Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki


Moses is the main protagonist of the Dreamworks' animated movie The Prince of Egypt.

Based on the eponymous biblical prophet of God, Moses was born in the Egyptian empire under the rule of Pharaoh Seti I from the enslaved Yocheved, alongside with his siblings Aaron and Miriam, before he was subsequently adopted by Seti' consort Queen Tuya to avoid Seti's massacre of the Israelite infants; consequently, he lived alongside with Rameses, his step-brother and next-in-line of the Egyptian throne.

He began to live a new life outside the land of Egypt after realizing his true identity and killing an Egyptian guard in cold blood, eventually marrying Tzipporah, who took her in as a companion, and meeting God for the first time. When he was tasked to free the Israelites from Egypt as part of God's plan, Moses traveled to Egypt and demanded the release of his people for the purpose to guide them to the "Promised Land". After a series of misfortunes, including releasing plagues on Egypt, Rameses let the Israelites to leave Egypt, regretting his actions later on. Sooner enough, he unleashed his army on Moses and his people, only to meet his own end after witnessing the wrath of God. After Rameses' defeat, Moses and the Israelites led the Israelites to the "Promised Land", eventually receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

Regarding the villain wars, Moses appeared in the first Heroes vs. Villains War as one of the main leaders of the hero forces, mainly encouraging the heroes in their darkest moments, and providing them moral support. Over the course of the series, Moses was tasked in preventing Chernabog's rise into the universe with the help of his newfound allies, eventually banishing the arch-demon back to Hell through the will of God. Since then, he bid farewell to the heroes and departed with his people to lands unknown, ending his role in the series.

Non-Disney Villains Tournament []

Moses baby

Moses as an infant

Non-Disney Villains Tournament Reboot []

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Moses Young Adult

Moses as a young adult as seen in his flashback in the events of Heroes vs. Villains War.
