The Most Feared Criminal in all Canada

Duncan (or also known as Hugo in the French Canadian Dub) is a character and the recurring antagonist on Total Drama. He is the secondary antagonist, later deuteragonist in Total Drama Island, the main protagonist in Total Drama Action, a supporting antagonist/anti-hero in Total Drama World Tour and a supporting protagonist/anti-hero in Total Drama All-Stars. A delinquent punk currently on parole from Juvie who, despite being a generally good person at his core, has displayed multiple villainous tendencies in his harsh treatment of those around him during the competition.
Despite being a minor villain and a stand in during the events of the TV Villains Tournament, he was a secondary player in the second Villains Battles, only to become a major player later on in the third installation of the war. He's also a major player in Smash Bros Lawl Infinite and in its various spin-offs and in Villains War (will be one), playing a role similiar to that of Riku's as the dark fairy Maleficent's apprentice. He could be also considered as the second Non Disney equivalent of the Disney Villain Scar alongside Bubu.
Soyuzmultfilm Villains Vs Non-Disney Villains War[]
Vs Bully[]
Teenage Criminal Duncan was able to avoid arrest from Canada and came to Russia, on his way he comes across a cute puppy whose owner is not a very nice guy. But Duncan was involved in violent fights much more often, is the Bully ready for this?
Meeting Bra[]
Duncan and his new friend met Bra, who came to Russia to find her boyfriend. Duncan was glad to see his girlfriend, and now they will stick together.
Vs Karabas[]
Varrick found out about Duncan's presence in Russia and is trying to sign a contract with him to eliminate one of the most dangerous criminals wanted by Oliver Cromwell. Duncan refuses wanting to live in no crime, but Varrick was able to persuade him by promising in return a house in which Duncan and Bra could live. Duncan agreed to the murder of Karabas.
Vs Serpent Sorcerer[]
Serpent Sorcerer found out the location of Duncan, and found the killer of his brother Karabas. A vengeful Sorcerer challenges Duncan to a deadly duel, but that punk agrees. Will Duncan be able to defeat such a strong opponent?
Decided to save his wife[]
Duncan and his dog Bobby survived after a hard battle with the Sorcerer, but Bra was kidnapped and upset Duncan realized he could not save her alone. Suddenly, Duncan's school friend Nagito Komaeda approached them, at first the guy is horrified to hear who Duncan had to face. But Nagito reassured his friend by saying that his old friend who could help them.
Meeting Mojo Jojo[]
Nagito Komaeda takes Duncan and Bobby to the laboratory of his old friend who can help them save Bra, they turned out to be the evil genius Mojo Jojo. The monkey says that once he also met with the Serpent Sorcerer and miraculously was able to escape. However, he also said that he knows how to defeat the Sorcerer, for this he will have to make an Agric sword capable of cutting the armored skin of a Snake. Mojo suggested to improve the skills of the puppy Bobby, so that in case of danger he could stand up for himself and even learn to speak a human language.
Finding out about Bra[]
Bra saw how Serpent Sorcerer hires a Wolf and a Bear to keep an eye on Bra. Bra finds a hare and asks him to find Duncan and warn her that she has been turned into a fox and is being held captive not far from the forest thicket. The hare finds Duncan with friends and tells him the whole truth about what happened to his girlfriend, upset Duncan realizes that most likely they will need the help of magic to return Bra to its former appearance.
Teaming with Vegeta[]
Duncan is still depressed that something bad could happen to his girlfriend Bra, suddenly a ruined Vegeta arrived for him. The Saiyan Prince reproaches Duncan that the punk could not save his daughter from trouble, but Bulma stops him and now the husband and wife begin to swear. Fortunately, Nagito was able to calm them down, saying that now it is important to unite to save Bra, but everyone's attention is attracted by a crying Duncan reproaching himself for not being able to help Bra. But Bulma calms him down, saying that now everything will be fine and Bra will be saved because now they will work together. Duncan finally calmed down, and gained more determination to defeat the Serpent Sorcerer, but first they need to make an Agric sword that will be handled by Mojo Jojo and Bulma.
