Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Shan Yu is the leader of the deadly clan of Huns who ravage China. He usually appears serving as a powerful ally of villains like Frollo or Maleficent in the villains tournaments. In the second Disney Vs Non Disney war, he holds a grudge against Fire Lord Ozai.

He is the main antagonist of the Disney animated film Mulan.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains[]


Shan-Yu was born to two Mongolian members of the Hun army, and, as such, would be raised to fight from birth.

Upon Shan-Yu's coming of age, he began truly brutal training to join the army. Teenagers were often thrown into battle together and forced to fight - in some cases, to the death, to prove their worth to the Mongolian generals. Shan-Yu didn't have the heart to kill any of his fellow soldiers. Try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to take a life.

Despite his inability to kill, Shan-Yu was praised for his skill and cunning in the midst of his battles, all of which ended in his victory by knock out.

One night, he had the misfortune of facing a particularly malicious boy of the village. People said the child was a prodigy to be a Hun conqueror. Shan-Yu was beaten, and viciously. He was mere seconds away from death, when he was removed from the ring. He blacked out.

He then opened his eyes to a beautiful sight. A young woman about his age, training to be a nurse, was caring for him. The two instantly fell in love.

Meanwhile, Mongolia was in debt to the Fire Nation. Almost every week, the Fire Nation would threaten to attack the Mongols, but they never went through with their threat.

Shan-Yu, when he wasn't training, spent time with his love. They'd often walk through the forests. One day, an ill fated baby hawk fell from it's nest. The woman saw it as her duty as a nurse to adopt it. Shan-Yu opted to name him Hayabusa, a name his love took a liking for.

Another week passed, as did another threat from the Fire Nation. Shan-Yu dismissed it. He couldn't take time to care for the bluffing of the Fire Nation. Today was the day he was to propose to his love.

He left the village, hoping to find the perfect way to do so. A particularly nice looking stone, some flowers, and a small doll he bought, made up the small gift he would use.

However, when he returned to his village... it was no longer there. Only a cloud of ashes and smoke. The Fire Nation, apparently, was done bluffing.

Shan-Yu rushed into the cloud. For countless hours, he ran through the hellish smog. It blinded him, but he waded through, yelling the names of his friends and family. Shouting for them.

When the smoke finally cleared, Shan-Yu's eyes were dyed an eerie black and yellow color. With his sight retained, he ran to the pile of ash that was once the abode of his love. Burnt clothes and nursing supplies were all that remained. Shan-Yu let out a cry of anguish that could be heard for miles.

Suddenly, a familiar hawk rose from the ashes. It was Hayabusa, who took refuge on Shan-Yu's shoulder. Shan-Yu vowed to keep him as a last memento. He figured the universe must have let the bird survive for a reason.

Fire Lord Ozai, satisfied with the mass destruction of the Hun Army, wanted to make sure nobody would seek revenge. Oddly, he could've sworn he heard someone yelling from far away. He dispatched three soldiers to look over the village and make sure there were no survivors.

The trio traveled over to the remains of the village, where they saw Shan-Yu. Shan-Yu heard them coming, and a heat of rage came over him. He reached for the nearest weapon he could, a sword left on the ground, and ran at the three.

The three soldiers didn't last long. As their blood drenched the snow, Shan-Yu yelled at the top of his lungs. For the first time, he had killed. This display was watched by a few of the village's survivors. An archer, two brawlers, and a few warriors, all cheered for Shan-Yu and promised to serve him.

With his men, Shan-Yu rebuilt the Hun Army. Shan-Yu found the notice he needed to kill, the thought of one day toppling the Fire Nation. With this particularly persuasive killer instinct, Shan-Yu recruited millions to his new army. All would fear the new Hun leader.

Blood Brothers[]

While pursuing an Arab army through the deserts near Baghdad, Shan-Yu and his forces came across a young man on the verge of death. Believing the man was an escaped enemy prisoner who could provide crucial intel on his foes, Shan-Yu ordered his army to halt, bring the man back to camp, and nurse him back to health. As the man regained his strength, he told his rescuers he was named Zigzag, a sorcerer betrayed by his former master and left in the desert to die. Always on the lookout for new resources for his empire, Shan-Yu made Zigzag his advisor, using his knowledge of the Arab lands and his magical powers to conquer the region.

After years of service together, Shan-Yu and Zigzag became the closest of friends. They were blood brothers, hardly ever parting company. The mightiest empires in the world crumbled into dust after facing the power of Shan-Yu's armies and Zigzag's sorcery. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

While Zigzag was scouting the defenses of Agrabah under the newly crowned title of the Sultan's vizer, his old master, the Archmage Destaine, made contact with Shan-Yu and offered his service to the conqueror. Not knowing of the sorcerer's treachery to his old friend, Shan-Yu accepted: if one sorcerer had brought him so much, what could two bring him? Zigzag, after a run-in with the sorcerer Jafar, who soon banished him from court and replaced him as the new Grand Vizier, returned to the Hun camp in failure and was shocked to find the man who had abandoned him years ago dining at the table of his closest friend. Zigzag tried to warn Shan-Yu of the sorcerer's decit, but the Hun warlord was sorely disapointed after hearing of the loss at Agrabah and he refused to hear his friend's words.

