Fire Lord Ozai is the main villain of Avatar franchise and a major player in the second Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War. One of the most powerful fire-benders of his era, Ozai is the primary antagonist of the series, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Ozai is manipulative and cunning, but values power over all else. He is unafraid to delegate, using his own children as the primary enforcers of his will. He is the paternal grandfather of Izumi.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]
Initial Impressions[]
Fire Lord Ozai remains a shadowy figure during the war's beginning. He tasks his daughter, Princess Azula, with discovering information about Ratcliffe's regime in England. They decide to use their newfound information to their advantage. He then decides to begin a mass genocide all over the world, to create a land "in which all lands are Fire Nation, and he is the supreme ruler of everything."
Next Moves[]
Ozai decided that his first move would be to take down the opposing navy of England. Therefore, he sends his top Admiral, Zhao, to deal with King Ratcliffe and his ships. Zhao's own navy is able to emerge victorious, and Ozai's plan continues to proceed as planned.
Master of the Genie & The New Order[]
Having obtained Jafar's magic lamp, Ozai decided to use his first of three wishes. He wishes for his powers to be amplified before carrying out his master plan. Jafer agrees, and Ozai now proclaimes himself as "The Pheonix King." With Jafar's help, he then asserts himself as the new king of the world, taking Ruber's place, and taking control of the war councel. He then decides that "it is time for this world to end in fire, and for a new world to be born from the ashes." He decides that now is the perfect time to begin the genocide, but decides to leave Azula behind in the Fire Nation, much to her dismay and Jafar's delight.
Vs Shan Yu and Mozenwrath[]
Deciding that his first part of his plan would be to eliminate all rivals, Ozai decides to attack Shan Yu first. Having battled years ago in which Ozai claimed the life of Shan Yu's beloved, Ozai decides that now is the time to finish the job. Ozai confronts his old enemy, and attacks Mozenrath with a blast of lightning. The sorcerer retaliates with his magic, knocking Ozai away. With his armies approaching, his rivals are forced to flee.
The Battle of China & Death[]
Ozai decides to make his second wish. He demands Jafar's undying loyalty during his attack on China, to which the genie agrees. Ozai then proceeds with the attack, using his airships to raze the lands after Jafar blasts a hole in China's great wall. Ozai's ship is attacked by Ayam Aghoul, causing the king to abandon the airship, he retaliates with "all the power in the world", attacking Mozenrath, a gaint Mad Madam Mim, and Yzma, defeating them all. He is then attacked suddenly by Jafar. Ozai threatens to kill the genie, but Jafar responds that it is his time to reign. Ozai attacks the genie furiously, but his firebending is unable to damage Jafar's magic body. He retreats, as Jafar gives chase. Ozai hits Jafar with a flurry of fire, giving his some distance between himself and the genie. Unleashing his magic, Jafar blasts Ozai into a pillar of stone, and then leaves the weakened Firelord. Shan Yu then appears on the hilltop. Knowing that his death is near, Ozai remains defiant to the end, until Shun Yu slaughters him.
Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]
Haunting Threat[]
Tormented in the Underworld, Ozai's spirit is found by Jafar, now serving as an ally of Azula and Maleficent. Having grown tired of his servitude towards his former masters, Jafar decides to make use of Azula's weakness by pitting Ozai's spirit against the princess. Now freed from his bounds in the Underworld, Ozai begins his work by haunting Azula, using his influence to torment her through his presence.
End of the Threat[]
Tensions between Azula and Ozai come to a head as he tempts her to give her life to revive him. However, as Azula shows signs of defiance and Ozai attempts to order her to obey him, Maleficent personally intervens to face down the Fire Lord and free her new protege from his influence. Azula hits Ozai with a fire ball that knocks him into a pillar. Her allies, the Witches of Morva, hit Ozai with a powerful gust of wind and wave of water that smash him against the ground. Maleficent then casst a Sleeping Curse on Ozai, leaving him permanently dormant. Now weakened, Ozai is easy pickings for Azula, who kicks her former father back into the River Styx, never to return to the world of the living.
