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Skeletor is an extremely powerful sorcerer, with vast knowledge of black arts. A major player in the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War, he is the main antagonist of He Man: Masters of the Universe.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Pre War VS The Archmage[]

Before their was Skeletor, their was Keldor. Seeking to increase his mystic powers with the Grimorum Arcanorum, Keldor led his forces in an attack against the Archmage, Destane. The wizard quickly dispatched Keldor's minions, leaving Keldor himself to defeat Destane. Keldor easily outmatched the Archmage in fighting skills, using his twin sword with stellar precision. He is able to disarm the Archmage, but briefly lowers his guard. At that moment, the Archmage attacks him with a mystical skull bomb. Severely damaging Keldor's face, forcing Keldor and his warriors to flee.

Deal with Hordak[]

As the Archmage's poison burned away at Keldor's face, he forced his comrade, Evil Lyn to take him to the temple of the recently banished Hordak. The dying Keldor pleaded with Hordak's spirit to save his life. Hordak agreed, but it would come at a price. Hordak's powers transformed Keldor, as the flesh of his face burned away, leaving the horrifying visage of a skull. Upon seeing his new face, the newly christened Skeletor laughed maniacally.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Vs Demona[]

David Xanatos and Dr. Drakken send their ally, Demona, on a mission to investigate Snake Mountain, Skeletor's headquarters. He comes into contact with Demona, and demands that she turn back; Demona refuses to listen and attacks him with a rocket launcher. He counters with his magic, until disabling Demona's weapon. Demona, outclassed, flees the fight.

Taking Over the World[]

Skeletor then decides to extend his power by conquering villages and cities throughout the land, setting his sights on Agrabah and Atlantica. He assembles his alliance of fighters, aided by his right-hand-woman, Evil Lyn.

The Battle of Atlantica[]

Skeletor sets his sights on Ursula's kingdom and decides to claim it for himself. Evil Lyn casts a spell allowing Skeletor and his men to breathe underwater, and the battle soon begins. After his men eliminate Atlantica's defenses, Skeletor engages Ursula personally. The witch tries to crush him with a boulder, but Skeletor destroys it.  While Merman distracts the sea witch, Skeletor destroys her trident. With her powers weakened, Ursula flees, leaving Atlantica to Skeletor's forces.

The Battle of Agrabah[]

With Atlantica in his clutches, Skeletor sets out to collect another prize: Agrabah. His forces invade the city. Abis Mal attacks Skeletor; as such an opponent is beneath him, Skeletor sends Evil Lyn against the diminutive Sultan. Skeletor's forces dominate the battlefield, especially once Skeletor himself joins the fray. He battles fellow sorcerer, Ayam Aghoul, trading magic blasts and attacks. Aghoul tries to kill Skeletor by sending him crashing against the side of the grand palace, but Skeletor fights back, ultimately defeating his enemy. His forces overwhelm Abis Mal's minions, seizing control of the city.

Schemes and a Surprise[]

Skeletor then sends Evil Lyn to infiltrate Maleficent 's castle, but Captain Pete repels her assault. Maleficent herself visits Skeletor, warning Skeletor not to invade her castle again. But Skeletor reveals that Lady Tremaine has allied herself with him, acting as an informant, much to Maleficent's fury.

Skeletor later meets with his allies, deciding that it is time to take Maleficent's base. He and his allies prepare for their assault on the Forbidden Mountains, where their past enemies, Ursula and Abis Mal, have taken refuge after their defeats. He plans to crush them all in one fell swoop.

The Battle of the Forbidden Mountains[]

Skeletor leads his forces on an all out assault on the Forbidden Mountains. But Maleficent's forces do not go down so easily as the previous factions. Skeletor creates a giant beast with his black arts, and sends it into battle, but Abis Mal and Ursula defeat it. He then attempts to enter the castle, but Maleficent bars his way. Though Maleficent took on her dragon form, Skeletor fights on. Losing his staff in the battle, Skeletor conjures a magic sword, claiming, "Today I take your life, and then your kingdom!" He continues to battle the dragon, dodging its jaws and fire. He plunges the blade into the dragon, causing Maleficent to return to fairie form. As he prepares for the final blow, Hades arrives and attacks him. He responds with a powerful blast from his staff, knocking the god away. But, with Hades aiding Maleficent, Skeletor's forces are outmatched. Hades blasts Skeletor over the castle moat, whileTri-Klops orders a tactical retreat. Skeletor escapes on a giant raven, leaving his forces to fight on. Sadly for them, Queen Grimhilde sends a massive boulder into their path, trapping them.

Meeting and Betraying an Old Mentor[]

Skeletor and Webstor return to Snake Mountain, where they are greeted by Hordak, Tremaine, and Queen Narissa. Hordak then uses his telepathy to force his old student into his service once again. Hordak's forces attack the Forbidden Mountain, but this time Skeletor aids Maleficent, betraying Hordak. He attacks Narisssa, newly transformed into a dragon, but the Queen evades his attacks. He gets atop a massive glider, but Narissa manages to destroy its left wing. Using his impressive piloting skills, Skeletor lands the glider and activates its laser cannons. Thinking ahead, he shoots at the ground underneath Narissa. This traps her in the lava.

