Queen Narissa is the primary antagonist of the Disney live-action/animated film, Enchanted.
A sorceress able to transform into both a hag and a dragon, she is an homage to Disney's most famous villainesses, Queen Grimhilde and Maleficent.
She is a secondary player in the second Disney vs Non Disney Villains War and the Disney vs Marvel War, but is a major player in the Disney Villains War.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Pre War: The Dark Council[]
Prior to the events of the war, Narissa was summoned by the dark fairy, Maleficent, to form the Dark Council, a dark group with it's purpose to eliminate the threat of Chernabog and his brothers, The Nightmare King and the Emperor of Night, spreading their darkness across the world with the use of the Crystal of Darkness. At first she states that its a good idea for cleansing. As the sorcerers planned to seize the crystal's power for themselves so that they will rule the world, Maleficent points out that they crystal's power is too powerfull and it will torn them apart. In the end, Maleficent suggests that they must shatter the Crystal, but removing their undesirable treats, rather than their lives, so that their enemies will be destroyed and create a new world order. With that plan everyone in the council agreed to it as they prepared to launch their assault on Bald Mountain.
However Narissa and the sorcerer, Hordak, had other intentions of the crystal's power, and they want to claim the crystal for themselves by forging a betrayal alliance against Maleficent and her allies. Later, they met with the Greek God of time and the father of Zeus and Hades, Chronos, as the three of them planned their full attack on Bald Mountain.

Narissa transformed into old woman
A First Defeat[]
Still acting, as the members of the Dark Council, Narissa and Hordak, arrived along with the rest of the sorcerers, to Bald Mountain to end Chernabog's threat once and for all. Only to their shock, that Narissa and Hordak revealed their treachery, by claiming the Crystal of Darkness for themselves. As soon as the battle was still on front, Chronos and his servants, arrived on the battlefield to confront his son, Hades. However he was defeated, just as his son brought his servants as food to his pet to Hydra and sent his father from a portal to River Styx. At all the cost for stopping their actions, Maleficent's allies were unable to deal with Narissa and Hordak. In a final attempt, Maleficent used her magic to imprison Hordak to the imprisoned realm of Despondos. Seeing that her allies were defeated, Narissa retreated from the fight, staying away from the warfare and resting in Andalasia, Narissa's homeworld. But after two years, one businessman arrived in Andalasia to claim one tallisman, Narissa had collected during the events of the war, for his own dark purposes.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
Early Encounters with the Dark Hand[]
Queen Narissa possesses one of the twelve Talismans of Shendu. Valmont and his Dark Hand enforcers seek to steal it from her. Narissa anticipates their arrival and tries to use her magic to smoke them out. This attempt fails, so Narissa morphs into a dragon form. This new form easily stuns the members of the Dark Hand, but Valmont snatches the Dragon Talisman and blasts Narissa. Though Narissa counters with eye lasers, Valmont's Talisman proves too powerful, sending the Queen halfway across Andalasia.
A New Scheme[]
Narissa, bitter from her loss, schemes to Hordak, the powerful sorcerer and mentor of Skeletor, from his prison in Despondos. Hordak instructs her to locate the Lament Configuration, a demonic puzzle box, that might be able to free him from his prison. She therefore travels to the live-action universe, bringing along her sidekick, Nathaniel. At the same time, Lord Voldemort arrives with his assistant, Wormtail; they too seek the Configuration. Queen Narissa douses Voldemort in water, but he survives. Narissa tries to fire a bolt of black magic at her enemy, but he deflects the blow. As the two battle, agents of Zorg arrive and steal the Lament Configuration from under their nose.
All Hers[]
Narissa follows Zorg's agents and learns that the Configuration has been opened briefly and then hidden. However, Zorg's alliance has a new member, Count Olaf, who has a penchant for the theatrical arts. Seizing the opportunity, Narissa disguises herself as a hag and readies one of her poison apples. She presents it before Olaf, hoping to use his death as a distraction, but the count recognizes that she is not a member of his acting troupe and knocks away the apple with a prop sword. However, the count is too busy with his performance to stop Narissa. As Narissa finds the Configuration hidden inside a wall, Pinhead, the most powerful demon in the Configuration and the true leader of Zorg's alliance, emerges. Putting the play to a halt, Pinhead demands the return of the puzzle box. Narissa grabs a prop sword to defend herself. Yet this is but a ruse; using the sword as an anchor, she teleports away with the Configuration in hand.
