Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki


Puck is one of the immortal Children Of Oberon and a minor villain from the animated series "Gargoyles"

Disney vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Two

The Battle of Bald Mountain

Oberon summons Owen to him, forcing him to obey his commands and revert to his natural form as Puck. The fairy king has created a team of "Anti-Acolytes" to take down the Acolytes, a gathering of warriors devoted to summoning Chernabog into the world. Puck ends up an instrumental part of Oberon's assault. He crushes Sage Odin between two pillars of fire, then wipes out Devimon with two blasts of magical energy. Daolon Wong manages to stun him, but Puck retains enough energy to weaken Wong's demon fighters. Due to Puck's efficiency in combat, the Anti-Acolytes score a major victory.

Disney Villains War

Disney vs Marvel Villains War

