Galactus is a devourer of worlds and one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe. A survivor of the heat death of the previous iteration of the Universe, he is imbued with the limitless energy of the Power Cosmic. Galactus is a minor but extremely important player in the Disney Vs Marvel Villains War.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]
Devouring Planet Z[]
While searching the galaxy for food, Galactus comes upon Planet Z, home planet of the Evil Emperor Zurg. Galactus begins to eat, but Zurg's hornets attack him. Galactus effortlessly destroys them, forcing Zurg to flee. Galactus eats his planet in peace.

Final Battle on Earth[]
Galactus reappears at the very end of the world, once Chernabog has ascended from Hell and joined Maleficent in her conquest of the planet. Galactus warns the two to depart, as he intends to eat the planet. Chernabog, in his malice, shoots Galactus with some magic. Unaffected, Galactus engulfs his foe in a pillar of flame. To Galactus's dismay, Chernabog harnesses the power of the blast and reflects it back at Galactus. Galactus falls from his ship, landing onto Earth itself. When Maleficent tries to attack Galactus, the devourer of worlds kills her with a single blast of his magic. Chernabog, enraged at the loss of his partner, summons the souls Galactus has already devoured to abandon him, destroying Galactus from within.
Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Three[]
Free For All Heroes vs Villains War Tournament[]
Disturbed by Zurg and Warp Darkmatter[]
Zurg and Wrap Darkmatter pay a visit to Galactus and try to have him join forces with Darkseid and Thanos. But Galactus refuses to join them and forces them to leave before he destroys them forcing Zurg and Wrap Darkmatter to retreat back to Planet Z.
Decided to destroy everyone[]
Galactus still angered by Zurg and Wrap Darkmatter’s visit to him has being studying about the battles at earth and decides to put an end to all the heroes and villains for good.