Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
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Joe the Fish is the main antagonist in the Danish film, "Help! I'm a Fish." He was voiced by the late Alan Rickman and has a minor role in the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War.


Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]

Vs Marina Del Ray[]

In the series, Joe somehow comes across a potion that increases his intelligence greatly. He uses this potion to increase the intelligence of other fish and convince them to join him on his quest for ocean donimation. Fearing a revolution, Ursula, ruler of Atlantica, sends her second-in-command, Marina del Ray, to take him out. Marina attempts to take the fish down using orthodox methods, but his number of followers overwhelms her offense. Thus, Marina resorts to her most powerful weapon: insults. She cruelly mocks Joe's intelligence and convinces him to drink more of the potion. Unfortuantely, Joe drinks one too many swigs of the potion, causing him to turn into a human and drown.

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Joe Awakens[]

Joe first appeared when he drank one of Yzma's potions. He picked up the potion and makes his move, unaware that Flotsam and Jetsam is watching him.

Vs Ariel[]

As Ariel and her friends head off to find Sinbad and the crew, they run into Joe and his growing army of intelligent sea life. Ariel heads off but quickly gets spotted by the pilot fish. It wasn't long before she and her friends escapes from Joe.

An Alliance with Ursula[]

After Ariel escapes, Joe stumbles upon the sea witch known as Ursula. She asked Joe if he could join Queen Grimhilde's alliance. Joe agrees.

Eris' Offer[]

As Eris approaches, Joe, Ursula, Morgana, Marina Del Rey, and Grimhilde and her forces were suspicious about her offer.

Battle Against Grimhilde's Forces Under the Sea[]

Ariel and her underwater friends may have gotten away from the threat above, but they quickly encounter Ursula, Marina del Rey, and Joe have been waiting for them. But they manages to escape again.

It's a Trap![]

As all the heroes trying to escape, Joe, Grimhilde, and her forces were waiting for them! But when Tyler accidentally shots the pillars, Grimhilde's forces decided to escape.


After a series of events, Joe, along with Ursula and Marina Del Ray, rallies his underwater army into the ocean, as a final stand against the heroes. On patrol, he encounters Ariel and her friends wandering on the ocean. When his crab general fails to deal with Ariel's companions, Joe arrives personally. However, a giant whirlwind washes over his entire army, including his crook, the Shark. He then sets on the loose several piranhas, before retreating with Yzma's potion. However, Ariel catches him up, after defeating the piranhas, and engages the fish into a psychological battle, as she insults his intelligence. Fed by her lies, Joe falls into her trap, as he drinks more of Yzma's potion, causing him to turn into a human. The result causes him to drown into the ocean

Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Vs Edmond and his friends[]

When a white cat named Edmond and his friends were on their way to meet the animals at Animal Farm, Joe and his allies attacks. As Joe was about to strike, Peepers, the mouse, pressed the button on the camera at Joe. And he is not happy about this!

Villains War: The Age of Animation[]

Teaming with Plankton[]

In the ocean, a zooplankton and a cleaner fish managed to devour some mysterious liquid, only to gain sentience from it. Now with far more than just food to hunt for, the two decide to work together and rule over the seas.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]

Vs Misty[]

Misty discovers that Joe has a potion that can control all of sea life intelligence. Misty attempts to knock Joe out, but is she prepared enough to do so?

Hand Drawn Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]

Hand Drawn Animated Villains War[]

Villains War (Disney Knights)[]

In Ursula's faction[]

The leader of the Barians, Nash (Shark) decides to create an alliance with Ursula to counter the threats of the group of Hades. The sea witch, already allied with her sister Morgana and Joe the fish, already knew of the misfortune that happened to Dumon and Marine thanks to the eyes of Flotsam and Jetsam.

Vs Hades's Forces[]

Hades, Eris and Vector decide to launch the decisive attack on Nash who, already allied with Ursula and Joè the fish, decides to teach Hades and his group a lesson for taking Dumon and Marine away. Who will win?Hades and his alliance were shocked by their defeat by Nash's group. Just then, Him and Jafar arrive, who have come to help them and apologize for not being able to do it before. Him also proposes that if he helps Hades, Eris and Vector he will get a place on Olympus in return. Hades accepts the demon's proposal and the whole alliance is ready to study a counterattack.

Vs Hades's army[]

As Hades and Eris along with the titans make their way to the top of Mount Olympus, He, Jafar and Vector will take care of the rest of Nash's army consisting of Morgana, Joe the fish, Mizar, Girag and Alito. Will he and his covenant be able to get them out of the way?

Animated Villains War[]

Vs Morgana[]

Morgana was ruling the ocean when a miserable fish told her he would take her place. Then, the sea witch starts playing with him and Joe barely realizes that she was leading him to his death.

Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]


As Cala was swimming,she was seen by a popular fish named Joe planning to transform the sea creatures into mutants,like Joe and his partner,Plankton,did to her.After Cala gasped at Joe,the fish threatens the mermaind to kill her with his newest potion that can transform any sea creature into a human.After hearing this,Cala decided to trick Joe into drinking the potion by telling him that he can rule the sea as a pirate.Interested,Joe drunk the potion,only to realise that he cannot breath into the water anymore.As Joe was trying to fly into the surface,Cala Maria managed to kick Joe into the water,killing him in the process.

My Little Pony Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains War[]

Vs Fluttershy[]

Fluttershy was almost helping Twilight to find Rarity, but two villains known as Joe and Claudandus block her path. Fluttershy decides to deal with the two villains without Twilight's help. But will her tricks and knives be a match for Joe and Claudandus?

Global Threats[]

Episode 16: Taiga Does Not Forgive Mistakes[]

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
