Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Roman Torchwick

Roman Torchwick is a dangerous crime boss and secondary antagonist in the YouTube series RWBY, as well as a secondary player in the Non Disney Villains Tournament.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three

Non Disney Villains Tournament

A Narrow Escape

While out on a stroll through the city one night, Roman and a group of his men encounter the assassin known as Bloody Mary, having been summoned by Pitch Black shortly before his banishment and tasked with killing Torchwick. The gang leader easily dispatches Mary's two henchmen with his signature Melodic Cudgel weapon. However, Mary knocks him down with a shot from her pistol before approaching him with an ax. Roman is only saved from his fate by the timely intervention of Mary's new employer, who decides to leave him be. The assassin follows his orders and gets in the car with him after bidding Torchwick farewell. As they drive off, Roman and his gang flee the scene as well.

Criminal Talent

Cyclonis later finds and recruits Roman along with the thief Remington for a plot to regain power, a deal which the two criminals happily accept

Non Disney Vs DC Villains War

Roman Torchwick appears in the fifth match of the first round. He is introduced as a hired agent of the Penguin, alongside with his partner-in-crime, Neopolitan. The Penguin sends the two of them on a mission to assassinate one of his greatest rivals, Black Mask. They arrive, just as Black Mask attempts to commit a hazardous heist, and alert their presence by destroying a section of a building. Black Mask then retalliates, by attempting to shoot down Torchwick, with his modeled gun, only for Neopolitan to parry his attack, with her magical umbrella. Together, they beat down Mask's henchmen, before they would deal with Maks personally. Torchwick then blasts clear open Mask's face, before he would even attack, injuring him badly. Black Mask then takes the opportunity to flee from the battle, while his rivals get distracted from taking over the stolen jewels, that Mask has collected.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part Two
