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All items (1278)
- Abra
- Abraxas
- Ace Hardlight
- Agent Worms
- Agnus
- Agorian
- Air Rider
- Aita
- Akuma
- Alastor (Viewtiful Joe)
- Albedo Piazzolla
- Albert Wesker
- Alduin
- Alessa Gillespie
- Alice Angel
- Alister Azimuth
- Allosaurus (Dino Crisis)
- Allosaurus (Paraworld)
- Alpha Gang
- Alto Angelos
- AM
- Anakaris
- Ancient Minister
- Andrew Cherenkov
- Andrew Oikonny
- Andrew Ryan
- Android 21
- Andross
- Animatronic Hook
- Anna Williams
- Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
- Anti-Sora
- Aparoid Queen
- Apes
- Apollyon
- Arbok
- Ardyn Izunia
- Ares (God of War)
- Ariados
- Armageddemon
- Army of the Undead
- Army-Dillo
- Arpeggio
- Arthas Menethil
- Artorius Collbrande
- Asriel
- Athena (God of War)
- Augus
- Axel
- B2 Brawler
- Badniks
- Bagura
- Bahamut
- Baldi
- Baldur
- Ballios
- Balrog
- Bane
- Barba
- Barbarians
- Bardock
- Baron Dante
- Baron Praxis
- Baroness Von Bon Bon
- Baroness Von Bon Bon's Minions
- Barrel Pirate
- Bat Bomber
- Bee Workers
- Beedrill
- Beelzeblob the Clown
- Beetles
- Beezos
- Bellatrix
- Belle Fontiere
- Bendy
- Beppi the Clown
- Berial the Conqueror
- Berserker
- Bhunivelze
- Bianca (Spyro)
- Bianky
- Big John
- Billy Lee
- Billy Loomis
- Bison's Mutant Soldiers
- Bison's Robot
- Black Dragon Mercenaries
- Black Gohan
- Black Mask's Henchmen
- Black Narcissus
- Blargian Snagglebeast
- Blocky
- Bloody Mary
- Blooper
- Blotworx Dragon
- Bluster Kong
- Boarax
- Bob the Bee
- Bob The Goldfish
- Bob-omb
- Bomber Shitennou
- Bonnie
- Boo
- Borf
- Boss Biditank
- Boss Brigade
- Boss Cass
- Bowser
- Bowser Junior
- Bowser's Alliance
- Braig
- Brain of Oz
- Bronzong
- Buccaneers
- Bugzzy
- Bull
- Bull the Razorback
- Burnbot
- Buzz
- Byron Love
- Cagney Carnation
- Cala Maria
- Captain Brineybeard
- Captain Jolly Roger
- Captain LeFwee
- Captain LeFwee's Crew
- Captain Onishima
- Captain Qwark
- Captain Slag
- Carlos Calaca
- Carnivine
- Carnivorous Undead Sheep
- Cartoon Dog
- Cassiopeia
- Celestia Ludenberg
- Celoche
- Celosia
- Centaurians
- Cervantes de Leon
- Cesare Borgia
- Cetus
- Chairman McKraken
- Chaos
- Chaos (Sonic)
- ChaosBlackWarGreymon
- Chargin' Chuck
- Chatot
- Chef Saltbaker
- Cherubimon
- Chica
- Chips Bettigan
- Chompy Mage
- Circus Baby
- Clayface
- Clockwerk
- Cloud of Darkness
- Clurken
- Coconuts
- Colonel Volgin
- Colossus (Age of Mythology)
- Colossus of Rhodes
- Comandantis
- Commander Spog
- Commander Tartar
- Commissioner Tayers
- Conductor
- Corruptors of Magic
- Cortex Commandos
- Corypheus
- Count Bleck
- Count Gruemon
- Count Razoff
- Count Von Dy
- Count Zap
- Countdown
- Courtney Gears
- Covenant
- Cranky Kong
- Crazy Hand
- Credo
- Crimson Viper
- Crocodile Soldiers
- Cruella De Vil
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Crush and Gulp
- Cui
- Cumber
- Cuppet
- Cyclops (Cuphead)
- Cynder
- Cyrax