Hades is the God of the Dead in Greek mythology, and the main villain of the Disney film Hercules and the spin-off television show. He is a main player in all three primary wars. He is notable for being involved in the first fight of the first round of most tournaments. He is also one of the main antagonists of Disney Heroes vs. Villains.
Disney vs Non-Disney Villains[]
Pre War: The Dark Council and Chronos[]
Before the war began, Hades was one of the leading members of the Dark Council, along with his future lover, Eris. As word quickly spread of the Three Demon Lord's plot to use the dreaded power of their super crystal, the Council quickly set forth to destroy it. As the Council arrived on Bald Mountain, Hades' father, Chronos, arrived, having secretly allied himself with Hordak and Narissa of the Council. Hades, outraged at this attack, battled his father. As Hades summoned his pet Hydra to deal with his father's henchmen, Chronos covered Hades in a curtain of lava. Hades fought back, and knocked Chronos into a portal that lead to the River Styx. Hades and the rest of the loyal council members then turned their attention to the dark crystal, destroying it, much to Chernabog's fury.
Losing the Throne[]
Plotting another assault on his brother Zeus, king of the gods, Hades meets with the Fates, who tell him of the powerful spirit of destruction, Hexxus, sealed away in a tree in ages past. Hades flies to Hexxus' resting place in FernGully, where he destroys the spirit's prison and asks him to serve as his minion. Hexxus refuses to serve as anyone's cannon-fodder and attacks Hades, who manages to escape back to the Underworld. However, Hexxus follows the god to his lair and gets the better of Hades, knocking him into the River Styx. Upon Hades' defeat, his power and status are both transferred to Hexxus, who becomes the new god of the Underworld.

Hades in the CG universe
Her Name is Eris[]
Later, as war spreads across the mortal world, Hades manages to free himself from the River. Escaping Hexxus' notice, he realizes he will need the aid of another god in reclaiming his realm. Travelling to the realm of Tartarus, Hades finds Eris, the goddess of chaos. Proposing an alliance and promising Eris joint-rulership of the Underworld if she helps him, Hades manages to win the goddess over to his side, and the two begin a lustful affair. This alliance expands when Hades empowers the soul of Doctor Facilier, who had recently been killed by Mok Swagger. Facilier is returned to the mortal world, where he kills the Grand Duke of Owls, who Hades and Eris see as a potential threat.
Defeating the Emperor[]
After Eris brings the soul of the deposed Pharaoh Rameses into the alliance, she spurs Hades into action by accusing him of cowardice, since he had done very little in battling Hexxus' forces in this time. She suggests he demonstate his power by destroying the Emperor of the Night, a demon laying waste to the mortal world. Hades attacks

Hades in the Live-Action Universe
the emperor, but he responds by coating Hades in ice. Though the emperor puts up quite a fight, Hades triumphs over his foe using a spellbook that Eris had given him, Hades next sets his sights on a rematch with Hexxus.
Regaining the Throne[]
Telling Hexxus to meet him in FernGully, Hades makes preparations for his battle by sending Facilier to take back the Underworld and releasing the ancient spirit of the Firebird as his champion. Hexxus shows up for the battle controlling a war machine, but the combined power of Hades and the Firebird manage to reimprison Hexxus within the tree he had originally been sealed in. Reclaiming his power as god of the dead, Hades returns home, where he swears to punish his minions, Pain and Panic, for serving Hexxus after his coup. Despite this, Hades shows no loyalty to his recent ally, telling Eris he no longer needs her and casting her out of the Underworld. Telling Hades he has made another powerful enemy, Eris departs, taking Rameses with her.

Fight on Olympus[]
After reclaiming his throne, Hades stays out of the war for a while, seeing the squabbles of the other villains as beneath his interest. During the battle of Paris, however, he decides to amuse himself by summoning the Hydra in the center of the conflict. After Eris intervenes by summoning Sharptooth, who killed the serpent, Hades departs to see to another of his plans, releasing the Titans from their age-old prison. As the Titans march on Olympus, Eris again tries to sabotage the god's plan by pitting a batch of her own monsters against the Titans. Although Eris' Dragon destroys the Rock Titan, the rest of the Titans rally together and defeat Eris' forces, leaving Hades free to continue his plot. This time, he succeeds, overthrowing Zeus and ascending to become ruler of the gods.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]
Indirect Action[]
Hades first notices the signs of war when the Snow Queen changes into a more combat-ready form. Taking note, he realizes her petty feud with Shan Yu will interfere with his long-term plans. Thus, he tasks the former businessman turned god, Odin, to eliminate her. Fortunately for Hades's plans, he succeeds. In addition, Hades gives powers to the Gangreen Gang, helping them defeat Negaduck's Fearsome Five. This move, however, proves contradictory to Hades's overall interests. The Gangreen Gang never repays him for the powers, forcing Hades to send the Weird Sisters to eliminate them. They succeed.
Rekindling an Old Flame[]
After the fall of Ruber, Hades tries to strike up a relationship with the most powerful magic user on Earth, Maleficent. She, however, points to his lustful relationship with Eris during the first war; unsurprisingly, she spurns his affections. He leaves, dejected.
An Enemy Returns[]
During this period, Hades's servants, Nessus and Typhon, are killed in mysterious circumstances. For a time, Hades is unsure of the identity of the enemy. He thus resolves to find some more help, hiring the Gorgon Sisters and Echidna to help him in his battles. The Gorgon Sisters prove their worth immediately, taking out the Trix, a trio of witches allied with the same forces responsible for Nessus and Typhon's deaths. Hades remains aloof of these events but faces a much larger threat in the form of Samhain, a ghost trying to take over the Underworld. After Pain and Panic fail to deal with the intruder, Hades takes it upon himself to roast the pumpkin-headed ghost. Since Samhain dodges the god's fireballs, Hades summons the Headless Horseman to deal with the threat. The Horseman does frighten Samhain away, but a far more powerful enemy reveals herself.
As it turns out, Eris, Hades's flame from the first war, is behind all the recent attacks. Samhain and the Trix are both in her employ. Her new ally, Aku, killed both Nessus and Typhon. She taunts Hades briefly before teleporting away, leaving Hades to stew in his rage.
Taking Down Eris[]
Hades realizes he needs more men to take down Eris's forces. He discovers the spirit of Gaston, a disgruntled combatant from the first war. Hades sees potential in Gaston and has Facilier turn him into a monster, in order to give him a test run. It proves a good idea, as Gaston manages to defeat two of Eris's henchmen, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra, where Echidna's Children fail to achieve the same task. Loki, Chaos, and Nemesis all join Hades's faction in anticipation of destroying Eris. As a reward for the hunter's services, Hades transforms Gaston back into a human.
The Battle of the Underworld[]
Eris's forces attack the Underworld in full. Hades lets his minions take out the majority of Eris's men, though he personally intervenes to take down Aku, the being responsible for killing so many of his monsters. He catches the arrows Aku fires at him and tears through the demon with a blast of fire. Aku reforms himself into a scorpion and readies himself to strike, but Hades is ready. Firing fireballs from his finger as if it were a gun, he banishes Aku into the lowest pits of the Underworld.
But Eris herself enters the fray, transforming into a massive golem. Though Hades uses a massive trident to repel her, the goddess of discord is immune to the strike and crushes Hades with a pillar. Just as she is about to deliver a killing blow, Chaos leaps in the way and dies in Hades's stead. Hades retaliates, firing a small harpoon into the golem's foot. He then lengthens the harpoon's rope, tying up Eris. Yet she burns through the ropes and continues to advance. Finally, Hades summons the resolve to destroy his former lover. With one great blast of the trident, he shatters the golem. As Eris screams, Hades destroys her by sealing her in a flaming coffin.
Love Hurts[]
One of the Fates alerts Hades to the Battle of the Forbidden Mountain: the forces of Skeletor are about to overrun it and kill Maleficent. Hades, not one to let his loved one die, departs to join the fray. He arrives just in time, blocking Skeletor's shot as he is about to kill Maleficent. Skeletor manages to knock him away, but only briefly. With one massive exertion of force, Hades knocks Skeletor out of the battlefield and forces him to retreat. In gratitude, Maleficent officially resumes a romantic relationship with Hades. In the wake of this, Hades resurrects Lady Waltham's brother, Clayton.
But all is not to end well for Hades. An old enemy of Doctor Facilier, Mok, resurfaces and takes over the Underworld with the aid of Loki, a traitor, while Hades is celebrating on Olympus. Even more tragic is the presumed death of Maleficent to Hordak, Skeletor's former mentor. Dejected, Hades tells his allies to "retire his number" and decides to drop out of the war. In his stead, Ursula, Maleficent's greatest lieutenant, takes control of the faction.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]
Disney Villains War[]
The Fall of a God[]
Searching for a new minion to use against his brother Zeus to conquer Olympus, Hades is informed by the Fates of a rising villain named Doctor Facilier. Traveling to New Orleans, Hades contacts the voodoo sorcerer and demands his servitude. Facilier refuses to be a pawn in Hades' game, and Hades leaves in anger, swearing to make the doctor pay for his hubris. Instead, Facilier decides to take action before Hades can fulfill his threat, storming the Underworld. Taking Hades by surprise, Facilier has his shadow demons toss his adversary into the River Styx. With Hades out of the picture, Facilier takes advantage of the moment to become the new god of the dead.