Skeletor Live action

Skeletor as he appears in the Live-action universe

Final Fight with Maleficent[]

At the end of the fight, Maleficent summons a truly massive spell that levels the entire Forbidden Mountain. As Hordak falls ot his death, Maleficent and Skeletor are transported to the live-action universe. At this point, all bets are off, as the two resolve to kill each other. Maleficent and Skeletor trade magic spells, but the guards of both are just too formidable for such simple attacks to work. Skeletor traps Maleficent in a group of magical rings, but she refuses to die. Instead, Maleficent transforms into a dragon. A burst of flame from the dragon severely damages Skeletor. In one last attack, Skeletor tries to cut the dragon down, but Maleficent sends him plunging into a bottomless pit. 


It is revealed the bottomless pit wasn't so bottomless, as a massive pool of water was at the bottom. Skeletor promises his return for the third war.

Skeletor new appearance

Skeletor's New Appearance

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

Resurrection And Upgrade[]

In the events of the third war, Skeletor makes his way to the surface and he is confronted by Oberon, who travels to the Live-Action Universe and sends him back to the Animated Universe, but with a new appearance. Oberon then explained to Skeletor that in order to become his previous self, he must find the Crystal Of Darkness, which it was lost after the battle with the Acolytes. Skeletor agrees to that deal and joins his alliance.

Joining Flogg[]

While Skeletor wanders off to another planets, to search for the Crystal of Darkness, he stambles upon Planet Z, where he witness the battle between Zurg's forces and Flogg's Mutant Army. Interested on Flogg's skills, Skeletor shows up to him, after the end of the battle, as he and the rest of Flogg's armands, is heading to Flogg's space ship, where later introduces himself to the rest of the mutants, while declaring loyalties to Flogg. Flogg agrees to join his army, although he gets a warning from him, explaining that only Flogg will take commands to the mutants, and not Skeletor.

Battle with the Saurians[]

Wanting to test the mutant again, after the failed assault on Planet Z, Skeletor sets a plan to Flogg, in which they must attack the Saurian empire, for the reason to weakening the remain evil forces of the entire universe. Flogg agrees to his plan and prepares his armanda for fight. When they arrive at their hideout, the mutants encounter the first defense of the Saurians, consisting of Wraith, Seige and Chameleon. Wraith, then, tosses a fireball at Skeletor, only for the overlord to evade it. After the Saurians prove much for the Mutants to deal with, Skeletor steps in and fires at a cargo, filled with lava, flooding the entire base of the Saurians. However, to his dismay, the Saurians are forced to retreat from their lair.

Calming "Flash" (Flogg)[]

At the end of the battle, Flogg blames Skeletor for listening to him in the first place. However, Skeletor manages to calm him to his previous senses and convinces him another plan, that recently he is suggesting in it. When the time has come for Skeletor, Skeletor advises Flogg to make another attack, while at the same time recruiting one of Flogg's mutant warriors, Crita, to his cause.

Destroying an Alien Race[]

With everything going according to plan, Skeletor and Flogg prepare their forces to launch a full attack at the homelair of the Heed, who at the same time are negotiating with one of Zurg's allies, Gravitina. Skeletor and the Mutants then take the Heed by surprise, although the Heed were prepared for any invasion, that it would follow. Skeletor manages to knock out several Heed's clones, before he is about to test his secret weapon, the asteroid ray, a weapon that it would pull off many asteroids in the outer space to the Heed's space ship, destroying the entire ship. Upon his activasion, Skeletor and the Mutant Army escape from the Heed's space ship, leaving Gravitina and the Heed to perish in the explosion of the weapon.

First Things First[]

Leaving the Mutant Army, celebrating for their recent victory, Skeletor resumes on his previous duty, to find the Crystal of Darkness, taking with him the mutant warrior, Quakke. Soon enough, he tracks down the Crystal to the moon Nordor. While impressed by the Crystal's powers, Quakke on the other hand shows cowardice and instead decides to leave at once. However, Skeletor has other plans and uses Quakke as a test subject to see the Crystal's powers, upon Quakke. Much to his astonishment, Skeletor sees the results of consuming the Crystal's dark powers, as Quakke grows more powerfull that he ever was before. However, the dark powers of the Crystal costs his sanity, as he turns mad about power. Skeletor then promises Quakke more power, if he would help him in his schemes.


Skeletor's second form in the Animated Universe

A Change in Plans[]

However, Flogg turns down Skeletor's offer to share to his rest mutant army the remain dark power of the Crystal, fearing for the insanity and disorder that it would follow to his people. While Skeletor pressures Flogg, exclaiming his own ideology, Flogg judges him, that he is hooked on to the Crystal's powers, that it would may put the others at risk. Enraged, Skeletor returns to Nordor and absorbs a part of the Crystal's power, returning to his previous self, as a powerfull sorcerer.

Overlord vs. Acolyte[]

Even though he becomes more powerfull ever, Skeletor's recent change is sensed by one of Chernabog's dark Acolytes, Hecate. As the goddess arrives on Nordor, he finds Skeletor now prepared for a battle. At first, Hecate fires a shot at Skeletor. However, Skeletor, not only evades the shot, but also kills one of Hecate's pet griffin-like monsters. Hecate then keeps blasting at Skeletor, eventually knocking him off. As the Crystal's powers wear off for Skeletor, as he is slowly reverted into his weakened form, Skeletor blasts the goddess, killing the Acolyte. However, in his fury, he destroys also the Crystal of Darkness, causing a massive explosion, that engulfs Skeletor and the entire moon, destroying it.

