Rameses' Alliance is the faction of characters, devoted and loyal to serve the Pharaoh of Egypt, Rameses II. The alliance plays an efficient role in Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains War and Non-Disney Villains Tournament.
He also has an important role under the name of the Mediterranean Empire in Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War.
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War (Pre-War):[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two:[]
- Rameses
- Mumm-Ra
- Shere Khan
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
- Rameses
- Hotep and Huy
- Egyptian Civilians
- Egyptian Soldiers
- Kralahome
- Zuleika
- Lord Maliss
Non-Disney Villains Tournament[]
Non-Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains[]
- Rameses
- The Colonel
- Cortez
- Kralahome
- Idrees
- Belial
- King Herod
- Julius Cesar
- Zigzag
- King One-Eye
- Moreno
- Long John Silver (The Pagemaster)/Silver (Animal Treasure Island)
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part 2[]
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Non-Disney Villains Tournament[]
Non-Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Non-Disney Heroes vs Villains[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part 2[]
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War (Pre-War):[]
Young Rameses (The teenage incarnation of Rameses, allied with Mirage, became ruler of Egypt, after Mumm-Ra's defeat, and after the death of his parents)
Hotep and Huy (High Priests of Egypt, helped Rameses in overtaking Egypt, from Mumm-Ra's rule, became servants of Rameses, before his defeat against the Horned King)
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two:[]
The Main Forces:[]
Pharaoh Rameses II (Pharaoh of Egypt, became distressed after the death of his son, swore vengeance against the culpit)
Egyptian Soldiers (Egyptian Troops, serving Rameses)
Egyptian Civilians (Egyptian Citizens, serving Rameses)
Rameses's son (The son of Rameses, poisoned and killed by Queen Grimhilde)
Mumm-Ra (Former enemy, current ally of Rameses, defeated in the Battle of the Pride Lands, forced to reveal the culpit of the Pharaoh son's, Queen Grimhilde)
Mumm-Ra's Forces:[]
Slithe (General of Mumm-Ra and Grune's former partner-in-crime, survivor of the Second War)
Lizardmen (Slithe's main army)
Warbots (War-machines, operated by Grune and Slithe, most of them destroyed by Tublat, Vitani and Zira's Lionesses)
Shere Khan (Former member of Scar's faction and former lieutenant of Mirage's faction, switched sides to Mumm-Ra's forces after his other former leader, Zira, betrayed and attempted to kill him, fate unknown after he revealed to Mumm-Ra where Zira and Mirage were hiding)
Shenzi, Banzai and Ed (Former henchmen of Scar, switched sides to Mumm-Ra after he killed Scar, fate unknown after Scar's death at Mumm-Ra's hands)
Hyenas (Former minions of Scar, switched sides to Mumm-Ra after he killed Scar, fate unknown after Scar's death at Mumm-Ra's hands)
Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Pharaoh Rameses II (Pharaoh of Egypt, became distressed after the death of his son, swore vengeance against the culpit, which in this case was Queen Grimhilde, forced to retreat after his defeat with the Stepmother's Three. Slain by Lady Tremaine during the last stages of the war after he joined forces with Kent Mansley)
Hotep and Huy (Exiled High Priests, formely serving the Horned King, formerly serving Rameses, fate unknown after Rameses's death)
Hotep and Huy's Illusions (Illusions, crafted by Hotep and Huy)
The Kralahome (Priest, serving Rameses, partner-in-crime of Hotep and Huy)
Zuleika (Egyptian Citizen, formerly under the service of Rameses, fate unknown after Rameses's death)
Lord Maliss (Temporary Ally of Rameses, defeated in battle with his sister, Queen Grimhilde)
Non-Disney Villains Tournament[]
Rameses' Forces:[]
Pharaoh Rameses II (Pharaoh of Egypt, became distressed and downfallen, after the Invasion on Egypt, no longer serving as the mighty Pharaoh)
