Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Victor von Doom

Doctor Doom, AKA Victor von Doom, is the primary antagonist of the Fantastic Four line of Marvel comics. An evil genius wielding various magical and technological abilities, Doctor Doom is widely considered to be the most intelligent villain in the Marvel universe. Doctor Doom is a major player in the Disney Vs Marvel Villains Wars.


Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Toppling a Tyrant[]

When one of his Doombots brings news that Judge Claude Frollo has denounced him as a gypsy in public, Doctor Doom flies into a rage. Doctor Doom travels to France and interrupts the public execution of a gypsy. Armed with the Power Cosmic, Doom begins destroying buildings around the pyre. Frollo has his men try to shoot Doom out of the sky, but Doom lands and triggers the lava flows around Notre Dame. Doom looks on as Frollo is seemingly burned alive, while Frollo's soldiers run away in terror.

Heil Hydra[]

In the wake of his battle with Frollo, Doctor Doom travels to HYDRA Island and conquers it, defeating Baron Strucker and the Grim Reaper, subsequently naming himself the leader of HYDRA. Dr. Doom then forges an alliance with the alien refugee, Emperor Zurg.

Dr Doom Fantastic Four- World's Greatest Heroes (2006)

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Two[]

Dr. Doom Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Iron man armored adventures dr doom

Dr. Doom Second Form in the CGI universe

Victor von Doom (Earth-94000)

Dr. Doom in the Live Action Universe


Dr. Doom Second Form in the Live Action Universe

Disney Vs Marvel Villains War - Part Three[]

If the war wouldn't have been cancelled, Dr. Doom would successfully conquer the animated earth and enslave the population. Then, Victor would then turn Loki (who just came back into the animated realm) over to the custody of the Dark Avengers after a heated quarrell betwen them about their relationship, thus making themselves tell eachother off. During the end of the war, he and his forces would have faced the Forces of Ursula and would have won the fight.


DC Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Non Disney Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Movies Villains War[]

Vs Gozer[]

During one of Lex Luthor's reunion, Victor von Doom and Norman Osborn, thought they were essential to the company, are fired because not only because they make Luthor's company been overpassed by Cobra but also because they make way less benefits. Alone, Doom realize that the experiences he endured with Osborn can be a way for him to get revenge. Somewhere in New York, the son of the Devil, Blackheart, summon an old god on destruction, Gozer, on Earth, to spread chaos and warn everybody that Hell's forces are awakening. Doom, who is know dressed, comes across the traveler, and thinks it is a good way to test his new powers.

Disney vs Cartoon Villains War[]

Invading Germany[]

Adolf Hitler and his wife,Queen Grimhilde,are making plans to ally themselves with France until Amon and his Equalists,including Dr.Doom,arrived to become the ruler of the Germany. Queen Grimhilde and her husband are not faced by Amon and Dr.Doom as she orders Lady Tremaine to rid of the intruders.Dr.Doom commands to The Equalists to shoot a nuclear bomb next to Grimhilde,transforming the queen into an old hag.Dr.Doom proclaims the throne for The Equalists,leaving Grimhilde to run away,while Tremaine and her daughters disappeared.

Recruting Duncan[]

In order for England to be conquered,Dr.Doom has decided to help Amon to do that democratically. Amon and Doctor Doom arrived there and asked Duncan to join their cause. Courtney tells him that they are not accepting until Amon and Doom revealed their true plans to everyone with their planned song.The song managed to convince Duncan to join Amon's cause.

East vs West Villains War[]

Vs Jagi[]

Trying to prove himself to Raoh, Jagi challenges Dr. Doom

Joining Forces with Ra's Al Ghoul[]

Ra's Al Ghul meets with Dr. Doom and forge an Alliance

Comic Book vs Video Game Villains War[]

All-Star Villains Vs Worst Villains War[]

Free For All Heroes vs. Villains War Tournament[]

Free For All Villains Tournament[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Two[]

Free For All Villains Tournament - Part Three[]

Worst Heroes and Villains War Ever:The Sandbox[]

New World Order[]

Barabas meets his New World Order made up of Alexey Masternak (A.K.A the Polish Spy), Dr. Hell, Dr. Doom, Mr. Burns, Dr. Mashirito, Lady X, Ms. Mister, Dr. Stinger, Genghis Fangos, Cameron Winter, Adolf Hitler, Klaus Adler, Dr. Pretorious, Dave Broz Tito and Elihas Starr were arguing about their world domination until Barabas sends Alexey Masternak to the secret society of animals, Dr. Hell sees this as silly as he worries about a future rebellion against the New World Order.

Non Anime Villains vs Anime Villains War[]

Animated Villains vs Comic Book Villains War[]

East vs West Villains War[]

East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]
