Villains from original live–action and Animation television series.
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All items (3642)
- A.I.M.
- A.I.M. Soldiers
- A.R.G.U.S.
- Abaddon
- Abbey Grey
- Abel
- Abomination
- Abra
- Abra Kadabra
- Abraham Kieros
- Absolute Solver
- Absorbing Man
- Acat
- Ace
- Acheron
- Acid Breath
- Acidicus
- Acronix and Krux
- Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
- Adam DeCobray
- Addicus
- Admiral Screed
- Aftershock
- Agency Director
- Agent Buck Trout
- Air Marshall
- Airachnid
- Aizenbo Fuguhara
- Akatsuki
- Akihiro Kurata
- Akiles
- Akira Otoishi
- Akuma
- Al Arbuckle
- Al Capone
- Al Gatone
- Al-Muddy
- Alacra
- Alastor (Viewtiful Joe)
- Albedo
- Albert Wesker
- Aldrin Klordane
- Alec
- Alejandro Burromuerto
- Alessio
- Alex Kralie
- Alexander Xanatos
- Alfea Champions
- Ali Cat
- Alien Children
- Aliens (Total Drama)
- Alistair Smythe
- Alito
- All For One
- Allan Thompson
- Alpha (Heroes United)
- File:Alpha Alien.png
- Alpha Diablosaurus
- Alpha Gang
- Alucard
- Aluze
- Alvin the Treacherous
- Amal
- Amalaric Sniper
- Amanda Waller
- Amanda Waller's Soldiers
- Amazo
- Ambula
- Amestris
- Amiba
- Ammonia Pine
- Ammut the Devourer
- Amok Mon Ra
- Amphonids
- Anacondrai Serpent
- Anakaris
- Anansi
- Anarky
- Ancestral Witches
- Ancient Spirits of Evil
- Android 16
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Andy (Alfred J. Kwak)
- Angelica Pickles
- Angor Rot
- Anguila
- Anjuro Katagiri
- Annihilus
- Antaeus
- Anthony Fremont
- Anthony Romulus
- Anti-Cosmo
- Anti-Fairies
- Anti-Wanda
- Antlion
- Anton Sevarius
- Anton Sevarius' Men
- Anubis
- Anubis (Stargate SG-1)
- Anubis (Tutenstein)
- Ape Soldiers
- Apep
- Apocalypse
- Apokolips Forces
- Apollo (Star Trek)
- Apollomon Whispered
- Apophis
- Aptom
- Aqua Necklace
- Aquamarine
- Arachnid
- Aracula
- Arbok
- Arburtus
- Archangel
- Archmage
- Arclight
- Ares (DC)
- Ares (Marvel)
- Ares (Record of Ragnarok)
- Aria
- Arktos
- Arles of Gemini
- Arlo (Breaking Bad)
- Armageddon
- Armed Priest Corps
- Army of Darkness
- Army of Skeleton Warriors
- Army of Tywin Lannister
- Arthur Mitchell
- Artichoke
- Artilla and Helicos
- Artorius Collbrande
- Arukenimon
- Asajj Ventress
- Ashi
- Askeladd
- Asmodeus Poisonteeth
- Aspheera
- Assassins
- Assassins Guild
- Astaroth
- Asteroth
- Astronema
- File:Astronema.jpg
- Astrotrain
- Asura
- Atlanteans (Marvel)
- Atlas
- Atlas (Teen Titans)
- Atomic Banana
- Atomic Skull
- Atrocitus
- Attuma
- Audrey II
- Aurra Sing
- Automaniac
- Automaton
- Autumn Rolfson
- Avery Bullock
- Axel (Max Steel Reboot)
- Ayam Aghoul's Shadow
- Azalie Cait
- Azazel
- Aziz
- Azrael