Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki

Doctor Facilier is a witch doctor from New Orleans. Using a mastery of voodoo and his "Friends on the Other Side", he plays a major role in both the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains War and the Disney Villains War.

He first appeared in one of Disney's most recent major animated films, The Princess and the Frog.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains[]


Anton Facilier grew up poor on the streets of New Orleans. Everyday he watched the rich aristocrats of Louisiana at their lavish dinner parties and wanted desperately to be like them.

At the age of sixteen, disaster struck when Anton's mother grew incredibly sick. They couldn't come near to affording medicine. Anton did the best he could to scrounge up quarters and beg for money. However, very few were generous enough to give away any of their money.

Anton finally had enough when the very aristocrats he admired kicked dirt in his face and laughed when he asked them for money. Anton then realized he would need to help his mother through different means.

Facilier looked to black magic and Haitian voodoo. The Facilier family was of a long line of witch doctors, albeit the practice was dropped a few generations ago. Anton was the first Facilier in decades to cast a spell.

Digging up an old book of tricks and spells, Facilier summoned forth the enigmatic Friends on the Other Side. The Friends used their impressive magic power to cure Anton's mother. However, Anton overlooked one detail. The services of the Friends came with a price. The soul of his mother or himself. Anton begged and pleaded for another way, so, they settled on a new deal.

Anton would spend the rest of his days collecting souls for his Friends. Anton accepted, and made his first targets the aristocrats that humiliated him. He snuck into their homes and took their souls, delivering the souls to his Friends with the talisman and staff they gave him.

It wasn't long before Doctor Facilier grew to love his new job. He opened business as a seemingly harmless fortune teller, and prepared for a new life in his Voodoo Emporium.

Vs Mok[]

Dr. Facilier has stolen away much of Mok's limelight, so Mok seeks to destroy him once and for all. Mok makes contact wtih Dr. Facilier's Friends on the Other Side, and makes a better deal with them than Facilier previously has. Now working with Mok, the Friends take the screaming Facilier back with them to the other side.

Working for Eris[]

After escaping the River Styx and aligning with Eris, Hades sees some potential in the recently defeated Facilier, and in exchange for a couple favors in the future, Dr. Facilier is resurrected and back for future fighting. To test out their new henchman, Hades and Eris assign Facilier with defeating a threat to their plans, The Grand Duke of Owls. Facilier makes his way into the Duke's home and challenges him to a fight. The owl uses his magical breath to increase his size to a massive height, but Facilier's voodoo powers prove to be too much for the Duke, as Facilier shrinks the Duke down to a small size and dispatches him.

Hired by Stromboli[]

Soon afterwards, Dr. Facilier is hired by Stromboli to take care of a rival puppeteer. This puppeteer, Puppetino, has been stealing customers away from Stromboli's show. Facilier accepts this task for a fee which Stromboli gladly gives away. Using his voodoo magic, Facilier catches up to Puppetino. Despite his skepticism, Puppetino panics when Facilier uses a voodoo doll. Puppetino collapses, transforming into wood. Facilier then reports back to Eris's place. Later, he is shown to be very annoyed at the resurrection of Rameses, fearing that the Pharaoh might take his place.

Vs Thrax[]

Hades plans to take out Hexxus and reclaim the Underworld. After Pain and Panic are dispatched in Egypt and Red is taken out by Zira and The Horned King, Hades sends Faciler to take out Hexxus's right hand man, Thrax. The two of them fight, but Thrax makes quick work of Facilier's shadow demons. Facilier runs, but Thraxgives chase, with the battle bringing them close to the edge of the River Styx. Thrax assumes that he has won until Faciler strikes, knocking Thrax off the edge and into the Styx, where he quickly dissolves in unholy waters. Faciler patiently waits for Hades to return, which Hades does after beating Hexxus with the Firebird.

Rematch with Mok[]

Facilier, still wanting his revenge on Mok, infiltrates Mok's headquarters and reunites with his Friends on the Other Side. The Friends, who are upset by Mok's plan to summon a demon to take control of the multiverse, agree to help defeat him. Upon confronting Mok and his demon, Facilier uses his magical abilities to seal the mighty beast away. As Mok desperatly tries to call the demon back, Facilier throws him from his platform into the portal. After gaining his revenge, Facilier returns to Hades, who has taken over Mount Olympus and become ruler of the gods. For his aid, Facilier is rewarded with a position of power second only to Hades himself.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Two[]

Observing and Scheming[]

After defeating Mok, it is later shown that Facilier remains on Mount Olympus with Hades, as the war concludes. He and Hades are later shown to be monitoring the activites of the Snow Queen. 

Facilier later approaches Anastasia Tremaine (the eldest daughter of Lady Tremaine) about the whereabouts of her mother, and sister since the first war ended. He then gives Anastasia Lady Tremaine's magic wand so that she might go and free her family from servitude under Rameses. His exact motives for this are unknown. Facilier also observes the rise and fall of the Gangreen Gang, given powers and later eliminated by Hades. Hades and he also journey to secure the complicity of Echidna in their plans. On Hades's orders, he transforms Gaston into a monster so that the hunter might best serve the faction. He later observes the battle between Echidna's children and two of Eris's new lieutenants, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra, eventually rejoicing in Hades's victory. This victory is due, in large part, to the newly transformed Gaston. As a reward, Hades authorizes Facilier to change the hunter back into a human.

In one final move, Hades and Gaston hire Lady Waltham to aid Hades. Facilier reveals one of Eris's henchmen, Tzekel Khan, that murdered Waltham's brother, Clayton, in the first war.

The Battle of the Underworld[]

Doctor Facilier and Gaston work as a tag team, of sorts, throughout the battle. When Gaston blasts away Eris's minion, Ember, with his blunderbuss, Facilier is surprised to see the ghost survive. A blast from Ember's boyfriend, Skulker, knocks him away. But the good doctor readies some magic powder and briefly makes Ember vulnerable to being drained. On cue, the Friends from the Other Side arrive and suck away her soul. Hades forces win the battle, but then join forces with Hades old flame, Maleficent.

Another Rematch - Losing the Underworld[]

Doctor Facilier is left in charge of the Underworld while Hades relaxes on Mount Olympus. Yet Mok, who survived his fall from the first war, breaks into the Underworld. Facilier attempts to turn the tides and has the Friends on the Other Side bring forth the shadow demons, but Mok's special effect bolts, more powerful than before, destroy all of them. Facilier looks on in horror as the rock star proceeds to destroy the Friends themselves. Matters only get worse when Loki, one of Hades's new allies, turns traitor. Outmatched, Facilier carts Pain and Panic out of the Underworld.

