This is the lis with the heroes, who made an appearance in the villains tournaments, either accidentally or either by choice of the creator of the tournament, who has a store in plans for the heroes in the plot of the villains tournaments, like Tiana and Ariel in Disney Villains War. NOTE: The heroes, who are main characters in the heroes vs villains wars don not count in this category.
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- Adults (Yin Yang Yo!)
- Aera Mirus Fleuret
- Agrabah's Civilians
- Akira Fudo
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Alexander
- Alice
- Alicia Masters
- Alien Children
- Aliens (Chicken Little)
- Alisha Diphda
- Alix Kubdel
- Alphonse Elric
- Altivo
- Alucard
- Amal
- Amalia Sheran
- Ambush Bug
- Anastasia Romanov
- Anastasia Tremaine
- Android 16
- Android 18
- Angel Dust
- Angelica Pickles
- Animals (Alfred J. Kwak)
- Animal’s Army
- Ants
- Apatosaurus (Fantasia)
- Aphrodite
- Aphrodite (Blood of Zeus)
- Apollo (Blood of Zeus)
- Arcanine
- Archangel
- Arendelle's Citizens
- Ares (Blood of Zeus)
- Ariel
- Arkham Asylum Staff
- Armand Sheran Sharm
- Armed Priest Corps
- Artemis
- Artemis (Blood of Zeus)
- Arthur
- Asami Sato
- Asgardians Soldiers
- Ashelin
- Ashi
- Atka
- Atlanteans
- Atlanteans (DC)
- Atlantica's Civilians
- Atlas (Marvel)
- Atta
- Aurora
- Avalon Clan
- Axel (Total Drama)
- Babs Bunny
- Bacchus
- Baelfire
- Balto and Jenna's Puppies
- Bambi
- Bambi's Mother
- Bardock
- Bart Simpson
- Baskerville
- Bat-Mite
- Batman
- Baymax
- Bearded Crew Member
- Beatrice
- Beelzebub (Hellaverse)
- Beelzemon
- Bees (Song of the South)
- Bees (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Belle
- Belle Reve's Guards
- Ben
- Ben Ali Gator
- Ben Reilly
- Benjamin (Animal Farm)
- Big Baby
- Big the Cat
- Billy
- Black Panther
- Black Widow/Natalia Romanova
- Blade Knight and Sword Knight
- Blastoise
- Bloom (Winx Club)
- Blue Diamond
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Bobby the Dog
- Bolt
- Boxer
- Bra Brief
- Brer Rabbit
- British's
- Brundus
- Buck
- Bulma Brief
- Bunga
- Buster Bunny
- Caesar
- Callie
- Candy Kong
- Capital Defense Command
- Captain Amelia
- Captain Hook/Killian Jones (Once Upon a Time)
- Captain Murk
- Captain of the Guard (Gargoyles)
- Captain Phoebus
- Cassidy Williams
- Cassim
- Cecil Stedman
- Cecil's Soldiers
- Celebi
- Celene I
- Centaurettes
- Centaurs
- Cerberus (My Little Pony)
- Chamberlain
- Charles Xavier
- Charlotte La Bouff
- Chees the Dolphin (Chees la Delfina)
- Cheesebridge's Citizens
- Chickens (Chicken Little (1943))
- Chief Tannabok's Warriors
- Chinese Citizens
- Chunky Kong
- Cinderella
- Civilians (DC)
- Civilians (Marvel)
- Clarabelle
- Claw (Gargoyles)
- Clementine
- Clopin
- Colonel Chaffy
- Colossus
- Compsognathus (Fantasia)
- Copper
- Coronation's Cornetists
- Cosmo and Wanda
- Cosmos
- Count Duckula
- Crunch Bandicoot
- Crystal Cove Citizens
- Cuphead
- Cyrus Borg
- Czar Nicholas Romanov
- Daisy Duck
- Damian Wayne
- Danville's Residents
- Daredevil
- Darth Vader
- Dave
- Deadpool
- Delfy
- Delibird
- Demeter
- Demeter (Blood of Zeus)
- Denahi
- Derek Powers' Scientists
- Desdemona
- Diana
- Diddy Kong
- Dimetrodon (Fantasia)
- Dimitri
- Dimorphodon (Fantasia)
- Din, Nayru and Farore
- Dino Mirage
- Dionysus
- Discord
- Doctor Doppler
- Donkey Kong
- Dowager Empress Marie
- Draaga
- Dudley Puppy