Zigzag did not blame Shan-Yu. He knew the sorcerer had taken advantage of an unfortunate situation and had put himself in a position to profit from it. Nevertheless, he could not tolerate his former master's presence, and left with a heavy heart. Shan-Yu was sad to see his friend leave, but found that the old sorcerer was an equally powerful ally, despite his conniving nature.

Vs Snow Queen[]

Shan Yu travels to the Snow Queen's frozen palace in the North, in hopes of defeating the cold hearted queen. Upon arriving, Shan Yu and his army of Huns charge the palace on horseback. Not wanting to risk any injury to herself, the Snow Queen uses her magic mirror to cause a avalanche. The wave of snow and ice buries the Huns and their leader alive.

Frollo's Alliance[]

The avalanche fails to kill Shan Yu and a few of his fellow Huns; they escape the snow. Shan Yu then travels to Paris, where he joins Frollo's alliance. Frollo is all o happy to accept "A war hero of Shan Yu's caliber."

Vs Blackwolf and Meeting with the Wizard[]

Shan Yu helps Captain Hook and Rourke in their fight against the wizard, Blackwolf. While Hook kills the wizard, Shan Yu battles the main army with Rourke.

Some time later, Shan Yu meets with ZigZag on Neutral grounds, and is told that a battle is coming. But Shan Yu merely tells the wizard that he is ready for the battle to come.

Battle of Paris[]

Shan Yu is in Paris when Ruber attacks; the Hun takes part in the battle. His archers lay waste to Tyler's lizard army but are taken out by Kent Mansley's tanks. Shan Yu watches Tyler kill Gaston and tries to avenge him. Shan Yu duels Tyler and kills him after breaking the enemy's immortality potion, slaughtering the mercenary. But after seeing the battle is lost, the Hun leader flees with his remaining men.

Ruler of China[]

Upon the end of the war, Shan Yu has conquered most of China. The new global emperor, Ruber, tolerates Shan Yu's presence, deeming it unnecessary to shed more blood. Shan Yu is all too happy to accept, as it gives him time to sercretly plot against Ruber.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]

Vs King One-Eye[]

Shan Yu's old enemy the Snow Queen see's he is alive, and calls King One-Eye to take him out. The one eyed king and his army march on the Great Wall of China and engage the Huns. The Huns shower the kings army with arrows and fight them on the Wall. During the confusion, Shan Yu sneaks up behind One Eye and knocks him from a cliff to his death. Shan Yu then decides to add to his armies by forcing the remains of King One Eye's armies into his service.

A New Alliance[]

He next approaches Yzma for an alliance, which she agrees too. He later hires Amos Slade to kill Tzekel Kahn, but Slade fails. He later recruits MozenrathSa'Luk, the Huntsman, and the Huntsgirl into this alliance. Yzma furthers this goal by hiring Megavolt and Ayam Aghoul.


Shan Yu enters a rage when he learns that Yzma has lost Peru to the Fire Nation. He demands that Yzma reform theSorcerer's Society by curing Madam Mim of poison. Yzma does as commanded. Mozenrath approaches Shan Yu with an offer to take back Peru, but the conversation drifts to Shan Yu's hatred of the Fire Nation. As it turns out, Fire Nation troops led by Fire Lord Ozai burned down Shan Yu's hometown while he was out campaigning prior to the events of the wars. Even worse, Ozai personally killed Shan Yu's wife. The meeting is interrupted when Ozai himself attacks the citadel. Shan Yu retreats further into China as Mozenrath ineffectually duels the firebender. Shan Yu, however, learns that Ozai has brought an entire army and is laying siege to China.

Revenge at the Battle of China[]

Ozai, accompanied by his genie, Jafar, personally oversees the invasion of China. But all hell breaks loose as Shan Yu and his allies begin taking out Ozai's troops. Ozai tries to turn the tide on his own, nearly killing Madam Mim and injuring other members of the Sorcerer's Society. Out of nowhere, Jafar attacks his master, as he had previously renounced any loyalty he ever had to Jafar. By the end of the battle, Ozai has expended all his energy. Shan Yu approaches, sword drawn. Ozai mocks his opponent, asserting his still being alive. Shan Yu merely replies, "Perfect," and murders his old enemy.

A New World Order[]

With his forces secure, Shan Yu entrusts China to Mozenrath and Yzma while he goes on an important mission. He observes the coronation of Princess Azula, Ozai's daughter, as the new Fire Lord, noting too the subsequent attack by Jafar. When Jafar dies at Azula's hands, Shan Yu makes his move. As Jafar had destroyed most of Azula's defenses and Azula had banished her governing council earlier in the war, the Fire Nation is helpless as the Huns and the One Eyes utterly overwhelm the land. Shan Yu demands that she bow to him, but she runs away. Nonetheless, Shan Yu delights in his latest title. No longer is he the ruler of China; he is the ruler of the world itself.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]

A Different Kind Of King[]

Shan Yu wastes no time in establishing his rule. As his first act, he calls a meeting of the various world powers, where he lays out his agenda. He states that he does not intend to repeat the mistakes made by Ruber and Phoenix King Ozai, and asks that all of the leaders fall in line behind him, so that together they can rebuild what they have lost in the previous wars. Shan Yu also makes it clear that petty fighting will no longer be tolerated, and will be met with brutal force.

