Hernando Cortez is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Tzekel Kan) of The Road to El Dorado.
Based on the real-life conquistador of the same name, Cortez is a minor player in the Non Disney Villains Tournament and Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War.
Disney vs Non Disney Villains War[]
Cortez only appears as part of the guard of Frollo the formed of Ratcliffe chaining to Tzekal Khan.
Non Disney Villains Tournament[]
The Word of God[]
Cortez and the Colonel ally in order to spread their ideologies worldwide. After the Colonel disappears under dubious circumstances, Cortez decides to torture the last person to see him alive, Trader Slick. Fortunately for Cortez, the Colonel re-emerges. The two then join forces with the Iscariot organization, a group of radical Catholics intent upon global domination.
Cortez's death is largely beyond his control. After Maxwell manages to enrage a faction called the Homunculi, a young recruit enters Cortez's office to ask a question. Cortez obliges, only for the recruit to slit his throat and kill him. As it turns out, the recruit is Envy, a Homunculus able to disguise itself as any person it wants.
Heroes Vs Villains War[]
The Battle of the Native Lands[]
Cortez joins the alliance of Frollo under the oversight of Governor Ratcliffe. On his first mission, he is tasked in conquering the Native Lands on behalf of Frollo's allies. Leading an expedition of conquistadors, Cortez joins the contingent of armies, headed by Ratcliffe, in North America. Though Cortez does not participate in the fight, his conquistadors join the fray, engaging the Powhatan warriors with their riffles. Eventually, the land is claimed by Ratcliffe's forces.
Nonetheless, Cortez does not live long to see his expedition grow. After learning of Rameses' murder by Tyler, Frollo, Ratcliffe, and their allies arrive to apprehend the criminal, with Cortez volunteering to fulfill the job. However, Tyler cuts him clean with his sword, killing him on the spot.