Hex is a major antagonist in the animated television series, Ben 10. He is a minor player in a variety of villains tournaments.
Non Disney Villains Tournament[]
The Sorcerer's Society[]
Hex joins Rothbart's Sorcerer's Society in order to gain power. Hex aids the other members of the society in eliminating the Foot Mystics. Hex manages to pummel the Earth Mystic with some fiery magic, before killing the Metal Mystic by blasting him in two.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]
Vs Yzma[]
Maleficent show's to both Tremaine and Yzma a powerful sorcerer that is looking for the Grimorumm, to become more powerful and that their mission is to take the book and beat him, Tremaine decides to let Yzma, to battle the sorcerer and get the book (Since Grimhilde kept her word, now Tremaine knows who Hex is.) Yzma arrives at an ancient museum that has the book of Grimorumm, but then Hex arrives at the same time. Does Yzma with all his cunning defeat Hexx or does the Sorcerer see's Yzma like a great waste of his time?
In Mercurymon's faction[]
Mercurymon starts chapter 2 and unveils his faction consisted by Ranamon, Bowser, Dr. Eggman, Hex and Nerissa.
Vs Jafar Forces[]
Mercurymon sent, Nerissa and Hex to attack Agrabah. Knowing that Jafar was the only one who knew where was his hideout decided to destroy his kingdom. But the vile snake will not allow such a move an goes to stop this invasion, but now Him has decided to join this fight to add some chaos by releasing Chaos. But as the devil and his allies are fighting his arch-foe and his allies arrive to stop him and his allies. Will Agrabah survive this destruction?
Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Chase Young[]
Seeking to aid Azula, Chase Young heads out to gain information on the Gems' strategies and defenses. To this end, he corners an alien sorcerer with ties to the Gems and interrogates him. However, Hex is unwilling to cooperate and rebuffs Chase, leading to a showdown between the two magic-users, though Chase may find an unexpected ally as a result of this battle...
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
Vs Garland[]
Vilgax met with Hex and told him of the situation in the other dimension. Hex was interested and used a spell to go to the other dimension. He arrived in the Temple of Chaos, where Garland was lounging. After hearing of the villains somehow entering the world from Chaos, Garland was suspicious and attacks the newcomer. Hex fired spells at Garland but he tanked and dodged the attacks. He then responded with magical attacks of his own, injuring Hex. But, as the wizard collapsed, a mysterious ghostly being fled from Hex's body.
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Jafar and Queen La[]
Hex and his niece, Charmcaster decided to steal all the magic from the world by casting their most powerfull spell across the world until a certain couple of wizards decided to stop them.Confused,Charmcaster told her uncle to aim Jafar,but Jafar dodged the attack,sending a fireball to Hex.Hex dodged the fireball,so he charged next to Jafar,trying to hit him with his staff.Jafar used his staff to throw Hex next to his niece,causing the wizard to die.

Hex in the CGI Universe
All-Star Villains Tournament[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Animated Villains War[]
Entering the war[]
An alien sorcerer excels in war to wreak havoc.
Vs Merlock[]
Aiming to ally himself with Bill Cipher, Merlock travels until he arrives in Bellwood and has to be face to face against a sorcerer as skilled as himself, Hex.
Vs Jafar[]
On the way to the forbidden mountain, Jafar crosses paths with an alien sorcerer who threatens to end his legacy. Had he underestimated the world most powerful sorcerer?
Smash Bros Lawl Infinite[]
Hex was born to a family of magicians alongside his brother Spellbinder. He and his brother cared for each-other and would always fight together no matter what happened.
Unfortunately for him, this joy would end when the ancient dark mage known as Addwaitya attacked his family years later. In fact, after raising his niece Hope alongside Spellbinder, this evil sorcerer attacked them and sacrificed himself to allow them to escape.
When arriving to Earth, Hex and Hope decided to team up to find a way to save Spellbinder. However, in her hatred for Addwaitya, Hope renamed herself Charmcaster and asked her uncle to train her which he gladly did. Both, however, trained on the dark ways of magic, ready to make anyone who opposed them suffer in the worst manner possible.
During their stay on the planet, they would then be recruited into the Hell Warriors by the group leader, Duncan, who had plans to help them with their revenge. With this help, the two sorcerers would be ready to bear their wrath on any opposer by any means necessary.