A New Chain of Command[]

Facilier arrives on Olympus and orders Hades to send in a strike force against Mok. But Hades, having learned of Maleficent's "death," has fallen into despair. Facilier then looks on as Ursula takes over the faction.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains - Part Three[]

Disney Villains War[]

DVW Backstoy[]

Living in the swamp with his teacher, Mama Odie, Dr Facilier grew up as a poor boy that had nothing because his teacher wouldn't allow it. Facilier, however, was an impatient youth and wanted to learn fast, more, and see the outside. It worried Mama Odie a lot that, though Facilier had much potential, he wasn't fit for the training. Facilier, getting fed up with her, decided to escape the swamp and make his way to the city where he believed a fortune awaited him.

Sadly, the young kid met up with two criminals, Foulfellow and Gideon. Seeing an easily duped idiot, Foulfellow decided to smoothtalk Facilier and have him sold to Stromboli as a puppetmaker. Believing the fox was honest to him, the young doctor bought his lies and went on to make puppets for Stromboli. But when the puppets were not up to Stromboli's expectations, Facilier ended back up on the street.

Arriving late in the night at the Red Lobster Inn, Facilier found Foulfellow and his accomplice drinking away the money they had earned from selling the youngster to Stromboli. Angered, Facilier promised Foulfellow that he would pay dearly for tricking him. The fox responded only with a crude laughter and said that the boy should stay away from the city if he didn't want to be tricked and return to whatever place he came from. Hurt, alone, and depressed, Facilier left the inn with nothing then his clothes.

It was when he took shelter from an incoming storm that he heard a voice that promised him revenge and power beyond his wildest dreams. Facilier, intruiged by this voice, asked what it was, to which the voice responded that he was the only friend the young doctor needed. The voice promised him help in revenge against the lying no-good fox if Facilier promised that he would do whatever the voice asked of him. The lure for power and revenge too much to deny, Facilier agreed to those terms.

It is unsure what really happened then, but when Facilier left his shelter he went straight to the Red Lobster Inn where Foulfellow and Gideon were still celebrating. Taking justice into his own hands, Facilier took his revenge on Foulfellow. The events of what happened in the Inn remain unknown to this day, save to Gideon. But he refuses to explain the events of that night. All that is known is that Facilier left the Inn alone, and with his new powers settled quickly in town with his own parlor.

In time, Facilier grew more powerful, learning more voodoo tricks, gaining assistance from evil spirits for certain spells, and was overall a very succesful businessman. But when he was finally feeling he had it all, the voice returned, demanding that he remembered their bargain. Facilier, not ready to give up his sweet new life, tried to talk himself out of it, but the voice assured him that he could only get better off then where he was right now. Believing the voice, Facilier was told that when the Lord of the Underworld came to his doorstep, the first strike in a new war would begin.

Rise to Godhood - The Beginning of the Disney Villains War[]

Having become notorious for his villainy in New Orleans, Dr. Facilier is visited by Hades, who has heard of his power and seeks to use Facilier as a pawn to overthrow Zeus, king of the gods. Recognizing Hades will likely have no respect for him, Facilier refuses Hades' offer, leading the god to swear revenge. Knowing it is only a matter of time before Hades follows through with his threats, Facilier travels to the Underworld and ambushes his enemy, striking quickly and tossing Hades into the River Styx. Facilier is surprised to discover that his victory has imparted Hades' powers to him, and he declares himself the new god of the dead.

Exploring his new domain, Facilier is contacted by the voice from his youth, revealed to be that of the powerful demon Chernabog, promising Facilier power over the entire world if he will help the Black God rise into the realm of mortals. Although wary of becoming a pawn to yet another deity, Facilier agrees, planning to strike against Chernabog if he fails to follow through with his promises.

As the first step of his plan, Chernabog instructs Facilier to secure the services of Claude Frollo of France, intending to use the Judge to eliminate potential rivals. Facilier arrives in Paris' Hall of Justice and meets with Frollo, who reluctantly agrees to act as Facilier's agent in exchange for striking against the gypsies of Paris and the love of Esmeralda.

Purging Enemies[]

On Facilier's orders, Frollo begins striking against those most likely to hinder Chernabog's master plan. It isn't't long before Facilier gains another ally in Queen Narissa, who informs the voodoo doctor that Hades has managed to free himself from the Styx and is being harbored by Maleficent. Knowing Frollo's non-magical army will fall before Maleficent and Hades' combined forces, Facilier decides to deal with them personally. Meanwhile, he sends Frollo and his growing number of generals against Prince John of England, wary of the island nation's growing power.

The French invasion of England results in John's defeat and imprisonment, but Facilier has little time to rejoice. He sends his shadow demons to take control of the fearsome giant, Willie, and sends him against Maleficent on Forbidden Mountain. Unfortunately, the giant provrd no match for Maleficent's dragon form, and Facilier is forced to admit defeat.

Already angered by this setback, Facilier and Narissa see Frollo's forces celebrating their victory over England. Thinking they are growing lax in their duties, Facilier sends Narissa to murder Gaston as a warning and departs to battle the Horned King. With Chernabog's aid, Faciler takes command of the King's Black Cauldron and annihilates the necromancer.

Narissa returns with the murder accomplished, and Facilier goes to warn Frollo to keep his army better disciplined. Instructing him to send his forces against Wonderland next, Facilier is greatly distressed when he witnesses the invasion fail and learns Hades has released the Titans to send against him.

Rise of Chernabog[]

As the Rock Titan assaults the Underworld, Facilier and Narissa summon the ancient Firebird to defend them. The Firebird destroys the Titan by blasting off its heads, and the remaining Titans are destroyed by Emperor Zurg as he invades Earth. With time running out, Facilier decides to begin the process of summoning Chernabog into the mortal world. He is helped along by Jafar, a former ally of Maleficent and Hades who has betrayed them. The vizier brings a mystic amulet that Facilier uses to summon Sa'Luk, Jackal, Mozenrath, and the Lonesome Ghosts to assault the Forbidden Mountain, Maleficent's base.