Plotting Revenge[]
A few days later, Hades manages to free himself from the Styx, fleeing the Underworld to seek allies. Visiting Maleficent, with whom he had dealings with in the past, Hades explains the situation to her and requests her aid. Needing allies of her own after several attacks by other villains, Maleficent accepts this alliance. Not long after, Facilier finds an ally in Queen Narissa, who tells him of Hades' survival, leading the doctor to make plans to finish what he started by destroying Hades.
Planning to build an army to take back the Underworld, Hades and Maleficent bring the gargoyle Demona into their service. While searching for magic artifacts they can use as weapons, Hades and Demona battle the Evil Manta, who was easily defeated. Returning to Forbidden Mountain, Hades is shocked when Maleficent brings the sorcerer Jafar into their alliance. Not trusting the scheming vizier, Hades swears to keep an eye on him.
Hades next sends Demona to battle the Horned King, who he fears might pose a threat to Maleficent and himself. The necromancer defeats Demona in battle and forces her to retreat, leaving Hades' service in shame. Seeking another minion, Hades visits Morgana, whom he hears has come into possession of the trident of Triton, becoming master of the seas. However, Morgana refuses to associate herself with Hades after hearing how Facilier had beaten him, and Hades swears to make her pay as well.
The Rise and Fall of the Titans[]
Having lost the Fates to Facilier, Hades seeks out the Witches of Morva to tell him of potential weapons to use against his enemy. The Witches inform Hades of the Titans, old enemies of Zeus that had been imprisoned many years ago, and tell him that the time was coming when the planets would align, making it possible to free the Titans. Thanking the Witches and bringing them into his service, Hades begins plotting to use the Titans against his many enemies and competitors.
Returning to Maleficent, Hades realizes that Jafar is gaining more of her favor after the death of his servant Merlock. Hades' suspicion of Jafar grows as the sorcerer begins moving to replace him.
As the planets finally align, Hades releases the Titans from their prison and sends them against his enemies: Facilier, Narissa, Morgana, Odin (Erik Hellstorm), and the Queen of Hearts. Hades personally oversees his attack on Morgana with the Ice Titan, overcoming her and her pet, Monstro. Hades lays claim to the Trident and has Morgana frozen solid. Meanwhile, Facilier and Narissa use the Firebird to destroy the Rock Titan; Odin and his Chaos Lord of Ice defeat the Lava Titan; the Wind Titan slays Pete in Wonderland; the Cyclops ravages Narissa's old kingdom after killing her servant Nathaniel and his troll minion.
Surveying the damage, Hades is ambushed by Jafar, who sends the giant cat Felicia against him. Hades summons his hound Cerberus to defend him, and the guardian of the Underworld tears Felicia apart. Jafar leaves, not wanting to incur further wrath from the Titans.
Just as it seems Hades might be making progress, the alien warlord Emperor Zurg and his army prepare to invade Earth by using a laser cannon to destroy the remaining Titans. Jafar returns to slay the enraged former god, but the two reach a stalemate in their battle. Hades retreats after Jafar's cobra form bests him in combat, and tells Maleficent of Jafar's betrayal. Agreeing to concentrate on bringing Jafar down before attacking the Underworld, Maleficent and Hades hire the Hunnic warlord Shan Yu to replace Jafar.
With Hades and Maleficent after his head, Jafar arrives in the Underworld to cast his lot in with Facilier and Narissa. Bringing along a mystic amulet and knowledge of Forbidden Mountain's defenses, Jafar uses the amulet to summon some allies: Sa'Luk, Jackal, and Mozenrath. These warriors attack Maleficent's fortress and clash with the sorceress and Shan Yu. Sa'Luk is killed in the battle, and Jackal and Mozenrath retreat, but not without crippling Maleficent's forces.
On his way out, Jackal finds Hades communing with the Egyptian god of the dead, Anubis. Hades tries to get his fellow god to lend his aid, but when Anubis refuses, Hades settles with trying to absorb his power. Jackal interrupts the process and takes Anubis' power for his own, but Hades bests him in battle and knocking him out into a deep slumber. Meanwhile, Mozenrath defeats Hades' minion Nessus while making his own escape.
With their forces destroyed and their stronghold in tatters, Hades, Maleficent, and Shan Yu depart the Forbidden Mountain, finding another base to use while plotting their comeback. It isn't long before Facilier and Narissa arrive and take the citadel for their own, converting it into Bald Mountain in order to summon their secret master.
Revenge at Last[]
Hunting down Demona, Maleficent discovers that the gargoyle was transformed into a human after being cursed by Mirage. Lifting the curse and restoring Demona's natural form, Maleficent brings Demona back into the fold. Meanwhile, Hades and Shan Yu discovers Jafar has turned himself into a nearly all-powerful genie. Both holding grudges against Jafar, the former god and the Hun decide to bring Jafar down before he might destroy them.
Assaulting Agrabah, where Jafar has made the city a living hell, Hades and Shan Yu battle their enemy. Jafar takes on his genie form and kills the Hun, but Hades takes advantage of the distraction provided by his pawn's death, destroying Jafar's lamp and seemingly eradicating Jafar.
With Jafar out of the way, Hades returns to the Underworld, giving Facilier one last chance to surrender peacefully. The voodoo sorcerer refuses, and the two mortal enemies bring their allies into battle. Both Narissa and Maleficent die in the ensuing showdown, leaving Hades on his own for the rematch...or so it seems. The Witches of Morva intervene as the Fates try to cut Hades' life thread, making their master immortal once more. Hades then destroys Facilier's shadow demons and drains Facilier's soul.
Although the Underworld is Hades's once more, the danger is far from over. Prior to his death, Facilier summoned the demon Chernabog into the mortal world, threatening all of existence. Hades sends Cerberus to assist in the final stand against the Black God, but like so many other villains, the hellhound is destroyed by Chernabog. Help comes from an unlikely source, as Zeus himself arrived and banishes Chernabog back into the pits of Hell.
With the war finally over, Hades begins drawing up plans for another offensive against Olympus, now having regained all his powers. He amuses himself in the meantime by torturing Facilier's soul, forcing him to relive his own death for the rest of eternity.
Disney Villains War 2[]
Stopping Frollo's reign[]
Troubled by Frollo's alliance with the Huntsman, Hades sought out Echidna, mother of all monsters, to provide him with an army to put an end to Frollo's empire once and for all.
Watching Facilier's escape[]
Learning of Maleficent's rebirth and her resurrected minions, Narissa decided to use her power to bring one of her own allies back to life. With her powerful sorcery, she tore Dr. Facilier's soul away from Hades' torture and gave him a new body.
France's assault[]
Deciding the time had come to destroy Frollo once and for all, Hades assembled Echidna's most fearsome children for an attack on Paris: a gigantic boar, the four-armed ape-like Gegenius, a savage wolf, and another Backson. As Frollo was addressing his men, the monsters attacked. The Huntsman immediately struck down the charging boar, only for the other three beasts to storm the city. The Huntsman knocked Gegenius off his feet, allowing Denahi to impale the giant with a spear. As the Backson made to attack the Huntsgirl, she swept its legs out from under it, knocking the fiend into a pit. The wolf assaulted Staquait and his Foreign Legionnaires, killing many of them, but as it moved in to finish off Staquait himself, he threw his saber through the wolf's head, slaying it. Livid, Hades was forced to retreat, taking his anger out on Pain and Panic.
Teaming with Mirage[]
Raging in the Underworld, Hades was approached by Mirage, who had been observing the events of the first war and now saw an opportunity to strike. The dark goddess offered Hades a means to bring Frollo down in a way Echidna could not, an offer that Hades gleefully accepted.
Back in the animated universe, Hades and Mirage united to depose the recently restored Sultan of Agrabah, hoping to turn Frollo's eyes away from their plots and towards the fall of another world power.
Trying to kill Dr. Facilier[]
Little did Facilier know that he was being watched by Hades, who burned with fury at seeing the return of his old enemy.
As Hades watched Facilier's movements and plotted his revenge on his escapee, the shark-man Tiburon snuck into the underworld through the River Styx and used Hades' distraction as a chance to snatch the Trident for his own.
Find the truth about Maleficent[]
As Queen La's soul arrived in the Underworld, she approached Hades and Mirage, begging them to allow her to return to the mortal world. The two gods refused, not seeing any benefit for them. La let slip that Maleficent had returned, hoping to use this information as a bargaining chip, much to Hades' shock and horror.
Mirage's betrayal[]
Meanwhile, Hades arrived on Forbidden Mountain, where he found Maleficent alive and well, just as Queen La had said. Hades tried to propose an alliance with Maleficent, reminding her of the love they had once shared. However, having her own plans in store for Hades, Mirage arrived and suggested to Maleficent that the two gods were now an item and had no more use for her. In a rage, Maleficent banished Hades back to the Underworld, vowing to bring her full wrath to bear on him if she ever saw him or Mirage again.
Deep in the Underworld, Mirage called together her allies, including Queen La, Chang, and the revived Hecate, revealing her plot to dominate the world of mortals using the power of the demonic Dark Dragon, though Hades was less than enthusiastic after his confrontation with Maleficent.
Frustrated with Mirage's manipulation, Hades decided to mount a final offensive against Frollo so he could throw off her hold on him. Meeting with Echidna, he convinced the Mother of All Monsters to gather all of her remaining children for an assault on Paris, taking advantage of the fact that Frollo was out preparing for the invasion of England.
With his last gambit having failed, Hades resigned himself to servitude under Mirage, telling Pain and Panic he wanted nothing more to do with the war.
