Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Orcs Live-Action

The Orcs are the the most commonplace villains in J.R.R. Tolkien's famous series, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. They serve the dark powers in all of Tolkien's Mythology, and also the Dark Lord Sauron and the wizard Saruman. The Orcs have many variations, making them a unique race. The Orcs differ not only in their appearance, but also in their characteristics and actions, such like Uruk-Hai or Black Uruks. The Orcs are major players, regarding the villains wars, acting as primary henchmen of Saruman and Sauron.

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]


Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]

Disney Vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

Non Disney Villain Tournament[]

Movies Villains War[]

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Orcs animated

Orcs Animated

A Successful Victory[]

The Orcs appear as the servants of the Bakshi Bunch's faction. During the final events of the war, Blackwolf, the leader of the alliance, gathers his expanding army, announching his next move. Later, Blackwolf sends his army towards to a village. With the inhabitants of the village getting distracted by visions showed by Blackwolf's projector, Saruman orders the Orcs to attack the inhabitants, along with Blackwolf's mutants and Nekron's subhumans. Soon enough, the village was destroyed and burned by the minions of Blackwolf, leaving the fight as a victory for the Bakshi Bunch's faction.

Defeat on Icepeak[]

Later, the Orcs participate in the battle, between the forces of Nekron and Garrett. When Saruman witness Robin Hood and Eilonwy, he sends his Uruk-Hai to kill them. Even though they lose Robin Hood, the Orcs manage to surround Eilonwy. Before they have the chance to kill her, Taran, shows up and defends Eilonwy, by taking out several Uruka. As soon as the Uruks and the the Nazgûl enter the scene, Taran pours the entire floor with water, drowning the armies of Saruman.

Live Action Villains War[]
