Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

The Typhoeus is a giant flying creature released by Chronos from its prison under Mount Etna. Head and upper body resembling that of the lion and has two giant snakes in lieu of legs, all of whom breathe fire. It is also the father of many of mythology's monsters. Zeus defeated him by throwing lightning bolts and dropping a mountain on him. Archie and Atlanta defeated him by shocking him with the power cord charging Chronos laser beam and plunged into the water. Also one of the Titans.

Typhoeus, also known as Typhon, Typhaon, or Typhos is a fire breathing entity that was imprisoned under Mount Etna by Zeus. Typhoeus is regarded as the deadliest monster of Greek mythology. 

In Class of the Titans, Typhoeus is depicted with luminous green eyes, reptilian legs, leathery wings, and has razor teeth protruding from his jowels. He is freed by Chronos.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War[]