Soyuzmultfilm Villains vs Non Disney Villains War - Part 2[]
Cuphead Bosses vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Vs Dr. Kahl[]
After escaping the juvie, Duncan tries to join forces with Dr. Kahl, but the scientist refuses creating a duel between these two.Dr. Kahl began to attack Duncan by using his gem by confuse Duncan with the random attack. Then Dr. Kahl went into his robot thus making Duncan to taunt the scientist for the easy fight until Dr. Kahl revealed his huge robot.Duncan attempts to try and stop the robot by throwing a chair, a canoe, a life preserver and a surfboard but with no use as the laser of the robot destroyed every object.As Duncan tries to make Dr. Kahl get out from the robot,Dr. Kahl puts his robot into the attacking Duncan. The robot managed to knock Duncan into a pile of metal thus making Duncan to realise that he is outmatched thus making Duncan to run away as Dr. Kahl laughs at the running teenager.
Planning to become "more popular"[]
Duncan decided to become more feared around Canada by blowing up a train. His girlfriend, Courtney suggests him not to do that, but Duncan's crush, Bra, suggests him to do that.
Fall to the Phantom Express[]
Following Bra's advice, Duncan arrived to destroy the abandoned train called Phantom Express. As Duncan was ready to put dynamite on it, he was shocked to see ghosts attacking him. Blind Specter began the attack by banging his palms on the ground, bouncing eyeballs around Duncan thus making the delinquent punk to be terrified. Pumpkins then came from either side, and dropped a pink ingot onto the vaults of the cart to move it closer to Blind Specter, thus forcing Duncan to kill Blind Specter. After managing to defeat the phantom, Duncan was celebrating his short victory until the Conductor pops out of the carts along with his massive skeletal arms and crushed Duncan like he was a pancake, killing him.
Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever: The Sandbox[]
Vs Eddie[]
Eddie is still thinking what to do now that he's left his house. That is until his brother Duncan attacks him with the sole purpose to end his brother's miserable life. Knowing that he has no other choice but battle his beloved brother, Eddie prepares to use his weapons as a means to chase away his evil brother...and this may get his upset.
Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]
Killing his father[]
Duncan hires an assassin named Red X to help in his plan to kill his father, Oliver Cromwell, following his plan. Red X agrees as long as he is paid. However, Oliver Cromwell's room was guarded by the sheriff himself, making things more complicated for Red X and Duncan. After his troops were defeated, Oliver Cromwell tried to run away only for Duncan to stab his father into the back and eventually throw him off the castle. Duncan celebrated his victory as he will become the next king, leaving Red X to be impressed and giving Duncan his phone if he needs him.
Denying Amon offer[]
Amon arrives on England and he is shocked to hear from Duncan that Cromwell died. Amon tries to negotiate with Duncan to make a pact together and avenge Oliver Cromwell together, but Duncan refuses, forcing Amon to flee from England.
Vs Captain Hook and Ratcliffe[]
When Hook and his pirates arrived on England to kill Duncan, he was waiting for them to arrest them as he threatens what he is gonna do with them. This speech managed to scare most of Hook's pirates as they thrown themselves into the sea to escape. Then Mr. Smee accidentally shot Duncan, knocking him down. Hook managed to open the gates for Ratcliffe to help him and take down Duncan. Duncan then managed to have a duel sword with Ratcliffe and Hook until Duncan threw a canoe into Hook, throwing Hook into the ocean where he tries to escape from The Tick Tock Crocodile. Ratcliffe then took out his pistol and attempts to shoot Duncan until the teenager managed to kick Ratclifee into the ocean as well, leaving Duncan no other choice but to declare war.
Creating his faction[]
After taking the throne, Duncan decided to hire more allies to help him to stop both Frollo and Amon, even hiring some enemies of his to help. As Duncan was still celebrating that he is king, Courtney hugged him and reveals that she is the new queen as Duncney just became official.