Still Alive and Powerfull Ever Be[]

It turns out that Skeletor survives the destruction of the moon, and also having absorved all of the remain Crystal's power, as he is now the most powerfull being in the whole universe.

The Space Conference[]

Later, Skeletor and Flogg get contacted in a space conerence, a meeting of several galactic species, discussing about the future of the universe in their own hands. While convincing Flogg about his next plan, Skeletor adresses first his speech on the crowd, as he proposes an offer of peace. To end his speech, Skeletor adresses his new ambassador of peace, Slush Head. However, Slush Head's stupidity proves worse for Skeletor, as he forgets his own lines. Skeletor then reminds his lines, expressing at the same time a profany against him. However, Slush Head proves much more stupid, as he reads the profany in the entire crowd, leaving a facepalm Skeletor to bang his head at his desk. Despite his biggest failure he made, choosing Slush Head as an ambassador, Skeletor grows interested in the tensions between Zurg and NOS-4-A2.

Allying with a Traitor[]

As soon as the meeting ends, NOS-4-A2 approaches Skeletor and Flogg on their space ship, as he express his amusement towads Skeletor's speech. Though Flogg warns Skeletor about trusting the energy vampire, Skeletor ignores him and instead listens to NOS plans. NOS-4-A2 then poins out that the war with the Decepticons had weakened Zurg's resources, and for that reason, Zurg orders to built a planetary shield. In fact, NOS-4-A2 was the designer of the shield, but after recent conflicts with Zurg, he chooses to ally with Skeletor, as he wants to humiliate Zurg for his previous conflicts. He also gives to Skeletor the necessary access codes to deactive the shield. With NOS's assistance, Skeletor and Flogg then prepare the Mutant Army to strike once again on Planet Z.

Second Assault on Planet Z[]

Even though Skeletor express his disgust on the term of peace, Flogg explains to him that it was enough to make him worse. Skeletor then shows to Flogg the access codes, that Flogg deactive, lowering the defenses of Planet Z. Meanwhile, at the other side, NOS-4-A2 manages to force Zurg to stay in his commander center. Skeletor and his new sidekick, Grr, watches from afar, as Flogg commands his Mutant Army to attack Planet Z at once. Skeletor then questions Slush Head, via his sensors, if he has found any resistance in his current location. Slush Head reports him, that they have not encounter any resistance yet. Skeletor then appoints that Flogg would send the rest of his reinforcements, as soon as the planetery shield is completely down. He also explains that he would be the only one to challenge personally Zurg. Skeletor and Flogg then land on the Planet's headquarters, as they send their troopers to storm in Zurg's central building. As soon as they land, Zurg's Hornets confront the Mutant species. However, they are easily obliterated by the mutants' weapons. With the mutants emerging victorious, Skeletor and the Mutants infinitrate the main hall of the central building of Planet Z

Clash with Emperor Zurg[]

After he crashes the exit, not allowing any Hornet to tresspass, Skeletor meets face to face with Zurg. Zurg then arms himself with a lightsaber, as he prepares to strike at the overlord. However, Skeletor's strenght and efficiency win the battle, as he easily knocks out Zurg. Unfortunately, Zurg makes a tactic retreat in an escape pod, leaving Planet Z, along with his trustfull henchman, Warp Darkmatter. Furious at losing his enemy, Flogg orders his arrest from anyone who would bring the galactic emperor to him.

Non Disney Villains Tournament[]

For early events of the war, see Keldor.

As the war expands, Skeletor decides to make his presence known. He sends Tri-Klops to wreak havoc upon the Galactic Empire, in order to incite general mayhem and send a message. Tri-Klops succeeds, but Skeletor is forced to save him when General Grievous proves too much of a nuisance.


Skeletor decides to save Evil Lyn, previously defeated in a fight with Rasputin. He does save her from being sacrificed, helping her kill Messina. A more threatening foe named Venger emerges, one who is able to absorb Skeletor's magic and blast it back at him. To defeat Venger, Evil Lyn and Skeletor double team the sorcerer, with Skeletor using his magic to open a portal to the netherworld while Evil Lyn binds him down. Venger is sucked away, unable to face two sorcerers at once.

A final foe appears to take the two on: Skullmaster, Skeletor's old foe. Skeletor knocks him away with a magical blast, but Skullmaster recovers and knocks away Skeletor's staff. Skeletor draws his blades, locking swords with Skullmaster once again. As before, Skullmaster tries to cheat his way to victory using magic, but Evil Lyn manages to protect Skeletor with a shield. Skeletor uses Skullmaster's surprise to once again take up his staff. Skeletor and Evil Lyn then both pummel Skullmaster at once with their most powerful magic, killing the warrior. The two emerge, triumphant.

A New Plan[]

Skeletor waits out several rounds of the war, content in his victory. His anger boils, however, when King Haggard makes his way into his lair. Skeletor threatens the man's life, only for him to reveal that he knows Skeletor's true identity. Infuriated, Skeletor demands to know Haggard's business. Haggard reveals that his faction, the Ice Nation, is going to war with Egypt and the Fire Nation. He desires Skeletor to travel to Egypt to protect his son, Nekron, from death. Skeletor, repudiating the old man's request, decides to conquer all three territories himself. He lets Haggard deliver the news to his family.

