Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel transformed into Te'Ka as shown in the third Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains.

Mother Gothel transformed into Te'Ka as shown in the third Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains.

Mother Gothel was a woman who had discovered the secret of eternal life, and fell afoul of other villains wanting this power in the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains war and the Disney Villains War And in Free For All Villains Tournament to varying degrees of success. She was the main villain of the CGI animated Disney film Tangled.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]

In the Disney Vs. Non-Disney Villains Tournament, Gothel instantly lost her battle with Malthazar (due to him cutting the hair of Rapunzel, the source of her youth). 

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

A Second Chance at Life[]

In the third war, Gothel is revived by Maleficent and Oogie Boogie, to serve as the Mistress Of All Evil's valet in the CGI world. To test her abilities, Maleficent sends her to kill Oogie's old rival, the Other Mother. Armed with a dagger, Gothel confronts the witch. The Other Mother first attempts to reason with her, only for Gothel to rebuff her attempts. Angered, the Other Mother transforms into her true monstrous form. Realizing what she has gotten herself into, Gothel flees, only to be pursued by her enemy's subordinate, the Other Father. After a chase, Gothel finds herself cornered on a bridge. Fortunately for her, she is saved by the arrival of another of Oogie's allies, Luxord, who prompted kills the Other Father.

Gothel, however, is less than happy about having to be saved. When the two returned to base, Gothel criticizes Luxord's actions, claiming that she had the situation under control. However, Maleficent puts a stop to their argument, ordering Luxord to leave. Although Gothel further attempts to cover up her failure, Maleficent sees through her lies easily, and reveals that the mission was in fact a test. Maleficent then confides in Gothel about her disregard for Oogie Boogie and her suspicion of his other allies. When Gothel asks why she is bothering to keep them alive in that case, Maleficent states that she is only keeping them around long enough to establish her power in the CGI realm, but intends to gather more allies that will be loyal to her. Seeing that Gothel's only real use is as her spokeswoman, Maleficent informs Gothel of her intention to take on an apprentice.

Mirrors and Mistakes[]

Alone after the collapse of Maleficent's faction against the forces of Pitch Black, Mother Gothel decided to seek revenge against the one responsible for her mistress's defeat: Rothbart. Using what little magic she had left, Gothel conjured up the spirit from within Grimhilde's magic mirror, and freed him from his glass prison. Gothel enlisted the spirit, a former king by the name of Magnifico, to help in taking down Rothbart. Magnifico, who had his own grudge against Rothbart and the rest of Ruber's faction for keeping him as a slave during his time in the mirror, agreed.

Armed with a magic staff, the pair confronted Rothbart in his tower. The sorcerer recognized Magnifico as the spirit from the mirror, and taunted him. As Gothel advanced on Rothbart, the sorcerer used his magic to rapidly age her, before blasting her out of the tower. Before she could fall to her death, however, Magnifico saved her with his own magic, in the process transforming her into a monstrous demon of ash and lava. Rothbart responded by transforming into the Great Animal, swooping in and slashing off Gothel's hand. Magnifico blasted at Rothbart with his staff, forcing him to back off. Gothel then hurled a fireball at the sorcerer, knocking him from the sky and forcing him to revert back to human form. As Gothel moved to finish him off with a second fireball, however, Rothbart responded with his own spell at just the right time, causing Gothel's attack to rebound on her twofold, destroying her. After her death, Magnifico tried to avenge her, only for Rothbart to re-imprison him back into the mirror.

Disney Villains War[]

Vs Goob[]

Hearing of a magnificent treasure hidden away in a tower, the incompetent villain Goob, also known as the "Bowler Hat Guy", sought it out. Encountering the tower's inhabitants, Rapunzel and her stepmother, Gothel, Goob learned that the treasure was Rapunzel's hair, which could grant eternal life. Discovering Goob but seeing that he didn't pose much of a threat, Gothel bargained with his robotic hat, Doris, convincing it to turn on Goob. While Gothel watched in delight, Doris tore Goob apart.

Disney Villains War 2[]

An unexpected guest[]

Returning to her tower, Gothel was confronted by Captain Hook, who held Rapunzel hostage and demanded Gothel surrender the tower to Maleficent to use as a base against the Organization. Undeterred, Gothel tried to kill Hook with a dagger, but as Hook drew his sword to defend himself he sliced off Rapunzel's hair, undoing the enchantment that gave Gothel eternal youth. Unnerved by Gothel's rapid aging and panic, Hook accidentally knocked her from the tower window. By the time she hit the ground, Gothel had withered away into nothing but dust.

Disney Villains War 3[]


Xemnas returned to Hades bringing him the bad news... and Hades decided to punish Xemnas properly by bringing in new help that might actually help. He revived Syndrome, Mother Gothel and Davy Jones to act as his new minions.


Hades received a special invitation for a meeting from Count Dooku as Gothel started to feel that Maleficent felt off.Having found out something was wrong with Maleficent, Gothel tried to get the other members of her faction to rebel against her.

Disney vs Marvel Villains War - Part Two[]

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Teaming with Syndrome[]

Syndrome come's across Mother Gothel and propose an alliance to make the Invasion faster with more help and Gothel see's a new era will come.


With the Invasion almost starting, Syndrome show's to Gothel the monster his doctor have created. Impressed Gothel feels that the Invasion will succeed.

Vs Wolf O'Donnell[]

Rumors spread at Syndrome's base about a bounty hunter named Wolf O'Donnell and sends Gothel to sign him to kill Cortex. Gothel finds Wolf and starts making a deal, but the Wario Bros. arrive to pay him a great price to help them stop the Invasion the tales turn into a battle Gothel now alone has to confront a bounty hunter and two plumbers, but this time she will have a little  help.

