Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Pinhead​ is the leader of the Cenobites and the primary antagonist of the Hellraiser horror series. Contained in a puzzle box called the Lament Configuration, he is often considered among the scariest monsters in modern horror fiction. He has appeared prominently as a villain in the second Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains Tournament.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two

Protecting the Configuration

As Cruella de Vil transitions into the live action universe, with the intent of stealing the Lament Configuration, Pinhead resurrects the child serial killer, Freddy Krueger, to kill her. Though Krueger does not kill his target, he does prevent her from getting her hands on the configuration. But Krueger does not protect the configuration from being stolen by a group of agents working for Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

Free at Last

Zorg foolishly opens the puzzle box, freeing Pinhead. Pinhead takes control. He later welcomes Count Olaf into his alliance, though he dislikes the count's foppish demeanor and lax attitude towards business.

The Configuration Stolen

While Count Olaf is busy putting on a theatrical performance, Queen Narissa steals the Lament Configuration. Pinhead interrupts the show and demands it back, but Narissa teleports away before he can take it from her. Flying into a rage, Pinhead blames Olaf for the entire incident. Summoning hooked chains and lethal blood-draining devices, Pinhead murders Olaf in the goriest death in Disney Vs Non Disney Villains history.  Zorg can only look on in fear. Nonetheless, Pinhead perseveres. He begins construction of a new larger Lament Configuration, from which he can send forth all his Cenobite minions.

His Final Plan

As the construction continues, Pinhead sends out Jason to kill Captain Barbossa, much to Freddy's chagrin and Zorg's horror. Though Jason loses, Pinhead disregards the loss. For the demon quickly constructs the new configuration, readying himself for the final battle.