Freeing Hordak[]
Narissa returns to the animated universe and frees Hordak. The two then assimilate Skeletor and Lady Tremaine into their forces, though the former only enters the group by compulsion.
The Second Battle of the Forbidden Mountain[]
Narissa, Hordak, and Skeletor attack the Forbidden Mountain and Maleficent. However, Skeletor turns traitor and attacks Hordak and Narissa. Narissa, responding to the new threat, transforms into a new dragon form . The dragon is agile enough to avoid most of Skeletor's magic spells, forcing him to mount a massive glider. This, however, provides Narissa a larger target. She hits the glider's right wing, but Skeletor manages to land it properly. He then unloads the laser cannon at the ground underneath Narissa, trapping her in lava. When Maleficent creates a massive magic spell that levels the mountain, Narissa is buried alive.
Lady Tremaine and a newly youthful Queen Grimhilde arrive at the scene; Tremaine then frees Narissa. The three evil stepmothers form an alliance in preparation for the inevitable third war.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Claiming Grimhilde's Castle[]

Queen Narissa as she appears in the Live Action realm.
Disney Villains War[]
Narissa transformed into old woman in the universe Live action
DVW Backstory[]
Narissa was once a girl of royal blood that only dreamed of her own happy end. After all, if you live in a land where most stories for princesses end with a happily ever after, you want that to happen to you. On a good day, her parents came to an agreement with the king and queen of Andalasia to have Narissa marry their son. Excited beyond belief, Narissa hurried to Andalasia to meet her prince and soon-to-be husband. As her heart pounded harder, she found herself let down by the fact that her prince didn't give her much attention.
Even at the urges of the prince's parents, he wouldn't be swayed closer to Narissa. Even at their wedding, he demanded that they would have a split room. Narissa started to feel depressed and alone with little to no friends in her new home. But the worst was yet to come. For on a bright sunny day, when Narissa walked in the castle gardens, she spotted her husband with one of the maids... that he affectionitly kissed. Her heart shattered to a million pieces, Narissa felt her happily ever after quickly turning into a nightmare. As she hurried into her room to cry her pain away, a voice came to her.
The voice smoothly talked to her, telling her that a happily ever after was in her reach if she would follow what he had to say. Narissa, with a broken heart and a confused mind, decided to agree to the voice. When she stepped out of her room, the kind, gentle Narissa was gone forever. She quickly used her new powers to take over the castle and torture her former husband until he was torn apart and then eaten by Narissa herself.
Narissa, though not understanding what the voice was, was guided by him to meet the Horned King. The Horned King, a former leader of a cult to the Great Evil, saw in Narissa someone who could lead the cult again. The Horned King quickly spread word around with the help of his followers about someone that might have been chosen by the Great Evil itself. Soon, many gathered to their side again, but the cult never grew to what it once was. Even worse for Narissa, the Horned King grew affectionite of her. Growing tired of the bag of bones, she decided to use him to defeat a fairy that claimed to be the Mistress of all Evil, a title that Narissa now desired more then anything for herself.

Narissa transformed into Dragon in the universe Live action
Observation and Alliance[]
Queen Narissa takes note of the events of the war, realizing her lot is best cast with the new Lord of the Dead, Dr. Facilier. In Sto rival the faction of Hades and Maleficent, Narissa grants Facilier use of some shadow demons. She is pleased to see Facilier take over the mind of Willie the Giant, though is equally displeased when the giant fails to kill Maleficent.
Brains Vs Brawn[]
With the victory of Frollo's forces in England, Narissa observes the reckless revelry of Gaston in a pub. She takes it upon herself to eliminate the hunter, despite him being a far stronger opponent. She disguises herself as an old woman and lures Gaston into a castle. As Gaston hunts for an enemy throughout the castle, Narissa emerges from her hiding place. She pushes Gaston to his death when he is not looking.
Helping Facilier to defend the Underworld[]
Learning that Hades had summoned the Titans and worried that they would be first on his list of enemies, Doctor Facilier and Queen Narissa used Facilier's shadow demons to awaken the ancient Firebird spirit to defend the Underworld.