Non Disney Villains Tournament[]
A War of Fire and Ice[]
When the Ice Nation, led by Nekron, begins encroaching upon Fire Nation territory, Ozai sends Admiral Zhao to take out the threat. Zhao ends up hindered by a wall of ice surrounding Nekron's base. Needing to consolidate his power, Ozai joins forces with Pharaoh Rameses of Egypt, thinking more allies can help him win the day. This partnership proves somewhat difficult, as Rameses clings to old methodical battle tactics. When Ozai suggests that he update his methods, Rameses rejects him, blasting him with a pulse of energy from the One Ring of Power. Rameses then doubles the work load of the Fire Nation troops.
Breaking Through[]
Admiral Zhao returns home, asking permission to use his most dangerous techniques to break through the Ice Nation's blockade: namely, opening geysers underneath the sea, potentially destroying all terrain used for land warfare. Under Rameses's influence, Ozai consents. Upon Zhao's departure, Mumm-Ra arrives, revealing that Nekron and his armies are traveling to Egypt to take Ozai and co. down. After learning that Eris is aiding Nekron's forces, Rameses flies into a rage; in the midst of this, Ozai heads after the pharaoh's abandoned One Ring, wanting revenge for his humiliation.
Defeating His Foes[]
When Zhao pierces the Ice Nation's defenses, the Fire Lord makes his move. He and his daughter travel directly to Nekron's lair, encountering him and the Snow Queen. Leaving Azula to finish the Snow Queen, Ozai turns to Nekron. He readies a fireball for Nekron's head, but he finds himself caught in place; Nekron is using telekinesis to hold him back. Frustrated, Ozai struggles, but Nekron forces him against a wall and begins choking the life out of him. Ozai is about to collapse when Azula intercedes and burns Nekron into a charred corpse.
With the wind back in him, Ozai burns a dangerous ice pterosaur out of the sky. Doing so unleashes the full wrath of the Snow Queen, temporarily frozen in her bout with Azula. The Fire Lord is able to block her attacks, and he gets the idea to melt the entire Ice Nation. He takes advantage of a hole in the ice made by the falling pterosaur, heating the water underneath to a boiling point. The entire ice fortress begins collapsing, killing nearly everyone inside. As the Snow Queen tries to flee, Ozai literally burns her last bridge, leaving her to die. Ozai and his daughter use their firebending to fly out of the wreckage, leaving the Ice Nation to crumble into the sea.
Phoenix King[]
With his enemies defeated and Rameses ruined after the Ice Nation's attack upon Egypt, Ozai declares himself the ruler of both lands, crowning himself the Phoenix King. He awards his son, Zuko, with a title, as he managed to break through Nekron's blockade after Zhao's death. In the middle of the proceedings, they encounter an emissary of the powerful Britannian empire, Julius Kingsley, who allies with the group.
Non-Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Ozai appears in the Epilogue of the fourth round, as amongst the new players who would make their move into the ensuing war.
Cartoon Villains War[]
Vs Mumm-Ra[]
In the Fire Nation, Fire Lord Ozai was confronted by a sorcerer named Mumm-Ra, who demanded that Ozai cede control of the Fire Nation to him. Unintimidated by Mumm-Ra's frail appearance, Ozai attacked him. However, much to Ozai’s shock, Mumm-Ra transformed into his much more powerful Ever-living form, and beat Ozai back. The sorcerer then gave the Fire Lord a mere few days to give up his throne or die, and then departed. Ozai, unwilling to agree to Mumm-Ra's terms but unable to defeat him, decided to outsource the job to someone more powerful.
The next day, Ozai awakened a powerful demon named Aku, and tasked him with defeating Mumm-Ra. Aku, impressed by the mortal's courage and eager to test his own power, agreed, and confronted Mumm-Ra in his temple. Mumm-Ra transformed into his Ever-living form once again, but Aku proved more powerful than the sorcerer expected, and quickly overwhelmed Mumm-Ra, causing him to revert back to his decayed form. Heavily weakened, Mumm-Ra was forced to retreat back into his tomb. Satisfied with his victory, Aku departed, while Ozai looked on in satisfaction.
