This category features information about the project, storyline and the characters of the acemckillayoface's Disney Heroes Vs Villains War.
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Fairy Ministers of the Seasons -
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Heffalumps and Woozles
All items (2026)
- Abandonded Opal Mine
- Abraxas
- Absolem
- Abu
- Achilles
- Acolytes
- Africa
- Aggie Cromwell
- Agrabah
- Agrabah's Civilians
- Aguanoggin
- Aladar
- Aladdin
- Aladdin's Alliance
- Alameda Slim
- Alamut
- Aldarn
- Aldrin Klordane
- Alex Durant
- Alice
- Alligators (The Princess and the Frog)
- Allison
- Alpha (Up)
- Amazons
- Ammonia Pine
- Amos Slade's Traps
- Amphibia
- Anaheim
- Anansi
- Anastasia Tremaine
- Ancient Ruins
- Andy's House
- Andy's Toys
- Anger
- Angus
- Angus MacBadger
- Anita Radcliffe
- Ann Possible
- Anna
- Annuvin
- Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
- Antauri
- Anton Sevarius
- Anton Sevarius' Men
- Ants
- Anubis
- Aphie
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Aqua
- Arabian Peninsula
- Aracuan Bird
- Aramis
- Arburtus
- Archimedes
- Archmage
- Arendelle
- Arendelle Castle
- Arendelle's Citizens
- Ares
- Ariel
- Arlo
- Armies of the Four Brothers
- Armoured Cards
- Armoured Chess Pieces
- Armpit
- Artemis
- Artemus Bradford
- Arthur
- Asgard
- Ashley Spinelli
- Asia
- Aslan
- Aslan's How
- Asteroth
- Athena
- Athena (Tomorrowland)
- Athens
- Athos
- Atka
- Atka's Hunters
- Atlanteans
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantica
- Atlantis
- Aunt Cass
- Aunt Sarah
- Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge
- Aurora
- Australia
- Austria
- Avatar's Gun
- Axel
- Axel and Loco
- Axiom
- B.O.B.
- Backson
- Bagheera
- Bald Mountain
- Baljeet
- Baloo
- Baloo (TaleSpin)
- Balthazar Blake
- Bambi
- Bambi's Mother
- Bandar-log
- Bandits (Mulan)
- Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed
- Bashful
- Basil of Baker Street
- Basil's Flat
- Baton
- Bayard
- Baylene
- Baymax
- Bayou of New Orleans
- Bebes
- Beck
- Beelzebub
- Bees (Song of the South)
- Beetles
- Belle
- Belle's Cottage
- Ben
- Ben Buzzard
- Ben Frankenstein
- Benbow Inn
- Bentina Beakley
- Bernard
- Beshte
- Beta and Gamma
- Bianca
- Big Ben
- Big Boy Caprice
- Big Boy's Gang
- Big Hero 6
- Big Top Circus
- Bill Cipher
- Billina
- Billy Boss
- Billy, Goat, and Gruff
- Birds (Cinderella)
- Black Cauldron
- Black Coat
- Black Forest Wolves
- Black Guards
- Black Pearl
- Black Riders (Once Upon a Time)
- Black Triangles
- Blanky
- Blinko
- Blueberries
- Blunk
- Bo Peep
- Bobo the Bear
- Boiling Isles
- Bolt
- Bongo
- Bonkers D. Bobcat
- Bonnie (149)
- Boo (Monsters, Inc)
- Booster
- Bowler Hat Guy
- Bradford Robotics Laboratory
- Breathless Mahoney
- Brenda
- Brenda Bradford
- Brer Rabbit
- Brian (Twitch)
- Broadway
- Bronx
- Brooklyn
- Brownstone National Park
- Bruno
- Bruton
- BT and Glenny
- Buck
- Buford
- Bugsy (Valiant)