Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Elmer Fudd Elmer Fudd A Wild Hare

Elmer Fudd is one of the main villains from Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. He remains the villain who is the archenemy of Bugs Bunny. His one-sided rivalry with Bugs and Daffy has become legendary. He is a major player in many Spin off tournaments.

Non-Disney Villains Tournament Reboot[]

In Mok's Faction[]

Mok sets up his alliance consisting of a mad Professor, Bluto, the intergalactic criminal Tyler, the hunter Elmer Fudd and the super-virus Thrax.

Vs Valmont[]

The Dark Hand still going on their criminal spree encounter Bluto, Sam and Elmer sent out by Mok to try and stop the gang after using the Dragon Talisman to stun Sam as he dodges an attack from Bluto Finn, Ratso, and Chow begin to assist him starting with Finn hitting a Tank at Bluto however he gets shot by Elmer as Ratso shot Sam however the Cowboy shot him afterwards as Chow injures Elmer and Sam with another Talisman Bluto punched him down as another member of the Hand Hak Foo kicks him into a Brick Wall as Sam is about to shoot Valmont he uses the Dragon Talisman to make him fall down into a river while Finn shoots Bluto into a Hospital as Elmer runs off as a injured Bluto watches on as Valmont continues his Talisman hunt.

Non Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Vs Green Goblin[]

Yosemite Sam recruits Elmer Fudd, and they (along with Bluto) go to attack the Green Goblin. They find him, but Sam gets knocked out, Bluto is sent flying and Fudd is blasted into the ground. Green Goblin then throws two bombs to knock away Sam and Bluto. Fudd flees.

New allies[]

Yosemite Sam and his allies have survived their encounter with The Green Goblin, so they recruit Cottontail Smith, Nasty Canasta and an old minion of Snerz known as The Goat.

Cartoon Villains War[]

Vs Scarface[]

At a lodge in the country, the hunters Van Pelt and Elmer Fudd exchanged hunting stories, with Van Pelt mocking Fudd for his failure to capture any significant game. Tired of being seen as a laughing stock by his fellow hunters, Elmer angrily left the lodge, determined to return with a the pelt of a powerful beast in his possession. After wandering through the woods for some time, Fudd eventually came across a blue fox known as Scarface, a beast renowned for his strength and savagery. With the fox busy drinking from a stream, Elmer decided to take advantage of his distraction, and began to creep up behind him. Unfortunately, Scarface was eventually alerted to the hunter's presence, and turned around to attack him. Thinking quickly, Fudd took aim with his rifle and fired, wounding the fox. Seeing that the beast was injured, Elmer moved in to finish off his prey. However, Scarface was able to keep moving in spite of his injury, and dodged each of Elmer's shots. The fox then decided to go on the offensive, pouncing on Elmer and biting him on the leg. Realizing that Scarface was too much for him to handle, Fudd broke free and attempted to make a run for it. Unfortunately, Elmer was not let off so easily, as he ran into Scarface's master, the legendary Beast that ruled the forest. Frozen with terror, Fudd was unable to do anything but watch as the Beast closed in on him, devouring the unfortunate hunter as Scarface watched with sadistic glee.

Non Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Elmer WhatsOperaDoc

Elmer Fudd in his Valkyrie Attire from What’s Opera Doc

Recruited By Mok[]

Mok hires The Professor, Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam as replacements to his former henchman that betrayed him.

Hunting in Swan Lake[]

Elmer Fudd and his hunting dogs, Steele and Laramore find some targets in Jean-Bob, Puffin and Speed. As Steele chases Jean-Bob, Puffin uses his friend as a projectile to hurt Elmer and Laramore, while he manages to dive into Steele. As the group relish their victory, Steele gets up, allowing them to escape.

Joining the Animal Cruelty Squad[]

Elmer joins Dr. Greed's team, alongside his own brother, Egghead, and another hunter, Ham Egg.