The siege fails, and Facilier's forces are forced to retreat. But Jafar proves a more pressing danger, as he betrays Facilier and sends his minion, Gazeem, to steal magical artifacts from the Underworld. Narissa slays Gazeem, and Facilier expels Jafar from his alliance. Some good news arrives when Facilier learns that Maleficent, her forces wearing thin after the attack on Forbidden Mountain, has abandoned the fortress. Heartened by this, Facilier releases Frollo from his service, rewarding his successes by granting him the location of the Court of Miracles, the gypsies' secret hideout.

Moving his base of operations to Forbidden Mountain, Facilier travels to Pleasure Island, hoping to retrieve a magic amulet from the twisted Coachman who runs the place. When the Coachman refuses to hand the amulet over and attacks Facilier, the god of the dead summons the Headless Horseman to strike back. The Horseman kills and drives off the Coachman's allies, allowing Facilier to transform his enemy into a donkey and take the amulet.

Returning to Forbidden Mountain, Facilier uses the talismans he has gotten from Jafar and the Coachman to turn Maleficent's citadel into Bald Mountain, a peak of demonic power that can serve as the summoning place for his dark master. At long last, Facilier and Narissa complete the summoning, and Chernabog arrives on Earth to turn the planet into a new Hell.

Fall of Facilier[]

As Chernabog spreads his diabolic influence across the world, Facilier begins using the souls of the Underworld to provide the demon with an unlimited source of power and soldiers. Just then, however, Hades and Maleficent arrive, making a final push to regain the Underworld. Maleficent and Narissa kill each other, leaving Facilier to face Hades on his own once again. This time, however, the former lord of the dead has come prepared, having the Witches of Morva restore his immortality. Unable to escape Hades' wrath, Facilier's soul is drained from his body, and Hades returns to his throne.

The voodoo sorcerer's punishment is only beginning, however. After Chernabog also falls, being banished back to Hell by Zeus, Hades amuses himself by forcing Facilier's soul to relive his own death for all eternity.


Doctor Facilier as Doctor Terminus in the Live-Action Universe

Disney Villains War 2[]


Learning of Maleficent's rebirth and her resurrected minions, Narissa decided to use her power to bring one of her own allies back to life. With her powerful sorcery, she tore Dr. Facilier's soul away from Hades' torture and gave him a new body. Together, the two would take terrible vengeance on their enemies. For the rest of the bio, see here.

Back to his realm[]

Meanwhile, Mesogog made good on his promise and returned Narissa and Facilier to the Animated Universe, taking Hoagy with them. Facilier found himself in Queen Grimhilde's old castle, where he was stunned to find the Queen herself alive and well, having hidden away after her apparent death in the first war. Seeing a potential ally, Facilier used his magic to restore Grimhilde's beauty and undo Tremaine's old curse.

Meet again with Frollo[]

Upset that her disappearance had not changed much in the course of the first war and believing that the world had forgotten her true power, the vain Queen Grimhilde tasked Doctor Facilier with once again contacting Frollo and securing his services.

Traveling to Paris, Facilier again tried to barter with Frollo, who was disturbed by his old ally's return from the dead. However, with Esmeralda now his, Frollo had nothing more to gain from Facilier and cast him out, vowing to destroy him if he ever tried to blackmail him again.When Facilier reported back to Grimhilde, she vowed vengeance on Frollo for angering her and swore to bring her full wrath to bear on France. Facilier promised to aid her, plotting to use his voodoo to strike Frollo where it hurt most.

While Grimhilde laid siege to Macbeth's castle, Facilier decided to enact his own revenge in a subtler, crueller manner. Sneaking into the Palace of Justice, Facilier surprised Esmeralda and killed her with a voodoo doll he had made in her likeness. Frollo arrived on the scene too late to save her, and was consumed with grief and rage at the sight of her lifeless body.

On a meeting[]

In her castle in England, Queen Grimhilde called together her allies, including Prince John, Sarousch, Ratcliffe, Igthorn, Facilier, and Hoagy to discuss Frollo's offensive against them. In the middle of the meeting, Facilier, Hoagy, and Ratcliffe slipped out to see to their own agendas.

Talking with the mirror[]

With Grimhilde occupied, Facilier snuck into her chamber and asked the Magic Mirror what had happened to the talisman he had used to summon Chernabog during the First War. Although Facilier was satisfied with the information the Mirror had provided, Hoagy also asked about Narissa's whereabouts. Ratcliffe watched with interest, seeing that he was not the only one having second thoughts about his allegiance to Grimhilde.

Saw an old face[]

Having lost nearly everything in the attack on Paris, Hades sought out the Witches of Morva, his last potential allies. With nothing left to lose, he ordered them to find and kill Facilier, whatever the cost. The Witches found the sorcerer as he reclaimed his talisman, but they managed to shatter it with a magic blast. At that moment, to the surprise of everyone, the Horned King arrived, having found out that the Black Cauldron was here as well. The Witches made to attack him before he could access the Cauldron's power, but the King was faster and he managed to annihilate the Witches' souls with the artifact. The King then turned his attention to Facilier, who narrowly escaped death by blowing dust into the King's face and beating a hasty retreat.

Decide to betray Grimhilde[]

Meanwhile, Facilier learned from Hoagy of Grimhilde's meeting with Narissa. Declaring he was no one's servant, Facilier decided to reestablish his pact with the Friends on the Other Side.

Seeing that tensions were growing among her allies, Queen Grimhilde held a feast in her English castle to put them more at ease. However, when Ratcliffe's jesters began mocking Facilier for his defeat at the hands of the Horned King and the perceived loss of his magic, Facilier's resentment boiled over and he revealed the return of his Friends on the Other Side. Seeking to make Grimhilde pay for making him her pawn, Facilier had the Friends drive her insane. In her madness, Grimhilde saw Ratcliffe as a hideous muck monster and Prince John as a demonic cat, before believing she had turned back into her hag form. With the festivities in chaos, Facilier disappeared to seek out Narissa.

Back with Narissa[]

Locating Narissa, Facilier and Hoagy renewed their alliance, and the three began making plans to destroy Hades once and for all.