Vs Mirage[]
In the depths of the Underworld, Facilier, Narissa, and Hoagy arrived ready for a final showdown with Hades, only to find their mortal enemy a shell of his former self, completely under Mirage's control. Not wanting vengeance on this pathetic shadow of Hades, Facilier and Narissa instead confronted Mirage, who blasted Hoagy into a wall for defying her. Mirage summoned a horde of demons to dispose of Facilier and Narissa, who transformed into a dragon to deal with the threat. While Narissa distracted the demons, Facilier summoned the Friends on the Other Side to devour their spirits, destroying them. Furious, Mirage blasted Narissa with lightning, but in her rage she destroyed the magic crystal that allowed her to dominate Hades' will. Freed from Mirage's control, Hades angrily turned on his former "ally", but she teleported away before he could attack her.
Teaming with Facilier[]
In the Underworld, Hades, owing his freedom to Facilier, agreed to cease hostilities with him and Narissa until he could exact vengeance on Mirage.
Disney Villains War 3[]
Trying to find Maleficent[]
Meanwhile in the Underworld, Hades tried to pry the location of Maleficent if she wasn't dead. On the advice of Facilier, he travelled to the CGI realm hoping to find her there while he left the underworld in his care.
Vs Young Xehanort[]
Having successfully crossed between realms, Hades found out that someone was waiting for him right there. The stranger brought in the Spellican to test Hades's abilities. At first, Hades, thinking he was an easy opponent, sent his loyal dog, Cerberus, to deal with the creature, only to be blasted by a thunder-spell of the Dream Eater. After the death of the Guard of the Underworld, Spellican acted quickly by casting a spell at Hades. This spell, not only didn't kill the god, but it boosted Hades's powers instead. Risking nothing else, the Dream Eater attempted to flee the battlefield, only to be killed by Hades's god powers in his anger for losing his beloved dog. Having deemed Hades worthy, the stranger revealed his true identity to him: Young Xehanort.
An unhappy alliance[]
Having successfully shown Young Xehanort his strength, Hades was given the revived Xemnas as an ally but Hades was not happy about this alliance.
A much bigger army[]
Xemnas returned to Hades bringing him the bad news... and Hades decided to punish Xemnas properly by bringing in new help that might actually help. He revived Syndrome, Mother Gothel and Davy Jones to act as his new minions.
Loving the fake Maleficent[]
Despite Xemnas's warnings, Hades seemed to take the bait for the fake Maleficent hook, line and sinker.
Hades found that Maleficent was acting rather oddly but he shrugged it off. However, his allies were not so willing to.
An invitation[]
Hades received a special invitation for a meeting from Count Dooku as Gothel started to feel that Maleficent felt off.
Dooku held his meeting with Hades and Clu. As they questioned why the meeting was so important, Dooku revealed it wasn't about the space ducks but before the meeting could continue, Riku busted in demanding where Sora was. As Dooku was angered by his insolence, Dooku dismissed the meeting, saying they would have to discuss this at a later time. Hades and Clu departed.
Disney Villains War Reboot[]
Fall to Power[]
While spending a dull day at the Underworld, Hades senses the coming of a threat, which he guessed it might be in the form of the demon Chernabog, who was imprisoned on the deepest layers of Tartarus for long time. He checks up on him, wanting to make official to the demon about his true place where he belongs. To his astonishment and fury, however, Chernabog breaks the barrage that holds him up on Tartartus, and escapes from his imprisonment. He then turns his attention to the god, challenging him to a duel of supremacy over the Underworld. After a short duel, Chernabog overpowers the god, sending him plummeted to the River Styx, while Pain and Panic look on.
Revenge of a God[]
A few days later, Hades manages to free himself from the Styx, promising to put Chernabog where he originally belonged.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]
God Vs God[]
With yet another of his plans to take over Olympus gone awry, Hades sulks in the Underworld. All of a sudden, a swarm of Frost Giants tear through the Underworld, led by the trickster god, Loki. As Loki announces his intention to take over the Underworld, Hades immolates the Frost Giants. Loki blasts Hades back with a pulse of dark energy, but Hades quickly recovers. He hurls his fire at Loki, only for the trickster god to dissipate into crows and then reform elsewhere. When Loki tries to blast him again, Hades teleports away, gaining the high ground. He then knocks Loki down with a burst of flame and casts him deep into the Underworld.
Assembling an Alliance[]
After the attack of Loki, Hades senses the tides of war coming. Seeing that he can use the war to his advantage, Hades pairs up with the most powerful magical heinge knows: Maleficent. Maleficent ensures him that one of her pet projects will be of use to their alliance. Hades then recruits the fallen mutant, Avalanche, thinking he might be useful for the faction. Maleficent reveals her end of the project: a powerful alliance of Jafar, Ursula, Captain Hook, and Pete. Jafar, however, does not take kindly to Hades's involvement with the alliance. Hades thus decides to remove the threat. During Jafar's battle with Magneto, Hades transforms Jafar into a genie, knowing full well that Jafar's metal lamp that keeps him alive is a massive target for Magneto to exploit. Jafar perishes, and Hades denies him resurrection.
A Deal-Breaker[]
A man named Simon Williams comes to Hades in hopes of acquiring superpowers. Williams seeks to ruin David Xanatos after Xanatos ruined his company. Hades obliges and transforms Williams into Wonderman. At the last second, Hades demands Wonderman's servitude for all eternity. Wonderman, furious, throws a blast of energy at Hades. The blow misses, leading Hades to respond with a fireball of his own. Wonderman dodges, firing a laser from his palm that actually stuns Hades. Hades summons some dead hands to capture Wonderman, but he flies into the air. Wonderman grabs Hades, but Hades destroys his hand with a blast of fiery energy. Hades then disintegrates his foe, though Wonderman is not so dead as Hades would think.
A Princess Appears[]
Hades returns to home base, where Captain Hook and Avalanche are waiting. Maleficent, however, has disappeared, leaving behind Snow White in the throne room. Hades and the other allies of the faction are soon called upon to defend Snow White when Baron Strucker and the Grim Reaper attack. After Captain Hook manages to incapacitate the Grim Reaper, Hades blasts the Nazi enforcer out of the castle window. Hades then turns his attention to a large robot that Strucker has activated; using a universal remote, he manages to put the robot out of commission. Strucker, however, manages to drop a chandelier upon Hades's head. When Hades recovers, he finds Hook triumphant over the body of Strucker. However, Ursula abandons the alliance completely.
Defeating a Demon[]
Maleficent soon returns, giving Hades some hope for the future of the war. In the meantime, Hades acquires Ursula's trident, as the sea witch has perished without the aid of the alliance. Having heard that Dormammu has been trying to re-surface, Hades summons Doubt and heads off to eliminate his foe. The two underworld baddies encounter Dormammu, recently summoned by his acolytes, Baron Mordo and Venom. Hades easily defeats Venom with a blast of the trident. Doubt tries to defeat Dormammu, but the more powerful demon kills him. Hades then uses his trident to cast both Dormammu and Venom into the netherworld. Mordo escapes while Hades revels in his victory.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 2[]
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 3[]
If the war wouldn't have been cancelled, he would have faced Killer Shrike and Unicorn and would have won the fight. Then Loki would have recruited Hades to join into his group. During the end of the war, he would have faced Thanos and would have won the fight. After beating Thanos, he would have returned as King of the Underworld with Persephone by his side.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]
Vs Him[]
The Fates show to Hades a powerful demon named Him that could help him destroy Zeus. Hades decides to release Him from his imprisonment without wasting time, but when Him gets out, he have plans of his own.
Back in the Underworld, Hades gets out of the River Styx and makes clear to Pain and Panic that he still is the God of the death. Hades goes to visit Dabura the king of demons, Hades wants to form and alliance with him and Dabura prefers to act and the talk.
Vs Dabura[]
Hades have told to Dabura, about his fight with Him. Dabura seeing this a chance to proof, his more powerful challenges Hades on a duel to see his true power. Hades accepts the challenge and Dabura is more than ready to fight. Dabura might be strong, but he must be careful in fighting with a god.
A deal with Morgana[]
Morgana possess the trident and tries to make a deal with Hades, in which if he revives her sister she will do whatever he wants. With Chernabog's power Ursula, finally could get out of the River Styx and finds Hades angry seeing that Morgana was defeated by a Digimon. Feeling that Ursula has more potential than Morgana, Hades makes a deal with Ursula in which he restores the Sea Witch's life in return for the occasional favor.
Vs Ganondorf[]
Hades watches that Him now has Mount Olympus in his power, Hades goes mad, that what is rightfully of his is now in Him's possesion. The King of evil makes a surprise attack to Hades and Ursula. Ganon might defeat the Sea Witch but can he defeat an angry Hades?
Teaming with Maleficent[]
Maleficent and his allies are trying to find a way to beat Him now that he's Devimon's ally, but for their surprise a certain God wants to form an alliance to get rid of Him and Devimon for good.
Vs Babidi and Majin Buu[]
Maleficent and hades discuss about the events of the War, as Him's forces are increasing in number and strength. As they were goin to think how to beat Him, Babidi interferes with the conversation and brought his creature to eliminate Maleficent by orders of the Queen Grimhilde. As Maleficent take's care of the wizard Hades decides to finish what the Cardinal Demons started many Years ago.
His victory[]
Maleficent and his forces celebrate Grimhilde's death with one enemy out of the way. but much to Maleficent's chagrin Hades survived and decides to tell the story about the Cardinal Demon's.
A reveal[]
Maleficent and his allies want to know how does Hades knows so much about Majin Buu, having no other choice Hades explains what happened many years back before he was Lord of the Death and how he knows about Buu.
