Deadshot is a major character in the DC universe, usually featured either as an antagonitst. A ruthless cyborg, masked assassin, and mercenary for hire usually employed by a powerful figure like Queen Bee, Deadshot is appears as a minor nuisance to the Justice League. He is briefly featured in the Non-Disney vs. DC Villains War.

Non Disney Vs DC Villains War[]
Deadshot is briefly featured as a prisoner of the facility of Belle Reve, as he brought in by a platoon of guards into the cells of the facility.
DC Vs Marvel Villains War[]

Deadshot in The Live-Action Universe
Disney Vs Marvel and DC Villains War[]
New project[]
At Arkham Asylum Hugo Strange introduces to Amanda Waller the prisoners who will participate in their new project, to create a team of supervillains, the members so far are Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot.

Vs Fearsome Five[]
In a secret place Amanda Waller would like to explain her next moves to the Suicide Squad, but at that moment their hiding place is discovered by the Cynical Five who were looking for the hiding place of some criminal to rob him and start making known their presence of the war, like Negaduck ordered him, Waller orders the suicide squad to attack them, both teams have their skills, who's gonna win?

Deadshot in Cartoon Beatbox Battles
Villains Battles 3[]
East vs West Villains War - Season 2[]

Another form of Deadshot in Live Action Universe