Vs Mirage[]

In the depths of the Underworld, Facilier, Narissa, and Hoagy arrived ready for a final showdown with Hades, only to find their mortal enemy a shell of his former self, completely under Mirage's control. Not wanting vengeance on this pathetic shadow of Hades, Facilier and Narissa instead confronted Mirage, who blasted Hoagy into a wall for defying her. Mirage summoned a horde of demons to dispose of Facilier and Narissa, who transformed into a dragon to deal with the threat. While Narissa distracted the demons, Facilier summoned the Friends on the Other Side to devour their spirits, destroying them. Furious, Mirage blasted Narissa with lightning, but in her rage she destroyed the magic crystal that allowed her to dominate Hades' will. Freed from Mirage's control, Hades angrily turned on his former "ally", but she teleported away before he could attack her.

Talking with Hades[]

In the Underworld, Hades, owing his freedom to Facilier, agreed to cease hostilities with him and Narissa until he could exact vengeance on Mirage.

Disney Villains War 3[]

Helping Hades[]

Meanwhile in the Underworld, Hades tried to pry the location of Maleficent if she wasn't dead. On the advice of Facilier, he travelled to the CGI realm hoping to find her there while he left the underworld in his care.

Found a dead body[]

The Archmage X then proceeded to rescue the Archmage. Facilier arrived too late to stop these events and was horrified to find Narissa dead. Meanwhile, the Archmage X teleported the Archmage out of the Underworld.

Teaming with Sa'Luk[]

In the Underworld, a depressed Facilier was slowly losing his grip over the place as Hoagy was getting rightfully upset. But Sa'Luk arrived at that moment to assist him.

Vs The Banshee[]

Meanwhile in the Underworld, the Dark Dragon come across the spirit of Banshee and convinces the sorceress to rebel against the Underworld master. The Banshee agrees and heads off to Dr. Facilier's base of actions. When Facilier encounter the spirit, he summons his shadow demons to deal with the fairy. However they were blasted by her vocal blast. In a final attempt to finish the doctor, the Banshee was ambushed by the arrival of Saluk and Hoagy who learn about the spirit's arrival into the Underworld. Saluk throw to the sorceress some rocks with his golden claws, only to be deflected by the Banshee's magic. Hoagy then throw to her a magical talisman, which it blow her away from the Underworld, winning the time for the team to think of a new plan.

Discussing with his friends[]

Dr Facilier discussed with his Friends and allies the continuing rebellion and decided with his Friends to unleash the most powerful shadow known to man.

Summoning a shadow[]

In the Underworld, Facilier spoke to his allies about the rebellion. He spoke about how Narissa had been disposed of but he knew she would be back soon enough and that they needed to worry about themselves. Sa'Luk then reminded Facilier that he was going to summon a powerful shadow to aid them. Facilier did state that he intended to do so but that the shadow required a host body. Facilier stated that he had decided to pay a visit to his old hometown of New Orleans. Facilier decided to bring new recruit Megara with him and left Sa'Luk to keep watch over the Underworld. He also reminded Hoagy not to do anything stupid.

Meanwhile, Facilier and Meg located the host body for the most powerful shadow in history, Tiana. In the Underworld, now having the host body, Facilier summoned the most powerful friend from the shadows and to reclaim the night. The Nightmaster was summoned from the shadows. The newly reborn Nightmaster recounted his tale of his ill fated encounter with Eradicus to Facilier.


Doctor Facilier was warned soon that his former master, Chernabog, might return by the Fates. Displeased, Facilier began to make plans to counter this.

Disney Villains War Reboot[]

New Start[]

Dr. Facilier appears in the reboot series in a role similar to the original series. During the earlier events, he is appoached by a mysterious benefactor who offers him some shadowy demonic sidekicks to aid to the voodoo doctor, in exchange of helping her master's, Chernabog, grand plan for his uprising on the mortal plane. Faciler gladly accepts her offer, as they become bonded allies in the later events.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Seller of the Magic Arts[]

Doctor Facilier sits out during the earliest stages of the war (with a minor exception in warning Frollo of Venom's attack), merely selling artifacts and spells to those willing to pay for them. One such person is Madame Mask; Facilier sells her a magical crown able to restore her beauty and grant her magical powers. Mask, however, neglects to pay Facilier for his services. Thus, Facilier tracks her down and demands payment. Mask, thinking herself a god, spits magic in Facilier's face and tries to kill him. Facilier shrugs the blow off and blows some magic powder in Mask's face, draining away her beauty and stealing her soul.

In an Alliance[]

The Horned King, impressed by Facilier's victory over Mask, hires Facilier into an alliance that he is forming. The two add Lady Tremaine to their number, using her magical powers to resurrect Queen Grimhilde. Facilier then helps Grimhilde summon the Headless Horseman to eliminate Deadpool, whose attack Facilier anticipates using his cards. Unfortunately, the Horned King falls to the forces of Magneto; Grimhilde seizes control of the alliance, putting a check on Facilier's power by hiring Cruella de Vil to act as second-in-command.

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 2[]

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part 3[]

If the war wouldn't have been canceled, Dr. Facilier would have turned out to have been playing everyone for a big gambit.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War[]

Swearing revenge[]

Dr. Facilier goes to the Underworld to pay a visit to his old friend Hades, but now there's a new God of the Underworld "Him". Dr. Facilier swears avenge his friend Hades.

Teaming with Maleficent[]

Meanwhile in the Forbidden Mountains, Dr. Facilier shows to Maleficent the defeat of Hades, Maleficent angered by his defeat, tries to forge and alliance with the doctor so they together avenge Him, but Facilier has other way's to avenge Hades.

Helping Queen Grimhilde[]

Grimhilde contacts Dr. Facilier the voodoo doctor, to help her to recover her beauty, but Facilier wants nothing more than Snow White's body. The Queen seeing not other option agrees to give the body and Facilier helps Grimhillde with his little problem.

Vs Babidi[]

Dr. Facilier decides that is time, to start to avenge Hades with his Friends of the Other Side. Babidi with his crystal ball contacts the Doctor friends and propose them a better offer, but first the friends want to see Babidi's powers seeing no other option Babidi teleports in the Voodoo Emporium and confront the witch doctor. Is Facilier capable of defeating this Wizard or does Babidi has a trick up his sleeve?


Grimhilde brings Dr. Facilier's Tomb in his castle requested by Lady Tremaine, remembering his deal Tremaine revives Facilier, the doctor surprised and explains to Tremaine what happened to him and about his plan to avenge Hades, the Mirror overhears and shows to Facilier that Hades is still alive, surprised Tremaine decides to help the Doctor to get his revenge but somebody is spying on them.