In the Underworld, Jafar cast his lot in with Facilier and Narissa, who were finalizing their plans for the war. With the aid of a magical amulet Jafar had brought along, Facilier summoned new warriors for his alliance: Sa'Luk, who was restored to life; the psychopathic Jackal; the dark sorcerer Mozenrath; and the mischievous Lonesome Ghosts.
Taking advantage of the battle and the drop in the Underworld's defenders, Jafar sent his minion Gazeem to take any powerful artifacts or secret knowledge from the realm of the dead. Making his way to the River Styx, Gazeem found Narissa watching over the Underworld. Knowing what Gazeem had come for, Narissa transformed herself into a fearsome beast and slew the lackey, forcing Jafar to leave.
With Forbidden Mountain transformed into Bald Mountain, Doctor Facilier and Narissa at last were able to summon their dark master: the Black God, Chernabog. The demon began amassing an army of the dead, including the Horned King's Cauldron Born, a ghostly Pete and Scar, a T-Rex from the distant past, and many other dem
Final Battle[]
With Chernabog released, Doctor Facilier began making preparations to use the souls of the Underworld as a power source for his master, which would make the demon unstoppable. However, Hades arrived, making one final demand to surrender the realm. Facilier refused and brought in Narissa, as Hades summoned Maleficent. The two sorceresses prepared for battle, with Narissa transforming into a Hydra and Maleficent taking the form of a dragon. With her multiple regenerating heads, Narissa got the better of Maleficent, mortally wounding her. However, in her death throes, Maleficent triggered a rock-slide that buried her opponent, killing Narissa as well.
Disney Villains War 2[]
A Triumphant Return[]
When Maleficent, resurrected in the CGI Universe, unleashes a massive resurrection spell in all over the realms of existance, Queen Narissa is resurrected in the Live-Action Universe, where she begins planning her first course of actions.
Vs Jadis[]
Wanting to establish a foothold in the Live-Action Universe, Narissa set her sights on taking down her most powerful rival, the White Witch Jadis. Disguising herself as an old hag, Narissa approached the cursed pirate Hector Barbossa and hired him to dispose of the dark queen of Narnia. Approaching Jadis, Narissa and Barbossa demanded she surrender peacefully, only for Jadis to attempt to turn Narissa to stone with her wand. Shielded by her own magic, Narissa sent Barbossa in to take Jadis down and the two engaged in a swordfight. Seeming to gain the upper hand Jadis stabbed Barbossa through the chest, only to look on in horror as the undead pirate shrugged off the attack. Taking advantage of Jadis' shock, Barbossa rammed his own blade through the White Witch's heart, ending her reign. Barbossa then demanded that Narissa fulfil her part of the bargain by releasing him from his curse. Instead, Narissa revealed her true form and slew her pawn with her magic.
Gaining vengence[]
Learning of Maleficent's rebirth and her resurrected minions, Narissa decided to use her power to bring one of her own allies back to life. With her powerful sorcery, she tore Dr. Facilier's soul away from Hades' torture and gave him a new body. Together, the two would take terrible vengeance on their enemies.
Against the devil of the seas[]
With almost all of his magic drained by his death and resurrection in the Live-Action universe, Dr. Facilier infiltrated Davy Jones' ship the Flying Dutchman in search of a way to restore his power. Discovered by Jones and his crew, Facilier called upon Narissa to save him. While Narissa distracted Jones, Facilier shot the Lord of the Sea in the back with a cannon, but the immortal Jones shrugged it off as if it was nothing. Fortunately, Facilier managed to uncover Jones' disembodied heart and Narissa plunged her sword into it. Dying, Jones stumbled off his ship into the raging waters below.
Vs MCP[]
Meanwhile, in the Live-Action Universe, Mesogog, Facilier, Narissa, and Hoagy prepared themselves for a confrontation with the MCP, who Mesogog claimed held the secrets for dimensional travel. However, Narissa used her magic to deflect one of Sark's attacks back at him, badly wounding the program commander and seemingly destroying him. Their victory was short-lived, as the MCP reinforced Sark's data, reviving him and transforming him into a giant. Narissa responded by transforming into a dragon. Crashing through the side of the MCP's chamber, Narissa drew Sark after her as Facilier and Hoagy used Horvath's spellbook to shut down the MCP itself. As Narissa roared in victory, Mesogog returned the group to the physical world.
