Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
Darla Dimple

Darla Dimple was a former child actress who fought in the Disney vs. Non-Disney Villains war. She also appears in War of the Villains as an assistant to Dr. Robotnik.

She was the main villain of the animated film Cats Don't Dance.

Disney vs Non Disney

In Wonderland

Arriving at Wonderland to perform for The Queen of Hearts, Dimple failed to amuse the Queen. Growing angry over her treatment, Darla called her butler Max, just as the Queen ordered her beheading. The Queen despratley begged Dimple for another chance, but Max knocked her into a hole. Dimple then became Queen and Sovereign of Wonderland. During this time, she placed Pete as her Captain of the Guards, unaware that he was plotting against her.


Cat R. Waul and Carface entered a endorsement deal with Miss Dimple, who appeared at their club soon after. Pete suddenly betrayed Darla, and invaded the club, causing several accidents to happen to her when she attempted to stop him. Finally however, Pete knocked Darla into a trapdoor beneath the club, presumably to her death.

War of the Villains

Partnership with Robotnik

Darla was recieving a personal makeover from her bulter, Max, when suddenly, she overheard the plans of Brad Buttowski, who planned to overthrow her. Enraged, Darla enlisted the help of Dr. Robotnik, who was in need of an alliance. She agreed to assist Robotnik, as well as show her use to him. To do so, she and Max decided to flood the abanonded factory that Brad and Mad Jack were in. By barking enough orders to Max, including creating lightning bolts by two power generators, both Mad Jack and Brad were defeated, respectivly.