Teaming with Horned King[]

Back at the Horned King's Castle, the King seeks a sorcerer to his team and Facilier arrives and purpose a deal with the King, by telling Babidi's plan and he'll help the King to use the Lost Mushroom to its full potential.

Vs Bowser's Forces[]

Devimon with most of his allies invades the Horned King's Castle, Creeper orders the guard to eliminate the intruders. Dr. Facilier appears in the shadows infuriated about them getting in his plans of revenge, Arbormon attacks the wicked voodoo doctor but fails still the Shadow creatures are still on the run and Devimon decides to take matter into his own hands and destroying the Shadow minions. Bowser steals the mushroom and uses his power against the powers of the Black Cauldron, sucking all the life force of the undeath army with no other choice Shan-Yu and Dr. Facilier leave the Castle.

Vs Orochimaru[]

Dr. Facilier starts talking about a new plan to have his "friends" back from Babidi with Shan-Yu as their talk is interrupted by "Maleficent" to see what's the next step of her plan, as "Maleficent" see's that the doctor hasn't done much questions him about his position, much to Shan-Yu's impression once saying about his "husband" Mal has no interest in it, Facilier use's his magic and in result is Orochimaru in disguise. Will Orochimaru gain his goal of eternal life by taking Facilier's talisman or those this two can come up with a plan to beat the Leader of the Hidden Sound Village?

Meeting Narissa[]

In Voodoo Emporium, Facilier and Narissa speaks about their plans for the War as Facilier delivers Snow White to Narissa and Narissa decides that it's not the time to start their plan.

Battle with Bowser's Forces[]

Now Devimon and Bowser attack Maleficent's forces. Mal and his allies do there best to defeat Devimon's allies, Bowser releases his children to help him. Meanwhile Ice Devimon and Puppetmon join the fray to eliminate this powerful enemies. As things are heating up the doctor friend's arrive too. Will Mal's forces rule supreme?

Vs Super Janemba[]

As Facilier and Lady Tremaine arrives at the Voodoo Emporium, it seems his friends aren't at all gone as they release a powerful demon to crush the mortal world. This demon proofs to be a powerful opponent to both sorcerers, will they meet their doom or is the Doctor planning on using something for this occasion?

Ruler of Underworld[]

With Zeus been turned into stone thanks to Him, Hades becomes the new ruler of Olympus and makes Doctor Facilier the new God of the Underworld.

Disney Vs Anime Villains War - Part 2[]

Vs Eris[]

As Facilier, waits for Narissa's orders, he waits for Hades arrival on seeing his work as the God of the Underworld. But the voodoo doctor has an unexpected visit by the goddess of Chaos herself. Been sent to eliminate the mortal that has become the God of the Underworld, sends his most noble night to assassinate him. While Facilier have Pain and Panic in his side will that be enough to defeat Eris night and the Goddess as well or it will require much bigger help for this fight between gods?

Talking with Narissa[]

Narissa gives the order to begin their quest to Dr. Facilier but in order to do that they'll require some help.

Teaming with Shan Yu[]

Facilier persuades Shan-Yu on getting China for him in exchange for his cooperation.

Animated Vs Video Game Villains War[]

Vs LeChuck[]

While reading tarot cards, Dr. Facilier noticed a card with LeChuck's picture on it. He quickly realized that this was a warning from his friends on the Other Side. Meanwhile, LeChuck had set up a new base disguised as a carnival for pirates and sailors. His minion Dingy Dog warned him about Facilier, so LeChuck decided to send his new "recruits" after the Shadowman. As the ghost pirates attacked Facilier, the Shadowman used his voodoo powers to trap them and gave them to his Friends on the Other Side who devoured them.

Talking with his friends[]

Dr. Facilier is warned by The Friends on the Other Side to get his act together and collect more souls. The Shadow Man proceeds to turn to the cards which tell him that aligning with two unlikeable allies will be the key. And the cards don't lie..

Making a deal with Captain Hook[]

Unlike Rasputin and Scorpion who knew how to posse and control their undead bodies, Hook is still stuck as a spirit after escaping the underworld. In order to become alive again and warn Paris of what he overheard, Hook makes a deal with Facilier to get a new body. Facilier is hesitant to make a deal with Hook at first, until he mentions some information he learned while following Scorpion and Rasputin. Like how they both have a common enemy in LeChuck. Facilier uses a charm to bring Hook to life and go after LeChuck and his allies.

Pokemon Heroes vs Disney and Non Disney Villains[]

Vs Ash[]

Ash arrives in the voodoo emporium, finally finding his mother, only to discover that the voodoo sorcerer, Dr. Facilier is preventing her from escaping, revealing he wants her to be his maid. But Ash Ketchum does not like that idea, and nor does Facilier's friends on the other side...


Bowser and Mistress Nine arrive at Dr. Facilier's voodoo emporium, and ask the Friends on the Other Side to bring Facilier back, in which they reluctantly do.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War[]

Capturing Snow White[]

On the orders of Queen Grimhilde, who envied the beauty of the princess Snow White, the voodoo witch doctor Facilier cornered her in a field of flowers. When Facilier tried to get Snow White to come with him, she fled into the nearby forest. Giving chase, Facilier used his voodoo powers to summon terrifying illusions to torment the princess. Snow White, overcome with so much fear, fainted, allowing Facilier to take her captive.

Meeting Frollo[]

In the Palace of Justice, Frollo made his morning rounds checking to make sure that none of his new prisoners (including his traitorous former captain, Captain Phoebus, the puppet boy Pinocchio, the young English girl Alice, and Jane Porter's father Professor Archimedes) had escaped during the night. Satisfied, Frollo was then introduced to Maleficent's henchmen Captain Hook, Prince John, the Queen of Hearts, and Doctor Facilier, who had casted their favour on the judge, although in reality they have been sent to keep Frollo in line, on Maleficent's orders. Frollo was not happy to be in the company of a witch doctor like Facilier, but, hearing of Facilier's success in capturing Snow White, decided to test his new ally by sending him against an old enemy.