An Icy Reception[]

Skeletor and his warriors arrive in the Ice Nation's headquarters, only to be met by Tarrlok. Skeletor prepares to attack, but Tarrlok uses his water bending to knock Skeletor's swords out of his hand. Fortunately for Skeletor, Evil Lyn and Tri-Klops effectively slow Tarrlok's attacks, allowing Skeletor to deal the water bender a fatal blow. Skeletor then faces King Haggard and his wife, Queen Juliana. Haggard threatens Skeletor with a sword, but Skeletor has Trap Jaw disarm his foe. Juliana then transforms Haggard into a massive Red Bull. The roar of the beast alone is enough to knock Skeletor backwards, forcing him to use his sword just to maintain his footing. Skeletor tries to stab the beast, but his blade melts upon hitting the Bull's hide. Evil Lyn manages to turn Haggard back into his human form, while Skeletor takes up his magical staff once again. Skeletor then cripples the foundations of Haggard's castle, sending Haggard and Juliana plummeting to their doom.

Fighting a God[]

Skeletor emerges from the rubble, ready to take over the remnants of the Egyptian empire. But he faces new opposition in Mumm-Ra, the last of the Egyptian gods. Mumm-Ra takes the initial advantage, blasting Skeletor with powerful magic. Skeletor takes the hits, repulsing Mumm-Ra with some strikes of his own. Mumm-Ra then transforms into a far more powerful second form and fires a massive amount of energy at Skeletor. Skeletor once again takes the hit, emerging from it relatively unscathed. He again tries to blast Mumm-Ra, but his magic has little effect. Skeletor leaps into the air to get a better vantage point, but Mumm-Ra blasts him away; Skeletor only survives by stabilizing himself with his sword. Skeletor draws his blade, hoping to out-duel Mumm-Ra; while this tactic does intimidate the mummy, it isn't enough to stop him from smacking Skeletor aside like a ragdoll. Furious, Skeletor once again takes up his staff. The two magical beings blast each other with their magic, with the real victor unknown.

Non-Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Vs Dormammu[]

Keldor is determined to defeat Dormammu, he seeks out of of his chief acolytes "Baron Mordo" Keldor lunges in at Baron Mordo, but Baron used his magic to knock the sword off of him then, Keldor tries to throw a vial of acid at him but Baron Mordo blast the vial causing and the corrosive substance lands on Keldor's face instead. causing Keldor to retreat.

Becoming Skeletor[]

Keldor was then taking to the temple of Hordak's and pleaded to Hordak's spirit to save his life. Hordak agrees, but it would come at a price. Hordak's powers transformed Keldor, as the flesh of his face burned away, leaving the horrifying visage of a skull. Keldor is no more... Now there is only.... Skeletor.

Non Disney Vs DC Villains War[]


Skeletor first appears in a small cameo in the sixth battle of the series, arriving to aid Flogg during his ill-advised battle with the New God Darkseid. Even Skeletor's powers are no match for the Lord of Apokolips, but he manages to distract Darkseid long enough for the two invaders to escape. Skeletor offers to take Flogg into his employ to avoid future blunders, something Flogg hesitantly agrees to. When Flogg express his anger to Skeletor, about his previous defeat, the overlord explains that the fight was just a ploy, that it would eventually lead them to their victory.

In order to fullfll his plan, Skeletor, accompanied by Flogg, forges a partnership with Grune, as his supply of a "mysterious weapon" could be the greatest weapon ever made, required for Skeletor's schemes.

The Next Attack[]

On his next scheme, Skeletor authorizes the destruction of one of Darkseid's secret bases, hoping that it would cut off his supply of power.  While the mutants were unsure about the warlock's command, including Slush Head, Flogg gives consent to it, and launches a full attack at the base. There, they confront Granny Goodness, a servant of Darkseid. Initially, the mutants manage to overpower the goddess, until she summons the Furies to her aid. The combined strenght of the Furies manage to defeat the mutant warriors, leaving only Skeletor and Floog on the battlefield. With the combined strenght of Flogg, Skeletor manages to turn the battle in their favor, easily besting out every singly Fury assassin, with the use of his staff. Upon dealing enough damage, Skeletor, along with the rest of the armanda, makes his escape, while Granny and the Furies look on infuriated.

Cartoon Villains War[]

Skeletor's 80's appearance

Skeletor's first appearance in the series

Vs. Lord Dominator[]

At the outset of the war, Skeletor has successfully conquered Eternia and become the new lord of Castle Grayskull. His rule does not go unchallenged for long, as he is approached by the intergalactic conqueror Lord Dominator. Dominator explains that all other villains in the galaxy had already surrendered and sworn fealty to her, and demanded that Skeletor do the same. However, Skeletor refuses outright. Enraged, Dominator departs, promising to crush Skeletor upon her return.

Skeletor rallies his army in preparation for Lord Dominator's attack. Soon enough, Dominator arrives with her entire armada. Her robot troops quickly drive Skeletor's soldiers into a retreat. Undeterred, Skeletor casts a spell that shuts down all the robots instantly. As a last resort, Dominator attempts to use her ship's drill to destroy Eternia entirely. Thinking quickly, Skeletor uses his magic to ram the drill back through Dominator's ship, severely damaging it. Skeletor watches and laughs as the ship explodes, taking Dominator with it.