Following the meeting, Shan Yu and his councilors are visited by Chase Young of the Xiaolin Monks, who asks for a small territory on which they can rebuild their temples, which were damaged in the crossfire of the last war. Despite Mozenrath's mocking of Young's request, Shan Yu graciously agrees to grant it. When Mozenrath objects, Shan Yu explains that ruling malevolently was what cost Ruber his popularity and his crown, and that sacrifices must be made if they are to keep their positions in power. However, this difference in approach proves to be the beginning of a rift between Mozenrath and Shan Yu.


Eventually, reports reach Shan Yu and his inner circle that Ruber has returned from the dead, and has allied with none other than Azula. When Mozenrath suggest merely crushing them with their military might, Shan Yu points out that their armies are still recovering from their war with the Fire Nation, and that they cannot risk committing their full strength to an engagement with the former monarchs. The king then proposes a diplomatic solution: offer Ruber a chance to swear fealty and deliver the fire princess to them. Although Mozenrath protests the idea, Shan Yu silences him, stating that he will not risk starting another war.

That night, however, Shan Yu is visited by Mozenrath, who reveals his intent to take the throne for himself, having grown tired of his peaceful policies. Enraged, Shan Yu tries to fight back, only for Mozenrath to open a portal to another realm, which sucks Shan Yu in. The former king then finds himself in Limbo, where he can do nothing but scream in rage at having lost the throne. However, he finds a rather interesting new ally there: the Horned King.

Back With A Vengeance[]

After having spent most of the war trapped in Limbo, Shan Yu and the Horned King are surprised to see a bulb of light pierce the darkness of their prison, and decide to follow it, believing it might be a way out of Limbo. However, the then two hear a woman cry out for help. Upon investigating further, Shan Yu is shocked to discover what appears to be the soul of his long-lost wife. Knowing the tricky nature of Limbo, the Horned King warns Shan Yu not to be fooled. His fears turned out to be correct, as Shan Yu's "wife" turns out to be nothing more than a vision created by the Nightmare King (the ruler of Limbo), who mocks Shan Yu for being tricked by such a cheap illusion, and states that there would be no escape for either of them. However, despite his efforts to prevent them from leaving, Shan Yu and the Horned King manage to escape through the light just in time, and end up back in the mortal realm. Upon escaping, they are greeted by Ursula and Jafar, who have freed them from Limbo on the behalf of Maleficent and Hades. The two are then recruited into Maleficent's faction.

To make his return known, Shan Yu returns to his old kingdom of China. However, he soon finds it under attack from Shendu and his Demon Siblings. With the ancient blade needed to vanquish Shendu being located in his former palace, Shan Yu takes advantage of the battle between Mozenrath's forces and the Demon Sorcerers to break in and retrieve it. He then confronts Shendu personally, and uses the sword to banish Shendu's spirit to the Spirit Realm. With their brother's spirit banished, the rest of the Demon Sorcerers are dragged back to the Spirit Realm as well, leaving China safe and Shan Yu victorious.

Disney Villains War[]

A Crushing Defeat[]

Frollo hires Shan Yu to take down Jafar in Agrabah. Shan Yu sets out with his entire Hun army, but Jafar acquires the powers of a sorcerer. With his new magic in tow, the former vizier triggers an avalanche and buries Shan Yu alive. Nonetheless, Shan Yu and a few of his men manage to extricate themselves from the snow. He soon discovers the lair of the Forty Thieves, giving the Hun a nefarious idea.

The Thief Lord[]

Shan Yu tries to win over the the Forty Thieves to his side, only for their current strongman, Sa'Luk, to rebuff his offer. The Hun replies by drawing his blade. Sa'Luk is able to parry away only a few of Shan Yu's blows before falling off a cliff. With the other theives satisfied, Sa'Luk takes full command of the group.

Helping Maleficent and Hades[]

Despite this setback, Sa'Luk and Facilier's other henchmen managed to infiltrate Forbidden Mountain as Maleficent and Shan Yu were plotting another strike. As Shan Yu and the Forty Thieves battled Jackal, Mozenrath held his own against Maleficent's goons. Sa'Luk stepped into the fray, taking out his former Thief allies, as Maleficent herself decimated Facilier's shadow demons. Finally, Sa'Luk got the upper hand in his rematch with Shan Yu, knocking the Hun leader out, only for Maleficent to turn him into a golden statue. Jackal and Mozenrath beat a hasty retreat as their leader fell, leaving Maleficent to take stock of her losses.

With their defenses broken and most of their forces destroyed, Maleficent, Hades, and Shan Yu decided to abandon Forbidden Mountain and seek a new lair.

Vs Jafar[]

In their new lair, Hades and Shan Yu learned of Jafar's rise to ultimate power, and vowed to strike their old enemy down once and for all.

With the power of a god and Agrabah firmly under his control, Jafar planned to sit out the rest of the war, waiting until all the other villains had killed each other off before seizing whatever lands remained. However, Shan Yu and Hades led an attack on Agrabah, eager to take revenge on the cunning sorcerer. Jafar turned himself into a giant cobra and battled Shan Yu, who managed to hold his own. Things changed in a heartbeat when Jafar took his genie form, destroying the Hun warlord with his powers.

Disney Villains War 2[]

Back to life[]

Knowing she needed allies if she was to rebuild her power base, Maleficent used her magic to bring Shan Yu, Captain Hook, and Pete into her new realm, giving them back their lives in exchange for their servitude.