Revisited by Aku[]
n the Fire Nation, Ozai and Azula were shocked to receive a visit from Aku, who offered an official alliance with the Fire Nation. Realizing the usefulness of having a powerful being like Aku on their side, especially given they had faced, the two accepted the demon's offer, much to Aku's delight.
In the Fire Nation, Aku paid a second visit to Ozai. This time, he requested that Ozai preform a certain task for him as a sign of good faith to seal their alliance.
Zuko brought the statue of Discord to the Fire Nation, where Ozai presented it to Aku. Using his powers, Aku broke the stone prison and freed his brother. At long last, Discord was ready to rejoin the war.
War with gems[]
Azula and Zhao, returning to the Fire Nation capital after their earlier defeat, report to Fire Lord Ozai about the Gems’ takeover of their land. Feeling that a war is inevitable, Ozai decides that it is time to start gathering more allies to strike back against them.
Joining a new ally[]
The Fire Nation welcomes their newest ally, Ozai's estranged brother, Father, in hopes that he and his FOWL troops will be able to replenish their forces. However, little does Ozai know that Father has a hidden motive for this alliance...
During a faction meeting, Father calls Azula's competence into question, citing both her failure to capture Peridot and her defeat at the hands of Jasper as examples of her failures in the war compared to his own successful track record, angering the princess. Father then attempts to convince Ozai to find someone better to inherit the throne, subtly suggesting himself as a worthy candidate. Furious, Azula decides the time has come to regain her honor.
With his army destroyed and his invasion a failure, Father returns to the Fire Nation in shame. However, upon his arrival, he is shocked to see Azula and Chase being honoured for their conquest of Omashu. With Ozai’s faith in Azula restored, and Father’s own reputation destroyed by his humiliating defeat, his plans to take the throne are ruined. As the rest of the faction watches, Ozai punishes Father for his failure by placing Azula above him in rank, causing Father to storm out in a rage, as he prepares to move on to Plan B.
Vs Yellow Diamond[]
The allied forces of the Gems and the Earth Empire launch a full-scale attack on the Fire Nation capital. With much of the Fire Nation's forces occupied elsewhere, the capital's defenses are completely unprepared for an attack, and are quickly overrun by the invading armies. Meanwhile, Yellow Diamond goes to personally deal with Fire Lord Ozai. The two rulers face off one on one, but an unexpected betrayal may tip the scales...
Returned to Aku[]
With the Fire Nation capital in the hands of the Gems, Ozai and his remaining forces take refuge at Aku's fortress, where the Fire Lord entreats the demon's help. To honor their bargain, Aku summons a comet that, when it passes over in a week’s time, will increase the power of the fire benders tenfold. With this new advantage, Ozai and Azula eagerly begin planning their counter-attack.
Fire Lord Ozai holds a meeting of his generals to discuss strategies for their upcoming attack on the Gem/Earth Empire, when Samhain arrives to warn Aku that Bill is about to escape the barrier. Aku and Discord then depart to deal with Bill, forcing Ozai and Azula to proceed with the attack without their support. Fortunately, Vexus arrives and offers her aid in taking down the Gems, which the royals gladly accept.
Final Battle[]
At that moment, reinforcements arrive in the form of a second airship fleet, led by Fire Lord Ozai himself. As Azula and her allies vacate the battlefield, Ozai rains fire onto the Gems, eradicating the entire army, including the Diamonds themselves. With their forces destroyed, Kuvira and the other survivors are forced to surrender, while Father, Peridot, and Lapis make their escape, leaving Ozai and Azula victorious.
Vs Father[]
Having successfully destroyed the Diamonds, Ozai returns to the reclaimed capital city in triumph. However, he is met by Father, who challenges him to an Agni Kai for the crown. The two brothers face off in one last showdown, with the prize being the throne of the Fire Nation.
The Pheonix King[]
Fire Lord Ozai claims control of the Earth Kingdom, declaring himself the Phoenix King. Kuvira and her remaining allies are imprisoned, while Azula takes command of the Dai Li.
Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]
Meeting with other world rulers[]
Securing his empire’s dominance, Skeletor and his ruling council hold a summit with the remaining world leaders: Fire Lord Ozai, Fuhrer King Bradley, Charles zi Britannia, and Dr. Robotnik. Skeletor proposes that they all work together towards mutual prosperity, while also revealing that he now controls the Shredder’s former secret weapon. Although Emperor Charles is slightly impressed by this display of authority, Ozai, Bradley, and Robotnik are all less than willing to submit to the rule of another.
Teaming with Fuhrer[]
As Chase and Charmcaster report back to Ozai and Azula about their failed mission, the royals are visited by Fuhrer King Bradley, who proposes that the Fire Nation and Amestris join forces to take down Skeletor.
Giving a task to Zuko[]
The Fire Nation and Amestris hold council with their allies, preparing to wage war against Skeletor. Wanting to continue to keep tabs on Skeletor and Britannia’s activities, Ozai gives Zuko a special task. Negotiations between Skeletor, the Fire Nation, and Britannia continue, with each nation appointing their own ambassador for peace (Macbeth for Skeletor, Zuko for the Fire Nation, and Suzaku Kururugi for Britannia.) However, despite these surface-level pleasantries, tensions remain high between the nations, as each sees through the other’s facades.
New ally[]
Having heard of the recent prison break, Ozai and Bradley recruit one of the escapees, Solf J. Kimblee, as their new enforcer.
Villains War: The Age of Animation[]
Overheated Beginnings[]
The Fire Nation Royal Lineage is a brutal one, home to the deaths of various family members, and massive abuse, and Ozai was no exception to this rule. Every day was an Agni Kai for him, fighting against his father Azulon at noon, and every other hour was spent training, perfecting his firebending so that he may finally best his father in the duel. At the age of 14, his dream came true, as Azulon was electrocuted through a new skill Ozai learned after training in a thunderstorm, yet was promptly arrested for murder as his wife Ursa becomes the new Fire Lord.
There was only one day Ozai was released from prison, and that was for him and his wife to birth the next Fire Lord should Ursa pass away, named Azula after his deceased father. After that day, Ozai was sent back to prison, to have his body age, decompose and be feasted on by rats and maggots overtime. For years, his only visitor was a young Azula, who had no shame in mocking her father because of her status as the next Fire Lord, and his status as a prisoner, until one day, Ursa came by, and hatched an idea to give Ozai what was rightfully his.
Years after the death of Azulon, Ursa seemingly went missing and was presumed dead, however there was a note on the Fire Nation throne written by her, that said "Give Ozai The Throne". Although many firebenders were reluctant, Ozai was let out of prison and promised a new golden age for the Fire Nation. The next day, the recent Fire Lord heard a knock on the Royal Palace's front door, and found a baby lying there, alongside a note that told him that this was Ursa's gift, a child named Zuko that Ozai could call his own. He promised to treat Zuko far better than any Firebender had treated their child in the past, as a thank you to Ursa, for giving him something he could truly love.
The Age of Animation[]
Ozai is shown to be one of the few live action villains in the war, before switching to his Animated Counterpart.
Broken Balance[]
Alongside Earth King Feng, Ozai arrives at the Air Nomad castle, about to negotiate with the Storm King, only to find the entire region set aflame. Believing this was caused by The Earth Kingdom, Ozai arrives back to the Fire Nation to announce his belief that The Earth Kingdom waged war upon the nation, and spark one.

Ozai in the Live Action Universe
Spiritual Guidance[]
Not long after the destruction of the Air Nomads, Ozai comes across an Air Nomad named Zaheer, and requests a place within the Fire Nation. The Fire Lord is hesitant, especially during a time where benders are at war, but after a brief speech, remembers a similar experience his brother Iroh had. He had protected and cherished a single piece, a white one that was different from his red side, one that stood out because the others of it's kind were destroyed, much like Zaheer. With this in mind, Ozai gives the Airbender a task to prove his worth, to find a spy within the Earth Kingdom.