Making a plan against Amon while gathering allies[]
Duncan asked his councilman, Tarrlok, to give him advice how to stop Frollo and Amon.Tarrlok tells Duncan that he should stay close with Amon as a way to keep his enemy closer which made Duncan think about the offer....
Duncan and Courtney are convinced by King Dice to let Baroness Von Bon Bon to join them after she has just conquered Wonderland.
Joining Amon[]
Duncan and Courtney gather their allies to discuss about new plans for the war while giving Smisse a last chance after his recent fail.However,everyone is shocked of Amon and Doctor Doom's visits as The Equalists asked Duncan to join them. Courtney tells him that they are not accepting until Amon and Doom revealed their true plans to everyone with their planned song.The song managed to convince Duncan to join Amon's cause.
Villains Battles 2[]
Saving King Scar[]
Duncan first appears in Villains Battles 2 when he saw the fight between Scar and McLeach. Deciding that was his time to prove himself as a threat to all enemies, Duncan decided to save the lion king Scar and proceeded to punch McLeach, sending him to fall in a pit. Once he got out from the pit, Scar attacked him, leaving an opening for Duncan as he stabs the hunter in the leg offscreen, leaving him to suffer from the injury offscreen. Then, Scar thanks Duncan for saving him and as a reward for his action, Scar nominates him his adviser alongside another member of his faction with his best friends Pete and Yosemite Sam, the genie Jafar. Unaware to both of them, McLeach survived and was taken to a hospital.
Villains Battles 2: the Second Dimension/Interdimentional War[]
Villains Battles 3[]
Giving bad news[]
After Kraven's attack, Scar is being suspicious about what he wanted to do with him until three of his allies inform him of the events of Turles's death, Pete's assassination attempt and Yosemite Sam being deposed by the Major. Now mad and furious, Scar proceeds to plan something to help his friends.
Vs Invader Zim and Gir[]
After his ally Kraven's failure in assassinating Scar, Prince Phobos hires the Invader Zim and his lackey Gir to assassinate Scar's royal adviser and the heir to the Pride Lands so to weaken Scar himself due to the fact that he cares for them. While they are going to meet Azula, Jafar and Mozenrath, Nuka and Duncan get attacked by the two aliens. When things get awry for the heroes, only a opening can save them.
Informing Scar and Azula[]
Scar meets up with Azula, Jafar and Mozenrath, who inform him of Queen La's demise. The king, however is surprised that Duncan and Nuka didn't bring them here and wonders where are they, until the both of them arrive and inform Scar of the assassination attempt on them from the orders of Prince Phobos, shocking both Scar and Azula.
Discussing about threats[]
With Scar joining them once again, Pete and Yosemite Sam discuss with Shan-yu, Scar and Prince John about the threats of these mysterious villains, the Major and Prince Phobos (they became aware of Prince Phobos due to Gir accidentally revealing that he and Zim work for Phobos in their assassination attempt on Duncan and Nuka). The lion king however reveals that Julius Caesar joined him to help his friends in taking down the enemies by providing his men on helping the rulers of the world. Ratcliffe, who was attending the meeting, sends out Duncan and Captain Hook to watch over the borders of France. As they go, Ratigan joins his old friends back much to Scar's joy. With our heroes gathered, they prepare for battle against these new foes.
Outside Pete's castle precisely in the northern border, Duncan and Captain Hook are discussing about the things that have been happening during the war as they slowly become friends. Their talk, however, is quickly interrupted by Oliver Cromwell and his men, who decided to ambush them now that there aren't a lot of Scar, Pete and Sam's allies in the area. The former pirate and Scar's royal adviser may be tough fighters, but the Lord Protector isn't willing to give up so easily even if it means capturing one of them to prove his might...