Vs Saix[]

Maleficent sent Shan Yu with a force of Heartless to lead the assault. On a snowy mountain peak, Shan Yu encountered Saix, the cruel second-in-command of the Organization. Saix and his Nobody minions easily disposed of the Heartless Shan Yu sent against him, and the Hunnic warlord was forced to step into battle himself. With a single strike from his massive sword, Saix brought down an avalanche on Shan Yu. Confident that he had disposed of the threat, Saix teleported away, unaware that Shan Yu had survived once again.

Vs Lexaeus[]

Arriving at Castle Oblivion after their own missions, Shan Yu and Captain Hook were confronted by Lexaeus, perhaps the mightiest member of the Organization in terms of raw strength. With one blast of energy, Lexaeus knocked Shan Yu and Hook to the turf, threatening to tear them apart. Getting back on their feet, Maleficent's two warriors faced down Lexaeus, but the hulking champion summoned several lesser Nobodies to attack Hook, leaving him to battle Shan Yu. Engaging in a short battle, the Hun managed to strike a mortal blow to Lexaeus, laughing as his opponent faded into the darkness.

The War of Kingdom Hearts[]

Deciding to take the offensive against the Organization, Maleficent found their headquarters in the dark World that Never Was. She mobilized a team consisting of Riku, Captain Hook, Shan Yu, Clayton, and Pete to attack the World, leaving nothing to chance. Xemnas and the surviving members of the Organization approached her and called on her to surrender, but Maleficent was not open to negotiations. As Shan Yu charged into the fray, attacking the Organization's Heartless minions, Xigbar opened with a volley of lasers, destroying many of Maleficent's own Heartless. Axel stepped in and beat down Shan Yu, only for Malficent to blast him with a wave of dark magic that he only barely managed to block. Shan Yu finally recovered and struck Saix from behind, finally killing the Organization's second-in-command.

As Xemnas disintegrated into darkness, Shan Yu, Captain Hook, and Pete arrived looking for Maleficent. Ansem thanked them for their unwitting service, restoring their dark mistress to life. Before any of them could react, Ansem accessed Kingdom Hearts' power and a blinding light washed over all those present.

Back to his realm[]

When the light subsided, Maleficent and her generals found themselves back in Forbidden Mountain in the Animated Universe.

Talking with Pete[]

Feeling that he and the Beagle Boys had been missing out on the action after returning to the Animated Universe, Pete demanded an opportunity to prove himself. Shan Yu told him that Maleficent had been seeking someone to break into Grimhilde's castle and steal her magic potions, depriving her of her powers, and Pete sent the Beagle Boys to do the job.

Final Battle[]

In England, Frollo arrived at the head of a French army ready to take back his territories from Grimhilde. Hun archers fired down on the Huntsclan and Foreign Legion soldiers, who returned fire, managing to drive the Huns back. Ratcliffe led an army of ogres into the fray, only to be pushed back by the French militia and Foreign Legion. Maleficent arrived on the scene, blasting a cliffside and causing a rockfall which killed several Huntsclan warriors. Mechanicles arrived, piloting a giant centipede robot, but taking a lesson from Maleficent, Ratcliffe trained his guns on the cliffs and buried the robot before it could attack. One of the segments suddenly sprang to life and attacked Captain Hook's pirates, but they fired a cannonball into its exhaust port, destroying it. As Frollo started breaking in the gates of Grimhilde's castle, Ratcliffe tried to take him down with a rifle, but McLeach came to Frollo's defense, just as Ratcliffe turned his weapon on Hook. Ratcliffe's attempted treachery was short lived, however, as Hook's pirates vengefully attacked him. Sarousch tried to lend his aid to Ratcliffe, but Shan Yu seized him and slit his throat. More of Mechanicles' centipede segments attacked, but Igthorn's ogres managed to destroy them. The centipede's head, with Mechanicles himself inside, rose from the rubble, sprouted wings, and attacked the ogres before shooting down Igthorn himself. Maleficent decided to end the battle, summoning a rain of fire that decimated the French and English troops, causing Shan Yu and Mechanicles to flee, though Mechanicles' craft had been damaged and crash-landed in the wilderness.

Disney Villains War 3[]

Vs Pete[]

At the Forbidden Mountain, Pete was paying less attention to warfare and more attention to parties and slacking off on the job. Seeing himself as a better protector of Maleficent's fortress, Shan Yu and his troops attacked. Shan Yu's and Pete's forces battled it out with Shan Yu's archer dazing a few of Pete's weasels with a single shot. As more of Pete's forces tried to attack, Shan Yu's men sent a chandelier down on them. Pete then pulled the rug out from under Shan Yu's feet, knocking him off his feet. The two started to clash swords but Shan Yu started to gain the upper hand. At that moment, more of Pete's weasels arrived to aid him. Shan Yu was also shocked to see that Maleficent's goons had sided with Pete as well. Seeing he was outnumbered, Shan Yu and his forces retreated.

Joining Huntsman[]

Shan Yu and the Huntsman joined forces but both of them had different plans and goals that might soon conflict.

