Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

The Hydra is a massive monster, that served Hades in the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains war, only appearing in the final battle. Queen Narissa also adopted the monster's form to battle Hades and Maleficent in the finale of the Disney Villains War.

It first appeared as one of Hades' many monsters in the Disney animated film Hercules.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Pre War: Eating Monsters for Dinner[]

Prior to the events of the war, when the titan, Chronos, confronts his son, Hades, he takes his servants into the battle by attacking his son. However, Hades managed to took control of her by blasting one of them with his own powers while calling Hydra to his aid to devour some of the monsters of Chronos. This was the only scene of Hydra during the fight on Bald Mountain.

The Battle Of France[]

During the final events of the war, Hades summons again his pet to cause destruction and chaos to Paris. While many troops were unable to kill her, the Griffin chopped one of her heads, only to his horror that instead it give her multiple heads. While this battle was happening, the dinosaur, Sharptooth, came to challenge her, but instead of attacking her personally, Sharptooth banged his head into a rocky mountain, which caused it's giants rocks to fall and bury the serpent under from the rocks, much to Hades fury.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War - Part Three[]

Hydra CGI

Hydra in the Universe CGI

Disney Villains War[]

Killing an Intruder[]

When the thief, Gazeem, entered the Underworld to steal some magical artifacts for Jafar, he was encountered by the queen of the Underoworld, Narissa . After seeing him, Narissa took the form of Hydra and eat him alive, leaving an angry Jafar to leave this place at once, while Narissa returned to her normal form.

Serpents Fight[]

After Jafar infinitrate dthe Underworld and transform himself into a Giant Cobra form, Hades took the form of Hydra to challenge him. However, Jafar slayed her head, leaving her body, collapsing to the floor, much to Jafar's laughter. It was later revealed that Hydra (aka Hades) survived the attack and returned to his normal god form.

Dragon Vs Monster[]

At the final events of the war, Queen Narissa fought the mistress of all evil, Maleficent, to defend the Underworld from her enemies. Seeing that, Maleficent quickly transformed into her dragon form to fight her. But it was no worth for Maleficent to kill her easily, because that everytime he chopped her, multiple heads come over to her body. After the dark fairy was weakened by her powers, Narissa take her advantage by injuring her. However, just as she was attacking Maleficent, the dragon banged herself into a cliff, she was standing, to the monster burying her alive and taking Maleficent with, much to the horrors of their allies.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Fight With The Hobgoblin[]

During the events of the war, the Hydra was under the control of Nathaniel, along with a troll he found on his way to Kingpin's flat, on purpose to free his queen, Narissa, who was imprisoned after an encounter with Whiplash. At their arrival they confront Hobgoblin, a dangerous mutant creature. After the troll fails to deal with him, it was time for the Hydra to attack the goblin. At first his head got sliced from it's body by his weapons, only to his shock that it repaired himself by coming over many heads from her body. In a final stand, the Hydra take it final strike to it's enemy, however Hobgoblin uses his fire bombs to destroy a cliff that Hydra was under from it, burying it alive from the big boulders.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]


With Chernabog growing anxious to be given his promised sacrifice, Hades summoned a group of monsters like the Hydra, Monstro, and the Headless Horseman to give Maleficent an edge over the heroes.

Vs Donald and Goofy[]

Donald and Goofy happened to see Hades passing by on his chariot and, on a hunch, they followed him to the Underworld. While they lost track of Hades, they found Mickey Mouse at long last, imprisoned in the life-draining waters of the River Styx. However, they found that such a valuable prize was not left unguarded, as Pain, Panic, the centaur Nessus, and the serpent-like Hydra were watching for rescue attempts. As the Hydra closed in, Goofy readied a bow and arrow, but accidentally grabbed Donald and fired him into another wall. As Goofy pulled Donald free, the damage to the wall caused the ceiling to collapse, sending down a large boulder that decapitated the Hydra, seemingly killing it.

Villains Battles[]

Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]

Vs Hercules and Littlefoot[]

Littlefoot and Cera were playing in the water until the two dinosaurs felt like the water shook and out came Sharptooth and the Hydra. Herc might have to fight the two beast but another hero enters the rumble.

All-Star Villains Tournament[]

Video Game Heroes Vs Animated and Movie Villains War[]

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Vs Azula and her friends[]

Hades decided to prove his royalty for Maleficent by freeing an ancient Greece monster to destroy The Fire Nation called Hydra. As The Fire Nation was destroying everything, Azula noticed it and her alongside her friends decided to kill the beast themselves.Mai,Ty Lee and Jack Spicer alongside his robots managed to cut Hydra's head. However, The Hydra's ability can be a trouble for Azula and her friends as it grew three heads after the initial one was sliced.Mai and Ty Lee tried to cut another head but the beast just knocked them afar from the fighting zone thus leaving Jack Spicer and Charmcaster were the ones to remain as Hydra (with a lot of heads) cornered them after knocking them with Hades giving the order to execute both Jack and Charmcaster.As Hydra was about to deliver one final blow as Charmcaster used a spell to cause a mountain to be destroyed as its rocks crushed Hydra to death.

Disney Villains vs Soyuzmultfilm Villains War[]