Teaming with Archmage and Mozenrath[]
Back at the Underworld Hades is looking for Ursula but there are no signs of her, for his surprise the Archmage and Mozenrath arrive to forge an alliance to get rid of their common enemy. Which Hades accepts, as Mozenrath reveals where he is goin to attack.
Wanted rematch[]
Him finally starts his plans of destroying the world, by a volcano chain reaction. Hades decides to put an end to the devils plans and frees the Titans to eliminate this devilish jester. Him's powers are to strong for the Titans, but Hades has the one thing that can beat the demon for good.
Ruler of Olympus[]
With Zeus been turned into stone thanks to Him, Hades becomes the new ruler of Olympus and makes Doctor Facilier the new God of the Underworld.
Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part 2[]
Talking with Garlic[]
In the Underworld Garlic speaks with Hades about the reunion of the Cardinal demons, but now knowing about Mirage intentions Hades wants time to think and talk about it with Maleficent. In the Underworld, Hades gives to Garlic a potion that contains a fraction of the Rewind Spring.
Vs Poseidon[]
Meanwhile at Mount Olympus, his ruler has called the other Gods for a little help. Only to be interrupted by Poseidon, without hesitation Poseidon attacks and challenges Hades to a battle between Gods the winner: will rule Mount Olympus, the loser will lose his life.
Getting Dragon Balls[]
Meanwhile Pain and Panic have found all of the Dragon Balls and they make a quick stop to leave them to someone...In the Forbidden Mountains Pain and Panic give the Dragon Balls to Maleficent from Hades orders.
Pokemon Heroes Vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]
Vs Brock[]
As Ash and his friends search for Ash's mom, they are confronted by the god of the underworld none other than Hades. Brock decides to stay to fight Hades while Ash and Misty continue searching. But does his Onix stand a chance?
Meeting Team Rocket[]
An angry Hades makes it out of the River Styx, and decides to go to Team Rocket Headquarters in his chariot. Arriving there, he meets Giovanni and makes a little deal with them, with him Hades the best of luck trying to defeat Ash Ketchum and his friends once and for all.
Meeting Jafar[]
Hades is encountered by the ghost of Jafar, who asks to be resurrected in exchange to help defeat Ash and his friends, and thus, Hades accepts Jafar's request.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]
Rise again[]
And finally, a god rises from the River Styx again.
Talking with Fates[]
And finally, Hades is told by the Fates about a dark spirit who could help him destroy Ash Ketchum and his friends.
Freeing Aku[]
Elsewhere, Hades awakens the spirit known as Aku who has also plans to destroy Ash Ketchum and his friends personally.
Hiring some monsters[]
To rid Ash and his friends for good, Hades sends out the centaur known as Nessus to outwit them.To bring down Mewtwo for good, Hades and Aku send out the creature known as the Omaddon to do so.Furious of Mewtwo still alive, Hades and Aku bring Mumm-Ra out of his tomb hoping he could beat the rare Pokemon.o prove himself a powerful villain, Mumm-Ra is sent by Hades to take out Gary Oak, the Pokemon trainer before he could face Mewtwo.
Teaming with Ayam Aghoul[]
After being pleased of Mumm-Ra's success of defeating Gary Oak, Hades is approached by Ayam Aghoul who has plans to help defeat Mewtwo.
Next monsters to hire[]
Hades decides to hire the Weird Sisters to take out Misty to see how strong they are.Hades meets Echidna, and asks her if she could help defeat Ash and his friends once and for all.
Vs Mewtwo's Forces[]
With an amazing army, Hades is now ready to attack Hades once and for all. But as they encounter his island, Mewtwo to found to have super Pokemon clones as his forces as well as Mew. It's going to be a big battle between them and Hades' forces including Aku, Mumm-Ra, Ayam Aghoul, and Mumm-Ra's armies.
Hunting Mewtwo[]
Though they have the victory, it turns out that Mewtwo has escaped during the battle, and Hades decides to go after him and strike back.Mewtwo has landed in Mt. Olympus where he would be safe, but Hades has arrived and has challenged him for one final duel. The two begin their final battle, but one of them must have the victory, for the giant mountain is about to collapse.
The war was a very difficult and brutal one to deal with. Mewtwo is now locked up into chains in the River Styx, as Ayam Aghoul starts torturing him, much to Hades's entertainment.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Three[]
Teaming with Skeletor[]
Hades is greeted by the two kings of the world, Skeletor and the Skeleton King, who both ask Hades to merge alliances. Hades isn't really sure about this, but agrees to combine alliances just in case anything goes wrong.
Sending Mewtwo[]
The Snow Queen meets up with Hades, Skeletor and The Skeleton King who are completely surprised of her resurrection from Mumm-Ra. She is also pleased of what Hades did to Mewtwo, but fearing he could find a way to break out of his cell in the River Styx, Hades agrees to send him to the live action universe to ensure he doesn't ruin their plans.
Transformers vs DIsney and Non-Disney Villains War[]
Vs Animated Megatron[]
Inside the Underworld, Hades held a powerful Cybertronian artifact with similar properties ot the AllSpark. Animated Megatron set out into the Underworld personally to get it. Hades sent out his monsters to attack Megatron, but they were quickly defeated. Though furious at first, Hades calmed down. He thought Megatron would never be able to get to the center of the Underworld. To his suprise, Megatron appeared in his throne room and delivered a punch which smashed in Hades's face. A second punch sent Hades into the River of Styx.
Teaming up with Ursula and Zurg[]
Megatron fished Hades out of the river and proposed an alliance with the god, knowing Hades had more artifacts. Hades agreed. In the next round, Hades gave Megatron false information regarding the location of Trypticon, a legendary Transformer. This misinformation resulted in the defeat of Blitzwing and the humiliation of the Decepticons. It is later revealed that Hades had formed an alliance with Ursula and Zurg and he has a plan.
News from Fates[]
As Optimus Prime reveals a cybertroian prophecy Hades meets up with The Fates as they reveal the Titans marching on the ruler of Atlantica King Triton about to be turned into a Sea Polyp and a Mysterious Statue.
Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]
New Adventures, New Dimensions[]
Before the war starts, a scientist, came by the name Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, hoping to gain some respect from other villains, visits the Forbidden Mountains, where Maleficent, Jafar, Pete and Hades were residing at the moment. Doofenshmirtz shows to them a device that it would allow anyone to cross between dimensions. Interesting in his plan, Doofenshmirtz activates the machine and warps the villains into the Video Game realm. Hades, soon enough, leaves the group and explores the new universe, starting by the city of Rhodes in Greece. There, Zeus, seeing him as a threat, in his eagle form, brought the Colossus of Rhodes to life, so that it will challenge the god of the underworld. Seeing him as an easy threat, Hades blasts the Colossus with his powers. However, they didn't nothing more than injuring the metal giant. A furious, Hades then blasts the Colossus, with every power of his own, obliterating it. Seeing as the first victory, Hades was caught off guard, when Zeus, assumed his real form to deal with Hades personally. With one swing from the Blade of the Gods, Zeus sends Hades into an unknown location.
Losing Strength[]
Pete, one of Maleficent's allies, finds Hades, after Maleficent orders him to find Hades. There, Pete and Hades learn that the River Styx from the Video Game realm, somehow connects to the real River Styx from his own universe. Pete leaves then Hades to his own business. Hades then, wanting revenge for his previous humiliation, summons a giant Ice Colossus, that it may challenge Zeus. However, soon enough, Hades was confronted by Bowser, who was sent by Ganondorf's orders to stop the growing army of Maleficent. Seeing as the perfect test for the powers of the giant, Hades orders the Colossus to attack. Unfortunately, the Ice Colossus was no match against Bowser's weapons, as the King of Koopas shoots a powerful energy blast at the giant, causing the Ice Colossus to collapse, and then fade into nothingness. Hades then knew that he wanted a real Ice Titan and not a replica of it. Furious for his loss, Hades flees away.
Killing The Goddess of Wisdom[]
Wanting to find Zeus's weakness, Hades begins his revenge by taking out the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. Hades meets the goddess, staying in the outskirts of this war. After Athena demands to Hades to leave Greece and Mount Olympus at once, a furious Hades lights up and kills the goddess with a powerful flaming blast. The incident was witnessed by Zeus, who swore revenge for killing his daughter. The king of the gods then leave Hades at once.
Alliance with the God of War[]
Hearing that Hades takes out his old rival and the fact that he was about to kill Zeus, the traitor god of war, Ares, joins forces with Hades, so that both will get rid off the king of the gods.
Another Failure[]
Pete was upset that Hades did nothing about more about his own problem, Zeus. The bully cat explains to him about an ancient demon who travels in time, called Mephiles, that may challenge Zeus. Interested in Pete's plan, Hades summons Mephiles to Video Game realm and decides to use him against the forces of Zeus. However, the demon was not actually interested in Hades plans and instead goes against him. Just as Mephiles takes his monster form, Hades attacks with full power at him, knocking him down. Mephiles, then recovers and blasts at the god, injuring him a little. Then, Mephiles uses a crystal that it will absorb Hades' power, weakening him. But before he would go any further, Hades blasts Mephiles with flaming shots, causing Mephiles to fade into nothingness.
