Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Revocs Corporation

Revocs Corporation is an antagonistic organization from Kill La Kill. Ran by Ragyo Kiryuin, they are responsible for 100% of all clothing manufacturing in the show's universe, as well as the original creators of the Goku Uniform system in Honnoji Academy. The organization's ambitions are mysterious but they take advantage of strange beings known as Life Fibers in their plans. Revocs appears in Worst Hero And Villain War Ever, and in Villains War: The Age of Animation.


Worst Hero And Villain War Ever[]

Villains Battles- Part Three[]

Villains War: The Age of Animation[]

Equivalent Villains War[]

Worst Hero And Villain War Ever[]


Worst Hero And Villain War Ever[]

Villains Battles-Part Three[]

The Main Forces:[]

The Sinister Six[]

Villains War: The Age of Animation[]

Primary Members[]

The New Homunculi[]

Equivalent Villains War[]