Hotep and Huy (High Priests of Rameses, transformed into monsters by Set and formely serving his command, before his defeat at the hands of Eris, currently serving Mumm-Ra)
Hotep and Huy's Illusions (Illusions crafted by Hotep amd Huy, vanished after battle with the Ice Nation's lieutenants)
Egyptian Priests (Priests, serving Hotep and Huy, fate unknown, after the Invasion on Egypt)
Egyptian Soldiers (Egyptian Troops, serving Rameses, most slain by the Ice Nation's lieutenants)
Egyptian Civilians (Egyptian Citizens, serving Rameses, most became victims to Eris' wrath)
Rameses's son (The son of Rameses, presumably killed by Eris)
Eris (Greek Goddess, and Rameses' secret weapon and backer, turned against him, after joining with the Fire Nation's forces, by joining the Ice Nation's forces, left Egypt, after she commited major catastrophes)
Imhotep (Former High Priest of Egypt, and former servant of Tzekel Kan, shift loyalties to Eris, after being forced, due to Eris controling the Book of the Dead)
Mummy Soldiers (Undead Soldiers, serving whoever controls the Book of the Dead, formely serving Imhotep, currently serving Eris)
Anubis (Egyptian God, and former ally of Rameses, fate unknown, after the Invasion on Egypt)
Fire Lord Ozai (Former Ally of Rameses, abandoned him, after the Invasion on Egypt, joined forces with the Britannia Empire, through Julius Kingsley)
The Fire Nation (Society, ruled by Ozai, formely serving Rameses, currently serving the Britannia Empire)
Set (Egyptian God, and Ally of Rameses, most likely slain in battle with Eris)
Mumm-Ra (Egyptian God, and Ally of Rameses, abandoned him, after the Invasion on Egypt, focused on matters of his own)
Ozai's Fire Nation Forces:[]
Fire Lord Ozai (Former Ally of Rameses, abandoned him, after the Invasion on Egypt, joined forces with the Britannia Empire, through Julius Kingsley)
Princess Azula (Daughter of Ozai, and former ally of Rameses, abandoned him, after the Invasion on Egypt, joined forces with the Britannia Empire, through Julius Kingsley)
Prince Zuko (Son of Ozai, neutral player in the war, joined forces with the Britannia Empire, through Julius Kingsley)
Admiral Zhao (Lieutenant of the Fire Nation, slain in battle with Mrazomor)
Chase Young (Former Ally of Rameses and the Fire Nation, revealed treachery, and re-joined forces with Drago, currently serving the Four Eastern Demons)
Combustion Man (Former Enforcer and Soldier of the Fire Nation, joined forces with Chase Young and Drago, and currently following the Four Eastern Demons)
Military of the Fire Nation (Soldiers, serving Ozai, most slain in battle with Mrazomor)
Set's Forces:[]
Hotep and Huy (Formely High Priests of Egypt, Hotep and Huy transformed into monsters, formely Set's command, shifted loyalties to Mumm-Ra, after Set's defeat)
Ammut the Devourer (Spirit of the Underworld, formely serving Set, slain in battle with Eris)
Mumm-Ra's Forces:[]
Mumm-Ra (Egyptian God, and Ally of Rameses, abandoned him, after the Invasion on Egypt, focused on matters of his own)
Slithe (General of Mumm-Ra, and Grune's partner-in-crime, forced to retreat, after Grune's defeat)
Lizardmen (Slithe's main army, most slain by Chase Young's warriors, others were forced to retreat)
Warbots (War-machines, operated by Grune and Slite, most destroyed by the Combustion Man, Chase Young, and Drago)
Khesef and Sekhem (Alternate forms of Hotep and Huy)
El Dorado's Citizens (Archive Footage, used to represent the Egyptian Troops attacks against the Stone Jaguar)
Non-Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Rameses (The Prince of Egypt)
Rameses's son (The Prince of Egypt)
Hotep and Huy (The Prince of Egypt)
Hotep and Huy's Illusions (The Prince of Egypt)
Egyptian Priests (The Prince of Egypt)
Egyptian Soldiers (The Prince of Egypt)
Citizens of Egypt (The Prince of Egypt)
The Colonel (Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron)
The Colonel's Soldiers (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
Cortez (The Road To El Dorado)
Kralahome (The King and I)
Idrees (The Breadwinner)
Taliban Soldiers (The Breadwinner)
Belial (The Three Wise Men)