This Time For Sure[]
Later, Hades and Ares brought the formely deceased Ursula into the Video Game Universe, after her previous defeat with LeChuck and Demitri Maximoff. There, Hades explains his reason of resurrecting the sea-witch into this universe, by suggesting her to take down Zeus. Ursula agrees to Hades's offer. Soon enough, Hades was informed by Ares about the legendary box, called the "Pandora's Box" that it would boost their powers against Zeus. Interested in the Box's powers, Hades sends his newly alliance to obtain the Box for themselves. However, they learned that the Box was guarded by Zeus's son, Hercules. At first Hades demands to demi-god to leave them to their own business, but Hercules disagrees to their demand. Hercules then summons a Phoenix to get rid off his enemies. While Ares was dealing the Phoenix personally, by taking the form of a monstrous beast, Hades and Ursula challenge the demi-god. While Hercules proves enough for the god's attacks, Ursula backs up Hades by crashing Hercules into a nearby wall. Hades then did his finishing move by plummeting Hercules from the ground below into his apparent demise. As soon as Ursula reverts Ares into his normal form, after his success against the Phoenix, they open the "Pandora's Box" acquiring weapons, that it would wipe out Zeus. But their joy will soon be interrupted by the arrival of Zeus, who had learned quickly about his son fight, too late to discover that he is gone. Before Zeus interacts once more with his enemies. Hades' forces disappear in a flash, taking with them the "Pandora's Box"
Growing Powerful[]
After the fight, Hades uses the last remaining powers of the "Pandora's Box", to summon a bunch of Titans, able to fight the Olympian Gods on Mount Olympus.
Villains War[]
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]
Teaming with Maleficent[]
In recent years, Maleficent, her soul damned to the Underworld after her death, managed to recover enough of her power to access the palace of Hades, the god of the dead. Having gotten Hades' attention, Maleficent told him that she had been planning a scheme to gather the forces of darkness throughout the world to usher in a new age of evil. She only needed Hades to restore her to the land of the living to begin her plot. In return, Maleficent promised to give Hades the opportunity and power to depose Zeus, king of the gods, who is Hades' brother and long-standing rival. Intrigued, Hades agreed. On Maleficent's suggestion, Hades flew out to begin by striking at the Middle Eastern city of Agrabah.
Vs Aladdin[]
Arriving in Agrabah, Hades effortlessly dethroned the Sultan. Seeing this, the former thief Aladdin went to confront the evil god, but Hades destroyed the balcony Aladdin was standing on with a fireball. Thankfully, the powerful Genie cushioned Aladdin's fall by transforming himself into a couch. Princess Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, joined her lover Aladdin in the courtyard on his Flying Carpet, and Aladdin leaped on to face Hades in the air. Hades knocked them back to Earth with a blast of hellfire, then started to destroy the city around them. The Genie stretched himself out like a bridge so that the others could get to safety. As Aladdin and friends fled the city, Hades claimed Agrabah for himself.
New allies[]
In the depths of the Underworld, Hades' minions Pain and Panic introduced their master to several villains that had decided to cast their lot in with the lord of the dead: Scar's mate Zira, the bandit lord Sa'Luk, the evil merwoman Marina Del Ray, the twisted magician Sarousch, and the corrupt Norse god Odin.
Cooperating with Jafar[]
Hades was met in Agrabah by Jafar, much to both men's frustration, as they had bad history with each other. Nevertheless, both had been ordered by Maleficent to work together in killing Merlin and cutting off the head of the resistance. On their way to confront Merlin, Jafar expressed his joy at taking revenge on the heroes, but Hades reminded him that they hadn't won yet.At Merlin's cottage, the Genie, Arthur, and Ariel pondered their next move since Merlin had refused their aid. However, Archimedes said that he was also concerned about Merlin and decided to take one of them with him to check on Merlin. Arthur was chosen, but since he still had to stay hidden, the Genie transformed the boy into a sparrow. Arthur and Archimedes flew off, catching up to Merlin as he confronted Hades and Jafar at an old ruin. Hades tossed a large barbell at Merlin, but the wily sorcerer teleported out of the way, blasting Hades with a bolt of ice that froze the lord of the dead. Jafar fired a blast of his own, causing Merlin's beard to grow out of control, covering his face. As Hades broke free, Merlin transformed into a goat to ram him, but Hades forced him back with a storm of fire. Merlin transformed into a mouse to escape underground, but Hades shot a bolt of fire into the hole and forced him back to the surface. Seizing his chance, Jafar imprisoned Merlin in a lamp. Enraged, Arthur tried to attack the villains, but Archimedes held him back, warning him not to make any hasty decisions.
Hearing Chernabog's plan[]
Meanwhile, on Forbidden Mountain, Chernabog's spirit contacted Maleficent and Hades, asking them to hasten their efforts to sacrifice the princesses to him and bring him into the mortal world. Both villains assured him that his time was coming very soon. With Chernabog growing anxious to be given his promised sacrifice, Hades summoned a group of monsters like the Hydra, Monstro, and the Headless Horseman to give Maleficent an edge over the heroes.
Angry and tasked[]
Despite Pain and Panic's efforts, Hades quickly found out about Mickey's escape, promising to maim his lackeys for their failure after his coming meeting with Maleficent. Worried that the heroes would free the other princesses after the fall of the Horned King's citadel and the escape from the Underworld, Maleficent tasked Hades and Jafar with finding the Spring Sprite so they could use her to awaken the Firebird.
Capturing Spring Sprite[]
Despite Pocahontas tending to him, John Smith's condition was worsening after his run-in with Captain Hook. Just as all hope seemed lost, the Spring Sprite arrived with her companion, a noble Elk. Seeing Smith's circumstances, the Sprite used her magic to heal him. As the Sprite departed, however, two woodland animals watching nearby revealed themselves as Pain and Panic, heralding the arrival of Hades, who had been sent to capture the Sprite by Maleficent. To make sure Pocahontas and Smith didn't interfere, Hades had Pain, Panic, and Nessus seize the two.
On the slopes of Mount Saint Helens, the resting place of the Firebird, Hades finally cornered the Spring Sprite. Hades began tossing fireballs at the Sprite, who desperately tried to dodge. Eventually, one of Hades' fireballs hit their mark, knocking the Sprite to the ground. Growing to immense size, Hades seized the Sprite and took her to the summit to begin the process of awakening the Firebird.
Unknown to either the animals or Clayton's group, Hades and the Sprite were nearby, with Hades forcing the Sprite to use her powers to awaken the Firebird at last. As the Sprite watched in horror, Hades took the Firebird, its appetite for destruction quenched for the time being, back to Forbidden Mountain. As Hades and the Firebird returned, Maleficent and Chernabog were pleased, being that much closer to Chernabog's return to the mortal world.
Meeting with Zurg[]
In the Underworld, Hades was visited by The Fates and Zurg, who informed him of Maleficent's latest plan. Maleficent hoped to free the ancient and powerful Titans from their divine prison to use against the hero forces, but the Titans could only be freed when the planets aligned with Earth in an infrequent cosmic event. Zurg was to use his technology to force the planets to align early while Hades used his power to shatter the wards imprisoning the Titans.
Vs Hercules and Zeus[]
On Mount Olympus, Hades returned to check on Odin and the imprisoned gods when Hercules arrived, hoping to force Hades to give up his claim on Meg's soul before she died. As Hercules and Zeus celebrated, Hades escaped. However, as Hercules gave chase, Hades told him Meg's life would soon be his. In Thebes, the Fates watched as Meg began to succumb to her injuries, preparing to cut her life thread...
Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]
Heroes vs Villains War[]
Royal Assassination[]
As Hades joins one of Maleficent's gatherings in their annual plans to rid of the heroes, he is suddenly caught off guard by the arrival of the rock star Mok Swagger. Showing the assembled villains his powerful super-computer, he offers to aid the villains in their plans by gathering his own allies. Intrigued by his offering, Maleficent accepts him into her inner circle. In the first assigned mission, Mok sends Hades to Russia to meet with the mad monk Rasputin and persuade him to join the witch's alliance. The monk agrees so long as his greatest enemy, the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov, is dead. As sign of good will, Rasputin lent his dark powers before departing to meet with the Russian princess, currently leaving Russia on a train. Using the tricks bestowed by Rasputin, Hades manages to take over the train and destroy a nearby bridge, speeding the wagon towards on the broken bridge to their demises. Sadly for him, Anastasia and her companions are forced to exit, much to his annoyance.
After his failure to kill her, Hades and Rasputin approached Maleficent, proposing to fulfill the deed; the witch complies by creating a storm in the seas of Europe, where Anastasia and her companions are currently situated. Using dark powers, she casts a sleeping spell on Anastasia while on a boarding ship, tempting her to jump out of the ship. Sadly for her, Anastasia's companion Dimitri rescues her from the near suicidal attempt, leaving Maleficent, Rasputin, and her allies in dismay. Despite their loss, Maleficent silences her allies, planning a new avenue for their upcoming conflict.
Later, Hades meets with Ruber, proposing to strike his greatest nemesis, the Greek demigod Hercules though he fails to mention of his status as a demigod, leaving the knight in humiliation before the hero's brute strength.
Heroes vs Villains War-Part Two[]
Teaming with Mechanicles[]
After his humiliating defeat, Hades offers Mechanicles to join him.
Manuel's Villains War[]
Vs Grand Duke of Owls[]
In the Underworld, Hades and the Fates beginning with The Grand Duke of Owls are taking over the Underworld. Hades is going to The Grand Duke of Owls´s hideout. The Grand Duke of Owls is fight to Hades, his sidekick Hunch is ready to attack, Hades uses a fire to burn Hunch , Hades tells the Grand Duke of Owls do fight with me. Hades returned to the Underworld, when Hades is relaxing along with Pain and Panic are scared and soon The Grand Duke of Owls is arrived in the Underworld, and the Grand Duke of Owls is using magic to defeat Hades in the water of the Underworld.