Disney Villains War Reboot[]

Shan Yu appears in the reboot series in a role similar to the original, although with extra details. He leads the Hun army into the borders of a French kingdom, occupied by Duke Igthorn, where he prepares to make his siege.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

After the Horned King suffers a humiliating defeat at the hands of Morbius, he hires Shan Yu into his already powerful alliance. Shan Yu heads off to eliminate the newly re-empowered Mandarin. To Shan Yu's horror, the Mandarin produces a massive avalanche that buries most of Shan Yu's army alive. Shan Yu tears his way through the snow, sneaking into the Mandarin's lair and preparing to kill him. The Mandarin kills Shan Yu's hawk, leading Shan Yu to try to strike his foe down. But the Mandarin proves far too powerful, stunning Shan Yu with a single spell from his rings. With one more blast, the Mandarin blasts Shan Yu to smithereens.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 2[]

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Vs Bowser[]

Hearing that Bowser is sill alive the Horned King sends Shan-Yu to finish him off with his army of brutal huns. However as Shan Yu leads his army, a minion of Bowser over hears the conversation and decides to save his King of the hun army, Shan-Yu arrives but Karatenmon is waiting for him. Will Shan-Yu' army defeat this Digimon or Karatenmon  pull a devilish trick?


Shan Yu, bitter from his defeat at Karatenmon's hands, rises from the snow with what remains of his army and is quickly found by Sa'Luk from orders from the Horned King to find him.

Vs Bowser's Forces[]

Devimon with mot of his allies invades the Horned King's Castle, Creeper orders the guard to eliminate the intruders.One of Shan-Yu's henchmen attacks the devil Digimon but fails then the Hun leader enters to the battlefield but Bowser deals with him and his horse but then the Horned King makes his move and revives his fallen army to deal with this little past once and for all with the Black Cauldron and the Lost Mushroom. Bowser stole's the mushroom and uses his power against the power's of the Black Cauldron sucking all the life force of the undeath army with no other choice Shan-Yu and Dr. Facilier leave the Castle.

Vs Orochimaru[]

Dr. Facilier starts talking about a new plan to have his "friends" back from Babidi with Shan-Yu as their talk is interrupted by "Maleficent" to see what's the next step of her plan, as "Maleficent" see's that the doctor hasn't done much questions him about his position, much to Shan-Yu's impression once saying about his "husband" Mal has no interest in it, Facilier use's his magic and in result is Orochimaru in disguise. Will Orochimaru gain his goal of eternal life by taking Facilier's talisman or those this two can come up with a plan to beat the Leader of the Hidden Sound Village?

Battle with Devimon's Forces[]

Frollo launches a full scale siege on Devimon's Fortress desiring the death of all the digital monsters. But at the same time Mercurymon has prepared himself for this moment and with the powers of Chernabog starts calling all kinds of demons as he brings an un death army to defeat his opponents, but as both forces clash new forces arrive to take down Mercurymon for his actions.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part 2[]

Teaming with Dr.Facilier[]

Facilier persuades Shan-Yu on getting China for him in exchange for his cooperation.Following Facilier's orders Shan-Yu goes to Narissa's well to get an amulet that the doctor needs.

Vs Vergil[]

After successfully arriving in this new world, Shan-Yu decides to start to investigate about the amulet he needs and what better way to know about it than asking it to the one who knows about it, but Vergil is not one to talk...

Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]

Teaming with Blackwolf[]

Not wanting to look over the Forbidden Mountains on his own, Black Wolf enlisted the help of an old ally: Shan-Yu.

Maleficent's Return[]

The portal took Maleficent back to the Animated Dimension in her castle where she met up with Black Wolf and Shan-Yu. Though Jafar's lamp was nowhere to be seen.

Vs Sephiroth[]

While looking for a fight, Shan-Yu came across Sephiroth in an empty lab, and a fight quickly followed. The two clashed blades with Sephiroth's skill and power giving him the upper hand. Shan Yu managed to get a slash in when Sephiroth let his guard down to brag. But Sephiroth quickly recovered and stabbed Shan Yu through the belly. But Shan Yu fought through the pain and threw Sephiroth against a wall. Realizing this fight could go on forever, Sephiroth retreated.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]

Vs Mew[]

The Evil Queen hires Shan-Yu to take out a very rare Pokémon that could be posed as a pretty big threat. Shan-Yu then gathers his Hun army, and head to the snowy mountain to destroy the rare Pokémon known as Mew. But as they arrive, Mew has a little surprise awaiting for them.

Teaming with Ratclifee[]

Shan-Yu rises from the snow after his defeat from Mew. With some of the remaining Hun survivor, he is approached by Ratcliffe.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Vs Donald and Goofy[]

En route to Forbidden Mountain, Donald and Goofy passed through a desolate wasteland where the Hunnic warlord Shan Yu and his army had been raiding villages. Seeing the pumpkin coach passing through, the Huns quickly surrounded the defenseless vehicle, knocking Donald and Goofy to the ground and letting the carriage drive over a cliff, where it was destroyed. Shan Yu himself stepped forward and the heroes tried to defend themselves, but the warlord split Donald's sword down the middle with a single blow. Though he had the heroes at his mercy, Shan Yu decided to spare their lives in exchange for them telling Merlin that he was going to strike at China next. Donald and Goofy fled, grateful to be alive but now with no way of rescuing Mickey.

Vs Captain Phoebous[]

Escaping from his cell, Captain Phoebus joined the other prisoners outside as Frollo arrived on the scene. Leaping atop a prison wagon, Phoebus addressed his fellow prisoners, calling on them to stand up for their friends and loved ones and strike a blow that Frollo would never forget. Seeing the effect Phoebus' speech was having on the revolt's morale, Shan Yu leapt down from the Palace's roof to cut off the head of the resistance. Phoebus managed to beat Shan Yu with his fists, knocking him to the ground, but Shan Yu recovered and seized his sword. Shan Yu struck Phoebus and knocked him from a bridge into the river. Unseen by Shan Yu or the resistance, Esmeralda carried Phoebus to safety.