Dominating The Galaxy[]

Seizing control of Lord Dominator's empire, Skeletor immediately goes about conquering the rest of the galaxy, gathering a loyal group of warriors and forcing almost all other villains to submit to him. As his empire continues to expand, he finds himself approached by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, who requests an alliance. Skeletor agrees, on the condition that the Decepticons first prove their worth by eliminating a rival dictator named Gorrath, who has been resisting Skeletor's rule. Megatron succeeds in his mission, and joins Skeletor's faction.With the aid of the Decepticons, Skeletor is close to becoming the undisputed ruler of the galaxy. Only one more planet is needed to fully establish his empire, one that is crucial to the galaxy's trade routes and yet has never been fully conquered: Earth. Doing some research on the planet, Skeletor learns of the war taking place between Earth’s villains, and intrigued by the challenge of it, Skeletor decides to enter the war himself and win.

Arriving On Earth[]

After sending out a team of Decepticons to scout out the planet, Skeletor himself arrives on Earth, along with Megatron and his warriors. Skeletor wastes no time in establishing his power base, finding a new headquarters in the form of a mountain that he dubs "New Snake Mountain" after it's resemblance to his original lair on Eternia. However, he is interrupted by the arrival of another intergalactic despot, Lord Hater, who has come to take the mountain for himself. Angered by his intrusion, Skeletor steps forward to deal with the tyrant, blasting him aside with his magic. Hater retaliates with a blast of energy, only for Skeletor to dodge this attack and knock him back with another blast. Growing increasingly frustrated, Hater flies at Skeletor in a last ditch attempt to kill him, only for Skeletor to blast him head on, sending him flying backwards off of a cliff and leaving Hater to fall to his death.

New Allies[]

With New Snake Mountain secured, Skeletor finds himself approached by another tyrant, this one offering an alliance: the human terrorist Cobra Commander. The Commander suggests that they join together for their shared goals of dominating Earth. Skeletor, realizing that he may need human allies if he is to win a human war, accepts this offer. This alliance proves fruitful, as Cobra Commander later brings Baron Zemo, the leader of HYDRA, into the faction, much to Skeletor's delight.However, as Skeletor begins making plans to expand his dominion on Earth, his territories come under attack from Duke Igthorn and his army of Ogres. With most of his forces preoccupied in planning a major strike, Skeletor decides to bring in some outside help, hiring the Huntsman to deal with Igthorn. The Huntsmen and his forces succeed in this task, and as a reward, are granted membership in the faction. As Skeletor and his allies meet to finalize plans for their new offensive, they find themselves approached by the feline sorcerer Mumm-Ra, who offers them the use of his mutant armies. Skeletor gladly accepts these new additions, and with their ranks thus bolstered, Skeletor and his forces prepare for their first major strike.

Expanding His Empire[]

Beginning his campaign, Skeletor decides to take out a warlord named Baron Dark, who has gathered a vast army of skeleton warriors. While Megatron, the Huntsman, and Mumm-Ra lead an assault against the baron's soldiers, Skeletor confronts Dark personally, leading to a duel...

Shredder and Skeletor hold a meeting to discuss a possible alliance. However, the two leaders disagree over who will hold the highest authority. As tempers flare, Shredder is forced to make his escape, leaving Skeletor to seethe in anger.

Continuing his campaign to expand his influence by eliminating powerful targets, Skeletor tasks Mumm-Ra with eliminating the Black Phoenix, Lord Darkar.

Meanwhile, Skeletor is approached by a mysterious masked man, who offers him his services...

Skeletor summons the Huntsman and the Huntsgirl and sends them to eliminate a new threat to his power. Their target? A terrorist organization known as the Quarrymen, and their leader, John Castaway, who has publicly defied Skeletor’s authority and sworn to bring him down. Accompanied by the newest member of the faction, the mysterious masked hunter, the forces of the Huntsclan launch an attack during one of Castaway’s rallies.

At New Snake Mountain, Cobra Commander is enraged to learn that Cobra Island has fallen into the hands of Shredder. However, Skeletor assures him that he has already set into motion a plan that will allow them to regain what they have lost; a plan that involves a certain member of the enemy faction...

Gaining New Powers[]

Hoping to acquire a source of power that will help him to make a substantial move against Shredder, Skeletor launches an all-out assault on the fortress of Skullmaster in hopes of claiming his Crystal Of Souls. While the two armies clash outside, Skeletor moves further into the fortress, where Skullmaster waits for him...

Having returned from his battle against Skullmaster, Skeletor hopes to begin weakening Shredder’s empire, beginning by sending Baron Zemo and the Masters Of Evil to eliminate some of his top assassins: the HIVE Five.

Newly empowered by the Crystal, Skeletor begins to explore what his new powers can do. Now that they finally have the edge they need over Shredder, Skeletor and Cobra Commander prepare for the endgame.

At New Snake Mountain, Skeletor holds a meeting of his own faction, planning to strike against Shredder before he can conquer the world. With the new power he has gained and the information Evil Lyn has given him, Skeletor and his allies prepare for a surprise attack on Shredder’s HQ in New York.

Final Battle[]

In New York, Shredder and Krang are making final preparations for their attack on Washington DC. However, at that moment, Skeletor and his forces arrive, launching a surprise attack on the city. Seeing the oncoming forces, Shredder mobilizes his army for a defense, as Slade, Demona, and the others lead the robotic soldiers into battle. Seeing that the tide of battle is turning, Joker makes an attempt on Skeletor himself, managing to shoot him out the sky. Joker then engages Skeletor in a fight, and although Joker’s powers do give him an edge, Skeletor ultimately proves to be stronger, and leaves Joker badly beaten. Having charged up his power over the course of the battle, Skeletor unleashes a powerful spell that eradicates the entire Foot Soldier army at once. With the enemy forces decimated, Skeletor’s forces quickly secure the battlefield. Seeing that the battle is lost, Shredder’s remaining generals decide to flee, while Shredder himself retreats further into the Technodrome, deciding to make one final desperate play for victory. What he doesn’t know, however, is that Skeletor has managed to follow him inside.