Back in her realm[]
Meanwhile, Mesogog made good on his promise and returned Narissa and Facilier to the Animated Universe, taking Hoagy with them.
Trying to take Facilier[]
Having been separated from Facilier during the interdimensional travel, Narissa at last tracked him down to Grimhilde's castle. Meeting with the queen, Narissa asked for the return of her ally, but Grimhilde refused, saying that Facilier was her servant now. Narissa departed, vowing to return later to take Facilier by force.
Planning her vengence[]
Cast out by the Evil Queen Grimhilde, Narissa took her time to build up a revenge scheme by finding Lady Tremaine's daughter Anastasia and giving her the wand her mother had used during the First War, urging her to finish the job Tremaine had started.
Freed the Horned King[]
Infiltrating the lower depths of Forbidden Mountain, Narissa and Lady Tremaine used the remnants of Chernabog's magic to bring the Horned King back to life, hoping to use him against Queen Grimhilde.
Back with Facilier[]
Locating Narissa, Facilier and Hoagy renewed their alliance, and the three began making plans to destroy Hades once and for all.
Vs Mirage[]
In the depths of the Underworld, Facilier, Narissa, and Hoagy arrived ready for a final showdown with Hades, only to find their mortal enemy a shell of his former self, completely under Mirage's control. Not wanting vengeance on this pathetic shadow of Hades, Facilier and Narissa instead confronted Mirage, who blasted Hoagy into a wall for defying her. Mirage summoned a horde of demons to dispose of Facilier and Narissa, who transformed into a dragon to deal with the threat. While Narissa distracted the demons, Facilier summoned the Friends on the Other Side to devour their spirits, destroying them. Furious, Mirage blasted Narissa with lightning, but in her rage she destroyed the magic crystal that allowed her to dominate Hades' will. Freed from Mirage's control, Hades angrily turned on his former "ally", but she teleported away before he could attack her.
Disney Villains War 3[]
Vs Xehanort[]
Having managed to successfully cross realms into the hand drawn dimension as well, Master Xehanort took the form of the Archmage X and sought to free the real Archmage from the Underworld. But he came into conflict with Narissa who wasn't willing to let the Archmage go. She transformed into a dragon to fight him. The Archmage X conjured up another version of himself made out of sand and clay. This sand Archmage threw a projectile at Narissa, knocking her down. She then breathed a burst of fire, knocking the sand Archmage down but he quickly recovered. He then conjured a cage around Narissa but shw broke her with a swing of her tail. She charged at the sand Archmage but he shoved her back, knocking her into a rocky cliff. He then fired an immensely powerful magical blast at Narissa, killing her. The Archmage X then proceeded to rescue the Archmage. Facilier arrived too late to stop these events and was horrified to find Narissa dead. Meanwhile, the Archmage X teleported the Archmage out of the Underworld.
Disney Villains War Reboot[]
Queen Narissa appears in the reboot series in the same role as it was addressed in the original series, although altered with slight changes. Initially displayed as the mysterious benefactor, working for Chernabog, who aids Lady Tremaine in her battle against Queen Grimhilde, on the comprimise to join her master's league, Narissa also offers an alliance with Dr. Facilier, explaining to him her master's everlasting goal to rule over the mortal plane. To seal her alliance with him, Narrisa offers a group of shadow demons to aid the voodoo doctor in his following battles.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]
Her Latest Flame[]
While watching the war from afar, Narissa observes the actions of an old lover of hers, the Shocker. Wanting revenge upon him, she decides to eliminate him. Using her magic, she remotely blows up an oil tanker next to the building the Shocker is in. Shocker heads up to the roof; Narissa creeps up behind him and pushes him into the water tank below, causing his suit to explode. Narissa gloats in her victory, but one of Shocker's partners, Whiplash, appears behind her. Narissa transforms into a dragon and blasts him away with some fire. Whiplash recovers, however, and binds Narissa's snout with his whip. Whiplash then delivers Narissa to Kingpin, who keeps her stored in his lair.
A Failure Escape[]
While Narissa, still in her dragon form, was imprisoned to Kingpin's prison, her minion, Nathaniel determine to find and free her from her prison using a troll and the Hydra, whom he encounter, to his advantage. However Nathaniel, the Troll and Hydra were defeated by Hobgoblin's powers.
