This is the list of the heroes, who appear in several television shows.
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All items (1542)
- A Real Magic Skeleton
- Aang
- Aaron Fox
- Aayla Secura
- Abby
- Adam (Record of Ragnarok)
- Adamaï
- Adrien Agreste
- Adults (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Aelita Schaeffer
- Aerrow
- Agent Z
- Agumon
- Ahsoka Tano
- Aiden
- Aisha (Winx Club)
- Aisha Robinson
- Akame
- Akita
- Akru
- Aldarn
- Alex Louis Armstrong
- Alex O'Connell
- Alex Wilde
- Alexander
- Alexandra "Alex" Huang
- Alf
- Alfred J. Kwak
- Alicia Masters
- Alien Children
- Alphonse Elric
- Alucard
- Alvin the Treacherous
- Amal
- Amalia Sheran
- Amazons
- Amberley
- Ambush Bug
- Amestris
- Amethyst
- Amy Rose
- Andre Grandier
- Android 17
- Android 18
- Angelica Pickles
- Angels (Hazbin Hotel)
- Angemon
- Angewomon
- Animals (Alfred J. Kwak)
- Ann Possible
- Anne Lewis
- Anne Maria
- Antauri
- Antoine Depardieu
- Anvil of Heaven
- Aphrodite
- Aphrodite (Blood of Zeus)
- Apollo
- Apollo (Blood of Zeus)
- Appa
- Applejack
- April O'Neil
- Aquaman
- Aracuan Bird
- Arcanine
- Arcee
- Ares
- Ares (Blood of Zeus)
- Arkham Asylum Staff
- Arkhan
- Armand Sheran Sharm
- Armed Priest Corps
- Army of Shintaro
- Arnold the Shark
- Artemis
- Artemis (Blood of Zeus)
- Articuno
- Asami Sato
- Asgardians Soldiers
- Ash Ketchum
- Ashi
- Ashley
- Ashley Spinelli
- Assistants
- Asuna Yuuki
- Athair
- Athena
- Athena (Mission Odyssey)
- Athena (Mythic Warriors)
- Athena (Saint Seiya)
- Atlanteans (DC)
- Aurora
- Aussie Roo
- Autobots
- Avalon Clan
- Avengers
- Avery Bullock
- Aviva
- Axel (Total Drama)
- Axl
- Az
- Babs Bunny
- Baby Pacman
- Baelfire
- Baileywick
- Baljeet
- Baloo (TaleSpin)
- Barb Thunderman
- Barbaric
- Barnyard Dawg
- Bart Simpson
- Bas
- Baskerville
- Batgirl
- Batou
- Bayleef
- Baymax
- Beag
- Bear (Masha and Bear)
- Beast Boy
- Beau
- Beautifly
- Beck
- Beelzebub (Hellaverse)
- Bees (Tabaluga)
- Bees (Tom and Jerry)
- Bees (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Belle
- Belle Reve's Guards
- Ben Tennyson
- Bends
- Bentina Beakley
- Beshte
- Beth Smith
- Betty Boop
- Big Hero 6
- Big Slammu/Coop Bolton
- Biker Mice From Mars
- Billy
- Billy Lee
- Billy Thunderman
- Bimbo
- Biyomon
- Black Canary
- Black Widow/Natalia Romanova
- BlackWarGreymon
- Blake Belladonna
- Blanka
- Blastoise
- Bloom (Winx Club)
- Blue Diamond
- Bluestreak
- Bluey
- Blunk
- Bluster Kong
- Bo Jackson
- Bo the Sheep
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Bobby Bear
- Bobert
- Bolo
- Bongo (Bomberman Jetters)
- Bonkers D. Bobcat
- Bonnie (149)
- Booker
- Bow
- Bra Brief
- Brad Carbuckle
- Brain the Dog
- Brandon (OK K.O)
- Bravenwolf
- Brawn
- Brenda
- Bridgette
- Britney Tang
- Broadway
- Brock
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Brunhilde
- BT and Glenny
- Bubba Caveduck
- Buddha
- Buena Girl
- Buffaloes
- Bufo
- Buford
- Bulkhead
- Bulldozer
- Bulma Brief
- Bumblebee
- Buneary
- Bunga
- Bunny Rabbot
- Bunsen