Jadis, the White Witch, is the primary antagonist of C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and the respective 2005 film adaptation. A powerful witch who loves the cold, the White Witch is an allegory for Satan himself. She is a major player in the live-action storyline of the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains[]
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]
Assembling Her Forces[]
Jadis takes her first step in the war by killing the Kurgan and sending Captain Hook into the animated universe; both combatants are a threat to her operations. She then summons a massive army, including the exiled Princess Mombi, the malevolent Sanderson Sisters, and the powerful Maxim Horvath.
Vs Saruman[]
Jadis comes under attack when a legion of Uruk-Hai, led by Lurtz, attack her home and take out her chief of police, Maugrim. Jadis recognizes the mastermind of this attack is Saruman. She attacks the wizard at his home, using her magic to throw the wizard around the room. But Saruman proves smarter; he catches Jadis off guard and steals her magic wand. Threatened by two magical items, Jadis flees rather than risk her life.
Frightened after her fight with Saruman, Jadis travels to Mordor to make sure that Saruman's master, Sauron, has not recovered the One Ring. She encounters the Mouth of Sauron, but her attention soon turns to the spirit of Sauron himself. Panicked, Jadis flees from the gates of Mordor.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]
Disney Villains War[]
Dealing with a witch[]
In Narnia, the evil Queen Jadis, the White Witch, was confronted by Winnie Sanderson and her sisters, who sought to overthrow Jadis and claim the throne. Jadis sent her fearsome wolf secret police after the Sanderson's, but they used their magic to bring a frozen waterfall down on the wolves. The White Witch herself then stepped into the fray, revealing her trump card...the ability to turn people into stone. In Winnie's case, not only was she turned to stone, but the backup of her powers caused her to explode.
Disney Villains War 2[]
Killed by a pirate[]
Wanting to establish a foothold in the live-action universe, Narissa set her sights on taking down her most powerful rival, the White Witch Jadis. Disguising herself as an old hag, Narissa approached the cursed pirate Hector Barbossa and hired him to dispose of the dark queen of Narnia. Approaching Jadis, Narissa and Barbossa demanded she surrender peacefully, only for Jadis to attempt to turn Narissa to stone with her wand. Shielded by her own magic, Narissa sent Barbossa in to take Jadis down and the two engaged in a swordfight. Seeming to gain the upper hand Jadis stabbed Barbossa through the chest, only to look on in horror as the undead pirate shrugged off the attack. Taking advantage of Jadis' shock, Barbossa rammed his own blade through the White Witch's heart, ending her reign.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Two[]
Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part Two[]
Battle of Narnia[]
After so long, the Orgs make their move to conquer everything for themselves. And as a appetizer Narnia is the beginning. The three highnesses invade Narnia and seek to destroy it's ruler, while both sides are toe to toe the Orgs have a trick up their sleeve but what both sides don't know is that someone is waiting for his moment...
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Movies Villains War[]
Joining Profion[]
Profion tries to make good impression to his new allies, two influents persons : Mary Van Tassel and Queen Jadis. To prove his strength, he goes to Galbatorix, who's now a lonely king, because Durza left him, and duels him. No luck for Profion, Galbatorix sends him his feared dragon, but maybe Galbatorix will realize why didn't he did it before.
Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
Vs Winnie the Witch[]
Winnie the Witch challenges the ice queen Jadis to the throne because she thinks that the ice witch isn't worth for the throne of her kingdom. Has the witch underestimated Jadis or is she right?
Villains Battles 2[]
Joining Queen Bavmorda[]
After getting rid of Theodora and after the Nome King's death, Queen Bavmorda reveals to have hired Maxim Horvath and has recruited some villains in order to get rid of Narissa and her allies. The villains hired by the monarch are: Kal and Queen Jadis. She, now, prepares her plans to slowly getting rid of the queen and her allies.
Vs Barbossa and Queen Narissa[]
Narissa decides to get rid of Jadis alongside Barbossa as she tests the pirate's strength during this battle.

Smash Bros Lawl Infinite: War in the Universe 6[]
Disney vs DC Villains War[]
Vs Ares[]
The god Jadis has been worshipping for years has arrived in her icy castle. As she tries to forge an alliance with him, Ares rebuffs her and starts defying her. The queen may be skilled in fighting terms, but the god isn't to be underestimated, isn't he?