Escape at Last[]
While Hobgoblin was dealing with Negaduck, Narissa used her opportunity to break herself out of the prison and snap out Hobgoblin's control over his flying device temporary. As Hobgoblin was disarmed at the moment, Narrisa used her flaming breath to consume her foe into the burning flames, killing him, then she transforms herself into her normal form, leaving a grin smile at the death of her enemy.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]
Meeting Facilier[]
In Voodoo Emporium, Facilier and Narissa speaks about their plans for the War as Facilier delivers Snow White to Narissa and Narissa decides that it's not the time to start their plan.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part Two[]
Talking with Dr.Facilier[]
Narissa gives the order to begin their quest to Dr. Facilier but in order to do that they'll require some help.
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
Vs Demintri Maximoff[]
Observing the events of the war, Queen Narissa decided to begin recruiting her own allies for the war. Having heard legends of a powerful vampire named Demitri Maximoff buried in the mountains of Romania, Narissa decided to awaken him and summon him to her castle. However, she made the mistake of summoning him during the day, which greatly angered Demitri, since the daylight weakened him. Once Demitri arrived at Narissa's castle, the vampire insulted her for her foolish mistake. Angered by his insolence, Narissa insulted him back. As tempers flared between the two, Demitri finally lost his patience and attacked the queen with a blast of magic, only for Narissa to teleport out of range. Now seeking to destroy the vampire for defying her, Narissa transformed into a powerful dragon, and knocked Demitri back with a fireball. The vampire, however, quickly recovered, and returned fire. Unfortunately for him, Narissa matched his blast with one of her own, weakening him. When Narissa attempted to finish him off with one last fireball, Demitri teleported away. As Narissa searched for him, Demitri suddenly appeared and struck her by surprise, striking her a fatal blow. Demitri then finished her off with a magical barrage, obliterating her dragon form.
Queen Grimhilde tries to bring back her friend with a spell in her book and a magic potion. Though instead of Narissa being reborn here, she is reborn in another dimension. Once she arrives, Malechite, Count Rugen, and Barbossa sense her arrival and seek her believing that whoever it is, can help them find what they have been searching for...
Vs Bowser[]
Bowser is desperately trying to find the power source Eggman mentioned when Narissa spots him and decides to follow him. Bowser then begins to feel the power source as he follows Holli Would closer to it. Holli tries to beat Bowser to the Spike, but Bowser has henchmen and is armed and dangerous. Luckily for Narissa appears and begins to battle Bowser. While they battle, Holli makes it to the spike and when she feel the energy from the Spike, she feels the energy from in and removes the spike and opens a unstable portal, which tries to merge the animated and live action dimension. If the portal isn't sealed, it could destroy both dimensions...
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]
Teaming with Maleficent[]
Finally, Queen Narissa resurrects the Mistress of All Evil.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]
Her faction[]
Queen Narissa is furious of the Witches of Morva's recent failure to destroy Ash and his friends when suddenly Yzma shows up being transformed back into a human as well as joining Narissa's alliance.Captain Hook, after escaping the tick-tocking crocodile arrives on shore onto Narissa's castle and joins her alliance.
Testing Hook[]
To test out her new captain, Narissa sends out Captain Hook on an important task.
Meeting new members[]
Meanwhile, Narissa is pleased of Hook's success of defeating Gary Oak and the Witches of Morva bring in three new members into her alliance: Mozenrath, the Huntsman, and the Huntsgirl.
Narissa is pleased of the Huntsman and Huntsgirl's success of taking down of Charizard, and with that said, Charizard is locked up in Narissa's dungeon.
Teaming with DNAamy[]
Captain Hook presents Narissa to her newest member of the alliance, DNAmy. Narissa isn't pleased, but then changes her mind when DNAmy shows her her Cuddle Buddy monsters. But then, suddenly a very dark soul comes in to be resurrected, and Narissa order the Witches of Morva to bring him back to life and give a restored reliquary.
Vs Ash[]
Ash Ketchum, returning back to France, decides to honor 1 1/2 years as the Judge of France. But this has caught a furious Queen Narissa's attention, and orders Captain Hook to decide plans for a giant full frontal assault on him. The celebration of Ash Ketchum being Judge of France for 1 1/2 years has just begun, and everyone has showed up. But Narissa has crashed the party and wants to kill Ash permanently. And Captain Hook is there to help finish him off.