Teaming with Frollo[]

They were not the only ones inspired by the events of the breakout, as Frollo, impressed with Shan Yu's prowess in combat, made the Hun his commander-in-chief, unaware that Shan Yu already answered to Queen Grimhilde.

Vs King and Grand Duke[]

Making sure that Frollo's rule of France was undisputed, the Queen of Hearts and Shan Yu laid siege to a castle where a minor King and his Grand Duke ruled. The King's royal guard moved to defend their ruler, but the card soldiers serving the Queen overwhelmed them with their vast numbers. The Queen herself frightened the King and Grand Duke into submission, taking them as more prisoners for Frollo.

Informing Queen Grimhilde[]

Having been called by Queen Grimhilde to accompany her faction in the ambush on the heroes led by Hercules, Aladdin, and Phoebus, Shan Yu left Paris, though Frollo was suspicious of the Hun's motives.

Vs Aladdin and Hercules's Forces[]

As Queen Grimhilde arrived, a barrage of arrows from over the ridge sent the heroes running for cover. Facilier parted the mist, revealing Shan Yu at the head of the Hun army, ready to massacre the resistance. The Huns charged, and the heroes who could fight moved in to defend the non-combatants, with Lady Kluck and Aladdin both managing to hold their own against the Hun warriors.Shan Yu caught up to Ichabod Crane and tried to slash him with his sword, but Ichabod narrowly avoided the strikes and managed to escape on his horse.Hero and villain alike found themselves in the path of the avalanche and retreated, though Shan Yu and his Huns could not escape fast enough to avoid being buried.


Meanwhile, as Shan Yu and a few other Hun warriors who had survived the avalanche returned to Grimhilde, they found Cruella, Medusa, and Edgar seeking an audience with the Queen. With their own plans in shambles, they decided to cast their lot in with Grimhilde.

Saving Ratigan[]

Mickey attacked Ratigan with his rapier, wounding him, but before he could finish off the mastermind Shan Yu arrived and escorted Ratigan to safety.

Vs Hercules Forces[]

They didn't have long to mourn, as the King and Grimhilde's other soldiers emerged from the castle to reinforce the Cauldron Born. The heroes were left with no choice but to fight back, as Phoebus battled the King's barbarians and Taran engaged Shan Yu.As the army of Cauldron Born bore down on the heroes, things were looking more and more bleak. Taran continued to battle Shan Yu, but was overpowered by the Hun general. As Shan Yu prepared the killing blow, Taran fired a magic blast from his sword, knocking Shan Yu back and letting Taran escape.

Vs Beast forces[]

Outside Castle Grimhilde, Shan Yu alerted the castle garrison to the approach of Mama Odie's team, eager to avenge the Beast's death. As Mulan and Quasimodo faced off against the Horned King's barbarians and Lady Tremaine, Shan Yu went after the charging Dwarfs, with Grumpy narrowly avoiding the Hun's thrown sword.As Shan Yu rushed after it, Quasimodo kicked him in the face, knocking him out. The heroes celebrated and continued their climb as Shan Yu and Tremaine watched in disbelief.

Battle of Grimhilde's Castle[]

As the Beast's team found themselves pinned down by the Horned King and Grimhilde's forces, help finally arrived in the form of Aladdin's resistance army. The heroes easily broke through the initial ranks of the King's barbarians and Shan Yu's Huns, and Shang's Chinese soldiers used rocket launchers to breach the castle gates.

Back in Castle Grimhilde, the villains prepared themselves for their final stand as the heroes and Frollo breached the keep. Meanwhile, Phoebus once again crossed swords with Shan Yu, but managed to come out on top, disarming the Hun and holding him at bay with his own sword.Shan Yu made to attack again, but Esmeralda knocked him back and Phoebus pinned him to the ground with his sword. Sykes saw too late that Shan Yu was in his path, running him down and crashing through the castle walls off the cliff, killing both villains.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War-Part 2[]

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Heroes Vs Villains War-Part Two[]

Searching Avatar[]

Some distance away, Shan Yu and Prince Zuko, prince of the Fire Nation, noticed the column of light, with the latter realizing he was closing in on the quarry he had been searching for for years.

Capturing Avatar[]

Having arrived at their village, Sokka is annoyed by Aang's playful nature (much to the amusement by Katara and Ariel) and exclaims to him that they need to prepare for the war. Aang knows nothing about this but before his friends can explain, they are under attack. Captain Hook, Pete, and Shan-Yu arrive and demand to know where the Avatar is. Aang shows up and right after a short fight against Shan-Yu's soldiers, Aang agrees to go with them so long as they leave everyone alone.Before Ariel, Katara, and Sokka head off to go rescue Aang, Aladdin and his crew arrive and says they're here to help.Hook, Pete, and Shan-Yu deliver Aang to Zuko. Right as the trade-off is starting, Aladdin and co arrive to the rescue. Soon a battle on the ship breaks out. Things don't seem to look good until Aang reveals his true powers to his friends and enemies.Right as the heroes make a getaway, Zuko and Iroh try to make one final attack only to be counterattacked by an unexpected surprise.Aang tells his friends how he never wanted to be the Avatar and is worried about the war. Everyone tells him it will be okay and that they will be with him during the journey.