Joining a treachery alliance[]
Later, Duncan demands Oliver Cromwell to free him, only for the latter to explain that the kingdom he's currently working alongside, the Empire, is becoming too much for him to handle because of the presence of an old enemy of the current rulers of the world: Judge Claude Frollo. Shocked to hear of this resurrection since he knew that he was resurrected and killed once again in another dimension by Pete, Shan Yu and Captain Hook. When Cromwell tries to have him tell how he knows what happened to Frollo in that other dimension, Duncan refuses, prompting the Lord Protector to tell him that he plans joining Duncan's benefactors. When being questioned by the adviser about why he didn't abandon the faction instead of capturing him, Cromwell explains that there is a death penalty for those who try to desert the Empire and, for this reason, tasks Scar's royal advisor to enter the faction so that they can destroy the faction from within with help from a secret ally of the Lord Protector.
Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]
Duncan Nelson was born in New York by the union between Jacob Nelson, a famous police officer in Canada and Jane Jackson, a schoolteacher. Duncan had a good relationship with his mother, however his father showed no concern for his own son because of his childish behaviour and most likely never cared for him. The behaviour of his father would have costed Duncan to have father issues by the time he grew up.
At the age of 8, Duncan was at a subway with a cousin of his to make a surprise to his mom for the arrival of his uncle, who came from the same place his father was born: Canada. While his big cousin asked Duncan to stay where he was as he went to buy some things for their family, an ambush on the subway took many people, including Duncan, off guard as three men tried to kill them all. While succeeding in taking many lives, they would also attack the young kid by pinning him to the ground, blocking him before he could escape and stabbing him in the neck, leaving him to die of bleed out.

Duncan as he appears in the CGI Realm
However Duncan didn't wanted to die and started to suffer of Thanatophobia, as he pleaded when he was stabbed, a Black God heard him and quickly took his soul on a black world. Then, the Black God offered to Duncan to join as one by making a deal: in exchange of the kid's servitude, the god would have given him immortality as long as their lives were bound into one. Duncan accepts and was restored to life. Then he reached where his attempted killers (they were assassinating a man) and slaughtered the three men by tearing them apart. When his cousin arrived, he was shocked to find many dead bodies as he asked what happened here, Duncan simply answered by telling him that he was almost killed but he survived, while the others were strangely murdered and the killers suffered the consequences of their actions. Shocked, he felt scared.
Some time later, Duncan visited Hell, where he met his master's messenger, the Stalker and two minions of the king who, like him, where revived to serve his master: the legendary vampire Dracula and businessman Vlad Masters, who at that time was 20 years old. On his 12th birthday, he had a gift from his master: a black hood. Duncan, despite feeling happy for this unexpected gift, also felt concerned about so. The god then manipulated him into thinking that with this hood, he will be a vigilante stopping all criminals in the only way Duncan knew how to stop someone: kill.
Duncan then proceeded to dub himself as the Hooden Killer. Even when Duncan was arrested and went to juvie several times, he kept coming back by summoning weapons with his magic at his disposal. His father, having enough of this charade of Duncan's but still unaware to his son's alligance with the Dark God, casted him out of the house much to his mother's anger and horror at what her husband did.
TV Villains War[]
Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]
Non Disney and Cartoon Network Heroes vs Villains War[]
Smash Bros Lawl Infinite[]

Duncan as he appears in the Live Action Universe as David.
To check the origin story, see Villains War (Saverio Gamba)
Life in Previous Events[]
Making a Power Play[]
Intentioned to play his ultimate gambit to take over the world, Duncan decides to gather an army of scientist to begin on building a powerful technology even superior to that of the deceased war veteran Mok Swagger. To begin this plan, he steals Mok's Supercomputer, reprogramming it to accomodate his needs. Over the years, he started gathering new allies, such as Marjo, Clocky and Wathe, whom he recruited to serve as his newest henchmen and Dr. Gero, Lyle Lipton and Loopty Goopty, three souls of Hell he broke out free without reviving them due to not possessing the power to resurrect people. Additionally, he also recruited Scarlett, a former Total Drama competitor that has knownledge in the field of science, something Duncan needs should he face and strike fear into his father's heart, an opponent he wants to stop due to his twisted sense of justice and his constant lies. Years later, he managed to build a powerful supertechnological empire he used to grow his influence within the criminal underworld.