Teaming with Jafar[]
Jafar finally reaches out of Limbo, after keeping Ash still locked up there. He arrives at Queen Narissa's castle to join her alliance. However, Scar and Rasputin are not happy about this.
Banishing Jafar[]
Jafar discusses the deaths of Azula and Zuko at the hands of Squirtle and Bulbasaur to Queen Narissa, but knowing he was responsible for sending them out to take them down, she punishes Jafar for this, much to his dismay, and the delight of Rasputin and Scar.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Three[]
In another dimension[]
Queen Narissa has discovered that Ash Ketchum has survived, and has entered the live action universe. Wanting to finish him off, she takes Captain Hook to the universe, leaving Rasputin in charge of her faction, much to Jafar's dismay.
A task for Hook[]
Queen Narissa and Captain Hook arrive in the live action universe. Knowing that she might be vulnerable, Narissa sends Hook to find a team of pirates, so she can use them to defeat Ash Ketchum once and for all. Hook accepts this, and heads off.
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
An ally of Mozenrath[]
At his lair, Mozenrath informed his ally in the live-action universe, Queen Narissa of Andalasia, about the latest developments of his campaign.
Villains Battles[]
Teaming with King Dedede[]
After his defeat against King Koopa, King Dedede and Escargoon plot a plan to take out Yzma and her forces. However, the king of Dreamland gets a visit from Dr. Facilier, Black Lady and Queen Narissa, who known about Bugsy's destruction and King Dedede's defeat. As the trio forge an alliance with the king, as he accepts.
Vs Yzma's Forces[]
The final battle between Yzma and King Dedede has arrived! The king of Dreamland and his allies (Dr. Facilier, Queen Narissa, two monsters of the Nightmare Enterprises and the Backson) must deal with the empress of Peru and her allies (Destra and the Team Nightstar, King Koopa, the Koopalings and Kronk) in order to get rid of them and conquest the empire. Yzma may have some tricks on her sleeves, but can she defeat Dedede and avenge Lady Tremaine?
Villains Battles 2[]
Resurrection in another dimension[]
In the Live Action world, a former ally of King Dedede is revived as she returns in war.
Vs Davy Jones[]
Searching some allies for King Dedede's alliance in the animated world, Narissa makes her way to the Flying Dutchman, where a player from last war doesn't like to be disturbed by newcomers until he decides. However he refuses and...The swordfight has begun as the undead pirate is getting the upper hand unlike Queen Narissa, who may be not a swordgirl, but she could can get help by a new player...
New allies[]
Queen Narissa and Doc. Terminus, after taking out Davy Jones and joining forces, receive the visit from three old faces from last war. Terminus welcomes them aboard. Now with new allies, Queen Narissa revives a villain killed last war against an undead pirate.Q ueen Narissa is deloused by Blackbeard even if he has won because he had to capture Beckett, not kill him. Things get heated up when Doc Terminus informs her about the Sanderson Sisters were killed by Maxim Horvath. Trying to react about the situation, they are greeted by an alliance led by the witch Evanora (composed of herself, Theodora, Hector Barbossa and Killian Jones), who have information about who sent Horvath after the Sanderson Sisters.
Vs Jadis[]
Narissa decides to get rid of Jadis alongside Barbossa as she tests the pirate's strength during this battle.
Animated Villains War[]
Vs Rothbart[]
Rothbart appears in Andalasia and plans to take Queen Narissa's place. After that, an arduous power battle between the two sorcerers takes place.
Talking with her cousin[]
The Evil queen asks for the help of her cousin, Queen Narissa, to stop a dinosaur that had appeared and that could attack her kingdom.
Vs Sharptooth[]
Narissa has to face the dinosaur that is threatening her cousin's kingdom. Then, she once again assumes her Hydra form to stop him.
Animated Villains War - Part Two[]
Vs Zuko[]
Queen Narissa welcomes her cousin, the Evil Queen, to her castle, not recognizing her at first. However, her castle was brutally invaded by Zuko and the Fire Nation,desiring to kill the sorceresses. The Evil Queen then asks her cousin for a favor, not knowing it would be the last.
Free For All Villains Tournament[]
Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]
Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]
Live Action Villains War[]
Queen Narissa's transformations[]
These are the monsters that Narissa had transformed into in various villains tournaments.