Villains Battles[]

Vs Frollo[]

The wicked judge Frollo saw no further use of one of his soldiers namely Shan-Yu as he fired and casted him out from Paris because he didn't capture the gypsy Esmeralda. When the hun leader is back for revenge, a swords fight began as Shan-Yu gained the upper hand. Then Shan-Yu reveals that he is not a hun, but a Mongol before launching him off of Notre Dame.

New allies[]

One of the former guards of Frollo informs Shan-yu (now judge of Paris) that the former judge is still alive and he's hiding in order to wait for the exact moment to kill him. Shan-yu is angry about this, but a certian bully cat arrives to join forces with the new judge of Paris to kill the former one.Pete and Yosemite Sam inform Shan-yu that they got defeated by Frollo because he was helped by a sorcerer named Rasputin. Having seen the situation is becoming worst than he has though, the new judge enlists The Dazzlings to help him, the cowboy and the bully cat take out Frollo.

Vs Frollo's Forces[]

Shan-yu announces with his allies about they must take out Frollo and his alliance very quick, so all of them are preparing. The same thing can't be said about Frollo and his allies, who are preparing too for the assault.Now the battle between Shan-yu's forces and Frollo's forces has begun to declare who and what alliance is gonna be ruling the Palace of Justice. Will Frollo get his home back or will Shan-yu and his alliance defeat the former judge again?

Villains Battles 2[]


Maleficent decides to use a massive resurrection spell in order to take over the CGI world alongside Pete. However, an old face from last war shocks Pete and Hook.After being revived and seeing Hook, Shan-Yu decides to slaughter him, however Pete stops him as he tells about the pirate redeemed himself after Frollo betrayed him. The cat explains also that they were aided by Scar and his allies after they asked for some help to take out Frollo.

Vs Lexaeus[]

While searching for some allies for Maleficent and Pete, Hook and Shan-Yu encounter a member of the Organization XIII known as Lexaeus, who has been sent to deal with the intruders. However the two villains aren't to be underestimated, are they?

Villains Battles 3[]

Travel to France[]

In China, Shan Yu prepares to travel to France and help Yosemite Sam in retaking Germany and find out who hired Chef Hatchet to assassinate Pete. However, he isn't alone as he gathers his son Lelouch and the Team Rocket in doing so.

Re-joining some old friends[]

A weasel inform Pete, Yosemite Sam, Prince John and Ratcliffe of Lucille's attempt to assassinate Captain Hook. As the prisoner is brought before them, Ratcliffe has Hook execute her. With the Babysitter Bandit gone, the pirates congratulate Hook until Shan-yu and his allies alongside Drakken, Shego and their new recruit, DNAmy, appear to aid the rulers of the world. Our heroes are happy that their old friends have joined them once again, thus welcoming them again.

Disscusing about threats[]

With Scar joining them once again, Pete and Yosemite Sam discuss with Shan-yu, Scar and Prince John about the threats of these mysterious villains, the Major and Prince Phobos (they became aware of Prince Phobos due to Gir accidentally revealing that he and Zim work for Phobos in their assassination attempt on Duncan and Nuka). The lion king however reveals that Julius Caesar joined him to help his friends in taking down the enemies by providing his men on helping the rulers of the world. Ratcliffe, who was attending the meeting, sends out Duncan and Captain Hook to watch over the borders of France. As they go, Ratigan joins his old friends back much to Scar's joy. With our heroes gathered, they prepare for battle against these new foes.

CGI Villains War[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Vs Mumm-Ra[]

Seeing that Keldor is growing up his army,Horned King asked one of his greatest general,Shan Yu, to kill a potential ally that helps Keldor .The hun warrior agreed.Shan Yu and his army spotted Mumm-Ra.Mumm-Ra tries to kill Shan Yu,but is shocked to see all The Huns chasing after him.Angered,Mumm-Ra managed to cast a spell to cause an avalanche.As his army was trying to escape,Shan Yu managed to knock Mumm-Ra and tries to slice him in half.However,Mumm-Ra managed to wake up and sent the avalanche after Shan Yu,managing to defeat The Huns.After that,Mumm-Ra stopped the avalanche.

Joining some thieves[]

After surviving Mumm-Ra's attack, Shan Yu decides to join forces with The Leader of Forty Thieves.However,a member of the gang accepts The Hun leader if he can prove himself to the thieves.

Capturing Karai[]

As Karai was searching for Shan Yu, Hayabusa spotted the intruder and Shan Yu arrived to capture Karai.However,Karai revealed to the hun leader that she was sent by The Foot Clan,which angered Shan Yu more.As Shan Yu was trying to break Karai neck,the girl managed to knock Shan Yu down.Karai says that she will enjoy the take Shan Yu as a prisoner.Angered,Shan Yu managed to wake up and tries to hit Karai with his sword.Karai took out her sword and dodged all of Shan Yu attack until the hun leader knocks the sword out of Karai hand.Karai tries to escape until Shan Yu revealed to Karai the trap.Karai found herself trapped into a deadly force field created with alien technology bought by Shan Yu from an unknown buyer. Karai attempts to cut the force field with her katana, but the tip of the sword is sliced off.Shan Yu then reveals how powerfull the shield actually is,leaving Karai to become Shan Yu prisoner.

