortex, Syndrome decided to take them out before they could become a threat (and use it as an opportunity to test out his prototype of the Omnidroid.) So he revealed this alliance to the Dark Ace and Master Cyclonis, who both agreed that they should attack and destroy them, although Cyclonis had ulterior motives...

Against Dr.Eggman's Forces[]

Eggman's scanner detects Cyclonian air crafts heading towards them. Cortex sends a message to some of his old friends for help, but they won't be able to arrive in time, so they'll have to defeat them or hold the intruders off until the cavalry arrives. So Cortex and Bowser go out to deal with them, while Eggman prepares one of his own machines for battle. Can they defeat Syndrome and his most powerful allies?

After teleporting back to Cyclonia with Dark Ace and Syndrome. Cyclonis discovers the damage Clockwerk has done, and punishes Ravess and Snipe for failing to stop him.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Killing an old rival[]

Lucks heard that Syndrome is stealing some of his customers, so he decided to take his fun and rid of him. However, Lucks didn't know that he and Syndrome have a story to finish thus trigering Syndrome in the process.Scared,Lucks took out his gun and threatens Syndrome to back down or else he will die.However,Omnidroid 07 arrived and managed to knock Lucks down and taking his pistol.Syndrome then tells his machine to get him the pistol and tells Lucks to say his final words.Lucks tells ''Well Played!'',accepting his death.Syndrome then make the death of Lucks viral thus taking control over his company.

Hiring new allies[]

After Lucks attempt to kill him, Syndrome asked Mirage to present to his new allies all of his secret projects and prepare them for war.

Hawkmoth is visited by Syndrome, who wants to join forces with him and stop Zero together. Hawkmoth accepts due to needing some allies for his plan,even thought he doesn't trust Syndrome.

'Teaming' with Hawkmoth[]

Hawkmoth is visited by Syndrome, who wants to join forces with him and stop Zero together. Hawkmoth accepts due to needing some allies for his plan,even thought he doesn't trust Syndrome.

Visited by Master Xehanort[]

Syndrome and Mirage are visited by Master Xehanort to join forces and destroy SMG0 since he is a threat for both of them. Syndrome accept the offer, much to Mirage's dismay,who doesn't know if she can trust the being.

Hiring even more allies[]

Naamari was looking for some warriors that might help her to take her revenge on Tai Lung until Syndrome offered her a place in his faction if he manages to destroy an intrruder of this island. Naamari accepts and is shocked to see her target, The Skull Sorcerer.Syndrome was also crazy enoguh to put Evelyn into accepting Ernesto's offer to team up with Oogie as well.

Master Xehanort arrived to check if Omnidroid 10 is done.Then Syndrome assures him that he will have the robot done before SMG0 could start his ritual and also having backup just in case.

Presenting an ally[]

Syndrome introduces Master Xehanort his newest acolyte.The Acolyte was none other than Oogie Boogie himself.Impressed,Xehanort demands to Syndrome to upgrade more his tehnology.

Finally having Hawkmoth as an ally[]

After seeing The Great Devourer being awakened,Gabriel Agreste finally decided to join Syndrome and Master Xehanort.

Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Ultimate Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Villains Battles 3[]

Vs Archibald Snatcher[]

Now relaxing since last war's end, Syndrome is ambushed by the troll hunter Archibald Snatcher, who was hired by someone to take out the so called superhero. Syndrome may have powerful weapons at his disposal, but Archibald is not so dumb as the "superhero" thinks.

Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]

Vs Malthazar[]

Malthazar is planning to conquer the world in order to enslave humanity under his will. Much to his surprise, a "hero" named Syndrome decides to stop him before he can get further to his plans, but is he prepared against this malevolent emperor?

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Villains War 2 (Disney Knights)[]

Getting orders[]

Meanwhile, Mephiles orders his ally Syndrome to ensure that a mysterious person doesn't escape his prison island. This person has information regarding the activities that Mephiles and Syndrome are planning and no one needs to know about their secret plans.

Vs Dr.Eggman[]

Sonic Boom Eggman informs Anakin Skywalker that one of his robotic observers has discovered a prison island where a person is being held who possesses information about Mephiles' secret activities. But first you have to defeat the guardian of the island, or Syndrome. Then Anakin instructs the doctor to eliminate the guardian and free the prisoner.

Heroes vs Villains War (wjacob1000 style)[]

Disney Vs TV Villains War[]

All-Star Villains Tournament[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]

Disney vs DC Villains War[]

Teaming with Pete and Lotso[]

After teaming up, Pete and Lotso meet up with Syndrome, who has heard of his arrival and hopes to join his cause. The cat accepts and proposes to him that he should be making Lotso grow in a big size so he can fight with whoever the threat is. Syndrome accepts as he does so. Now with a faction in this new world, Pete prepares to find a way to go back home.

Vs The One Earth Regime[]

While Pete is busy stealing a ray that allows people to travel through time, Syndrome was keeping an eye on the base and recruits Oogie Boogie to help Pete in his cause. However, they are suddenly ambushed by the One Earth Regime's members Robin and Wonder Woman, who have been sent to take them down. When it looks like they are about to win, another member of the Regime drops in...

Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]

CGI Villains War[]

Giving tasks to his allies[]

Lucks informs his partner,Syndrome,about a lot of their enemies preparing their troops for a future attack against them,so Syndrome sends Mirage and Lucks to gather allies and build even more machines...

Animated Villains War - Part Three[]

Fictional Heroes vs Villains War[]