Vs Cortex's Forces[]

The Emperor appears right in front of Syndrome and Gothel informing that it's time to make a counter attack, then again the Wario Bros.Wolf activates the robots called: R.O.B eliminating the Hornets and making them like pieces of trash Syndrome gets mad by seeing his forces been defeated by some fools but Cortex (disguised like Mother Gothel) tells that the enemies are at the Core's base Syndrome follows "Gothel" but the real Gothel is trying to escape but Wolf dosen't permits her to run, at least having Gothel to use his full anger of Ganon decides to kill her, then Gothel calls Syndrome's agents to kill the animal but they are easily defeated just when things get to worse Gothel's youth is back at his old self Wolf tries to make his move but fails giving Gothel the time to escape.

Vs Dark Bowser[]

Dark Bowser, wants to go to another realm and reunite with his older self: Bowser. Still Gothel too wants to go seeing the dangers might come after the Invasion's failure that could take her immortality away from her and Gothel will not surrender without a fight. Is Gothel capable of beating this beast or this creature has more trick's prepared to Gothel?

Animated vs Video Game Villains War[]

Teaming with Jafar[]

After burning Daphne, Jafar returned to the video game universe to inform Maleficent of the failure. But he was approached by Mother Gothel, who suggested an alliance with Jafar and said that she could help him out. What Jafar didn't realize was that Gothel was aware of the lamp, and wanted a wish for herself.

Vs Seymour[]

To see how helpful Gothel could be, Jafar sent her to defeat another powerful sorcerer: Seymour. After questioning him, Jafar taught her about the heartless. When she met Seymour, he was more than ready for a fight. Gothel summoned a heartless which Seymour destroyed in one shot. But, Gothel conjured a shroud of darkness over the battlefield, allowing Gothel to sneak up on Seymour and fatally stab him.

Vs Gruntilda[]

Wanting to get her revenge on Jafar, Gruntilda and co tracked down Gothel and tried to take her out. Gothel tried to summon her heartless, but it was quickly taken out. As Gruntilda and her sisters left to their new base and Klungo was left behind, they were left unaware that the heartless may not have been all that dead as it had transformed into a more powerful form. However, Klungo's shields blocked the heartless's attacks and allowed him to swiftly destroy the entity. Gothel then retreated.


After fleeing to a nearby tower, Gothel retrieved a knife and vowed to kill Gruntilda once and for all, but when she looked outside, she was greeted by their new headquarters and their new weapon: The B.O.B. (Big-O-Blaster), a gun meant to restore Grunty's lifeforce. Gruntilda fired the weapon at Gothel, draining her lifeforce and rapidly aging her. In a panic, Gothel fell out of the tower and aged into dust before she hit the ground.

War of the Villains[]

Mother Gothel had a surprising victory over Mom in "War of the Villains", using her cunning escape tactics and violent tendosies to give her the rights to Planet Express. However, she was later defeated the deranged, psychopathic Roberto.

Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Mother Gothel vs. Xigbar:[]

Mother Gothel First Entered in the War When Xigbar Arrives in Her Tower and Decides to Defeat But Instead Oggie Boggie Came out of Nowhere and use His Traps to Finish Him off For Gothel.

Returning to the War and Join AUTO and Dr Neo Cortex's Forces to Replaced Bowser Jr and The Wario Brothers:[]

Gothel Decided to Come Back in the War By Teaming up with AUTO and Dr Neo Cortex Which They Accept and Fired Both Bowser Jr and Wario Bros.

Battle of the Multiverse Part 1: AUTO and Dr Cortex's Forces vs. Master Hand and Ganondorf's Forces:[]

Mother Gothel Agree to Help Her Allies By Leading Dr Cortex's Henchmen so They Duke off King K Rool's Army. When the Battle Turns Sour Master Hand Defeated Both AUTO and Mother Gothel Which Cause Gothel to Fall to her Unseen Death.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Villains Battles 2[]

Villains Battles 3[]

Vs Adam Taurus[]

In her tower, Mother Gothel can't find Rapunzel and wonders where she is until a hitman by the name of Adam Taurus reveals to have kidnapped her. When the manipulative woman offers something for Taurus, the man doesn't hesitate to do something to Gothel...

Mother Gothel Animated

Deal with Facilier[]

Dr. Facilier resurrected a fallen villain from the CGI world through his Friends on the Other Side and makes a deal with her: if she wants to join his alliance with Eris (composed of Facilier himself, Eris, Radamanthys, Lord Maliss, Rothbart, Dracula, Piccolo, the Titans, Chaos and Mirage), she must retrieve the Number One Dime from a museum in Duckburg so he can revive an old friend of Hades's who has been imprisoned in the dime prior the events of the war. She accepts under one condition: he must give her eternal youth. Facilier accepts the conditions.

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Heroes vs Non/Disney Villains War[]

Animated Villains War[]

Vs The Other Mother[]

Gothel has a surprise on her way back to the tower. She discovers that her "daughter" was being cared for by a spider-like humanoid species and that she was not there for nothing.

Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Vs Jestro and Monstrox[]

As Jestro,Monstrox and their army arrived on Gothel's terf,the former witch told them to leave while mocking the monsters for having a jester and a book as their master.Angered,Jestro told his army to take Gothel and destroy her.However,Mother Gothel has her own army to defend herself from the intruders which is revealed to be her former husband, Mor'Du. The bear began to destroy the lava monsters one by one thus sending them back into Monstrox's pages.However,while everyone was not looking,Pythor stole a map from Gothel which might turn out that could help the anacondrai on the future. Jestro and Monstrox declared to Gothel and Mor'Du that they surrender while running away from the couple...

Teaming with Bellwether[]

Bellwether arrived at Gothel's house, proposing an alliance between them. Gothel accepts.