Teaming with Phobos and Cedric[]

Phobos and Belos were making their plans to stop The Fire Nation until their assassin,Shan Yu,arrived with his prey, Karai. Phobos and Belos are proud of his succes and gladly welcomed him into their faction.

Vs The Shredder[]

When The Shredder was about to kill Xanatos,Shan Yu arrived to help Xanatos and make sure that he kills Shredder before adopting his daughter.After seeing Shan Yu,The Shredder dropped Xanatos down and orders his foot ninjas to attack him.Shan Yu easily managed to knock The Foot Clan ninjas down as he then began to confront The Shredder.However,as they were fighting,an explosion from a broken generator happened thus forcing The Shredder to retreat...

Adopting Karai[]

Shan Yu was training until he saws Karai training as well. Interested, Shan Yu took Karai with him to discuss.Shan Yu decided to adopt Karai as his daughter after admiring her. Karai refused until Shan Yu revealed his true plans to the girl.

Feud with The Horned King[]

Horned King was starting a meeting with all of his allies until Kikimora arrived and informs the beast of Karai's plan to kill him (which Shan Yu was unaware and he also didn't knew that The Horned King was planning to kill him). Shan Yu tried to convince The Horned King to not kill his daughter, which Horned King decided to send his two new allies to rid of her and calls the hun warrior a pussy,which angers Shan Yu.After Karai was saved by Shredder and losing a fighter,The Horned King calls Shan Yu to discuss with him.Shan Yu found out the reason why his daughter left Horned King Faction and confronted The Horned King, leaving his faction in the process which angered The Horned King.

All Out Heroes vs Villains War[]

Meeting Mok[]

Maleficent, her husband Hades and her allies (Dr. Facilier, Shan-yu and Pete) plot to summon a powerful god to aid them, however their meeting is interrupted by infamous rockstar Mok Swagger, who decides to help them out. At the same time he reveals his allies, much to her surprise. Mok's supercomputer also reveals who can help them with their plans much to Maleficent and Mok's joy.

Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]

Hand Drawn Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]

Hand Drawn Animated Villains War[]

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]

Vs Red Skull[]

After conquering China Shan-Yu was about to be declared emperor but at that moment he was stopped by the Red Skull who initially proposes an alliance, but when the autumn refuses the Nazi he sees in him a threat and decides to eliminate him, there will he succeed or has he underestimated the leader of the Huns?

Teaming with Hades[]

Shan-Yu meets Hades who, having heard of Red Skull's defeat against the leader of the Huns, wants him as an ally, for Shan-Yu it is an honor to help the god of the dead and decides to follow him.

Vs Whiplash[]

During a search in the vicinity of the Forbidden Mountain Shan-Yu meets Whiplash, intent on killing one of the members of Maleficent's alliance, but the leader of the Huns will not be defeated so easily.

Villains War 2 (Disney Knights)[]

Vs Aku[]

The Trix still don't completely trust Aku, so they decide to give him a test. The demon must defeat Shan Yu, a former ally of Grimhilde. If he is defeated, the Trix will have Aku's complete trust.

Animated vs CGI Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]


At the Forbidden Mountains, Maleficent and her allies begin their plans to take over the world and travel to different world. One of her allies, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, has invented a interesting machine that can allow people to travel in other worlds. As Maleficent and her allies arrive, they begin their plans...

Vs Prince Charming[]

Seeking to find new allies, Shan-yu decides to make Prince Charming bow before him and Maleficent of course. When he refuses, a swordfight may erupts and one side will get unexpected help...

Vs Sephiroth and Cervantes[]

Shan-yu has heard about Pitch Black's newfound alliance and Master Hand forming one, so he asks Hades if he can join him in taking down Sephiroth and his newest recruit, Cervantes. The God accepts as they battle the deadly duo.

Vs Cleric Beast and Tai Lung[]

Pitch Black has summoned the Cleric Beast to take down two allies of Hades and Maleficent who are coming near an unknown territory belonged to Pitch Black himself. The intruders? Captain Hook and Shan-yu.

Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]

Disney,Non Disney,DC and Anime Villains vs Cuphead Bosses War[]

In Maleficent's Alliance[]

Maleficent is informed by her allies that Hades had been overthrown by a Devil. Knowing that he plans something big, the Mistress of all Evil gathers her allies for her rescue mission.

Video Game Heroes Vs Animated and Movie Villains War[]

Disney Vs TV Villains War[]

All Star Villains War[]

All-Star Villains Tournament[]

CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]

Joining Queen Grimhilde[]

A ruthless queen decides to make her move in the war and gathers her alliance.

Animated Villains War[]

Vs Azula[]

Fearing an attack of the fire nation,The Evil Queen sends Shan Yu to get rid of Fire Lord Ozai's daughter, Azula. He just didn't know how powerful she would be for him and his hun army.After his defeat against Azula,Shan Yu anaged to survive and prepares to take his revenge.

Vs Ozai[]

While Fire Lord Ozai was returning to his empire after a long period of absence, he discovers an invader nearby. Shan Yu, who survived Azula's attack, is crazy for revenge and wants to get rid of the Lord above anyone else.

Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]

Non Anime Villains vs Anime Villains War[]

Anime Heroes Vs Disney Villains War[]

East vs West Villains War[]

East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]