Vs Shredder[]

With their forces defeated, Shredder and Krang make a desperate attempt to use their super-weapon to wipe out the enemy army. Unfortunately, they are interrupted by Skeletor, who has broken into the Technodrome hoping to settle the score with his enemy. In order to buy Krang time to activate the weapon, Shredder faces off against Skeletor one-on-one, in a climactic duel that will decide the final outcome of the war.

Ruler of World[]

Skeletor, with Shredder's territories added to his own conquests, and the rest of the world in shambles after Weirdmaggedon, takes the opportunity to seize control of the planet. Skeletor proclaims himself ruler of Earth, adding it to his completed Galactic Empire, while Cobra Commander is appointed as ruler of the United States.

Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]

Meeting with other rulers[]

Securing his empire’s dominance, Skeletor and his ruling council hold a summit with the remaining world leaders: Fire Lord Ozai, Fuhrer King Bradley, Charles zi Britannia, and Dr. Robotnik. Skeletor proposes that they all work together towards mutual prosperity, while also revealing that he now controls the Shredder’s former secret weapon. Although Emperor Charles is slightly impressed by this display of authority, Ozai, Bradley, and Robotnik are all less than willing to submit to the rule of another.

New allies[]

Skeletor meets with industrialist Abraham Kane, recruiting him to help make his vision for society a reality.Skeletor is contacted by Flogg, who informs him of the threat Frieza now poses to their rule. Skeletor gives him the order to gather their allies and crush this new threat, as well as any others they may face.Skeletor appoints Brother Blood as the new headmaster of the HIVE Academy, putting the HIVE Five under his control.Skeletor is visited by David Xanatos, who pays his respects to the new ruler. Little does Skeletor know that Xanatos has an ulterior motive.

Negociating with Britannia[]

Negotiations between Skeletor and Britannia continue, as the two emperors discuss their similar views on the world, and come closer to an alliance. As a token of good faith, Britannia allows Skeletor access to their vast Sakuradite resource.Negotiations between Skeletor, the Fire Nation, and Britannia continue, with each nation appointing their own ambassador for peace (Macbeth for Skeletor, Zuko for the Fire Nation, and Suzaku Kururugi for Britannia.) However, despite these surface-level pleasantries, tensions remain high between the nations, as each sees through the other’s facades.

A meeting with his allies[]

Skeletor holds a meeting of his ruling council to discuss the current state of affairs, and to determine how best to proceed against their rivals. However, Megatron disagrees with Skeletor's planned course of action, and tensions begin to escalate between the two...

Betrayal and Humiliation[]

Skeletor leaves with Macbeth to attend the celebration in the Britannian capital, leaving Cobra Commander in command of his forces in his absence. With Skeletor gone, Megatron and his co-conspirators decide to take the opportunity to launch their rebellion.

Skeletor and Macbeth arrive in the Britannian capital for the celebration, and meet with the Britannian nobles. Meanwhile, Zuko, who is also attending on behalf of the Fire Nation, arrives to help sneak the Black Knights into the celebration in preparation for Zero’s plans. As the treaty between Skeletor and Britannia is finalized, the two emperors makes a speech to the various other rulers in attendance. However, the celebration is interrupted by the entrance of Zero and the Black Knights, who make themselves known to the world and swear to overthrow Skeletor’s tyranny. Enraged, Skeletor orders their arrest. However, Zero then reveals that he has gained access to Skeletor's weapon (having acquired the codes from Destro during their earlier encounter), before causing it to self-destruct. The Black Knights then make their escape, leaving Skeletor angered and humiliated.

Concerned of new enemies[]

Cobra Commander contacts Skeletor to inform him of Megatron's attempted rebellion, and the two discuss their next course of action.

Villains War: The Age of Animation[]

Fall of the King[]

On Father's orders, Wrath arrives to Eternia and encounters it's ruler, Keldor, who is impressed by the Homunculi and offers him to be his assisstant. He refuses and rebuffs the king however, and is forced into a duel, where his cocky attitude gets the better of him and leads to him getting knocked around by Keldor's dual sword. Despite this though, all it does is enrage him and leads to him learning a new power, as he melts the ruler's face off, leaving him in horrific pain and leaving the fight.

Keldor is no More....[]

After the attack of Eternia, a monster known as Venger notices the town's dying king, and takes pity on him, offering him resurrection, at the price of something else, although... "No price... is too great." Keldor died that day, and Skeletor was born.

Gathering Allies for his Masters[]

With the news of monster territory being attacked by the humans, Skeletor decides to builds an army of his own to help Maleficent and Venger as a way for thanking them for saving his life, but also to get back at the ones for almost killing him, so he travels to a chaotic wasteland currently inhabited by a group of wild monsters, mostly reptilian ones, who took notice of his arrival, but before they could reduce his bones to paste, the leader of the group, the manipulative reptilian warrior, Toffee, alongside his two generals, the demonic Witch, Shadow Weaver, and the Toad-like monster Captain Grime, heard the arrival of Skeletor and asked him why he showed up in their territory. As such, Skeletor told them about the recent attacks that the humans caused to the monster's community, such as the attack on Clamberg and the recent assault on VideoLand and has come here to ask Toffee and his army to joined Maleficent's faction to fight back at their common enemies, saying that their combining power will help them taken down. Toffee took interest in Skeletor's offer, saying he had a long hatred on the human race ever since they mistreated him for his lizard-like appearance, and alongside his generals, accepts to help him and his masters in the fight against the true monsters.

Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Recruting Catra[]

Skeletor arrived on his former mentor's ship and asked Catra to join his army. Catra accepts the deal, due to not seeing her leader for quite a while.

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]

Joining Gradmaster Meio[]

Grandmaster Meio (the Master WCW) has called his son Taskmaster and gathered a group of villains (Skeletor, Brock Lesnar, Ganon, Tirek, Dimentio, Count Bleck, Paper Bowser, Dr. Claw, No Heart, Miles Dredd and Nazo the Hedgehog. They make up their terrible Dungeon of Doom they were going to plan something until they are visited by the ointelligent yeti VV Argost, who mysteriously wants to help them in his fight plans and pain.

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]


Evil Lynn managed to save Keldor and took him to Mumm-Ra,who must find a cure for the warrior.Mumm-Ra managed to use his healing spell on Keldor,transforming him into Skeletor,who now seeks revenge against The Horned King.

Gathering more allies[]

Skeletor saw Lich trapped, so he freed the demon with one condition...to become an eternal slave for him.After that, Skeletor and Mumm-Ra are visited by the Shadow Phoenix himself, Lord Darkar, who asks them to join forces. Skeletor gladly accepts the request.

Conquering Agrabah[]

While The Horned King and Jafar were discussing about killing Skeletor and his allies, Kerborg was spying on them and fleed after they finished talking.Kerborg arrived on his master's hand and informed him about Jafar and Horned King's recent alliance. Angered, Skeletor and Darkar decided to prepare their troops and conquer Agrabah for themselves.

Skeletor and his troops arrived on Agrabah to kill Jafar, since he might become a threat.After losing every single ally, Jafar asks this genie to grant him his second wish until Skeletor and his troops entered into the castle to face Jafar.After having most of his allies knocked down, Skeletor's panther managed to knock Jafar into the floor.Jafar then managed to trap Skeletor into the walls.As Evil Lyn was shielding her love one,Jafar transformed into a giant snake.Skeletor tells Evil Lyn to stay back while he succesfully managed to knock down Jafar.As the allies of Skeletor were cornering Jafar,Jafar grabbed a potion that teleported him back to The Forbidden Mountain thus leaving Skeletor to become the ruler of Agrabah.

Even more allies for his cause[]

After escaping from Yzma, Pinky and The Brain demanded to Skeletor as they agreed with the warlord's cause to kill The Horned King. Skeletor accepted them, but they fail they will suffer a fate worse than death.

Skeletor arrived on The Fire Nation to disscus with Lord Ozai to destroy their enemies together.Skeletor suggests Ozai to join forces together and destroy Maleficent and Horned King,but Ozai refused his offer revealing that he can take down his enemies himself.After hearing this,Skeletor leaves The Fire Nation as he tells Ozai that he has made a huge mistake.While Skeletor was leaving The Fire Nation,Feng arrived to confront him by telling him that he won't trust him,angering Skeletor enough to put a curse on him.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]

Teaming with Skeleton King[]

After the loss of his Formless Minions, the Skeleton King is unaware what to do until he is visited by Skeletor who offers an alliance.

Preparing to attack[]

And finally, Skeletor and the Skeleton King welcome their new army, and prepare to launch an attack on Charizard (who escaped the clutches of Narissa somehow) and his forces. Even the Skeleton King knows where Charizard lives.

Vs Forces of Charizard[]

Before Skeletor and the Skeleton King planned their attack on Charizard, when the Fire Pokemon was still in Narissa's dungeon, Charizard had found a mysterious tunnel and managed to escape from Narissa's castle. Now, with his allies, Venasaur, Blastoise, and Entei, they all prepare for battle against Skeletor and the Skeleton King's minions, Evil Lyn, Trap-Jaw, Beast Man, and Mandarin, and thus a giant battle occurs. But which forces leader will succeed?

Teaming with Shredder[]

After the failure of defeating Charizard and his forces, Skeletor, the Skeleton King and their forces have mixed feelings on what to do next until they are approached by the Shredder who decides to help them.

Vs Brock[]

With a new army essembled, The Skeleton King and Skeletor head to Pewter City to face off their next attack on Brock. But the Pokemon trainer has a new Pokemon forces including Onix, Geodude, Vulpix, and Croagunk. However, Skeletor and the Skeleton King's forces are more prepared than expected.

Next Mission[]

With their victory against Brock and his Pokemon, Skeletor and the Skeleton King celebrate, until they reach word of their next mission.With many things going on like Cobra Commander and Drakken planning to attack Richie, Skeletor and the Skeleton King planning to conqueror the world, and Ash Ketchum trying to escape Limbo, the final battle of the second war is about to begin.

Vs Mew[]

Mew sees a legendary crystal that is used to determine the world's fate. But Skeletor and the Skeleton King have noticed this, and decide to snatch it away, so that they become kings of the world. But they have to deal with Mew and his secret powers first and fast.