Joining the Forces of Evil[]
Wandering in the streets to search a new home after his father casted him out due to his juvenile actions, Duncan was then found by another god, Hades, who recruited him to help his wife Maleficent by gifting her with someone she could train as an apprentice. Eager to prove his might, Duncan accepted as he swore to serve him after he gave him a new place for him to stay. Duncan then prepared for his revenge against those who have crossed him.
Smash Bros Lawl Infinite: War in Universe 6[]
Smash Bros Lawl Infinite: War in Another Dimension[]
Equivalent Villains War[]
The Oath of Revenge[]
Wanting revenge on the Shredder for something he had done years ago, Duncan aligns himself with the powerful and skilled assassin trainer known as Ra's Al Ghul, offering revenge on the Shredder in exchange of a well-coordinated partnership with him to determine the superiority of the League of Assassins over the Foot Clan, led by the Shredder himself. Ra's Al Ghul accepts and both of them become the leaders of this operation.
Prequel vs Sequel Villains War 2 Remake[]
Prequel vs Sequel Villains War 2 Reboot[]
Global Threats[]

Duncan in his Heartless transformation in the Live Action World during the events of Smash Bros Lawl Infinite represented by Ultraman Belial.
Episode 1: The First Battles[]
Episode 2: New Allies[]
Episode 7: Old Wounds[]
Episode 8: Anton and Duncan's new friend and dangerous predator[]
Episode 10: Meeting old friends and an enemy from the past[]
Episode 13: Meeting with a Werewolf Sorcerer and separating teams[]

Duncan's Heartless Form in the CGI Realm
Episode 15: The Forces of Anton vs The Forces of Forest Master[]
Episode 16: Taiga Does Not Forgive Mistakes[]
Episode 17: Shelter[]
Episode 20: Attack on the Claude Monet[]
Episode 22: Replenishment in Fractions[]
Episode 23[]
Episode 24[]
Episode 25[]
Episode 26[]
Animated vs CGI Villains War[]
If the war didn't get rebooted, Duncan would have been killed in round 4. Then in round 9, he would have been resurrected by Chernabog and made a partnership with another resurrected villain, Mok. Then he would have faced his killer and would have won this time around. Additionally, he and Mok would have survived the final battle against Dracula and his forces, escaping from the battlefield alive. In the cutscene after the epilogue, they would have opened the Alchemical Gate by having Dante killed and they would have travelled to the Live-Action Realm, where they would have planned to gather their own allies for themselves and for Chernabog.
Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]
The First Phase of the Plan[]
Duncan appears in the reboot series in an altered role compared to the original series. Duncan is one of the many inhabitants of the Animated Realm to witness the arrival of the inhabitants of the CGI Realm from a gateway. Mistaking them for "Invaders", Duncan sought to save his own world from these strangers by forming an alliance of his own, tasking an old high school friend of his, the schoolboy Nagito Komaeda, to begin their plans to guarantee themselves survival by gathering allies into their initiative.
The Wildcards[]
Duncan and Nagito then meet up with new hired recruits of the schoolboy to begin enacting Duncan's plans of joining the Criminal Empire, a powerful faction containing the most feared crime bosses Duncan intends to aid throughout the war. Although there are promising members within the Wildcards faction such as a friend of Nagito's named Ryota Mitarai, the child explorer Henrietta Von Marzipan, the psychopathic brothers Cecil Terwilliger and Sideshow Bob, the hitman Harm and the mutant Avalanche, Duncan gets rather angry seeing his two old enemies, Heather and Alejandro, have joined his cause and angrily punched the Hispanic seducer much to Heather's horror as Courtney, who also joined the faction to support her boyfriend much to his earlier horror of not wanting her to be put in danger, makes him reason with the help of Nagito and the other members. Once the dispute ended, Duncan then accepted to have Heather and Alejandro within the faction as then he begins scheming his next move.