Ozai is proud to see Zaheer's return, alongside a former high ranked Earthbender named Dio Brando to help out planning the best way to take the Earth Kingdom down. The Fire Nation Princess immediately suggests burning the place down, to which both Ozai and Dio disapprove, while Zuko mentions how Earthbenders are tougher than the other elements, and Zaheer tells of how the best way to deal with any element, is with a balance of all of them.
Promotion and Demotion[]
Taking Zaheer's advice, Ozai holds a brief ceremony to establish the Order of the White Lotus, a team of benders lead by the Air Bender, as well as three new members as a reward for his success. Meanwhile, Azula arrives expecting gratitude from her father, only to be met with scorn after speaking out of turn and suggesting a dangerous plan, no longer holding a position of power within the Fire Nation, much to her anger. Eventually, the two have a compromise, and Azula will regain her title after an Agni Kai.
Assistance in Banishment[]
The lost so of Ozai, Chase Young, arrives within the Fire Nation ceremony for the Agni Kai, having a confident sip of tea before engaging with Azula in an Agni Kai, reminding Ozai of his brother Iroh, much to his interest. Ozai mostly serves as simply a bystander towards the battle, and it isn't until Azula realizes his hatred for her, that he starts manipulating her, offering her the chance to strike him instead, and after the attack, he returns the favor, using a mystical connection with his son to turn him into a large, fire breathing Salamander. This causes Azula to evacuate, realizing just how outmatched she is, as Chasse Young becomes another heir to his throne instead, much to Ozai's pride.
Lack of Regret[]
After Zaheer witnesses Azula's tragic fate, he goes to Ozai to tell of the news, expecting mercy or sorrow, and the airbender receives... joy? It turns out Ozai had a beef with Azula before the destruction of the Air Nomads, as she constantly sent him on wild geese chases, other foes to take down, all excuses for her to become the Fire Lord instead. One day, the Princess has had enough, telling Ozai off that he doesn't deserve the power, just because he wasn't born with it like Azula was. This strikes a nerve with Ozai, so much so that he ends up electrocuting her with Lightning Bending. Zaheer is angered by Ozai's horrible parenting, telling him off as well, insulting the Fire Lord to such an extent, he ends the meeting prematurely and demands for Zaheer to leave, who does so, but takes something else Ozai might need in the future.
Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains-Part Two[]
Fire Lord Ozai is making plans with the Fire Nation to take over lands all throughout the world, with the help of his assistant, Fire Lord Zhao.
Sending his army[]
Beginning his plan to destroy all the lands, Fire Lord Ozai sends his second in command, Admiral Zhao to destroy the Forbidden Mountains.To Destroy their next target, England, Fire Lord Ozai approaches Combustion Man and Amon to defeat its leader, Charizard.
Destroying Forbidden Mountain[]
Meanwhile, with Charizard and Entei defeated, Fire Lord Ozai orders his army to destroy the castle.
Banishing Amon[]
Amon is revealed to be backstabbing Fire Lord Ozai, when he tells he is actually helping him just to rule England himself, and tells him he is actually working with Queen Narissa the whole time. Furious, Fire Lord Ozai banishes him permanently.
Vs Misty[]
After losing to the Gorgon Sisters, Misty might be ready to leave Cerulean City. But problems get even worse than Fire Lord Ozai begins invasion in the city. Misty fears the city will be destroyed, but with the help of Dawn, May and their Pokemon, this might be a great chance to defend the city with Dawn fighting Combustion Man, and May fighting Admiral Zhao, while Misty decides to deal with the nasty Fire Lord herself; after all, water is good against fire.
Live Action Villains War[]

CGI Villains War[]
Vs Lord Shen[]
Lord Shen arrived on his former home in order to take control until he found out that Fire Lord Ozai has conquered it.Angered,Shen decided to test his secret weapon by challenging Ozai into a duel for the kingdom where the loser is killed.Ozai is sadly killed by Shen who cheated by using his canon to rid of the fire lord...
Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Making a plan to rid of The Chess King[]
When Ozai was ready to start a meeting with other world rulers, he was visited by a certain King that declared The Fire Nation war. That made Ozai to think of a plan to rid of this new threat.Ozai's plan began to work as Zhao and Combustion Man managed to kill some troops of The Chess King.