Villains Battles[]
Pre-War: Joining Maleficent[]
At the same time Maleficent starts recruiting her friends to help her stop Chernabog do this invasion. For this she plans recruit two old rivals of Chernabog to help them.
Vs Chernabog[]
With Maleficent and the other allies gone to search for an important object, Hades, Keldor and Eris are suddenly ambushed by Chernabog, who decided to defeat them. As he defeats Keldor easily, Hades and Eris step in to fight. As Hades tries to talk to him, Chernabog decides to take out an important person for him: his wife.
Teaming with Magica De Spell[]
After losing her brother and creating a staff to remember him, Magica is approached by Hades, who decides to forge an alliance with her. Magica suddenly has a change of heart when Hades reveals of the abuse his father gave him and didn't consider Hades not even once. Little they know...
Meeting with Maleficent again[]
In the Underworld, the god of the death Hades was angry because he didn't get his revenge on Zeus. However, Maleficent's soul appeared to join forces with the god of death for some reasons: first to take down Chernabog, then to take down Zeus and conquer Mount. Olympus. However, the god quickly accepts now happy that someone understands him.
Vs Ursula[]
Following the events of the war, Hades and Maleficent plan their uprising against Chernabog, but they don't need to do it because the sea witch Ursula decided to attack them under Chernabog's orders...
New allies[]
With Ursula dead, Hades escapes from the River Styx and Maleficent informs him that she killed the Sea Witch after she thrown the god of death in the river. Quickly, they meet Radamanthys, who wants to help them in taking out Chernabog. The duo accept him in exchange of his respect upon Hades and Maleficent.In the Underworld, Maleficent, Hades and their allies decide to send some of their group to take out some of Chernabog's alliance. Right in that moment, Dr. Eggman arrives to help the alliance in taking out the demon of the Bald Mountain along with his robots. As they welcome him in their alliance in exchange of his undying loyalty.
Vs Samhain[]
In order to cause havoc and destruction to the world, Chernabog summons a new ally: the ghost Samhain. The demon of the Bald Mountain sends him to kill some humans. As he finds Van Pelt, who wanted to kill Scar after his friend McLeach's "death". When the ghost defeats him, a god of death decides to take him out...
Teaming with Rasputin[]
After Samhain's death, Maleficent, Hades and their allies plot to free the Titans in order to kill Chernabog and his allies once and for all. Soon they receive the visit of a former ally of Frollo, who is willing to help Maleficent and Hades take out Chernabog. As they accept the former ally of Frollo's help.
Freeing Titans[]
Meanwhile, Hades, Maleficent and their alliance arrive where the Titans are imprisoned, as they free them. However, someone of Maleficent and Hades' alliance decides to betray them by joining forces with a certain king of space...
Battle of the Bald Mountain[]
The fight between Chernabog and some of his allies and Maleficent, Hades and some of their allies has begun to declare who is gonna rule the Underworld. Will Maleficent get her revenge or Chernabog will prove to be more prepared than the mistress of all evil and the god of death?
More allies[]
After Chernabog's death, Hades, Maleficent, Radamanthys and Dr. Eggman envoke 2 new allies in order to take out the Horned King and Omega Shenron, the remaining allies of Chernabog.After winning the war against Chernabog, Hades and Maleficent revive 3 sisters formerly allied with Pete and Yosemite Sam in order to take out the last remaining ally of Chernabog that has survived against the mistress, Dr. Eggman and Eris.
Taking Olympus[]
With Corset dead, Hades and his forces begin to seize power over Mount Olympus by overthrowing Zeus. As the god and Maleficent rule it now...
Villains Battles 2[]
Freeing Discord[]
With some days passed, Maleficent and her allies alongside Hades plot their next move. Both leaders are undecided, but Eris helps them by asking the mistress of all evil to summon a certain chaotic being. Maleficent summons this being as he reveals to be Discord, who has been released from the Spirit Realm (where he was trapped before the war). Hades asks him to send Maleficent in another dimension as he accepts.
Vs Madam Mim[]
While plotting their next move after sending Maleficent in the CGI world, Hades and Eris encounter an old face of the war who has cured from the virus given by Jafar last war and wants to take them down in order to use Mount Olympus as a base of operations. However, Mim may have acquired other magic powers, but can it be difficult for the two gods and their creatures?
Villains Battles 3[]
In a new dimension[]
In the Underworld, Hades and Maleficent visit the Duke of Vaults as they discuss what to do as Maleficent plans to find new worlds to conquer and as well to gain allies. As Discord, from orders of the Duke, teleports them...Hades ends in the CGI world, happy to have found a "new world".
Vs Hermes[]
Now in the CGI world, Hades decides to find new allies there so to aid him. So, he tries to forge an alliance with this dimension's version of an old god fellow: the messanger Hermes. When the latter refuses to join him since he works for Zeus, Hades decides to prove that may talk too much, but he can also be dangerous...
New allies[]
After his battle with Hermes, Hades is encountered by none other than the infamous sorceress Nasira, who wants to forge an alliance to help him study this "new world". Hades accepts, seeing full potential in her. Nasira informs Hades of her failure and he's not happy about this. After scaring her, Hades decides to punish her properly by resurrecting 3 fallen veterans of this war.
Meeting with Maleficent?[]
In the CGI world, Hades sends Turles and Slug on their first missions, however they are interrupted by... Maleficent? Hades, happy to see her, welcomes her back in the CGI world. However while preparing for their missions, Turles and Slug are being suspicious about Maleficent's presence in the CGI world... and they may not be wrong about doing so.
Disney vs. Comics[]
Hades will appear in the war as the primary Disney villain, teaming with Loki to battle Hercules, Thor, and their allies for the fate of the mortal realm.
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Losing his throne[]
Hades goes in Underworld to free a demon that could help him to defeat his brother, so the God decided to revive Aku. With all of his powers, Hades manages to free Aku and asked the demon if he will join him. Aku denied leaving Hades to be very angry. Seeing that Hades has used all of his powers to free him, Aku decided to throw Hades into the River Styx and take over the Underworld. Later, Hades manages the escape the River Styx, swearing revenge on Aku.
Helping Maleficent[]
When Trigon attempts to destroy Maleficent, Hades arrived to save her, knowing she might be useful for his plans. Trigon attack the former god,but Hades dodges all his attacks.Hades then used a fireball to transform and teleport Trigon away from Maleficent. Maleficent thanks Hades for his help while taking Raven with her. Hades tells Maleficent that if she needs him, he will conquer the Universe, which leaves Maleficent impressed.
Vs The Lich[]
Hades decided to free another demon named the Lich to help him to beat Aku and his allies, but the Lich isn't going to let himself be controlled by the God that trapped him before, so he challenges Hades into a battle for his freedom. Hades accepts as he prepares to shoot a fireball at Lich. However, Lich anticipated that and created a powerful spell to defend himself. Then Hades shoots a lot more fireballs into the creatures, which caused the Lich to lose most of his skin. Seeing Lich vulnerable, Hades decided to become as giant as the Lich was. However, Lich managed to shoot a powerful spell into Hades's head, causing the god to have a little headache. This was proven to be a wrong move, as he felt right into Hades trap. The Lich was teleported back into his cell on Earth, leaving Hades to realise that he might have the strenght to defeat Aku.
Reviving Facilier[]
Before his battle against the Lich, Hades decided to revive a fallen voodoo wizard that might come out handy later on the war. After defeating the Lich, Hades was visited by Dr. Facilier who asks for his freedom. Hades accepts it if he is gonna defeat an ally of Aku and help Hades if the god needs him. Facilier accepts with the offer.
Planning to stop Aku and The Fire Nation[]
Maleficent gathered Hades and Chernabog to discuss a plan about stopping Aku and The Fire Nation,but mostly Aku...
After Facilier managed to take Pain and Panic with him,Hades is still angry with the 2 imps since they betrayed him, but they are saved by the fact that Hades was in the middle of a meeting hosted by Maleficent to discuss where she can find more pure souls to revive Chernabog into the real world.A few days passed as Hades arrived once again Forbidden Mountain to announce Maleficent that he will help her more to free Chernabog if she will help him to take The Underworld back. Maleficent agreed with Hades request,much to Hades hapiness.
Hades decided to prove his royalty for Maleficent by freeing an ancient Greece monster to destroy The Fire Nation called Hydra. However,Hydra failed as it was crushed to death by Charmcaster.
Capturing Daphne[]
Daphne was securing her small sister until Hades and Maleficent arrived and captured the fairy. Then, Maleficent used her powers to drain the fairy's powers, making her the newest prisoner.
Sending Hecate into a mission[]
Hades contacted an old goddess friend of his,Hecate, to spy on the other factions.The goddess agrees while stealing some of Hades powers in order to help herself into her mission.
Vs Jack-O Lantern[]
While Hades was making a plan to get his home back,Jack-O Lantern arrived to kill the God.Angered by this foolish demon who somehow freed some spirits,Hades angrily has decided to destroy him quickly.As the demon spirits were entering on Jack's pumpkins,Hades used his fire attacks into blowing the pumpkins one by one thus sending the spirits back into The Underworld.Then Hades used his smoke abilities to make Jack-O Lantern to slowly flee into the portal that Jack himself has created.
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Animated Villains War[]
Vs Him and Abracadabra[]
Him is wandering around the city and looking for a new ally for another of his plans. He finds Townsville's old theater and realizes that a corpse was still there. With his powers, Him revives his brand new friend, Abracadaver. Meanwhile, in Agrabah, Jafar and Hades devise a scheme to be able to rule the world beyond Agrabah and Greece. Do they have any chance of achieving it?
