All items (755)
- Father (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Fedor and Vasily
- Ferdinard
- Fingal
- Finn, Ratso, and Chow
- Fire Lord Ozai
- Fire Nation
- First Minister
- Flamingo Poles
- Folkwin von Winterstatten
- Foot Clan
- Foot Ninjas
- Forces of Hordak
- Fox and Wolf
- Fox and Wolf (Teremok 1945)
- Francesco de' Pazzi
- Frekenbok
- French Prince
- Frieda
- Frieza
- Frog Bouncers
- Galactic Frieza Army
- Gallaxhar
- General Klump
- General Mandible
- General Woundwort
- Geona Vampires
- George Saakhov
- Germany
- Ghost Zone Police Department
- Gingema
- Giyar
- Glot
- Golden Freddy
- Goldheart
- Gomuma
- Goro
- Greedy Crocodile
- Grendel
- Griffins (He-Man)
- Grima Wormtongue
- Grizzly Bear
- Guards
- Gustave the Crocodile
- Gustavo Fring
- Hak Foo
- Handsome Jack
- Hare
- Harold
- Hassan
- Hassan's Terrorists
- Hawk (Rango)
- Haytham Kenway
- Hell
- Henchmen
- Hidan
- Hidden-Persuader Men
- Hideyoshi
- Him
- Holy Britannian Empire
- Hordak
- Horde Prime
- Horde Prime's Clone Army
- Hotep and Huy
- Hotep and Huy's Staves
- Hubert
- Hungry Hitler
- Hunter
- Hyena (Little Shego (1956))
- Hyena (The African Tale)
- Hyenas (Kimba the White Lion)
- Kakuzu
- Kano
- Karabas
- Karabas' Dogs
- Karai
- Kartaus
- Katya Afonina
- Keldor
- Kele
- Keruru
- Khan (The Wonderful Garden)
- Khan Beckett
- Khan's Soldiers (The Wonderful Garden)
- Khorud
- Kiev
- Killer Whale
- Killer Wolf
- Killkenny
- Kind Eh
- King Andros
- King Dice
- King K. Rool
- King Minos
- King Minos (Theseus Adventures)
- King of Colchis
- Kitty
- Knackers
- Koschei the Deathless
- Krang
- Kremlings
- Krivzha
- Kronis
- Krusha
- Kurochkin
- Kurya
- La Llorona
- Lariska
- Legion of Darkness
- Lelouch vi Britannia
- Lenny
- Leshen
- Leshen (The Witcher)
- Leshy
- Leviathan (Hellaverse)
- Lion (The African Tale)
- Lion (The Lion and the Bull)
- Lipslap
- Living Ice Mountains
- Lizard (The Hills Have Eyes)
- Lizardmen
- Lizaveta the Fox
- Lone Gunslinger
- Lonesome Trapped Souls
- Long John Silver (The Pagemaster)
- Long John Silver (Treasure Island 1988)
- Lord Dragon
- Lord Farquaad
- Lord Maliss
- Lord Maliss' Alliance
- Lord of Darkness
- Lord Shadow
- Lord Shadow's Alliance
- Lord Slug
- Louhi
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Lumi
- Lutador
- Lynx (Warlike Beavers)
- MacKrill's Potions
- Madame Drought
- Madame Drought's Chickens
- Madame Drought's Dogs
- Magic Mirror (Shrek)
- Makunga
- Malthazar
- Mammon
- Man-Eater
- Mandible's Ant Troops
- Mara the Witch
- Marfa Zorina
- Marina the Fox
- Mars
- Marten
- Martin Brisby
- Marvin the Martian
- Matilda the Cat
- Maynard Odet
- Mayor Tortoise John
- Medusa (Perses (Short 1973))
- Megatron
- Mer-Man
- Messina
- Metal Army
- Michael Myers
- Microbes
- Microbus
- Mikhail the Bear
- Milady (Soyuzmultfilm)
- Minotaur (Theseus Adventures)