Vs Esmeralda[]

In Paris, Quasimodo arrived at the Festival of Fools, where the gypsies led by their king, Clopin, were performing. Quasimodo saw Esmeralda dancing, but she also attracted the attention of Doctor Facilier, who had infiltrated the Festival disguised as a clown. Facilier sent his shadow demons after her, hoping to bring her back to Frollo so he could interrogate her as to the location of the gypsies' hideout, but Esmeralda disappeared using her stage magic. Facilier spotted Esmeralda and her pet goat Djali hiding in the crowd and sent his demons after her, but the crowd helped her escape. Facilier managed to catch up, but Esmeralda threw a plate at him, stunning Facilier long enough for her to vanish again, to the amusement of the crowd. Facilier was forced to depart empty-handed as Quasimodo left to seek Esmeralda. Frollo, watching from the shadows, stewed in anger.

Showing something to Grimhilde[]

As Grimhilde returned to her castle, still stewing after the meeting with the Horned King. Her allies, particularly Facilier, told her to forget the King for the moment and concentrate on the heroes. Facilier demonstrated his powers to Grimhilde by turning his lackey Lawrence, with the use of his magic talisman, into a doppleganger of the handsome Prince Naveen, one of Facilier's earlier victims. Intrigued, Grimhilde ordered Lawrence to use his disguise to infiltrate the group of heroes joining up with Phoebus.

Vs Aladdin and Hercules's Forces[]

Doctor Facilier suddenly appeared, revealing to the resistance how he had used Lawrence to infiltrate their ranks.Facilier parted the mist, revealing Shan Yu at the head of the Hun army, ready to massacre the resistance.Confronted by Facilier, Donald Duck crafted a makeshift hand cannon and fired on the witch doctor, but missed, with the shot hitting the snow-covered mountainside, causing an avalanche. Hero and villain alike found themselves in the path of the avalanche and retreated, though Shan Yu and his Huns could not escape fast enough to avoid being buried.

Teaming with Ratigan[]

Meanwhile, Ratigan sought refuge in Queen Grimhilde's castle, where he was met by Doctor Facilier. Having heard of the Professor's exploits and seeing him as a useful ally, Facilier used his powers to make good on the promise that Hamsterviel had failed to uphold: he made Ratigan human-sized, allowing him to stand on equal footing with the non-animal heroes and giving him a distinct advantage over Basil.

Vs Pooh and his friends[]

Continuing their search for Christopher Robin, Pooh and company were stopped by Doctor Facilier, who was hoping to bring them back to Queen Grimhilde and end their interference in the war. Facilier tried to trick the heroes by conjuring an image of Christopher imprisoned by the villains, telling them he would take them to their friend. However, the heroes remembered Facilier from the mountain ambush and refused to trust him. Deciding to take Pooh's group by force, Facilier used his voodoo powers to summon terrifying illusions to attack the heroes. As Pooh and his friends ran, Facilier called his shadow demons to pursue them. Just as it seemed Facilier's shadow had cornered them, Princess Jasmine pulled them behind a tree. As they hid, Facilier lost them and departed. Pooh and his friends decided to accompany Jasmine back to the resistance hideout.

Vs Hercules's Forces[]

As the army of Cauldron Born bore down on the heroes, things were looking more and more bleak. Taran continued to battle Shan Yu, but was overpowered by the Hun general.Doctor Facilier then arrived, eager to finish off Pooh and his friends after they evaded him in their last encounter. He summoned one of the King's Gwythaints and sent it after the 100 Acre Wood party, but Robin Hood and his Nottingham militiamen fired on the beast with their bows, slaying it. Seeing how the tide of battle was turning against him, the Horned King ordered his men to get their act together and kill the heroes.

Disney Heroes Vs Villains War - Part Two[]

Heroes Vs Villains War[]

The Beginning of the New War[]

Spending his time in the Forbidden Mountain along with several other villains, the annual plans of the villains are interrupted by the arrival of Mok Swagger. The rock star proposes an alliance with Maleficent, with intentions of summoning numerous villains, so that the world would be ruled by villains. Maleficent and her forces agree to Mok's plan and set off to their new adventures. On behalf of Maleficent's orders, Dr. Facilier is sent to the Horned King's faction where he would serve as Maleficent's messenger.

A Foolish Contract[]

Before the war would even start, Dr. Facilier scores already his first victory. While wandering around in a lake, Dr. Facilier spots Odette and her friends, with the princess currently being in a desperate state. Seizing the opportunity, Dr. Facilier approachs Odette, and makes an offer with the princess: to reunite with her lost prince Derek, in exchange of a "small cost". When she makes the foolish move of trusting him, Dr. Facilier shows his real nature, calling the Friends on the Other Side. To end the contract, he has the Friends transform Odette into a white swan. Amused by his victory, Dr. Facilier returns to the Horned King. The Horned King then adresses to his allies; his goal: retrieve the Black Cauldron by using Rothbart's recent trophy, Hen Wen.

Mok's Mission[]

Not soon enough, Mok approachs Facilier, proposing him to capture the musician Angel, as she was vital in his ultimate plan. Though uninterested, Facilier eventually agrees to his offering, with Mok providing him  his lackeys the Schlepper Brothers and his musical Edison Balls with accompanying Facilier for the job.

Arriving at a night club stage, Facilier introduces himself to Angel and her friends - Omar, Dizzy, and Stretch -. When Omar proves difficult for Facilier to handle, the doctor uses the Edison Balls to mesmerize Omar and his friends, allowing him to seize Angel without effortlessly. Upon completing his mission, Facilier returns to the Horned King's citadel, announching that he had alreadly recruited the nefarious leaders of the Bakshi Bunch - Blackwolf, Nekron, and Saruman - to their cause.

Disney Vs Comics War[]

Cuphead Bosses vs Disney Villains War[]

Vs King Dice[]

King Dice makes a bet with Dr. Facilier. If the voodoo doctor he can beat Dice and his minions Pip and Dot in a fight he will own the Casino and it's riches. Facilier sends out his Shadow Demons to attack him but Pip and Dot defeat them. Facilier uses a Voodoo blast to knock Dice's goons out, but Dice grabs his Talisman and destroys it. Facilier's Friends on the Other Side drag him to his demise.


Facilier's tombstone lies near the casino.Chernabog spies on Facilier's Tombstone.Chernabog decides to make his move in the war, and resurrects a deceased player…

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Vs Alastor[]

Dr. Facilier tries to make a deal with The Friends on the Other Side,but they did not liked the voodo wizard's plan.However,a certain radio demon named Alastor arrived with another proposal for The Friends on the Other Side.It's up to the Friends on the Other Side to decide who's offer is better and who is about to be killed.The Friends on the Other Side accepted Alastor's offer,leaving the shadows to kill off Dr.Facilier.While the doctor was killed,Alastor revealed to him his plan of taking over The Underworld.