Animated Villains War - Part Two[]
Vs Aku[]
During the time when Aku was ruling the underworld for Him and Abracadaver, a certain god who had been imprisoned for a long time broke free. Now, Aku must prevent Hades, the trully lord of the dead, from escaping the underworld.
Meeting Maleficent[]
Maleficent returns to Forbidden Mountain, very angry at having lost one of her minions. That's when Jafar gives her the news that Hades had left the styx and was back brand new. The lord of the underworld also brings Maleficent some souls he saved there.
Vs King One Eye[]
King one-eye gathered his troop and planned to attack the Forbidden Mountain after plotting that with Zig Zag. However,his entire army is consumed by the flames of Hades, the mighty lord of the dead, who uses something for the king to die for.
Disscusing with Maleficent[]
Having escaped from the River Styx, Hades asks Maleficent what he could do to take back the position of Lord of the Underworld. Then, the Mistress of all evil states that he would first need to get through one of the guardians.
Vs No Heart[]
Hearing Maleficent's instructions, Hades meets up with No Heart and uses his god powers to overpower him. However, after not using them for a long time, Hades powers doesn't seem to have adapted very well,as No Heart could testify.
Teaming with Pluto[]
Searching to find a way to indirectly wreck those in the Underworld and revitalize your moral, Hades gets the help of another guy as devilish as him.
Vs Mumm-Ra[]
When none of his guards were able to bring Mumm-Ra down, Frollo made the decision that he was going to do this on his own. However, the judge's dagger strength isn't said to be the same as the one of a certain god.
Reviving Diablo[]
A day after the incident with Ruber, Hades notices that Maleficent's countenance was different. When asking her, Hades discovers that she was missing her pet raven, Diablo. Then, Hades returns it to her through resurrection.
Animated Villains War - Part Three[]
Disney vs Transformers Villains War[]
Vs Megatron[]
The Fates reveals to The Lord of the Dead Hades the Leader of the Decepticons Megatron as a key to defeating his Brother Zeus as the group was collecting some Energon Cubes Hades arrives to help him takeover Mount Olympus however he refuses forcing Hades to go back to the Underworld as he explains to his henchmen Pain and Panic about the problem Megatron breaks into the Underworld and shoots Hades into the River Styx defeating him and taking over the domain.
Vs Terrashock[]
Angry for Megatron taking over the Underworld Hades encounters Terrashock challenging him with his minion the River Guardian Nessus however he fights his way through him sending him into the water however Hades destroys him as he blows up the Decepticon.
Teaming with Maleficent and Jafar[]
Back at the Forbidden Mountain Ursula and Hades team up with Maleficent and Jafar.
Free For All Heroes vs. Villains War Tournament[]
Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]
Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]
Ultimate Free For All Villains Tournament[]
All Out Heroes vs Villains War[]
Meeting Mok[]
Maleficent, her husband Hades and her allies (Dr. Facilier, Shan-yu and Pete) plot to summon a powerful god to aid them, however their meeting is interrupted by infamous rockstar Mok Swagger, who decides to help them out. At the same time he reveals his allies, much to her surprise. Mok's supercomputer also reveals who can help them with their plans much to Maleficent and Mok's joy.
Vs Sinbad[]
In hopes of getting ready for action, Hades decides to help a colleague of his, the goddess of discord Eris, in trying to take out the threat the pirate Sinbad poses. For this battle, Hades requires a special help from a monstrous creature from Tartarus.

Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
Vs Hexxus[]
The lord of the death Hades plots his first moves as the Fates tell him of Hexxus, a Destruction spirit that could help him in taking down Zeus. However, when he goes to free him, Hades may find out the Fates were wrong.
Teaming with Eris[]
Hades is still mad at Hexxus for not obeying his specific order. However the goddess Eris visits him in order to take down the Spirit of Destruction. As the god accepts the offer.
Teaming with Dr. Facilier[]
Hades and his allies plan to take out Hexxus until they are greeted by a magician known as Dr. Facilier, who has got plans to take out the Spirit of destruction. Hades, seeing potential in him, accepts the shadow man in his alliance with Maleficent.
Hand Drawn Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]
Hand Drawn Animated Villains War[]
Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]
Sending his creatures[]
Toolshed wanted all freedom pals to come to a forest so they can have a talk about a god attacking the city but the hades sends his creatures to attack the kids but he will soon know the kids are really strong.
Teaming with Black Hat[]
After their fight with Sonic, Black Hat is very angry at Flug for not building a better security system to fend off the blue blur but before he can do anything the god of the underworld Hades shows up to assist Black Hat in his mission for revenge so he shows the support he needs to help him and now the deal is sealed.
Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]
Vs Mesmero[]
The Fates predict that Hades will conquer Olympus, but Apocalypse could get in the way if he is awakened. So Hades goes to Mesmero, who has long been looking for a way to awaken Apocalypse, will the god of the dead be able to defeat the devious mutant?
New allies[]
At the Forbidden Mountains Maleficent is preparing the army for the coming war, when Hades arrives and convinces her to ally with him.Shan-Yu meets Hades who, having heard of Red Skull's defeat against the leader of the Huns, wants him as an ally, for Shan-Yu it is an honor to help the god of the dead and decides to follow him.
Teaming with Dr. Facilier[]
At the Forbidden Mountain Maleficent and Hades gather their allies to discuss their next moves within the war, suddenly Doctor Facilier arrives with the intention of joining them and is welcomed with open arms, especially by Hades, generating much happiness in the doctor.
Villains War (Disney Knights)[]
Vs Apollo[]
To conquer Olympus, the god of the dead Hades, he gets advice from the Fates on who can help him. They suggest using the immense power of Apollo. But the sun god being the son of Zeus does not want to allow it. For this he challenges Hades in a fight flanked by Atlas, his right arm.
Teaming with Eris[]
After the disappointment that Apollo gave him, Hades returns to the underworld to think of who can help him in the conquest of Olympus. Just at that moment Eris the goddess of chaos arrives to lend a hand to Hades and not to disappoint him as Apollo did.
Vs Dumon[]
Hades and Eris receive an unexpected visit from Vector, the traitorous Barian emperor, who has come to the underworld to ask for help in removing Nash, his hated leader. To convince Hades and Eris, he informs them that the other Barian emperors have conquered Olympus before them. Then the two deities following Vector's advice decide to get rid of Nash's most loyal followers: Dumon and Marine. While Eris takes care of Marine, Hades takes care of Dumon, Nash's most loyal follower.
Teaming with Him[]
After seeing the events of the war between villains, Him asks his little duck whether to join the fight or not and who to ally with. Eventually Him decides to go to the underworld to lend a hand to Hades.
Vs Nash's Forces[]
Hades, Eris and Vector decide to launch the decisive attack on Nash who, already allied with Ursula and Joè the fish, decides to teach Hades and his group a lesson for taking Dumon and Marine away. Who will win? Hades and his alliance were shocked by their defeat by Nash's group. Just then, Him and Jafar arrive, who have come to help them and apologize for not being able to do it before. Him also proposes that if he helps Hades, Eris and Vector he will get a place on Olympus in return. Hades accepts the demon's proposal and the whole alliance is ready to study a counterattack.
Vs Quinton[]
Maleficent goes to the Underworld to hope that someone in the Hades alliance is willing to help her eliminate Vetrix's eldest son, Five. Hades and Him volunteer and leave immediately together. Quinton angry at Frollo's refusal, will have to contend with the help of Number 9 Sphere Dyson to face the two gods.
Freeing Titans[]
Maleficent and King Koopa (Bowser) thank Hades and Him for taking out Quinton and provoking Vetrix even more. Now King Koopa suggests to the two deities that they release the Titans from underwater prison to defeat Nash and his alliance once and for all. The two deities return to the Underworld to inform the other members of their alliance. The alliance of Hades finally reaches the place where the Titans were imprisoned. Thanks to the powers of Him and Hades the terrible giants are freed and vow to destroy Nash and his army once and for all.
Prepared for the final battle[]
Hades devises a battle plan for the conquest of Olympus. First: He, Jafar and Vector will keep the rest of the Nash alliance busy. Second: Hades, Eris and the Titans will attack the leader of the Barians directly. Having said that, the whole Hades alliance prepares for battle.
Vs Nash and Eris[]
Finally the decisive battle that will decide who will rule on Olympus has arrived. Will it be Hades and Eris who have the Titans on their side to prevail or will Nash and Ursula be flanked by the chaos numbers of Dumon and Marine?
Ruler of Olympus[]
After the fall of Nash, finally Hades, Eris, Him and Vector reign supreme on Olympus. Hades' dream of conquering Olympus has come true.
Villains War 2 (Disney Knights)[]
Vs Vector[]
Hades and his alliance have ruled Mount Olympus for 2 months. However, Vector informs that he now possesses the powers of the other Barian emperors and therefore intends to oust Hades, Eris and Him to rule Mount Olympus alone. Will Hades, Eris and Him be able to stop him?
New allies[]
Back in the Underworld, Hades and Him are still shocked by Vector's betrayal and want to make her pay once and for all. Just then, the twin gods of death and sleep appear, Thanatos and Hypnos, who learned of what happened on Mount Olympus. After explaining Vector's original plan to take command over Olympus using the powers of the 7 fallen Barian emperors, Hypnos and Thanatos intend to directly help Hades and Him (because the twin gods have only secretly observed the exploits of Hades and of his allies during the war against Nash considering their intervention unnecessary) to take back Olympus and free Eris.
Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]
Vs Devil[]
Hades starts his takeover on Mount Olympus but however The Devil arrives wanting to overthrow him. Using his Titans, Hades tries to stop him, but the Devil destroys the Ice Titan before using his magic to make the Lava Titan's flow hit the god. He then shoots the Rock Titan's heads off and freezes Hades before sucking the rest of the Titans into the Wind Titan and shooting them to Space. Hades recovers but The Devil throws him into the River Styx as he takes over Mount Olympus.
Hades is still celebrating his escape from the Devil's prison as Maleficent and Jafar show him new allies Pluto and Nasira Jafar's sister
New plan[]
Jafar has great news for Hades. Upon hearing of this news, the God of the Underworld gets an idea that his companion does not think is the smartest.Hades and Jafar rally Hades’s monsters and send them on a mission.Maleficent has found out about the Cyclops’s death and she is furious. Hades yells back at her while Jafar groans.
Villains War: The Age of Animation[]
Deal with The Lich[]
There has been speculation that Hades would rule over Mount Olympus on the day when all the planets align. Of course the ruler of the underworld was interested in the throne, and the day was coming soon, however the Gods of Olympus were vast and powerful, so he couldn't do the job alone. Traveling to a cherry blossom tree, he immediately destroys it with his flames, freeing the corpse of a man in a green robe. Thus, the god of death was free, albeit under Hades' control. Thanatos wasn't willing to help out the god so easily though, so a deal was made. If Hades would rule over Olympus, then he would rule over the underworld. "Yes! It's a deal then!"
Returning to his master, Thanatos finds Hades fuming with rage, ordering him to find other demons or gods to help out with their take over of Olympus immediately.
Forging an Alliance[]
Within the Underworld, the River Styx has become much more shallow, as various spirits escape into the real world, with the barrier between Mortal and Deceased unstable. Shocked at this, Hades meets his Judge and Jailer of the River, Walker, forging a deal where he would send the spirits back into the prison they belong. Hades contemplates this for a bit, but decided to accept so he could focus on taking down Zeus.
A Deal for the Goddess of the Night[]
Hades holds a meeting with the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, to propose an alliance with her, but Nyx seems too curious on the proposal and ask why he wants to team up in the first place. Hades quickly explains his plan to take over Olympus and wants her help to do so. The Goddess doesn't seem to care at first, until Hades reminds her of what his brother and former lover Zeus, lied to her and refused to let her into the Pantheon of the Gods and be recognized by the mortals. With this fact in mind, Nyx agrees to help Hades, as long as the God of the Underworld promises that he will allow her a place on Olympus and finally be respected by the other Gods, who decided to keep his end of the bargain, at least under he actually takes Olympus over.
Seeing a Bad Future[]
With mighty gods in their ranks, Hades and his allies have become much more confident in taking down the pantheon but request another glance of the future to be sure. The Angels within have become much more violent than before, eager for retribution and kicking demon ass, as Juno, observer of Heaven, sends Adam and his legion towards the pits of the inferno. With these numerous foes on the battlefield, victory seems unlikely, but it isn't until the sealed centaur known as Tirek arrives when a new plan emerges, as his connection with divine energy can lead to him draining the angel's power, as long as his own energy is strong enough. Seeing this as a perfect counter, Aku grants Tirek enough magic to escape into the overworld yet again.
East vs West Villains War[]
Vs Zeus[]
At Mount Olympus, Zeus is enjoying himself then his brother Hades shows up. Zeus id happy to see him and runs to him but then Hades insults Zeus and the other gods
Learning of a Prophecy[]
Hades sees The Fates and hears about a prophecy of defeating Zeus but there is a danger
East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]
Animated vs CGI Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
At the Forbidden Mountains, Maleficent and her allies begin their plans to take over the world and travel to different world. One of her allies, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, has invented a interesting machine that can allow people to travel in other worlds. As Maleficent and her allies arrive, they begin their plans...
Vs Mandragora[]
Searching allies for Maleficent, Hades encounters Mandragora, who wants him to surrender before she can go and take out the witch. The god of the death decides to settle things mano a mano...
Vs Sephiroth and Cervantes[]
Shan-yu has heard about Pitch Black's newfound alliance and Master Hand forming one, so he asks Hades if he can join him in taking down Sephiroth and his newest recruit, Cervantes. The God accepts as they battle the deadly duo.
Found a portal[]
Hades, Maleficent and Dr. Eggman find out about a River Styx connected to the other one in the Animated world. Hades and Maleficent think how to use it...
New allies[]
Maleficent, thinking that the River Styx of the CGI dimension would be quite useful for their plans, orders Hades to use it in order to gather new allies from the dead as he summons 3 fallen veterans to help them in their battles against Pitch Black and Master Hand.
Vs Zeus[]
Searching new allies in hopes to never find other resistance, Hades and Maleficent try to enlist Zeus and the Olympian gods in their faction. However they fail as Zeus tries to kill them. Who will win this battle?
Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]
Disney, Non Disney, DC and Anime Villains vs Cuphead Bosses War[]
Vs Devil[]
The lord of the dead Hades is mad because of his latest failure in conquering Mount Olympus. However, the Devil appears and has decided to conquer the Underworld as his own kingdom. As the god sends Pain and Panic to hold him off, he tries to make an escape...
Teaming with Maleficent[]
Hades escapes the River Styx and joins with Maleficent in hopes of getting his revenge on the Devil.
Web Villains War[]
Vs The Duke of Vaults[]
Seeking to make Frollo and Gaston pay for his humiliation, Hades discovered through Scanty and Kneesocks of someone who could help him in his plan: the Duke of Vaults. Later he tried to join forces with the vampire, only for the latter to refuse. As he goes back home, the god is suddenly ambushed by Duke, who cane to get the Underworld as his new kingdom. Hades then summons Scanty and Kneesocks to defeat him, only for them to be knocked in the the Pit of Souls. The vampire then knocks Hades in the river, becoming its newest ruler
Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Vs Hades[]
Hades is angry because of his failure of conquering Mount Olympus, however he is suddenly attacked by another Hades, a prisoner in Tartarus. What will Hades do now that his counterpart has escaped from Tartarus?
Hades may be down, but he's not out...
Vs Mordred[]
Hades wants to forge an alliance with Morgaine through Mordred unaware that she's planning to have the mysterious benefactor dead. However Mordred refuses and attacks him. As Morgaine's son summons new allies to crush the god, an ally of the benefactor steps in to help Hades...
Teaming with Maleficent[]
Meanwhile, with all its allies gathered, the mysterious benefactor reveals to be none other than Maleficent and has Hades as her second in command, but this leaves an ally of the faction envious as the mistress revives a deceased villain to serve her cause.
Disney Vs TV Villains War[]
Heroes Vs Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Teaming with Mok Swagger[]
While Maleficent and her allies(Hades, Jafar, Horned King and Frollo) discuss their defeats against the heroes, Mok Swagger arrives with a proposition for Maleficent.
Vs Thor[]
Planning to conquer Mount Olympus together with his friend, Loki, Hades decide to rid of his brother Thor, by sending the god on Earth and kill him there. Thor may be to be teleported to Earth, but he is not a player to mess with.
Heroes vs Villains War (wjacob1000 style)[]
All Star Villains War[]
All-Star Villains Tournament[]
CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War[]
CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War - Part Two[]
Disney Villains Vs FNAF Animatronics War[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]
My Little Pony Heroes vs Disney and Non-Disney Villains War[]
Vs Rainbow Dash and Applejack[]
As Rainbow Dash and Applejack helps Twilight and her friends search for Shining Armor and Cadence, they are confronted by the god of the underworld none other than Hades. Rainbow Dash and Applejack decides to team up to fight Hades. But do they stand a chance?
Deal with Lord Tirek[]
An angry Hades makes it out of the River Styx and decides to go to Tartarus in his chariot. Arriving there, he meets Tirek and makes a little deal with him, with him Hades the best of luck trying to defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends once and for all.
Disney and Non Disney vs Horror Media Villains War[]
Vs Slender Man[]
To conquer Mount Olympus, Hades asks the Fates about the future. However they reveal about a certian villain could help him: the Slender Man. However, is this gonna be true?
New Villains War[]
Non Anime Villains vs Anime Villains War[]
Villains War (Josiah style)[]
All Out Villains War[]
Movie vs T.V Villains War[]
CGI Villains War[]
Vs Lord Garmadon[]
While Hades was becoming worried about a certain entity known as The Overlord,Garmadon arrived on The Underworld to seek the throne for himself.However,Hades won't let anyone defeat him to easily,especially during this moments...
Joining Organization XIII[]
Hades found himself rescued from The River Stix by two of his former allies,Maleficent and Pete,who decided to aid Hades into their secret master's group.Hades was discussing with Maleficent and Pete about what was happening until he is shocked to see Kai The Collector and Morro coming to the meeting as well.As Hades was trying to process everything,Xehanort arrived to tell anyone that they will rebuild Organization XIII together and stop the rising of The Overlord,leaving Hades to join the faction after he heard about The Overlord.Hades decided to help Xehanort to gain more members by summoning Pitch Black who he sent to rid of The Omega and join Organization XIII,even thought Pitch doesn't want to,in that way gaining a powerfull ally for Xehanort's organization.
Animated Villains vs Comic Book Villains War[]
Live Action Villains War[]
Vs Hela[]
Hades was checking the wall that protecting Asgard until he saw Maleficent who decided to take her revenge on Hades after what he had done to her by revealing to him another powerfull godess that wants Asgard for herself.However,Hades won't let that happen or he thinks that even if he ended up catured by Hela and Maleficent.