Breakout From Dr. Greed’s Pound[]

Francis and Bluebeard find some captive animals including the dogs Rowf and Snitter and the cat and mouse duo Tom and Jerry, guarded by Dr Applecheeck’s henchmen and Elmer Fudd. The two cats decide to free them. as Jerry gets through Francis distracts Elmer injuring the hunter as the mouse uses the control panel to free Tom and the dogs waking up the straycatchers as the the other dogs trample them as Applecheek arrives noticing the dogs as he gets beaten up as well as Rowf and Snitter escape through the exit while Tom and Jerry use the Window.

Villains War (Disney Knights)[]

Vs Scar[]

Elmer Fudd is in the African savannah to go hunting for lions. But when he chose Scar as his prey, he has no idea what awaits him.

A deal with Bill Chiper[]

Bill Cipher and Number 96 find Elmer's soul on Bald Mountain. The triangular creature offers the bald hunter the chance to come back to life and gain new powers as long as he manages to kill the one who previously eliminated him, namely Scar. Elmer accepts Bill's proposal.

Teaming with hunters[]

Mcleach informs the Iron Masked Marauder that although he managed to hunt Shere Khan and Kaa, Amos Slade was killed. Just then Elmer Fudd comes back to life and tells Mcleach and the Masked Marauder that he has a plan to defeat Scar and his alliance.

A rematch[]

Elmer left alone and thirsty for revenge is ready to give Scar the decisive blow. Will he be able to take his revenge or will the lion play a nasty trick on him?

Villains Battles[]

Joining hunters[]

After his defeat at the hands of Raditz, McLeach has been informed by Clayton that Lady Waltham died at the hands of a lion. When they were scheming to take out Raditz and Scar, another hunter came in to join forces with the remaining hunters. Ad they accept him in their alliance.

Vs Scar[]

Seeking to help Clayton and McLeach by eliminating the lion that murdered Lady Waltham, Elmer Fudd finds Scar and corners him, however, he should consider that the lion has got some friends in high places...

Villains Battles 2[]

Villains Battles 3[]

Vs The Millennium[]

Nasty Canasta and Cottontail Smith inform Yosemite Sam that a dangerous threat named the Major is flying on his zeppelin and plans to conquer Germany. As the president of Germany and his army battle the Nazis, they encounter an old face. But encountering this old face isn't the problem, but the real problem is battling against Nazis again and soon enough they will discover that this army is more deadly than last time they faced Nazis under Hitler...

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Teaming with some old friends[]

Hunter Shaw meets with old friends Elmer Fudd and the British Lord Victor Quartermaine Shaw is accompanied by his malamute Steele, who is tired of the fact that his life constantly depends on Shaw . Steele wants to go into the woods in order to live his life and not depend on anyone.

Vs The Fox[]

Hunter Elmer Fudd wants to catch a Fox and sell it to the zoo for a good price, the fox notices the hunter, will she be able to escape?


In The CGI Universe

CGI Villains War[]

Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]

Hired by Oliver Cromwell[]

Yosemite Sam and Elmer Fudd are hired by Oliver Cromwell to assist him and hunt the creature of the forest that scares everyone from England.

Vs Cagney[]

Rumour Honeybottoms heard that Oliver and his forces are heading to Wonderland to divide and conquer the kingdom, so she sent her best minion Cagney to deal with the intruders. While Oliver and his forces were on their journey, they have noticed an angry Cagney, so Cromwell ordered his forces to attack the huge plant. After witnessing what just happened to Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd tries to negociate with Cagney only for the plant to summon one sycamore seed with eyes that will fly like a boomerang to attack Fudd thus making the hunter to flee away from the fight....

Becoming a servant of The Devil[]

A huge fight is about to start in Hell. As Yosemite Sam was managing to defend his former boss,Elmer Fudd reveals himself as the one that sent the demons as he was promised by The Devil that he will not suffer as long as he keeps the dead into his Hell.Despite being shocked to see Elmer betraying them,Oliver and Yosemite Sam ran away while Elmer Fudd sends another group of demons after them!

Villains War: The Age of Animation[]

Non-Disney Villains War (Bad Fight Edits)[]

Equivalent Villains War[]

Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]