Forming an alliance with Rameses[]
Ozai was visited by Rameses who asks for help to stop Djimi. Ozai accepts his offer, sending Azula to search for more allies.

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Giving tasks to his kids[]
Fearing of the upcoming war, Fire Lord Ozai decide to send his kids: Azula and Zuko, to search for more allies.
Gathering allies for his quest[]
While Lord Ozai was waiting for The Sozin Comet to come,he was visited by Lord Feng who wants to form an alliance to stop Maleficent together, Ozai accepts due to needing more allies.The next ally hired by Ozai himself was Zaheer since the airbender knew Ozai's true intentions.After creating his form,Father arrives on The Fire Nation and reveals his reasons of coming here and those being to destroy Maleficent and Chernabog. Ozai and Feng accept him, due to liking his destructive plan.However,they were spied by Zaheer who might want to leave the faction after hearing this plan.
Tempest Shadow arrives on The Fire Nation where she reveals to Ozai a deal with the leader of The New Air Nation. During the negotiations, a certain clown arrives to join Ozai to increase his popularity around the globe.After teaming with The Storm King,Aku is summoned by Ozai who asks the demon if they can join forces and destroy Maleficent and Hades. Aku accepts this offer, but only to destroy Hades.
Lord Ozai is visited by his brother whose nickname by The Fire Nation being Father asked the fire lord to join his army which Ozai agreed despite hating his brother.
Visit from Skeletor[]
Skeletor arrived on The Fire Nation to disscus with Lord Ozai to destroy their enemies together.Skeletor suggests Ozai to join forces together and destroy Maleficent and Horned King,but Ozai refused his offer revealing that he can take down his enemies himself.After hearing this,Skeletor leaves The Fire Nation as he tells Ozai that he has made a huge mistake.
Villains Battles[]
Pre-War:Request for his father[]
Ozai requests to his father to usurp the throne, only for him to punish him, unaware that the heirs are hidden.
Villains Battles 2[]
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Non Disney Villains War[]
Vs Nekron[]
Fire Lord Ozai, hoping to help his old friend Nekron in a mission, wanted to forge an alliance with him. However, when the icy emperor refuses his alliance and mocks him, has he underestimated the Fire Nation Ruler?
Heroes Vs Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
All-Star Villains Tournament[]
CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War - Part Two[]
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Teaming with Rameses[]
Ramses realized that the Mouse Prince would not rest until he took revenge on him for the death of his mother, the pharaoh's allies were Julius Caesar from Rome and The Fire Lord Ozai.
Animated Villains War[]
Recieving bad news[]
Much to Fire Lord Ozai's misfortune, he receives news that Azula's act was useless and Shan yu was still alive.
Vs Shan Yu[]
While Fire Lord Ozai was returning to his empire after a long period of absence, he discovers an invader nearby. Shan Yu, who survived Azula's attack, is crazy for revenge and wants to get rid of the Lord above anyone else.
Teaming with Zelda[]
Zelda, Rothbart's witch lover, is vengeful over her boyfriend's death. Following the advice of Sir Ruber, she goes to the Fire Nation and promises the Fire Lord Ozai to get rid of murderous witch queens, such as the one who killed Rothbart. The lord then gives her a task.
Animated Villains War - Part Two[]
Let Azula in charge[]
Fire Lord Ozai discusses conquest plans with Admiral Zhao,making the decision to let Azula rule the Fire Nation in his place while he's away.
Hunting Queen Grimhilde[]
Mourning Azula's sudden death, Fire Lord Ozai, Zuko and the Fire Nation soldiers go in search of the Evil Queen.Let the witch hunt begin...
Vs Queen Grimhilde[]
With her cousin brutally murdered by a thousand rocks, Queen Grimhilde now flees through the forest to avoid being caught by the Fire Nation. Upon finding herself on the top of a cliff, the Evil Queen realizes that Ozai was approaching. Could this be the end for Grimhilde or will she murder the Fire Lord the same way her cousin was murdered?
Ozai returns to the Fire Nation after killing The Evil Queen and gloats about what he has done.