Fight with Sephiroth's Remnants[]
Wanting to forge an alliance with the most powerful criminal bosses, Duncan decides to travel to the base of operations of the Criminal Empire by himself. However, the Remnants of the legendary Sephiroth named Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo target him, believing him to know the whereabouts of their mother, Jenova. However, what Duncan doesn't know is that Kadaj also wants to test the punk's skills since his nemesis Cloud Strife is nowhere to be found and wants to have fun with the residents of the "Realm of the Oppressors".
The World's Greatest Criminal Mind[]
After surviving the assassination attempt at the hands of the Remnants of Sephiroth, Duncan is found by a mysterious stranger, who reveals himself to be Professor Ratigan, who wants to forge an alliance with him in exchange for his well desired seat within the Criminal Empire. Duncan, eager for revenge on the three "brothers", accepts the offer but under the condition that when the time comes, he'll also get the Wildcards to support him as well.
Villains War: The Age of Animation[]
Fight Against A Sorcerer[]
Vandalising as usual, Duncan is encountered by the deadly sorcerer Mozenrath, who ordered him to surrender his belongings, including a criminal gang of his own, or else he would have faced his wrath. Unfazed and thinking that Mozenrath was just a silly man in a costume, Duncan starts mocking him, to which the young sorcerer responded by zapping him with his magic, laughing and mocking the punk while torturing him. The teenage criminal, however, isn't willing to give up and, angered for Mozenrath's action, quickly leaps at him, taking him off guard and sending him tumbling down a mountain. However, Duncan gets mad when he sees Mozenrath climbing up and unleashing his wrath on him and, before he can do anything, he is knocked out by the sorcerer. Horrified about the sorcerer's intentions, he is not able to escape as Mozenrath encases him within a mud ball and is captured.
Sacrificed For A Dark Purpose[]
Later, Mozenrath takes Duncan (still contained within the mud ball) to his secret lair within the Team Rocket base, where he is accepted as a sacrifice to unleash an unearthly being by Mozenrath's ally, No Heart. Duncan's sacrifice unleashes the demonic Eradicus back into the living realm.
A Dark Return[]
Later on throughout the war, the malicious sorcerer Eli Pandarus and his ally, the demonic Lord Darkar, manage to resurrect Duncan. At first confused, Duncan gets suddenly frightened when he sees Lord Darkar, wondering who he was. However, both he and Eli Pandarus welcome Duncan back from the dead as the latter explains that he returned to serve as a the new head of the Misfits after its former leader, Julius, died to a criminal from another rival organization, Ladd Russo. Seeing it as a fun way to cause destruction, he is about to accept, but asks for more insight first, hearing that Pandarus also struck a deal with Courtney to bring her boyfriend back to life. He also states that Duncan would be a good candidate within the council of the Knights of Despair but would need to hunt down someone to prove his worth first. The delinquent already has an idea to destroy Mozenrath, but realizing his last fight with him didn't go so well, agrees to start small as long as Pandarus helps him make a necessary tool to best the wizard, known as the Infinity Gauntlet. Loving Duncan's sadistic side, the wizard accepts the offer.
The First Victim[]
Thanks to Pandarus, Duncan find the cutlery criminal, and one of the lower ranked henchmen of an organization from which the deceased Ladd Russo worked before being the sacrifice for Lord Darkar's resurrection the Condiment King. Unphased by the recent return of the punk, Buddy Standler fires his ketchup and mustard guns at his face... which barely does anything, as Duncan throws a chair in response. With his main tactic going nowhere, Buddy belittles Duncan, knowing full well that the rest of the clan would destroy him, and even mocking his relationship with Courtney, infuriating him and leading to the henchman getting kneaded in the chest and thrown off the top floor of the building. Although he hangs on by both the wires of his tanks, and the skin of his fingers, Duncan pounces onto both of those with a knife and stabs both, causing Buddy to lose his grip and fall to his death.
