Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Mechanicles is the self-proclaimed "Greatest of the Great Greek Minds", and adores cleanliness. He is a minor antagonist in Disney's Aladdin television series. He is a secondary player in the second Disney vs Non Disney Villains War.

Disney vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two

Ruler of Agrabah

Mechanicles, along withAbis Mal, finds himself at the top of Agrabah's social structure after the disappearance of Jafar. Together, the two men rule the kingdom with a flair for opulence and cleanliness. Their order is disrupted briefly when Mirage emerges in Agrabah; she allies with the pair, taking a highly dominant role. When the forces of Skeletor arrive to take over Agrabah, Mechanicles spurs Abis Mal into action. After his partner throws the pink lever, Mechanicles successfully summons a platoon of mud men. Evil Lyn, Skeletor's second-in-command, freezes these fighters in their tracks. Mechanicles and Mal then enter a massive praying mantis mech, but they encounter another of Skeletor's lieutenants, Tri-Klops. The cyborg uses a grenade to tip over a vat of lava; as the lava melts through the mech, Mechanicles and Mal are forced to flee the city.

Redemption in the Battle for the Forbidden Mountain

Mechanicles and Mal make their way to the Forbidden Mountain and take refuge with Maleficent. This area, too, comes under fire from Skeletor. This time, Mechanicles creates a giant rhinoceros beetle mech. Once again, Tri-Klops faces him down. Mechanicles knocks him away with an extendable spear. When Trap Jaw tries to come to his friend's aid, Mechanicles downs him with a cannon. Yet both of the Evil Warriors get their second winds; Trap Jaw slows the gears of Mechanicles's mech and Tri-Klops downs it with his laser cannon. Mechanicles finally finds an enemy his own size in Stinkor, Skeletor's minion known for an overwhelming stench. Though Stinkor destroys many of Mechanicles's robot bugs, Mechanicles slices his enemy's mask off, exposing him to his own stench. Fortunately for Mechanicles, Maleficent's forces win the battle, though not without some help from Hades.
