Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki
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Claudandus is a vicious cat serial killer. He plays only a minor role in the first Disney Vs Non Disney Villains War.

Disney Vs Non Disney Villains

Vs Shere Khan

Red, wishing to cover his tracks after killing the bumbling lion, Nuka, hires Claudandus to silence the tiger Shere Khan. Claudandus accepts, wishing to kill the tiger. He engages Khan in a burning house, and attacks. Khan, however, is ready, and guts Claudandus, with his intestines spilling out onto the floor. Khan then leave his dead enemy to burn.

Non Disney Villains Tournament

Vs General Woundwort

Mok Swagger, the evil mastermind, works on a serum that boosts healing and intelligence. Among his test subjects are Claudandus and the killer rabbit, General Woundwort. In order to test their intelligence and combat skills, Mok pits the two against each other. The two animals tear at each other, both managing to score blows on the others stomach. In one final pounce, Claudandus tries to kill his foe, but Woundwort manages to tear Claudandus's stomach clean open. Claudandus weakly gazes at Mok as the villain descends upon him.

A Horrid Fate

Kept alive by Mok, Claudandus finally dies when his body is fused with that of a demon to create Red, the Hellcat.