Despair at its Maximum![]
Despite the Beast abandoning the faction, King Andrias holds an announcement showcasing that while their leader is gone, and largely replaced by him, their motives have not changed, and their faction has recently gained a new member, introducing the magical master of rats, simply titled the Shaman. With this reveal, Junko Enoshima and Sideshow Bob decide to reveal their own allies that joined the cause, albeit not willingly, those being Speed-O-Sound Sonic and Genocide Jill. Most prominently however, when Pandarus shows up in the middle of the meeting, he summons the nigh-godlike being of despair, Lord Darkar, and the recently revived scoundrel, Duncan. The crowd is proud to see the two of them, as the recent misfit claims their next target, Mozenrath, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, and the cruel fool who had used him as a PowerSource to create his own equal beast, Eradicus. Seeing the griffin as a threat, the Knights agree upon Duncan's idea to target them, with Facilier in particular, used as more of a pawn for Alastor than... much else, sees value and pity of the punk, offering him a deal to create a few allies to assist him in the wizard's fall, to which he easily accepts, as two new demonic entities, El Charro Negro and Grimmjow join his side, for him to use to bring a fate worse than death onto Mozenrath.
Non Disney Villains War[]
If the war wouldn't have been rebooted, Duncan would have been revealed to be part of Ebon's alliance, however it is unknown what role he would have played so far.
Non Disney Villains War Reboot[]
Joining the Dark Hand[]
Duncan first appears in the war when he is recruited by Valmont alongside Rocky and Mugsy to help him unleash Shendu onto the mortal realm by supporting the Dark Hand.
Defeat at the hands of the Homonculi[]
Duncan then faces Lust while escaping police to seek a way to help Valmont, only for the dangerous Homunculi, Lust, to stop him dead in his tracks. As the punk does his best in stopping the Homunculi by trying to shoot her down with a gun and later on by throwing her a canoe and then trying to leap onto her to defeat her, he is then pierced alive by Lust's long claw-like nails and seemingly killed. However, unaware to her, Duncan survived the brutal attack offscreen.
Continuation plans[]
If the war wouldn't have been cancelled, Duncan would have revealed to have survived the fight with Lust. Then, he, Valmont and the members of the Dark Hand would have continued hunting down the Seven Homunculi and, along with them, the Talismans, until Valmont successfully released Shendu, where Duncan, Rocky and Mugsy would have escaped and left the faction after witnessing Shendu's hostile takeover of the Dark Hand through the possession of Valmont. In the end, Duncan, Rocky and Mugsy would have formed an alliance in order to survive in the war and escape Shendu's wrath, only to be quickly apprehended and arrested by Kent Mansley and his Policemen.
Fictional Heroes vs Villains War[]
Disney and Non Disney vs Horror Media Villains War[]
- Despite his involvement in wars, he cannot deny that after the roles he has had and the controversies, he has generated some noise within the fandom and problems in recent times despite the fact that it should have never happened in the first place as for the creator of Villains Battles he didn't mean to cause this whole controversy in the first place.
- Duncan being a major villain in villains war contexts is reminiscing about roles he had in fanfictions, in which Duncan was the main antagonist instead of characters such as Chris Mclean or Chef Hatchet. However this isn't the only reason why the creator of Villains Battles and Smash Bros Lawl Infinite uses him as a major villain, in fact, he also looks on the TD contestants' point of view rather than looking only on the major villain's point of view, reason why Duncan results being a major player due to his arc within every Total Drama season he appeared.
- Aside from Scar, Duncan is also considered as an equivalent to other three Disney characters, those being Hades, Pete and Donald Duck.
- In the Disney vs Cartoon Villains War lore, Duncan plays the same role the Disney Villain with the same name from Gargoyles does, with the only difference that while an assassin hired by the Disney Duncan didn't kill the king personally, the Non-Disney/Cartoon one manages to kill his father although aided by the assassin he hired. Plus, while the Disney Villain does not become enemies with Macbeth right away, Duncan becomes enemies with him, leading to his downfall at the hands of his former ally, Scary Girl, who switches sides with Macbeth during the final stages of the war.