Hades decided to revive a fallen voodo wizard that might come out handy later on the war.

Vs Demongo[]

After defeating the Lich, Hades is visited by Dr. Facilier who asks for his freedom. Hades accepts it if he is gonna defeat an ally of Aku and help Hades if The God needs him.Facilier accepts with the offer as he recieved some shadow demons to help him. As Demongo was seaching for Hades,Facilier commanded the Shadow Demons to kill Demongo. However, Demongo used his powers to kill The Shadow Demons easily but unfortunately for Demongo he became small, leaving Facilier to be angry.As Demongo was trying to flee away fro Facilier, the voodo wizard crushed Demongo with his foot.After killing Demongo, Facilier heads back to Hades.

Vs Discord[]

Doctor Facilier decided to make a surprise for Hades by planning to take Hades henchmen from the Underworld and transform them into their slaves. However, Facilier must face the lord of chaos,Discord, himself first who summons Pain and Panic to take out the trash.Angered,Facilier began to use his talisman to hypnotize Pain and Panic into believing that they are still working for Hades.As Discord was still celebrating,Facilier uses his powers to make some chaos near Discord,which confuses him.However,Discord is able to stop Facilier's tricks and tells the voodo sorcerer that his soul shall be back into The Underworld to suffer.However,a miracle happens as another soul escapes from The Underworld and knocks Discord down thus giving Facilier the opportunity to take Pain and Panic and leaving Discord to suffer.

Reviving someone[]

Doctor Facilier decided to make something useful for Hades by reviving the fallen duck witch herself,Magica De Spell.

Transformers vs Disney and Non Disney Villains War[]

Vs Movie Mindwipe[]

Cobra Commander starting his Anti-Transformer movement forms an alliance with the Shadow Man Dr. Facilier to take down an version of Mindwipe from an different variation of Transformer using his Magic as the Decepticon tries to mind control the Doctor he uses his cane to defeat Mindwipe in his Tank Form.

New ally[]

Facilier following Cobra's orders ask his Friends on the Other Side to summon a alley which turns out to be the Monster Oogie Boogie.

Disney vs Transformers Villains War[]

Talking with his friends[]

The Voodoo Priest Dr. Facilier has heard about the war against the Decepticons and asks his Friends on the Other Side to give him some Shadow Demons to assist Him.

Meeting Forte[]

In a Castle Maestro Forte was starting to play his organ but Facilier arrives and uses his Voodoo Magic to make him into a Living Organ to take on someone turns out to be Soundwave.

All Out Heroes vs Villains War[]

Meeting Mok[]

Maleficent, her husband Hades and her allies (Dr. Facilier, Shan-yu and Pete) plot to summon a powerful god to aid them, however their meeting is interrupted by infamous rockstar Mok Swagger, who decides to help them out. At the same time he reveals his allies, much to her surprise. Mok's supercomputer also reveals who can help them with their plans much to Maleficent and Mok's joy.

Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]

Teaming with Hades[]

Hades and his allies plan to take out Hexxus until they are greeted by a magician known as Dr. Facilier, who has got plans to take out the Spirit of destruction. Hades, seeing potential in him, accepts the shadow man in his alliance with Maleficent.

Hand Drawn Animated Heroes vs Villains War[]

Hand Drawn Animated Villains War[]

Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]

Vs Mumbo Jumbo[]

Doctor Facilier would like to try to forge an alliance with Mumbo, but the evil magician liquidates him by saying that he is more powerful, the voodoo sorcerer then throws his friends against him in the afterlife, thus begins a magic challenge, who will win?

Teaming with Maleficent and Hades[]

At the Forbidden Mountain Maleficent and Hades gather their allies to discuss their next moves within the war, suddenly Doctor Facilier arrives with the intention of joining them and is welcomed with open arms, especially by Hades, generating much happiness in the doctor.

Villains War 2 (Disney Knights)[]

Teaming with Vector[]

Vector was very disappointed in Radamanthys for having suffered a defeat against Him. Rothbart appeases the new Olympian by saying that next time Radamanthys will not fail. Then the Barian emperor calms down and forgives Radamanthys, after which he assumes his human form to save his powers. Just then Dr. Facilier appears, who wants to join Vector's alliance to defeat Hades'. According to the doctor, to put in difficulty the alliance of Hades it is necessary to neutralize his strategists, or the twin gods Hypnos and Thanatos. Vector accepts Facilier's help and gives him new powers.

Animated vs CGI Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]

An Offer for Doofershmitz[]

Dr. Facilier is persuading Dr. Doofenshmirtz to join Maleficent's team again, only to get in a discussion with Dr. Wily, who doesn't trust him. However, the trio are interrupted by the Sting Chameleon, who decided to cause terror everywhere. However, Doof sends out his pet Sir Pentious to take care of the threat.

Teaming with Eris and Duke of Vaults[]

Dr. Facilier travels to the Underworld in hopes to have Eris and the Duke of Vaults help them against King Dedede and Dracula. The new rulers of the Underworld accept.

Animated vs CGI Villains War REBOOT[]

Disney, Non Disney, DC and Anime Villains vs Cuphead Bosses War[]

In Maleficent's faction[]

Maleficent is informed by her allies that Hades had been overthrown by a Devil. Knowing that he plans something big, the Mistress of all Evil gathers her allies for her rescue mission.

Villains Battles[]

Teaming with King Dedede[]

After his defeat against King Koopa, King Dedede and Escargoon plot a plan to take out Yzma and her forces. However, the king of Dreamland gets a visit from Dr. Facilier, Black Lady and Queen Narissa, who known about Bugsy's destruction and King Dedede's defeat. As the trio forge an alliance with the king, as he accepts.

Vs The Queen of Hearts[]

Sent by Yzma to take out King Dedede, the Queen of Hearts is suddenly stopped by Dr Facilier, who is sent by King Dedede to kill one of Yzma's allies. The queen may be irritable, but can she be able to survive the shadow man's wrath?

Freeing some monsters[]

While assembling his alliance to the final battle against Yzma, King Dedede gets a surprise from the Nightmare Enterprises and Dr. Facilier as they tell him that they can offer him 3 monsters to take their enemies out. One of them is a weird monster, but Who are the other 2 monsters?