King of world[]

The same time, Skeletor and the Skeleton King have becomes kings of the world.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]

Teaming with Hades[]

Hades is greeted by the two kings of the world, Skeletor and the Skeleton King, who both ask Hades to merge alliances. Hades isn't really sure about this, but agrees to combine alliances just in case anything goes wrong.


The Snow Queen meets up with Hades, Skeletor and The Skeleton King who are completely surprised of her resurrection from Mumm-Ra.

Heroes vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Vs Aladdin[]

While relaxing at the Sultan's palace in Agrabah, having grown weary after the previous war, Aladdin and his companions were ambushed by ruthless warriors led by the sorcerer Keldor, who arrived with intentions to claim the city as their own. The royal guards attempted to stop Keldor, only for him to easily dispatch them. Transforming into a pro wrestler, the Genie, joined by Jasmine, took on the warriors, besting Kronis and Beast Man effortlessly. Meanwhile, Tri-Klops traded blows with Aladdin, though the villain was driven into the path of the Genie, who blasted him down. Fed up by his warriors' incompetence, Keldor stepped forward to end the nuisance himself, locking blades with the street rat. While focusing on his rival, Aladdin was intercepted by Beast Man, who tossed his blade away, leaving Keldor to cut his arm. While distracted taunting his rival, Keldor was left open to Jasmine, who splashed him with a goblet filled with poison, partially melting his face. In agonizing pain, Keldor fled, followed by his warriors.

A deal with Eris[]

Due to the acid, Keldor is slowly dying and asks for the aid by Eris. She agrees to help but he will owe her in the future.

New form[]

Now in his new form, Skeletor lets his lackies know about his plan to conquer the new various lands.

Manuel's Villains War[]

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Villains Battles 2[]

Villains Battles 3[]

Reuniting with Maleficent[]

In the Live Action world, Skeletor reunites with Maleficent as he informs her of a threat lurking nearby. Maleficent, then, plans her next move.

New allies[]

In the Live Action world, Skeletor introduces his new recruit, Nizam, to Maleficent, who is a bit deluded by the overlord of evil since he didn't find more allies. To solve this matter, Maleficent decides to revive a fallen veteran from last war as her new ally. With new allies, Maleficent prepares for war against those who try to stop her in her plans...

Vs Blackbeard and Angelica[]

Two old faces have found the Fount of Youth, however they are interrupted by the Mistress of all Evil and Skeletor and a battle erupts. Which side will get the Fount of Youth?

Comic Book vs Video Game Villains War[]

Skeletor Revelation

TV Villains Tournament Remake[]

CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War[]

CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non Disney Villains War[]

New form[]

Keldor is no more...

Meeting Snow Queen[]

Koschei and his allies believe that they have enough strength to defeat Horde Prime, suddenly the Snow Queen and her minion Microbus appear to them. Taking them for enemies, Skeletor wants to attack the uninvited guests, but Koschei stops him and says that he has known the Snow Queen for a long time, so she cannot be an enemy. During the conversation, the Snow Queen tells about the death of her mother Blizzard at the hands of Mok, asks Koschei and Lord Skeletor to help her avenge the death of her mother. Koschei agreed to help, but warned that first they need to deal with Horde Prime.

Vs Devimon and Alighiero Alighieri[]

Koschei The Deathless and Skeletor discuss a plan to attack the army of Horde Prime, but their attention is attracted by the demon Alighiero Alighieri and his Devimon. Devimon wants to subdue Koschei and Skeletor to himself and make them his minions, but Skeletor and Koschei do not intend to serve the demon.

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non Disney Villains War - Part 2[]

Smash Bros Lawl Infinite[]

Smash Bros Lawl Infinite: War in Universe 6[]

In this war, his 80's incarnation is known as Skeleton King Rakushaaza and is the ruler of a dark land.

After hearing of the war, he recruited a group of allies (Amalia the Witch, Man-Ape Mandilok, the Merman and Jindrax the Triclope Warrior) to help him in his plans of domination of Planet Sadala.

Animated Villains War - Part Two[]

Starting his plan[]

Going further, Skeletor gathers his minions to tell them about his next act.

Vs Cedric[]

After Evil Lyn's defeat, Cedric emerges through a magical portal to battle the Overlord of evil,Skeletor. However, Cedric will discover that the Skeletor has too much power for him to handle.

Heading to Forbidden Mountain[]

Skeletor, upon noticing a movement by the part of Maleficent's kingdom inhabitants, rejoices and gets ready to be back in action.

Vs Duke Igthorn[]

Wishing to earn the respect of his superiors on the Forbidden Mountain, Duke Ightorn attacks Skeletor's territory with his clan of ogres. To end the situation, Skeletor himself appears on the scene to make the duke regret his destructive actions. However, Duke still has a trick up his sleeve.

Creating a faction[]

An alliance begins between The Dark Knight, The Evil Lord of Destruction and The Ever-Living.

Entering The Forbidden Mountain[]

Without any suspicion, Ruber infiltrates the Forbidden Mountain lands, along with his minions.

Vs Prince Phobos[]

Skeletor chooses to personally face his desired opponent, Prince Phobos. Despite having to deal with Cedric's reptilian litany one more time, Skeletor won't let the prince survive.

Animated Villains War - Part Three[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]

Non Anime Villains vs Anime Villains War[]

Animated Villains vs Comic Book Villains War[]

Heroes vs. Villains: War Of The Multiverse[]

East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]

Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]

Non-Disney Villains War (Bad Fight Edits)[]

All Out Villains War[]

Fictional Heroes vs Villains War[]
