Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Oberon live action

Oberon is a major character in the 1999 movie adaptation of Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". An incarnation similar to his animated version in the Disney television series, "Gargoyles". Oberon appears briefly in the first events of the third war of Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains War.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

Finding Skeletor[]

During the events of the third war, the animated version of Oberon travels to Live-Action universe, assuming, briefly, the role of the titular character from the 1999 movie, "A Midsummmer's Night Dream". There he encounters Skeletor, who survived his fight against Maleficent in the previous war. Oberon then requests Skeletor to join with him. As the skeleton warrior agrees, Oberon returns to the animated universe, along with Skeletor, whom he had a new appearance. This is the only shot of the Live-Action character, as he doesn't reappear in the next events of the war.