Vs Yzma Forces[]

The final battle between Yzma and King Dedede has arrived! The king of Dreamland and his allies (Dr. Facilier, Queen Narissa, two monsters of the Nightmare Enterprises and the Backson) must deal with the empress of Peru and her allies (Destra and the Team Nightstar, King Koopa, the Koopalings and Kronk) in order to get rid of them and conquest the empire. Yzma may have some tricks on her sleeves, but can she defeat Dedede and avenge Lady Tremaine?


King Dedede and Dr. Facilier decide to rest after they killed Yzma and her forces... and calm Escargoon down. As they have conquered power over Peru, Dreamland and the German castle formerly ruled by a long dead queen and by a former ally of this deceased queen.

Villains Battles 2[]

In another dimension[]


Dr. Facilier in the Live-Action Universe in Villains Battles 2

After their victory over Yzma last war, King Dedede doesn't know what to do. However, Dr. Facilier contacts a former minion of the Evil Queen, who tells him about Narissa is still alive as she finds herself in the Live Action world. So, the witch doctor tells him to summon the Nightmare Enterprises to open a portal to the Animated World to the Live Action world. As Facilier goes inside, only to be greeted by a newcomer.

Villains Battles 3[]

Becoming the leader[]

In Mount Olympus, Dr. Facilier gathers the other allies of Maleficent and Hades and informs them that he will take charge of Olympus so to avoid that new threats may try and conquer the mount. The allies as well as the Friends on the Other Side see potential in him, thus accepting him as their new leader in the absence of their bosses. The only thing they must do is to inform Rasputin and Rothbart of their bosses' absence, something that the shadows will do.

Deal with Gothel[]

Dr. Facilier resurrected a fallen villain from the CGI world through his Friends on the Other Side and makes a deal with her: if she wants to join his alliance with Eris (composed of Facilier  himself, Eris, Radamanthys, Lord Maliss, Rothbart, Dracula, Piccolo, the Titans, Chaos and Mirage), she must retrieve the Number One Dime from a museum in Duckburg so he can revive an old friend of Hades's who has been imprisoned in the dime prior the events of the war. She accepts under one condition: he must give her eternal youth. Facilier accepts the conditions.

Vs Babidi and Majin Buu[]

Seeking to help the Neo Acolytes, Babidi and Majin Buu decide to murder many people to harvest energy for the Demon King. However, Dr Facilier and Radamanthys halt them by showing them what happens to those who betray Hades and Maleficent...

Disney Vs DC Villains War[]

Informing Maleficent[]

And Dr. Facilier informs his mysterious benefactor about Hades' defeat at the hands of the other Hades. And the latter is not happy about it.

Deal with Gideon[]

Gideon, now with a deep hatred on Felix Faust, plans something to kill him, however he is encountered by Dr. Facilier, who tells him that two powerful beings could be his key to success. Interested in the Shadow Man's proposition, Gideon gladly accepts.

Freeing Bill[]

Meanwhile, Dr. Facilier and Gideon succeeded in summoning a powerful demon to aid them. As Facilier proposes an alliance with Bill Cipher, he accepts. Much to the joy of Gideon and the mysterious benefactor.Thanks to the Friends on the Other Side, Dr. Facilier and Bill Cipher release new allies to aid the mysterious benefactor in taking down DC Hades.

Vs Mordred[]

Hades wants to forge an alliance with Morgaine through Mordred unaware that she's planning to have the mysterious benefactor dead. However Mordred refuses and attacks him. As Morgaine's son summons new allies to crush the god, an ally of the benefactor steps in to help Hades...

Villains War (Legion of Darkness)[]

Vs Mok[]

At Voodoo Emporium, Dr. Facilier tries to convince The Friends on the Other Side to join him, but Mok arrive with the same offer. Who will take the control of The Friends on the Other Side?

Joining Hades[]

After saving his life, Doctor Facilier decide to join Maleficent and Hades for saving his life at the hands of Mok and Friends on the Other Side.

Disney Vs TV Villains War[]

All-Star Villains Tournament[]

CGI & Non-Disney Heroes vs. CGI, Disney, & Non-Disney Villains War[]

Animated Movies vs Cartoon Villains War[]

My Little Pony Heroes vs Disney and Non-Disney Villains War[]

Vs Twilight Sparkle[]

Twilight arrives in the voodoo emporium, finally finding her brother and her sister in-law, only to discover that the voodoo sorcerer, Dr. Facilier is preventing them from escaping, revealing he wants them to be his prisoners. But Twilight Sparkle does not like that idea, and nor does Facilier's friends on the other side...

Animated Villains War[]

Vs The Abracadaver[]

The Horned king noticed that Hades had not accepted his invitation to his deadly ritual. Suspicious, he hires Dr Facilier to go down to the underworld and find out what happened to Hades. to the Witch Doctor's surprise, Abracadaver was the one who was there and was not happy at all with the intruder. To solve the problem, he took Facilier to swim in the river...of the death

Smash Bros Lawl Infinite[]

Immediate Rescue[]

Facilier first makes his appearence when his allies Scar and Hades, alongside a new recruit (the recently revived Cell), are attacked by the demonic trio of Amon, Goshinki and Ryūkotsusei, rescuing them out with the support of the dark disciple Duncan and the goddess of discord Eris. Supporting Hades, they both get rid of Ryūkotsusei after he transformed into a Cathulu with extra support from the Friends on the Other Side. After Duncan and Eris allied respectively with Scar and Cell to rid of Goshinki and Amon, all of them celebrated, traveling to Peru to encounter with one of Hades's allies nonetheless ruler of the city, the Arabian sorcerer Jafar.

Disney Villains vs Soyuzmultfilm Villains War[]

Global Threats[]

The beginning of the end of the Circle of Life[]

Episode 6: Sister's Abduction[]

Episode 10: Meeting old friends and an enemy from the past[]

Episode 11: Makarov's new Allies[]

Episode 12: The transformation of the Century[]

Episode 13: Meeting with a Werewolf Sorcerer and separating teams[]

Episode 14: Meeting with Forest Creatures[]

Episode 15: The Forces of Anton vs The Forces of Forest Master[]

Episode 16: Taiga Does Not Forgive Mistakes[]

Episode 18: Preparation before the big battle[]

Episode 20: Makarov strikes back[]

Episode 25[]

Episode 27[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]

East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]

All Out Villains War[]
